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Sorties, RNG, Riven and ... Endo...


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Look, I know I'm not the first , nor the last to bring this out, but imho this is still a top priorty issue.

First of all, thanks from going back and removing Nitain from the drop table, thanks for making the exilus pre-built... Those are steps in the right direction. Also, thanks for shortening survival and excavation missions, these are small tweaks that help make sorties less of a chore.

That said, I still feel like alot of issue remain with the current sortie system, which I will try to detail .

1 - The Endo "Problem".

Let's face it , there's nothing most sortie runners hate more than endo. The fact that you get endo roughly 80% of the time doesn't help either... You can do your daily sorties every day of the week and get endo every time. What this accomplishes is discouraging even active veterans from doing sorties.... Really, it reminds me of old destiny, where you could repeat the same raid every week in hopes of getting what you needed, yet get coal every time... Well, endo is pretty much your daily dose of coal, unwanted, unneeded, a reminder that you just wasted an hour of your life doing hard missions for what accounts to nothing.

The problem is that while 2000 Endo might seem good on paper, the fact that you have to complete three somewhat long and tough mission for an underwhelming reward is annoying. Asides from that, most veterans and players have a comfortable stockpile of endo... In a sense, they don't need the endo, making it futile.

The "new, exciting thing" in sorties is riven mods. It's what people want... Then there's the fact there's alot of riven mods already (80+), meaning even if you roll a riven, you might not get the weapon you want either... Then there's the fact you intent to retire/rotate secondary mods, meaning you're basically relying on RNG to give you rivens before they get removed...

2 - Lack of rewards during individual missions.

You have to clear three missions for a chance at getting a single reward. At the very least, each mission should have a chance at getting rewards. Likewise, why is it so that unlike in regular missions, you don't really get rewarded from what you accomplish in sorties ? If I survive 15 minutes in survival against lvl 100 enemies, the least you can do is give us 5 minute rewards like in every single survival node in the star chart... The fact that you can't, for example , get ivara parts from SPY sorties also makes no sense... If I'm forced to do three high level missions every day, at the very least give me the rewards I would get from clearling a regular mission.

3 - System to avoid multiple endo in a row not yet implemented.

You talked about this in your devstream, yet it's still not implement. Make it so...

4 - Still too much clutter on the sortie drop table.

Why not move lenses out of sorties and put them somewhere else . Alerts, invasions, end of mission rewards, void, whatever, just get that stuff out and make more room for Riven Mods. Also, remove the 2k Endo, heck remove the 4K endo too and make endo alerts more frequent to compensate.

5 - Three consecutive missions, why ?

It's not more challenging , just more tedious. We could have a single , tougher mission every day and it would be more than enough. Doing three missions that have no payoffs until the very end sucks.

6- Why can't we get a token system already.

This has been discussed for over a year. Just give us a sortie token system... That way, it's no longer about RNG... You do your daily sorties, gather sortie medaillons or whatever they are called, then turn them into exactly the items you want. That would give people clear goals (like saving X amount of tokens to get a legendary core, for example), would motivate people to stockpile them and would remove pretty much all of the issues people have with the current system... Want a riven mod for secodary... Well, just do a couple of sorties this week and exchange them for one... Want a catalyst ? Do X sorties ? Need a Greater Zenurik Lens, you know what to do.


Honestly, every day I log in , do my sortie, get endo and I wonder why I even bother playing warframe anymore. This creates frustration, anger, makes me feel like playing something else. Getting riven is pretty much the new endgame for MR23 players like myself, and with the current system, I have no power to influnence my account's progression, as I'm entirely reliant on a daily slot machine to see if I can get something I need.

This is exactlly why I quit Destiny, and this might be what gets me to quit Warframe. Tying account progression to RNG should not happen. Riven mods are the new meta, and making it so that dedicated players that bother logging in every day to do their daily sorties consistently get rewarded with stuff they don't need if frankly a tremendous waste of everyone's time.

My Sortie Drops since War Within on PS4 -

Endo Endo Endo Endo Lens Endo Endo Lens Endo Riven Endo Endo Endo

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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I totally agree with you OP. Token part is awesome, the feeling of log in everyday and do sorties for lens and 2K endo is exactly like you described : Frustrating. I ask myself when and why they decided to start making Warframe, sometimes, so frustrating. Maybe Warframe had more RNG in the past, but the way it is now its just broken. Just rerolled a Cernos riven mod 34 times and it still not worth. Not to mention 10+ times in another 4 another riven mods. 150K worth of Kuva at minimum. Time and effort just COMPLETELY WASTED. I think that it's too RNG. Setup an amount of Kuva for X effect that you want and there you go. You play, you have to grind, they gain their money and we do not have to deal with this S#&$load of RNG. Cause Riven mods came to fix the weapons that needed some care, why we have to suffer for a thing that, in first place, came to fix a series of DE mistakes ?

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15 days of consecutive sorties now, a single riven, two lenses and 12 Endo. RNG is rng , right , I get that I got a bad "roll" on mine, but streaks like that shoudn't even be possible.

I mean, just spent half a month playing this game daily for a single riven mod.

CHRISTMAS EDIT : After 16 days of consecutive sorties , Santa DE just gave me a second Riven mod... Just kidding, got a built forma...

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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Rewards should feel rewarding and 2000 dont feel rewarding after 15min suv 3 rotations of interception and a boss fight. You could in this time eZ farm the same amount.

But the token system anyways fix most of your points. So just wait. Every thing take there time. Its not like they can just focus on this one thing to develop, they have maybe lots of other plans player waiting for like Dojo update.

