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HEMA Final Word - No Mutagen Drop or Cost change


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6 hours ago, Littlerift said:

At this point, given that many people have already researched the Hema, I don't think DE should change the research cost.

This is just hearsay. On my regular ODD runs I have yet to meet someone that has researched the Hema or is even close to. Most tenno I meet in ODD farm for storm or moon clan mutagen sample numbers. And they are far away from getting their samples. I mean moon clan with 500'000 mutagen samples is just insane. 

I wish DE would supply the real numbers. What percentage of clans have already researched Hema.

6 hours ago, Littlerift said:

I don't know how many, but any who have are going to be immensely frustrated if all of the work is thrown away by a cost reduction.

Last weekend I threw 500k (half a million) credits at Maroo for converting my Ayatan into endo. And nobody cares about me being frustrated that DE will make this conversion for free. And credit are far easier to obtain than mutagen samples. 

Edited by k05h
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I am part of Mountain clan. I nave been playing since July 2016. When I contributed for the hema research I got the huge ammount of 275 MS. The old players got in total 60 K. After farming with the clan "as instructed" with nekros, hydroid, drop booster and resourse booster the total ammount collected till now is 30 K . My point is that it is reachable, but is it worth it? Most of the players could spend more time during Xmas, NY for the game, but now we all have obligations. 

As I see it, there are 3 solutions:

1. Reduce the requirements (which won't happen)

2. Increase the drop and drop locations.

3. Alerts for MS, which could help the clans to get to the hema. 


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8 minutes ago, ArionLightning said:

Please..... stop crying. Just play, have fun and farm resources.

My ghost clan have already got the Hema. It hasnt been so hard. Just playing together.

Please ... start reading posts before you add something like this.Then we can have fun while you farm the ressources.

On a more serious note: Farming on ghost clan level can be done if you are not alone and have nothing else to farm for a few days. But solo clans, storm clans or moon clans will need days (18+ hours in-mission) of dedicated farming. We are talking about multiple thousands of samples per tenno. That is hard and actually not fun. 

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10 minutes ago, ArionLightning said:

Please..... stop crying. Just play, have fun and farm resources.

My ghost clan have already got the Hema. It hasnt been so hard. Just playing together.

My Moon Clan has finished ... the 100k-ish first samples. Out of 500k. I've contributed for something like 3k at the moment but 10 "really active/motivated people" cannot compensate for 990 guys just waiting for the research to be done or not caring enough about this particular weapon to go farm it.

Still, I don't really care as it gives us a reason to do long ODS/ODD that are still more fun than waiting for Alerts or Invasions to spawn

Edited by Chewarette
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I'm amazed people are still stomping their feet over this.
Yes, its a high cost. But Dojo Bps arent meant to be something you make instantly. They are goals. Something to work for. Clans are about building and working together. You need it that badly? Work together with your clanmates to get the materials quickly. It took us a while to get together the 150k mutagens we needed, due to the size of the clan. I didn't see any problem with that myself. Warframe is a free to play game. Even with 150k requirements that a heck of a lot less farming then most Free to Plays ask for it. And that's nothing compared to the 30k slog for Cyro to make the Sibaer. Keep in mind Sibaer was horrible because that was expected of you as an individual, not as a group.
And here's a fun thing. People seem to think Eris is the only place to get these Mutagens. Did you know Derelict loves to drop them? At a higher drop rate? And starts as a lower level? By golly that sounds like it you could do the same farm there for longer. And you could even check for Vaults, if you are running survival, with a Decaying Key [As running lowered hp with toxic everywhere is a poor idea] for extra stuff to sell off for plat.5

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25 minutes ago, corporatePaladin said:

I'm amazed people are still stomping their feet over this.

You have an amazingly appropriate name. :wink:

Edit: Also, "Yes, it's a big grind, but still not as bad as <other publisher>" is not a great argument.

Edit2: The more I read of your comment, the more ridiculous it gets...

" People seem to think Eris is the only place to get these Mutagens. Did you know Derelict loves to drop them"

Have you actually read any of the threads about the Hema, everyone knows this already.

Edited by ChuckMaverick
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30 minutes ago, corporatePaladin said:

I'm amazed people are still stomping their feet over this.
Yes, its a high cost. But Dojo Bps arent meant to be something you make instantly. They are goals. Something to work for. Clans are about building and working together. You need it that badly? Work together with your clanmates to get the materials quickly. It took us a while to get together the 150k mutagens we needed, due to the size of the clan. I didn't see any problem with that myself. Warframe is a free to play game. Even with 150k requirements that a heck of a lot less farming then most Free to Plays ask for it. And that's nothing compared to the 30k slog for Cyro to make the Sibaer. Keep in mind Sibaer was horrible because that was expected of you as an individual, not as a group.
And here's a fun thing. People seem to think Eris is the only place to get these Mutagens. Did you know Derelict loves to drop them? At a higher drop rate? And starts as a lower level? By golly that sounds like it you could do the same farm there for longer. And you could even check for Vaults, if you are running survival, with a Decaying Key [As running lowered hp with toxic everywhere is a poor idea] for extra stuff to sell off for plat.5

You being able to slap on some boosters and do obscene amounts of farming  doesnt = everyone wanting to do the same . just an FYI

Edited by (XB1)DeluxeKnight831
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6 minutes ago, corporatePaladin said:

