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Helminth Charger Feedback & Suggestions


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Hello Tenno, so before we go onto the Feedback, I'll like to point out that the Helminith Charger will get some changes early 2017,once the full crew comes back, as a quote from Steve. In order to see this quote, please head here:

Also lastly: Please keep your personal hostile/un-civil critics to yourself and DO NOT bring it into this topic, if you dislike something that is your own fault. As lately the general feedback on the Helminth Charger is quite impulsive and highly unassertive, with a quote from Rebecca herself explains this peacefully and in a better manner: 

You are free to share opinions and feelings, of what chuold be changed and edited, then please feel free to note it down.

Thank You



Design Feedback: 

So overall the Helminth Charger as the letter is perfectly fine, besides a few odd bugs here and there and reused assets, The Helminth Charger is good for players who wanted a Infested pet, overall.

Already there are gonna be changes and fixes to clean up the main issues that has come with it, that I'll list below.

1. Kurbrow Animations/SFX: They are bugged out on the Helminth Charger, some will need to stay in order to allow us to pet it, but other then that, they need to revamped into a proper Charger. Same goes for sounds as well, I have noticed while in the ship, he still makes "Dog noises", yet while in mission, he sounds like a normal charger.

2. Kurbrow Armor & Collar: So odd bug, but this is due to the reused asset of the Kurbrow, they are able to use Armor & The collars of Kurbrows, a simple fix will remove the abbtily to have Kavat/Kurbrow armor and allow you own unique armor for the Charger. As for the Collar as its needed to give them Extra HP/Shields, like the Primed one does, only thing I can think of, is to make the collar invs for them. Or give their own ones and copy and past the sats.


Mods/Abilities Feedback: So the 2 mods it has are fine, they do not need to be changed, it makes the Helminth Charger a very strong and worthwhile pet, only thing that needs to be touched up is the mod cards, so it does not have the re-copy and past, of the Kurbrow. 

As well, the animations for them need to be change to fit the chrhager while in combat, sure some can be reused to fit some of the certain mods, like Salvage and Ferocity, but other then that, they are fine.




So here are a few ideas and thoughts I've come up with, including new mod ideas as well, it maybe noticed alot of other people have suggested the same type of mods, but this is due to how requested it is.


Usability Revamp: So, as its called "Helminth" and they only way to get it is via Nidus, I feel that you shuold be only be able to use the Helminth Charger with Nidus equipped, this will give Nidus a unique pet and for thos who like to have "Uniqueness" to certain frames or weapons, can like this idea.

Note: For lore-lovers out there, this chuold be added to the lore, that Helminth can only "turst" Nidus with the Helminth pet, as the door only opens to him. As well this will be required due to his new mods. However for thos who still want to use the Helminth Pet, without Nidus can make a "Cured Charger". That can be used on ANY frame, besides Nidus.

This will be a trade-off.


Helminth Ancient: The Helminth Ancients are the unique strains of the Infestation created and formed by the "Helminth Virus", Each Virus can take control and consume all types of living substances. breed by useing the cyst on a Infested Tumor, you can make new Infested Pets.


How To Get Infested Tumors: Extract a Infested Tumor from any Hive mission, by walking up to one and extracting the DNA from it (Press X), its a 100% chance to get a Tumor. You'll take the Tumor back to your ship and place it into your Incubator. Then you'll need to Feed  Helminth by re-sitting in the chair and getting the Cyst. Once the Incubator is complete, you will have your min-Juggernaut pet. (Or Charger). A choice will pop up, to show what one you want.

Note: It now takes 5 days, rather then 6/7 days. (You can rush it as well)

Note 2; Only 4 legged Infested, can be used as pets, due to animation rigging.


Mods/Abilities: Each Helemith has 3 unique mods to it and are the following:

1.Devour: The Helemith will lash out a long sticky tongue and pull its pray into meele range and then consume its pray and regain lost HP, by 20%/35%/50%. 5 sec cooldown. It also will heal Nidus.

If Cured: only restores 35% HP, and does not grant you stacks. 

2. Maggot Swam: The Helemith will open up and spawn 10/20/50 amount of maggots, that will latch onto its pray and drain HP slowly, Each maggot will re-fresh a stack on Nidus. Each maggot deals Viral/Corrosive Damage.

If Cured: a max of 10 maggots can be spawned, but maggots will be alot stronger.

3. Pherliac Scent: The Helemith will let out a strong scent pacifying any infested creature within its range, can only do up to 3 at a time, and each one lasts until it the creature is dead or the 5 min duration ends.

If Cured: can only do up to 1, at a time, but has 10mins duration.


Stats:  HP:450.0. Armor: 450.0. Shields: 0. (Each time, it eats, it stacks up 5 times by 1.5%)

Sats if Cured: HP: 250,0, Armor: 120,0, Shields: 450,0. (Does not use stacks)





So, feel free to share your ideas






P.S: Yes this may be a bit of a overstretched idea, but I'm sure DE can make a more smiplifed one.



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Suggestion: Helminth Maggot.

Sits on your Warframe's shoulder and hops off to bite nearby enemies when they get too close, making them panic. First precept ability would allow it to hijack an enemy's neural system and turn them into allies for a short duration. Second precept ability would allow it to burrow into consoles to hack them for the player.

For better synergy, it would be awesome if those precepts would work with the player's marking (Default G key). This to get a pet that is actually viable on higher level, having its own entirely unique uses. It would be untargetable while on your warframe, thus granting it innate survivability so it doesn't become a rez-sink on higher level missions. More of a controller pet than a loot or combat pet.

Also, with the right design choices, a Helminth Maggot could be made cute as heck.

