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Post Anything New That You Find Out About The Infested Room [The Infection Spreads Through Player Contact In Missions & Dojos!]


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You got infected by a Nidus who got infected in the Infested Room. if you are allignment is neutral or sun and you do care about it staying that way I would suggest to not use that frame in any mission or in the Dojo until we know how to remove that cyst (because you will infect players now too and each Player you infect apperently moves your alignment a bit closer to the moon side, although I have to say I was not able to observ this with my Nidus but other people say its happening to them)

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Just look at the guy, walking with a boner!!! I bet he is just jeezing all over while just walking around!!! Filthy walking STD machine!!! My operator is pissed off, this bastard infected his favorite Trinity Prime, now he can't "play" with her in private.....Nidus needs to be dealt with!!!

Edited by Harutora-Joushiro
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41 minutes ago, Evers said:

You got infected by a Nidus who got infected in the Infested Room. if you are allignment is neutral or sun and you do care about it staying that way I would suggest to not use that frame in any mission or in the Dojo until we know how to remove that cyst (because you will infect players now too and each Player you infect apperently moves your alignment a bit closer to the moon side, although I have to say I was not able to observ this with my Nidus but other people say its happening to them)

I was completely neutral but now I'm sliding to the moon as you said

Edited by Lomoboto
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12 hours ago, Hexmortis said:

Yknow, i was fine with the infestation idea, i could live with it,decided to not go anywhere public on nidus so as not to infect anyone and keep my frames clean.. but.....having my alignment change because ive infested a couple of clannies when we went on missions together, with their consent, thats kind of a $&*^ move DE.....: \

That is not true. My alignment stays the same (pure light). You can't avoid infecting anyone because warframes infected by Nidus also become hosts for the virus and spread it further. Yesterday my Excal infected all players at conclave match.

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1 hour ago, Evers said:

You got infected by a Nidus who got infected in the Infested Room. if you are allignment is neutral or sun and you do care about it staying that way I would suggest to not use that frame in any mission or in the Dojo until we know how to remove that cyst (because you will infect players now too and each Player you infect apperently moves your alignment a bit closer to the moon side, although I have to say I was not able to observ this with my Nidus but other people say its happening to them)

I was already on moon to begin with since I like the dark side. XD 

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Well thank the lord I have two Ash Primes because some lovely gentleman decided to approach me during a trade and infect my first, come to find out he misunderstood me when I was asking for a Venka set and not just the BP . Got infected for no reason at all.

Guess for the next 7 days (I hope), I'm considering 50% of my Ash Primes absent.

Edited by LazerSkink
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Yeeeepp, gonna kill my best friend (and it had to be him, since I haven't played with anyone else last few days) once he gets online. His Nidus infected my Valkyr - and since I main her... Grrr. Oddly enough, I haven't ever seen the supposed effect of getting infected, and I still got the ugly thing on the neck. I wonder what's up with that.


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On 12/22/2016 at 0:04 PM, LordOfScrugging said:

it was during a devstream don't remember which one though. they were talking about an assassination system for syndicates and that there will be kind of an opposite game mode where you rescue VIPs and it'll be connected to what's inside the room.


was that not the other door though?


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4 hours ago, darkbanefox said:


So, just checked my Nidus and found that the tumor has grown and has something coming out of it now. Not sure if this is the next stage or what, but thought I would post this in case it hasn't been posted already.

that might just be your amesha (unless your nidus is infected) because I haven't had any contact with an infected tenno yet somehow, when i'm using my odonata (in archwing missions) I have the exact same thing but it's not on my excalibur when I get back to the orbiter

Excalibur in the orbiter:


note how there's nothing on his neck

Excalibur when using the odonata:


I think it's evolved enough to infect archwings without even infecting the warframe that's using said archwing

bright side is no one uses archwings anyway so if that's the case we don't have to worry about it

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30 minutes ago, Ninjadeath721 said:

that might just be your amesha (unless your nidus is infected) because I haven't had any contact with an infected tenno yet somehow, when i'm using my odonata (in archwing missions) I have the exact same thing but it's not on my excalibur when I get back to the orbiter

Excalibur in the orbiter:


note how there's nothing on his neck

Excalibur when using the odonata:


I think it's evolved enough to infect archwings without even infecting the warframe that's using said archwing

bright side is no one uses archwings anyway so if that's the case we don't have to worry about it

It's a visual bug, I'm sure DE will fix it once they come back from holidays

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2 hours ago, jodarkrider said:

Yeeeepp, gonna kill my best friend (and it had to be him, since I haven't played with anyone else last few days) once he gets online. His Nidus infected my Valkyr - and since I main her... Grrr. Oddly enough, I haven't ever seen the supposed effect of getting infected, and I still got the ugly thing on the neck. I wonder what's up with that.


You may have not noticed the effect because it lasts for about a second or two. That's how the process looks:


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1 hour ago, Cortanis said:

Sweet baby Jesus.... how big is this thing going to get? Something also tells me that this will have something to do with the long mentioned and talked about super weapons that they've batted around at the couch.

N O . W E  A R E  N O T  S E N T I E N T S. W E  A R E  L I F E  B U T  A L S O  D E A T H. COME TO US....  for real,if you wan to see full grown cyst just turn on Archwing mode in arsenal as Nidus.And this thing after 7 days after being stabbed you will have to use on Kubrow/kubrow egg,and that gonna give you new companion like Kavats and Kubrows.the thing is called Helminth Charger

Edited by Verrenen
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Are we sure we got a Warframe with infestation qualities? Or did we just build (from a corrupted information storage drive in a infested ship) a infested with Warframe qualities? I think it's safe to say we got suckered into getting infested/infected much like Alad V..

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