I wasnt playing every day, but I have to for like 2 weeks not a single rifen mod and those I got are like 3x Dera mods or one for djins weopon. I have from all I got just 2 I could make use of with enough motivation to farm Kuva.

The only thing at the moment that F*** me up are the ridicoulus high amounts of recources u need to unlock new weopons in Dojo Labs. And they are not even so good like other high tier weopons. Freaking 15,000 Mutagen Samples!!! My clan is very inactiv and the activ ppl are not so high mastery so they need themself recources and they never ever get this amount. I unlocked the last 15 things complete myself and now I cant unlock even 1 not high tier weopon?

This would be eZ when at least 15 clanmember would be high mastery. But you cant always thing, because of 30ppl fit in, that 30ppl play always. Most clans are inactiv but they dont want to leave, because of they invested much time and love in them. Until now we had every thing unlocked there. And then u need compare to this 30,000 Plastide. How much Plastide u get after a nice session? 2,000 maybe and how much Mutagen Samples in same time? Arround 20?

Grinding this ridicoulus amount would be maybe okay if the weopon would be very great weopon and not just to lv up mastery. Would be okay if you would be like: "Ohh hey this is a super cool weopon I could use in endgame missions or for long runs on endless missions". But its more like: "WTF this will be so much pain to WASTE those amounts of recources I farmed hard over lots of houers."

Reduce it by the factor 5-10 and put the mutagen samples of clans which unlocked it already in clanvault. I am pretty sure this weopon needs more mutagen samples then all other weopons in the lab together +all mutagen mass u need to craft to build them. This is just no comparision...

Edited by DrakorLP
froggot something
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I concur with these, I kept on getting lens, endo and so on. 

They need to change their reward pool.

1 - remove forma as we have a way to acquire it more easily in fissure.

2 - remove 2k endo as 4K endo seems sufficient enough for end game reward.

3 - merge or remove lens, greater lens seems better because normal lens are terrible for a 3 tier high level reward.

I may be missing something else. 

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Yup, agreed to all of that, though, as you said, you are not first. For now I'm actually stopped playing sortie if it will take longer, than hour (defence+survival+smth else like the same). Just only if will not take more, then 30 mins, cause getting endo I not actually need 80% of time just frustratin, just like you said. I better play Dishonored 2 or Deus EX, though there is steam sale and holidays

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On 24.12.2016 at 4:06 AM, DrakorLP said:

But the token system anyways fix most of your points. So just wait. Every thing take there time.

How long are we supposed to wait, though? They mentioned a token system in a devstream beginning of the year. All it needs is a change to the rewards and a permanent NPC in the relays that's basically just a copy of Baro. The hardest part is getting the token prices of the different rewards right.

I'm actually playing Sorties for lenses (because I'm cheap and don't see a reason to throw plat at DE for something I can get from playing), but getting nothing but Endo is seriously tiring.

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For the last month I did sorties every single day, I got 2x1 riven mod, 2x1 superior lens, 1x3 nitain. Quite a good start, and I definitely felt rewarded but since the last 2 weeks (might even say 3 weeks ...) I only got endo, not one time did I get something else, just endo.

I came back in the game after a few months of not playing and I already don't want to play anymore after a month. Just because I keep getting endo nothing else, I do like missions and everything else (except archwing uuugh so bad) but getting the same useless stuff everyday for 3 weeks is completely depressing.

Honestly, with 1 survival mission on eris, I can get up to 1600 endo, and I know it's endo I'm getting, 2000 endo almost feel insulting for the time and difficulty (as compared to the survival),4k endo do feel better but it's still not what I want from sorties !

You could put something like 10k endo reward with less chance than other rewards for exemple, instead of getting everyday a tiny bit of endo (and thus nothing else) you get one big chunk sometimes, that wouldn't feel bad and at least you could have more chance to drop something more useful.
I'm not English so if you don't understand something I don't care :p I've already tried my best here so I wouldn't be able to explain any better than this :p


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and your point on making endo alerts more frequent, how about they just buff those suckers, and the void trace one too. 150 endo reward, like, for real? 10 void trace reward, holy crap I hope i don't trip over an infant when i hurry to get all those traces baby! When you go through those painful sorties and at the end you hope that you get something goo..and its lowest endo payout. FML.

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Yeah, this needs to happen too... I mean, I like the idea of alerts for resources. Some of them are kinda fine, like when you get a 300 Oxium alert, that seems like a good tradeoff in terms of time invested versus reward...

But yes, the 150 Endo ones and the 10 traces ones fail to motivate players to do them.... Especially the traces. Why would I run a non void fissure mission with no void part reward fro less void traces that I would get from said mission in the void again ? The should pay at least 100-150 Void Traces. Likewise, endo alerts should gift at least 300-500 endo... Would still be a pretty negligeable amount of endo, as you can get about as much endo by running akkad and getting rid of duplicate mods that drop there, but it would be at least worth doing for people that need the resource.

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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On 28.12.2016 at 11:20 PM, czcbibliothekar said:

How long are we supposed to wait, though? They mentioned a token system in a devstream beginning of the year. All it needs is a change to the rewards and a permanent NPC in the relays that's basically just a copy of Baro. The hardest part is getting the token prices of the different rewards right.

I can wait more. I guess since the beggining of sorties or endo ppl have problems with this. So what are a few weeks/month more.

And if they do it so simple and just copy Baro, some one again would have a problem with that. And I could understand that DE want to work this great and they have maybe some other stuff they are working on which players requested earlier, like I said before: Dojo update and Dark Sector. Thats a big thing. And Umbra will come 2017 :D, Bardframe is comming soon and Graphic/Performence updates.

Maybe I have this opinion because of I am not every day online

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