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Nidus/Hema/Hirudo vs 10x lvl120 Corrupted Bombard


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19 hours ago, ArionLightning said:

I have tried him too. He is clearly superior to all other frames.

If this is our new limit, I hope the rest of the frames can get an update for being at the same level nidus is right now.

I mean: no nerfs, just buff the other frames and increase game difficult.

What are you talking about ?

So many other frame/weapon combos that could have done that in much shorter time.


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  • 4 weeks later...

You guys must have never played Nidus before based on your comments. Or have no idea how he works. Or are just so prideful about other frames u won't listen. Yea Nidus needs to get a bit to charge up, yes Inaros is way better off the bat and in that video killed enemies quickly. But if u enter that barks with 100 stacks and actually mod and forms Nidus like all ur precious "better frames" he will kill them all in 20 seconds or less. This video was messing around with an unprepared build to show how crazy he is, not using his 1st ability barely at all. 

Nidus with good power strength can 3 hit lvl 130 heavy gunners with 100 stacks. He has some of the highest Dps in the game. Not the highest, but he also has an obserdly ranged grab cc to just hit them all and wipe a room. He can hold them there till they die. He also has possible infinite revives if u grab and hit enemies to replenish stacks in his undying phase. With that plus 90% damage reduction and insane healing he can tank and kill way better than Inaros with no competition. I will admit this hurt me due to Inaros being my favorite frame. But testing him out vigorously I see he can crush Inaros and chroma in overall survivability and damage output. He even helps his team more, is less selfish, and is great support. Inaros always falls off if you do true endgame. Nidus doesn't with undying while grabbing and building stacks he can keep triggering undying. Dont say ur fear us better until u try him thoroughly and are good with him. He is pretty much the best solo frame. Doing insane damage tanking and being much more fun.

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11 minutes ago, PNUTBTERONBWLZ said:

You guys must have never played Nidus before based on your comments. Or have no idea how he works. Or are just so prideful about other frames u won't listen. Yea Nidus needs to get a bit to charge up, yes Inaros is way better off the bat and in that video killed enemies quickly. But if u enter that barks with 100 stacks and actually mod and forms Nidus like all ur precious "better frames" he will kill them all in 20 seconds or less. This video was messing around with an unprepared build to show how crazy he is, not using his 1st ability barely at all. 

Nidus with good power strength can 3 hit lvl 130 heavy gunners with 100 stacks. He has some of the highest Dps in the game. Not the highest, but he also has an obserdly ranged grab cc to just hit them all and wipe a room. He can hold them there till they die. He also has possible infinite revives if u grab and hit enemies to replenish stacks in his undying phase. With that plus 90% damage reduction and insane healing he can tank and kill way better than Inaros with no competition. I will admit this hurt me due to Inaros being my favorite frame. But testing him out vigorously I see he can crush Inaros and chroma in overall survivability and damage output. He even helps his team more, is less selfish, and is great support. Inaros always falls off if you do true endgame. Nidus doesn't with undying while grabbing and building stacks he can keep triggering undying. Dont say ur fear us better until u try him thoroughly and are good with him. He is pretty much the best solo frame. Doing insane damage tanking and being much more fun.

You guys act like Nidus can get 100 stack within 5 minutes and assume that endless missions are the only type available.




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On 12/24/2016 at 3:24 AM, ArionLightning said:

I have tried him too. He is clearly superior to all other frames.


In terms of what exactly? 

Inaros and Chroma trample him in the tank category, not only that ,but they out damage him with little ease right from the start as far as single target damage goes.

Mirage and Saryn say Hi! from the damage podium. 

His CC is outclassed by most CC frames.

His damage mitigating is not that impressive either, there are quite a few warframes with that kind of damage mitigation.

His healing while continous and nice, won't save his teammates from bombards and napalms, or other heavy units during a high level mission. 

He has one of the best skills kit in the sense that all abilities are useful and sinergyze with eachother, but just like Oberon, he's a jack of all trades, master of none. 

Edited by aligatorno
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Even the title makes me feel very bad. These kinda posts forced DE to rework him to bring some changes which don't make sense at all. OP, what constructive point are you actually trying to show/discuss here by inputting this kinda title and even the post itself? Since when forum has become the place for people to show off things without having any particular necessity? December 04 2016 is the date being shown as your join date, if that's the same date to join the game then I seriously suggest you to gather some more experience and collect enough information on game contents before saying a thing and even then please refrain yourselves from posting something on nerf/rework/overpowered etc. which hinders 'our game entertainment at the end of the day.

