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Why are ppl without relics able to join ?


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In public why are ppl without equipped relics able to join as if its not hard enough (time wise) to GRIND for parts 

Come on DE its not that hard at least dont trow it in our face we know you guys need to earn money but come on ''even with this new endless system 

WE KNOW IT TAKES LONGER to get stuff aka. SETS we want now (given that not all of us play with friends or have fissures or dont have time to RNG grind for relics).

Its clear its unfair dont make it even more frustrating for your veterans.

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Might be a good idea to add an option for that.

I saw on survival vet actualy not using relics in first rounds to profit of the bonus if we stay longer. My bad i got bad intel and i warned my fellow tenno ^.^ 

Also saw people asking for help and tenno without relic jusst came to help them on fissure mission.


Edited by trunks013
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1 minute ago, trunks013 said:

Might be a good idea to add an option for that.

I saw on survival vet actualy not using relics in first rounds to profit of the bonus if we stay longer.

Also saw people asking for help and tenno without relic jusst came to help them on fissure mission.


If you don't use a relic you don't get the bonus rewards for staying longer.

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Its because so people can grab void traces without needing to spend relics. Its stupid tbh and void traces should just drop in the void as standard without needing to do fissures.

I can understand where you are coming from. The less rtelics the less chance of getting anything good from the runs and the more relics you waste along with anyone else. Its effectively lowering your chances as punishment for someone elses choice to not bother.

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15 minutes ago, TennoPain said:

In public why are ppl without equipped relics able to join

Because they don't want to waste relics to farm traces? Don't forget that new players who don't have an endless supply of relics burn through them quite quickly. If you are that unhappy about it, look in recruiting chat for people who want to farm ducats or other parts with you.

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21 minutes ago, TennoPain said:

In public why are ppl without equipped relics able to join as if its not hard enough (time wise) to GRIND for parts 

Come on DE its not that hard at least dont trow it in our face we know you guys need to earn money but come on ''even with this new endless system 

WE KNOW IT TAKES LONGER to get stuff aka. SETS we want now (given that not all of us play with friends or have fissures or dont have time to RNG grind for relics).

Its clear its unfair dont make it even more frustrating for your veterans.

Yeah man it kinda sucks... right know with so much new RNG introduce into the game it seems more of "Every Tenno for it self" kinda mentality even if you need to join others to do stuff... Im still trying to figure out how to get stuff done as I jump to random missions... the changes sure are a bit... hard on solo casual players... All my friends have move on... can't even do the Trial content... as they always ask for experience... now that you need Relic Rad share we cant even share keys...so if I had people in my Clan I cant help them or they me, unless we have the relic and had it Radiant... and still RNG can screw you over... :crylaugh:

Im recently starting to experience the difficulty of getting use to all this changes as veteran... still Im trying to be a positive friendly solo player... keeping my hope up and adapt to the changes...trying recruiting but still its a bit more time consuming that it use to, maybe its just because Im a casual but it feels that way.:satisfied:

Edited by 0zryel
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19 minutes ago, trunks013 said:

even if you start using them later on ?

oh i'm gonna warn a fellow tenno then ^.^ 

If you start using relics later on you'll get the earlier rewards.... they are based on relics open rather than time stayed.

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Maybe they are just new people working their way through the star-chart. Not all missions can be done easily solo, and when the mission is suddenly a fissure mission, low level players can actually hope to get matchmade with a team to complete the mission.

It's not hurting you that they don't have a relic, if you are pub-ing a fissure mission I can only assume that you are after void traces and ducat fodder, if you actually need to farm a specific part you should ideally be forming premade groups where everyone uses the same relic. Someone in public not having a relic when you are trying to get a specific part is the same as that person having a relic that doesn't contain a part you need.

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1 hour ago, Gelkor said:

Maybe they are just new people working their way through the star-chart. Not all missions can be done easily solo, and when the mission is suddenly a fissure mission, low level players can actually hope to get matchmade with a team to complete the mission.

Do you get credit for completing the regular mission when you run a fissure mission? I honestly have no idea.

I can't be too critical as I tend towards the "it's public, you have no right to expect anything" mindset, but I do think it's a bit of a $&*^ move to run public fissures without a relic.

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Just now, ChuckMaverick said:

Do you get credit for completing the regular mission when you run a fissure mission? I honestly have no idea.

I can't be too critical as I tend towards the "it's public, you have no right to expect anything" mindset, but I do think it's a bit of a $&*^ move to run public fissures without a relic.

AFAIK you do, it's technically the same mission but tougher, you get credit for nightmare versions of a node as well last I checked.

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2 minutes ago, ChuckMaverick said:

Well, you can't even run nightmare missions on that planet unless you've already completed them all.

I meant alerts, not nightmare missions, my bad. It's been so long since I cleared the chart. 

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3 hours ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

Please show the math that explains how grinding parts in a four man team where one guy doesn't have a relic is somehow harder than grinding parts in a three man team where everyone has relics.

I'll be waiting.

Oh, you! Actually i agree with you, but i just can't stand for yours "show me your math"!

