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Limbo/Nezha/Banshee rework


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Just some small QOL issues I'd like to address with these three frames.

Banshee: An armor boost (around 30 maybe?) and lengthen the amount of time Silence's stun affects nearby enemies. She's incredibly squishy as is, this would help her be more viable in upper level missions and enemies (Bombards go to hell)

Nezha and Limbo: Please, please, please reduce casting times on these two frames. Nezha and Limbo are ability focused frames, much like Nova. However, their cast times are so long that it borders on ridiculous in some situations. I know that DE did mention that they were going to have Limbo use rolling to more easily travel between the regular and rift planes, which I appreciate, but that still doesn't solve how slow his abilities are to cast. I think it would be interesting to see a similar mechanic for Fire Walker, considering that it's a toggle based ability. This could allow for a better power when it comes to his healing proc, which could use a bit of a buff. Yes, the healing burst when you kill an enemy after using Blazing Chakram is useful in certain situations, but it's not powerful enough to validate its use in other places. 

I just hate seeing two frames with such amazing capabilities handicapped in this way. If you disagree with me that's fine, just let me know how you would (or wouldn't) change them and why and I'm more than happy with that. I just want to comprehend why in a game that emphasizes movement and speed there are powers that take this long on squishy frames. 

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Everything is fine with Banshee with an exception of Silence, Silence needs to be recastable, that's all I would personally change anyway. She needs to be squishy to balance out the potential damage you can give the whole team after all.

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4 minutes ago, Latiac said:

Everything is fine with Banshee with an exception of Silence, Silence needs to be recastable, that's all I would personally change anyway. She needs to be squishy to balance out the potential damage you can give the whole team after all.

I can understand that. That change to silence would be GREATLY appreciated, since the duration of the stun is so short :) 

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Limbo is getting reworked right now so I guess we will have to wait till we know how it will work out. His casting time is really bad.

I guess banshee wont have armor buffed. It is a trade off: lowest armor for the highest damaging frame. I would just make silence recastable.

Nehza really needs it. 

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9 hours ago, danthedapper said:

Just some small QOL issues I'd like to address with these three frames.

Banshee: An armor boost (around 30 maybe?) ...

Surely you're aware that 30 armor isn't going to do much? 100 armor is useles, 200 is useless. Unless you have some way to boost armor to 500+ it isn't going to save you from a whole lot of anything. Her shields are more than enough to handle anything where meager 200 armor might play a part. The only way Banshee's squish factor will change is when shield gating becomes a thing.

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On 12/17/2016 at 0:18 AM, TaylorsContraction said:

Surely you're aware that 30 armor isn't going to do much? 100 armor is useles, 200 is useless. Unless you have some way to boost armor to 500+ it isn't going to save you from a whole lot of anything. Her shields are more than enough to handle anything where meager 200 armor might play a part. The only way Banshee's squish factor will change is when shield gating becomes a thing.

Ah alright. That does make sense, I guess because her armor is so minuscule as is I thought even the smallest boost might help her out I suppose. But looking at the picture I see where you're coming from. 

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For Nezha, it's not just the general casting animation lengths that annoy me,
it's also when Divine Spears ends (automatically) and he is forced into
an animation that cancels other ability casts / reloads / whatnot.

Blazing Chakram's healing needs to have far bigger reach
(also maybe power) to be truly useful on a regular basis.
Really, it's so sad to have Squad healing abilities (yay) be so lackluster / feel tacked on,
I mean, having a quick 'n' easy Squad heal ability is hardly the most OP thing,
yet DE for some reason seems to fiercely disagree on that. </rant>

For Banshee, one thing that might help her survive a bit easier would be
Sonic Boom having more range (Pull has 25m, SB merely 15m, what the Hek)
as well as being a one-handed action so as to provide protection during reloads.
(BTW, more damage wouldn't hurt either, lol 50 compared to e.g. Pull's 300.)

Hmm ... maybe give Sonic Boom synergy with Silence, say, while the latter is active,
Sonic Boom (has +10m or so range if that's not changed innately and)
becomes a radial, non-LOS knockdown?
Not really OP seeing how she already has Sound Quake, after all :P
(Also, while I loves me my cheap ResoQuake pwnage, this might allow SQ to be nixed
in favor of something a bit better suited to a Frame that should be anything but an immobile target.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would LOVE, to see Banshee get some changes to Silence and some QOL for SB. These are the only two abilities that I think really need any sort of attention and much less so with SB. Nothing would make me happier than seeing Silence become a sort of scream similar to that of the scream that Chroma's pelt does during Effigy, the only difference being that the Silence replacement would effectively deafen any enemies that were effected by it, Thus making it recastable and much more useful. As far as the changes for SB I think the range changes stated above, and maybe some damage changes would be absolutely perfect.

Edited by Freeformpilot
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if you could recast silence you could stun lock an entire area. it is too abuseable. heres looking at you trinity. SQ is best used in a team anyway. Silence+SQ and you wont even get shot from enemies not in the radius. SQ could use a casting speedup. and they really need to work on shield tanking. like seriously its been to long and we still dont have any shield tanking (prolly due to corpus becoming stronger than grineer because of scailing) yes lets fix scaling first.

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