On point, Players need to make proper build and work on him to gain that power, someone even said that with proper build in 20 seconds with Nidus can get immense super power to kill everything on sight after getting 100 stacks!!! Ballsheet, stop blabbering cause I play nidus with a decent build and I know how long it takes to build stacks, even in sortie-3 survival in lua with most kills I couldnt reach 70+ stacks and here you are saying 100 stacks are something like child's play!! Now even being inside of a nully bubble will make you lose your hard earned stacks. Good Job vocal minority.

    His maggots now don't explode by themselves and need to be casted Virulence on them to get the stacks, run around the whole map to find out where enemies are held captive by your maggots to kill them for stacks.

    His larva is always buggy and don't work as intended leaving enemies out even having them in reach,

    Virulence needs to be aimed sharp having a narrow hitbox means you gotta do a lot of work with this one to get the stacks.

    Ravenous will eat more from your stacks instead of giving you much as it doesn't work by itself anymore and even the health regen is much slower and gradual.

    Leaving his Parasitic Link the only working ability which actually helps him to stay alive in the battlefield when bombards and napalms are burning everything out.

Nidus works well considerably in the long run missions rather than the short burst missions like capture, exterminate etc. where squad mates with so BROKEN & DE's Attention worthy game mechanics like Miramulor/Mirankor/Miragnis, Saryn+T.Boltace, Maimnox, etc. are killing everything leaving you so vulnerable to death cause you are unable to get stacks and this scene is also very familiar in the long run missions.

Despite considering all these you, some people are making hilarious fun by wrongly advertising Nidus as the most superior frame of all explains that you guys dont play him AT ALL.

Edited by Dark_Prince_Duke
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17 hours ago, achromos said:

You guys act like Nidus can get 100 stack within 5 minutes and assume that endless missions are the only type available.




I never said anything of the sort. Even admitting he is terrible off the bat and other tank frames crush him. But he can be come a better tank due to the strength that is undying. Now before u freak out cause your obsessed with your own frame. Remember this means going solo in a long lasting mission. My personal opinion is that he is one of the best and most fun solo frames that can reck endgame. I've played survival up to level 250 plus enemies with no problem. He is really good if u know how to use them and excels in areas that other tanks lack desperately. He also isn't clunky like Inaros and his abilities actually do damage unlike chroma. He also beats chroma in CC and invulnerability with undying. I love chroma and Inaros to death but in the extreme and rare super long missions Nidus will pull through as Inaros and Chroma get mowed down pretty quick with no way to stop death like  Nidus or wukong. That's why he is ultimately stronger in higher levels with good weapons. Plus way more fun and easy to come back to. He isn't a jack of all trades by the way because all his powers work together to give him stacks so he can both use his survivability abilities and trigger undying more. If u play him enough u see how the damage and CC is a bonus in order to keep tanking so well and never truly die unlike Inaros and Chroma. But he will always be blown out of the water by them in short to medium sized missions that move around. He will win in anything obsurdly long. 

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On 12/23/2016 at 8:35 AM, xcynderx said:

taking a lot of rockets...and a scratch of damage..while stun locking a single target

If you tack on a Hirudo and Hema any of the frames with a larger than average HP pool, you practically do the same thing.

That being said, Simalacrum doesn't really display Nidus's true strengths right off the get go.

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23 hours ago, Dark_Prince_Duke said:

On point, Players need to make proper build and work on him to gain that power, someone even said that with proper build in 20 seconds with Nidus can get immense super power to kill everything on sight after getting 100 stacks!!! Ballsheet, stop blabbering cause I play nidus with a decent build and I know how long it takes to build stacks, even in sortie-3 survival in lua with most kills I couldnt reach 70+ stacks and here you are saying 100 stacks are something like child's play!! Now even being inside of a nully bubble will make you lose your hard earned stacks. Good Job vocal minority.

    His maggots now don't explode by themselves and need to be casted Virulence on them to get the stacks, run around the whole map to find out where enemies are held captive by your maggots to kill them for stacks.

    His larva is always buggy and don't work as intended leaving enemies out even having them in reach,

    Virulence needs to be aimed sharp having a narrow hitbox means you gotta do a lot of work with this one to get the stacks.

    Ravenous will eat more from your stacks instead of giving you much as it doesn't work by itself anymore and even the health regen is much slower and gradual.

    Leaving his Parasitic Link the only working ability which actually helps him to stay alive in the battlefield when bombards and napalms are burning everything out.