I'm amazed people are still stomping their feet over this.
Yes, its a high cost. But Dojo Bps arent meant to be something you make instantly. They are goals. Something to work for. Clans are about building and working together. You need it that badly? Work together with your clanmates to get the materials quickly. It took us a while to get together the 150k mutagens we needed, due to the size of the clan. I didn't see any problem with that myself. Warframe is a free to play game. Even with 150k requirements that a heck of a lot less farming then most Free to Plays ask for it. And that's nothing compared to the 30k slog for Cyro to make the Sibaer. Keep in mind Sibaer was horrible because that was expected of you as an individual, not as a group.
And here's a fun thing. People seem to think Eris is the only place to get these Mutagens. Did you know Derelict loves to drop them? At a higher drop rate? And starts as a lower level? By golly that sounds like it you could do the same farm there for longer. And you could even check for Vaults, if you are running survival, with a Decaying Key [As running lowered hp with toxic everywhere is a poor idea] for extra stuff to sell off for plat.5

You think the 30k cryotic for the Sibear was worse? And the current mutagen samples for the Hema research are OK? The cryotic people get tons of by simply playing the game and the mutagen samples that outside of a key-gated tileset are one of the rarest resources in the game, for which there are no alerts, no deployable extractors, no public games you can simply join, nothing. Sounds like you just leached your clan and got the Hema BP for free and have no idea what farming even looks like. Too bad they couldn't farm that cryotic for you too, eh? I'm sitting on more than 130 000 cryotic and never once went to excavation because I needed any. Sibear was a joke compared to the Hema. Nobody would have cared much about the Hema if the cost was for the individual player either - make it easy to research and need 500 samples to craft and see how nobody bats an eye at it, but that was not what DE tried to achieve. Not to mention that the Sibear will hardly ever gate any future clantech research, but that is most probably way beyond you to understand.

And here's another fun thing - if you had bothered actually reading anything in this thread instead of cluelessly trolling you'd know that people are more than aware where and how many mutagen samples drop and that the thread is hardly about that - it's about where DE is taking the game.

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10 minutes ago, corporatePaladin said:

I'm amazed people are still stomping their feet over this.
Yes, its a high cost. But Dojo Bps arent meant to be something you make instantly. They are goals. Something to work for. Clans are about building and working together. You need it that badly? Work together with your clanmates to get the materials quickly. It took us a while to get together the 150k mutagens we needed, due to the size of the clan. I didn't see any problem with that myself. Warframe is a free to play game. Even with 150k requirements that a heck of a lot less farming then most Free to Plays ask for it. And that's nothing compared to the 30k slog for Cyro to make the Sibaer. Keep in mind Sibaer was horrible because that was expected of you as an individual, not as a group.

thats everything i wanted to say, personally i belive we need more ''hema researchs'' not everything is made to be obtaniable at first day-week. Clans are comunitys wher players suposed to work together to reach theyr goals.

about big tier clans who lack (players/activity)- i would say recruit more members work together as a clan or in the bad scenario reduce the clan tier to reach your goal

about one player clan- it was your decision  to be a lone wolf, allways free to inv more members in the bad scenario join other clan

about the hema research--- 500 mutagen samples per player

is it that high ?!!!

it was one of those researchs when you cant just put 2k rubedo 10k salvage and wala 

all i can say is work together with your clan,if you want ez stuff well.... lets just say it loud       WE WANT CHEESE 

i mean cheese is good i like it to XD anyway if you guys wana talk more about it pm me in game

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I'm a fan of the Hema research costs.  Personally, I believe the largest reason for the complaints about it is that it was such a huge shock.  In my opinion stretch goals are a good thing, do you really need that weapon today?  Do you really need that 3k mastery today?  We, as a community, need to get off this "I need it now" train of thought.  If you don't want to, buy it with plat.  Either way, don't complain about them setting up stretch goals for the clans.

However, I will concede on the point that the chosen resource could've been selected better, or drop rates been buffed alongside it's release.  Also it wouldn't hurt to make that resource available on more tile sets, this one did get a bit redundant.

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1 minute ago, Phantom-6 said:

I'm a fan of the Hema research costs.  Personally, I believe the largest reason for the complaints about it is that it was such a huge shock.  In my opinion stretch goals are a good thing, do you really need that weapon today?  Do you really need that 3k mastery today?  We, as a community, need to get off this "I need it now" train of thought.  If you don't want to, buy it with plat.  Either way, don't complain about them setting up stretch goals for the clans.

However, I will concede on the point that the chosen resource could've been selected better, or drop rates been buffed alongside it's release.  Also it wouldn't hurt to make that resource available on more tile sets, this one did get a bit redundant.

I'm a fan of stretch goals as well, but the Hema research costs were set as a stretch goal for the few veterans who had large stockpiles of mutagen samples and as a result are a massive grindwall for a large portion of the playerbase.

Stretch goals are fine, as long as the 'stretch' is balanced and reasonable for all players.

And yet again, this isn't about "I need it now!", how many more times does that need to be explained?

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1 minute ago, ChuckMaverick said:

I'm a fan of stretch goals as well, but the Hema research costs were set as a stretch goal for the few veterans who had large stockpiles of mutagen samples and as a result are a massive grindwall for a large portion of the playerbase.

its 500 mutagen samples per person

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Just now, HIGHDAMAGE said:

inactivity lack of clan members is another problem still 500 per player

Why is a 30 person clan intrinsically 'better' than a 31 person clan, even if they're all active?

Why should those players in the 31 person clan have to farm more than three times as many resources?

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5 minutes ago, HIGHDAMAGE said:

based on my calculations yes

you mean based on what DE says . Who says every single person in a clan is a hardened vet who will want to farm all day for hours and hours ? who says theres not new players in a clan ? who says theres not temporarily inactive players ? who says the clan is full for its tier?

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Just now, ChuckMaverick said:

Why is a 30 person clan intrinsically 'better' than a 31 person clan, even if they're all active?

Why should those players in the 31 person clan have to farm more than three times as many resources?

DE assign the rules not me

may i ask why those 31 players dont raise in nr?

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