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I love the infested pet. I'm still geeking over it. It's just the kubrow animations is what bugs me. It should be acting. Well infested. Not happy wagging it's weird tail. Also not liking the fact that you infested a kubrow to make an infested grineer lancer. Would be neat for it to receive a complete redesign just to show what a infested kubrow looks like. Also it would separate it from the enemy chargers. Also it should be some synergy between the infested pet and Nidus. It would make since right? 

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i think the helminth charger was/is a perfect opportunity to allow players REAL fashionframe on a companion or general all companions

i dont mean the armor by stating that but giving a companion different body parts like legs, mutations, heads, "ears", tails and so on...basically kavat 2.0 because lets be honest...its only appearance and that even is minimal in my opinion. companions are not the main focus ofc, its the frame...but even the tenno allows more customisation and besides kuva farming the companion has more impact on the game for players than the operator...which would be my main argument to underline: GIVE COMPANIONS MORE LOVE pretty please. i mean...designing ur own infested companion from many parts...or at least give it the RNG behind it to have them potentially so that breeding different ones actually has a point. and give different limbs and body parts stats...then the appearance is not just fashion but also gives each companion/ charger some uniqueness...trading blueprints is hardly important because most ppl only care about smeeta/adarza and kubrow type, onyl a few really care about lotus, athletic...tiny or omega or whatever...please give it a purpose...the Riven system is prolly waaaaaay more complicated than an RNG system...like making many different body parts, maybe 2-3 animation sets, not for everything to but maybe for idles, then give each limb, body part and so on a stats value and when the system puts them togather like it does with kavat parts for example then it adds these stats togather too. to balance them there is a total stat counter which the sum of all has to reach, each stat has a value counter like damage is not equal to health so lets say damage stat has 1.2, health 1 per single health stats...1 health equal 1 value counter...just some thoughts how i think in theory this could work, im nowhere close to an expert so its just to explain my thought.

generally i think such a system could vastly improve the usefulness of companions, also companion fashion or whatever it should be called. generally i hope companions get some more love, the helminth charger reminded of that imo. the idea is absolutely lovely, i cant wait for an infested kavat version, but at this very point i think its much potential yet locked away in a box which just awaits to be opened :)



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- First off, OH GOD IT'S A CHARGER PET. I was already asking for this since yui's super kawaii infested chibis and now it's here fo real

- Definitely needs a new model. I mean... Kubrow Egg + a special strain of infested = mini... infested... Grineer?

- Also needs some kind of explanation on why we're letting a charger roam around in our ship. No really we have kids here. It's like letting loose a tiger on a house with a kid inside. This seriously won't end well on a normal infestation scenario.

- Personally hoping for a headcrab-esque ability. Like a mini Mind Control of a sort.


But really if there's something that I want to comment on, it's how incomplete this whole thing feels at the moment. Alright, fine, I understand this game still has the beta tag on it but this feature seriously looks like a last minute decision. It feels like they just added a new type of Kubrow, replaced the model with a charger and added some mods with "Helminth" strapped on the name. It's... Really sad at its current state and now we're stuck with space cancer being spread all around the world with no real way to cure it from our frames until the devs return from their vacation.

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I for one love the infested charger. It just needs a new skeleton, and sounds. Second I see this as one step closer to getting a zanuka pet. Now for things that could also be changed/added. I believe multiple breeds of the charger would be beneficial. Possibly have some semblance of ancient abilities like healer, disruptor, and the like.

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3 hours ago, wolfking2k said:

I for one love the infested charger. It just needs a new skeleton, and sounds. Second I see this as one step closer to getting a zanuka pet. Now for things that could also be changed/added. I believe multiple breeds of the charger would be beneficial. Possibly have some semblance of ancient abilities like healer, disruptor, and the like.

It makes the proper noises in mission, just on the ship its buggy.

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Short and sweet. Possible really fuking good ideas.

1-use either a modified Juggernaut or Maggot model instead of the one quadrupedal model that wouldn't make sense to grow from an infected kubrow egg. Preferably the second one, since a giant maggot would be cool to see and giving it Helminth tendrils would really help match the A****** frame that started this godawful infection that I believe DE didn't have the foresight to see that it'd get really annoying really fast Nidus.

2-Universal drain on all frame cysts. It's annoying to finally be free from that godawful pink fukbubble only to switch frames and realize you still have AIDS. Alongside this, just let players sit in the chair again instead of having to go get it from other players.

3-Immunization. Having a charger makes you immune. That way you no longer get infected, and if you ever get rid of it, you can get a new one again. It'd still count as having one if you put the cancerdog in the freezer.

4-Vaccum on pets. Not really related to the charger in particular but why not? It's the most convenient thing and while DE is deathly allergic to really convenient things I think it'd work well on an already weirdo pet.

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For starters they should completely change the appearance. I don't want a mutant Grineer as a pet with that upside down head looking at me. For the skills.... well just make it completely different from normal kubrows and kavats

Edited by Sekinin
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On 12/30/2016 at 6:07 PM, Colyeses said:

Suggestion: Helminth Maggot.

Sits on your Warframe's shoulder and hops off to bite nearby enemies when they get too close, making them panic. First precept ability would allow it to hijack an enemy's neural system and turn them into allies for a short duration. Second precept ability would allow it to burrow into consoles to hack them for the player.

For better synergy, it would be awesome if those precepts would work with the player's marking (Default G key). This to get a pet that is actually viable on higher level, having its own entirely unique uses. It would be untargetable while on your warframe, thus granting it innate survivability so it doesn't become a rez-sink on higher level missions. More of a controller pet than a loot or combat pet.

Also, with the right design choices, a Helminth Maggot could be made cute as heck.


I like this idea too :laugh: It will be nice if DE implements this idea :satisfied:

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