Ok, lets go. Intact key have a 22% to get 45 ducats, 2% to get 100 ducats. And 76% to 15. I will ignore forma drop, since we can avoid it.

It will be like 1-(0.98*0.98*0.98*0.98)=0.0776 there 0.98=1-0.02 for rare.

So, in group of 4 ppl we have -- 7.76% for rare, 63% for uncommon. I mean at least one. So, in Average Ducats per Relic it will be = 100*0.0776+45*0.6298+15*0.2926 = 7.76+28.34+4.38 =40.48 ADpR

Now we have a 3 man squad. 5.88% rare, 47.5% for uncommon, and all the rest for common. 5.88+21.35+6.99=34.22 ADpR.


  • That mean to get 1500 ducats you need to do 37 rotation with 4 ppl, or 44 rotation with 3 ppl.
  • Or, in other word you need to do 6 same runs instead of 5.

I will not judge now, after we have a math. 18% of time is pretty sensible already, but it depends of how many times you will see somebody without relics.


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4 hours ago, bluepheonix13 said:

Because they don't want to waste relics to farm traces? Don't forget that new players who don't have an endless supply of relics burn through them quite quickly. If you are that unhappy about it, look in recruiting chat for people who want to farm ducats or other parts with you.


2 hours ago, Noamuth said:

I can see how this would harm your grind, but, if you are grinding, why are you going public?  That's the least efficient way to grind for a Prime part now.

And as pointed out, some just want the traces.  

^ These two summed up everything that needed to be said. Also, it sounds like people will jump at any opportunity they can get to accuse DE of intentionally making grind longer.

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5 hours ago, trunks013 said:

Might be a good idea to add an option for that.

I saw on survival vet actualy not using relics in first rounds to profit of the bonus if we stay longer.

Also saw people asking for help and tenno without relic jusst came to help them on fissure mission.


You only gain the bonus reward for opening your 5th relic rather than opening a relic on the 5th interval.
Gorila_Azul puts it correctly, op is complaining about something when he's in the wrong place to begin with. Complaining pub matches don't bring relics and saying it should be a rule to bring one is like saying a club should be a quiet place for reading. It really just sounds like op is fishing in pub for the random people who burn Rad relics so he won't have to use his own traces for rare drops. 

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People don't join without a relic that often and I don't mind when they do. If I really care what part I'm getting I would join a group all running the same relic. 

If you couldn't join a fissure mission without a relic it would limit the ability of players to get void traces. Not everyone has a massive stockpile.

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1 hour ago, -JT-_-R3W1ND said:

Oh, you! Actually i agree with you, but i just can't stand for yours "show me your math"!

Ok, lets go. Intact key have a 22% to get 45 ducats, 2% to get 100 ducats. And 76% to 15. I will ignore forma drop, since we can avoid it.

It will be like 1-(0.98*0.98*0.98*0.98)=0.0776 there 0.98=1-0.02 for rare.

So, in group of 4 ppl we have -- 7.76% for rare, 63% for uncommon. I mean at least one. So, in Average Ducats per Relic it will be = 100*0.0776+45*0.6298+15*0.2926 = 7.76+28.34+4.38 =40.48 ADpR

Now we have a 3 man squad. 5.88% rare, 47.5% for uncommon, and all the rest for common. 5.88+21.35+6.99=34.22 ADpR.


  • That mean to get 1500 ducats you need to do 37 rotation with 4 ppl, or 44 rotation with 3 ppl.
  • Or, in other word you need to do 6 same runs instead of 5.


Obviously there's a benefit of having 4 people with 4 relics over 3 people with 3 relics, but the guy you quoted stated "a four man team where one guy doesn't have a relic".

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6 hours ago, TennoPain said:

In public why are ppl without equipped relics able to join as if its not hard enough (time wise) to GRIND for parts 

Come on DE its not that hard at least dont trow it in our face we know you guys need to earn money but come on ''even with this new endless system 

WE KNOW IT TAKES LONGER to get stuff aka. SETS we want now (given that not all of us play with friends or have fissures or dont have time to RNG grind for relics).

Its clear its unfair dont make it even more frustrating for your veterans.

I can say that, for some people, the game may have glitched. I have had it decide, 'nope, you're not getting to equip that relic you tried to equip' before.

Got me cussed out, too, despite the fact that I had said it was a glitch.

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14 minutes ago, Cat_Jam said:

Obviously there's a benefit of having 4 people with 4 relics over 3 people with 3 relics, but the guy you quoted stated "a four man team where one guy doesn't have a relic".

If you are one of the three people in that four man team with a relic, then you will have exactly the same expected ducat return as if you had just been in a three man team, that's the point.

By not bringing a relic, the fourth person is reducing your expected ducat earnings when compared to what the situation would have been if he had brought a relic.

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19 minutes ago, SeriouslySinister said:

If you couldn't join a fissure mission without a relic it would limit the ability of players to get void traces. Not everyone has a massive stockpile.

You could still run fissures solo when you're just after traces, or form a trace farming party where no one brings relics. That way you don't negatively impact players who are after the prime parts.

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