Nidus works well considerably in the long run missions rather than the short burst missions like capture, exterminate etc. where squad mates with so BROKEN & DE's Attention worthy game mechanics like Miramulor/Mirankor/Miragnis, Saryn+T.Boltace, Maimnox, etc. are killing everything leaving you so vulnerable to death cause you are unable to get stacks and this scene is also very familiar in the long run missions.

Despite considering all these you, some people are making hilarious fun by wrongly advertising Nidus as the most superior frame of all explains that you guys dont play him AT ALL.

Dude relax its not that big of a deal. If u were referring to me your mistaken. I never said Nidus could get 100 stacks in 20 seconds that would be insane. I also never said he kills everything in sight. Try not to over exaggerate. I stated that if u went to fight the enemies in the video while already having 100 stacks and just used larva then virulence and maybe weapon he could easily kill them in 20 seconds or less. I agree, I don't like the nerf either but I'm glad it wasn't too too hard. Even though he was nerfed he can still be extremely good and insanely survivable late game due to the sheer amount of enemies he can pull into larva and get stacks from during his undying phase. With this he is able to replenish the stacks fairly quickly with 4 virulence on at least 20 enemies in larva. This makes him beat out chroma and Inaros in the barely tread extreme late game while being solo. You clearly have not played Nidus since the update because the maggots explode fairly quickly in harder games because they are killed. Honestly almost quicker then before. Being able to see them plus this was a bonus. Yes virulence is narrow but it's range can be longer then most abilities and its damage can be really good for such a survivable frame. You also may not play enough cause most of the time to use virulence is down a hallway or on a ton of enemies in a larva. So aiming really shouldn't be a problem for you. Larva works at least 75% of the time perfectly. And it is buggy but when that happens it has only been a few enemies in my experience and they are still stunned so it still grabs more than enough enemies to build stacks and reek havoc. Ur confused because the regen was not nerfed at all. It is still much higher than many healing abilities and can heal objectives. He also does not need a lot of healing with so much damage reduction. Plus if u just leave ravenous up and do nothing post nerf, I was getting up to 6 stacks back on average after many tests. That is more than it costs man. And with a larva combo it's not too hard to get three stacks back. Harder than others make it sound but not difficult if u do it right. Yes the link is really good. I like many of ur points but he is still amazing and when playing him enough without predispositions u can see how well his abilities work together and are not useless but yet some of the most synergies kit in warframe. He is not the most superior frame and you are right. But neither are any others. A lot excel in different areas and that is warframe. It's all situational. And in extreme enduring situation Nidus is more survivable than most frames. If u play his cards rights and use your invulnerability phases well to get out of trouble then CC enemies and rebuild stacks u will not die without messing up. He is not op though do to the extreme rarity of situations where that actually matters. I have played him a lot. And it seems maybe others need to play more without expressing bias opinions.

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3 hours ago, PNUTBTERONBWLZ said:

You clearly have not played Nidus since the update because the maggots explode fairly quickly in harder games because they are killed.

Assumptions and all of your other statement clearly state that you are among those who will come out with your own thoughts no matter what the actual fact is and most of all your above quoted comment actually diminishes all the chances for me to come up with a detailed and fact-full reply cause the patch note itself clearly mentions that the maggots DO NOT explode by themselves and need virulence to casted upon them to blast them off for stacks but you are saying that they are killed easily in harder! games; what if you play solo? what if maggots have locked some of your enemies far away from your sight? What if your squad mates clear out the room before the maggots do their work?. Besides,


Plus if u just leave ravenous up and do nothing post nerf, I was getting up to 6 stacks back on average after many tests.

You say tests!! Where? Level of enemies? Post videos or please stop posting your assumptions.

I'm taking words from someone who according to forum doj played only a few days but says

3 hours ago, PNUTBTERONBWLZ said:

I have played him a lot. And it seems maybe others need to play more without expressing bias opinions.

so please keep your assumptive and biased opinions to your self or try somewhere else. Period.

Edited by Dark_Prince_Duke
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Simulacrum is awesome, but on half of the tilesets, Nidus' 2 is completely unable to grab everything on range. I tried yesterday in Selkie's Fissure, that was a nightmare. Enemies blocked in stairs, at higher levels, or blocked by an imaginary obstacle... That lessens the efficiency of Virulence, and also your overall performance as the duration of the 2 doesn't reset if it is still trying to grab an enemy back to it (it disappears when all the grabbed enemies are dead).

I'd say Nidus is in a safe spot now. On the higher-tier list of Warframes that can survive very long while dealing comfortable damage, while remaining interesting enough to play (all 4 spells are useful).

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Hey Dark_Prince_Duke I never meant to start a problem and would appreciate if u did not either. U make many great points and I even stated that before. I also said that my own statements were opinion. Not worth you blowing up on man. Sorry if I offended you. No reason to rage man it's just a game hopefully not anyone's life. I play on ps4 btw and am mr 16. Not very high but I play with Nidus more there thank you. I don't need to waist my time to prove myself but just hope that reasonable people will read my post and try it themselves. I don't understand why some people are so eager to fight but I mean no harm. I just don't like u bashing one frame so hard when YouTube has plenty of proof on how insane he can become and why he can reach the very top. Many warframes have bugs dude. I stated my thoughts were my own. But so far it seems as if your the one who hasn't mentioned anyone else's statements as true. I gave you credit. You are the one stuck in your own mindset my friend. I never mentioned they explode by themselves. But they can still be killed. Go try it out I encourage you. Oh and level of enemies has no tie to how many stacks a maggot exploding will give you. I promise u it is still effective. At least all the times I have maybe you play different missions. Doesn't really matter that much in the long run am I right? I can't beleive you took the time to quote me so much and look at my profile hahahaha. I admire ur determination but please don't act out with such hatred, that will get you no where. I say this with utmost respect and hope u can treat others the same. Good day sir.

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3 hours ago, PNUTBTERONBWLZ said:

when YouTube has plenty of proof on how insane he can become

The problem is there but less with people actually, players start to judge things based on those posters rather than getting experienced by themselves.

3 hours ago, PNUTBTERONBWLZ said:

I can't beleive you took the time to quote me so much and look at my profile hahahaha.

No, at the time of replying you I didn't look into your profile which again proves that you are entirely on assumptions rather than actual facts, the DoJ can simply be seen by hovering someone's name here on the forums :( and ,by the way game profile doesn't show someone's game joining date except for the day count based on the actively played game hours.

3 hours ago, PNUTBTERONBWLZ said:

I never mentioned they explode by themselves. But they can still be killed. Go try it out I encourage you.

20 hours ago, Dark_Prince_Duke said:

the maggots DO NOT explode by themselves and need virulence to casted upon them to blast them off for stacks but you are saying that they are killed easily in harder! games; what if you play solo? what if maggots have locked some of your enemies far away from your sight? What if your squad mates clear out the room before the maggots do their work?

The very last piece of actual information from my side: Yesterday Meso Endless Survival mission in Jupiter (Corpus) with Nidus, 40+ minutes with 1200+ kills but couldn't get to reach the 100 stacks mark even once with slightly less than 200 power strength using all 4 of his abilities repeatedly. I want to request you to take a challenge with nidus on getting the 100 stacks mark in any mission on your preference (public) and it'd be so great to let us know that how long it took you to reach that 100 stacks mark with your maggots getting killed by others.

Please go try harder and learn more before you speak, I'm not the perfect one out here but I'm trying to explain my bit to encourage you to get the right thing and suggesting you to stop posting/supporting the wrong side. Peace.


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I have played a lot of him and played hard missions and have spoken. I did some games yesterday and wanted u to know. I played Nidus through the sorties. He was practically useless on both the rescue and spy missions and extremely frustrating to play with. In the interception mission though I got to 100 stacks on the first wave which was like 10 minutes do to the sheer amount of enemies and the effectiveness of blowing up the maggots in so many enemies. I got 600 kills or so and it was the most. I didn't even trigger a single undying. U see it depends on the mission. Cause in one mission he gets beat by any frame but in another he is at the very top. Of course those missions are more rare but it still happened. I played a defense on Akkad with one friend to level him and got 100 stacks by wave 12. We went on to do 40 waves and then my friend wanted to go because he was dying so much. He is phenomenal at objective missions and I do not take back my opinion on his extreme endgame survivability. Of course that isn't really useful to anyone do to the fact no one wants to go that long. I also played a survival but do not remember enemy levels. I had 100 stacks around 25 minutes. I wonder what the difference was  between our games. All I know is that he dominates objective sorties and is extremely useful in those situation. Plus very fun and powerful to run solo. Thanks for your opinions Dark. Appreciate the convo. Please stop claiming the assumption thing though. U stated u looked at my profile. That's why I laughed. Just thought it was funny, no need to get so angry man. Again it's just a game

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