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Remove the Infested Cyst


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22 minutes ago, -CM-DarkSyndrome said:

lol all these ppl being serious when the OP is obviously be sarcastic......smh. Why can't people understand sarcasm anymore :c

because its overblown on forums and reddit. and when you stumble upon sarcasm (especially when it repeats the same thing , just with different nickname starting thread)
50-10-150 times , it gets exhausting.
Simple really.

its nothing new, nothing funny. nothing clever.
At least in my book.
op could go watch some episodes of House. preferably 1-3 seasons.

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56 minutes ago, SnowLeopard25 said:

So what's it worth to have all the cysts removed from all your frames, inoculated with a preventive cure?  

100 plat?

200 plat?

500 plat? 

How much should DE charge?

Inquiring minds want to know!!

0 plat is an appropriate price to remove something you never had a chance not to get.

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2 minutes ago, Tyrian3k said:

Sarcasm comes from either the tone of voice or context. We have neither.

Actually, we do have context.  

We also have the content, which started at 100 platinum, and implies a lack of seriousness.

Detecting sarcasm is indeed hard on the internet, but your justification is actually flawed. :D

Edited by Rauxon
Correction of silly brain-o.
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Just now, Rauxon said:

Actually, we also have context.  

We also have the content, which started at 100 platinum, and implies a lack of seriousness.

Detecting sarcasm is indeed hard on the internet, but your justification is actually flawed. :D

Citation for context that proves that he's not serious, please.

You've apparently not been on the internet long enough to not know that there is no limit on how stupid serious statements can get.

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Makes me happy I went on break, never eneterd the helminth room and never played with anyone after I got the quest done. Until space aids is gone I'll solo everything there is to do. Nobody ruins my pristine orokin era artifacts.

tldr; Can't touch 'dis *cue music*

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1 hour ago, SnowLeopard25 said:

So what's it worth to have all the cysts removed from all your frames, inoculated with a preventive cure?  

100 plat?

200 plat?

500 plat? 

How much should DE charge?

Inquiring minds want to know!!

If they even try anything of the sort I am quitting, walking out the door, slamming it behind me.

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43 minutes ago, Tyrian3k said:

Citation for context that proves that he's not serious, please.

You said just 'context' not 'context that proves <x>'.  There is context to everything, and in this case we are all talking about a computer game - plenty of context.


43 minutes ago, Tyrian3k said:

You've apparently not been on the internet long enough to not know that there is no limit on how stupid serious statements can get.

And you appear to have missed how many posts people can make that sound really picky and have no real content.

Does this mean we're even?

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48 minutes ago, Tyrian3k said:

Citation for context that proves that he's not serious, please.

You've apparently not been on the internet long enough to not know that there is no limit on how stupid serious statements can get.

It's pretty clear to me that OP is just being cynical.

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1 hour ago, METAL_BAWKSES said:

All you have to do is craft a Ignis and burn the thing off. 

I kicked it up a notch, it's on my Ember Prime who is a natural furnace. Didn't work, unfortunately. :(

(Now if I got Overheat back, I'd burn that sucker right off in seconds http://puu.sh/tbzut.png)

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If you'd consider paying plat to remove something that will keep coming, I should mind slap you tenno. I'd pay credits, but no more than 50k for something will keep on coming back. I never noticed that huge pimple till I read the forums and now I can't avoid looking at it when I am changing warframes, but I don't pay attention to it during missions, so I have no problem with it there.

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They charge you 200 plat for just changing your IGN. 130$ for a pack of virtual items.

Asking the hardcore fashion(frame) victims, many of whom already spent thousands in cosmetics, 100p or more for its immediate removal (bypassing whatever extreme grind DE will offer as a free "alternative") doesn't sound that far fetched to me. Also, the more people will tell DE how much they want to get rid of it, the more it will sound potentially lucrative to them obviously.

Edited by Robolaser
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4 minutes ago, KubrowTamer said:

To be fair, at this point i can see DE milking it to by making it 5000mutagen samples or plat. Its not like they already gave us a another version paracyst for x10 the reserch cost of it.

You don't see the difference between

  • a single optional weapon with an exorbitant cost that you can simply ignore, and
  • an eyesore of a pink wart that develops on all your frames and can't be avoided unless you pay an exorbitant cost?

It's just going to be something quest related that will cost a negligible amount of resources to remove from all your frames. There is simply no way that wart removal is some new, long-term feature that is never going to go away.

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5 hours ago, -WZ- said:

Newish player and this is annoying asf indeed. I do not have the resources nor the desire to craft a charger pet to get rid of this thing, especially if I have to wait 7 days to do so & it only removes it for a day before I get infected again... This is a game, one in which cosmetics are pretty prominent at that, and have to be won earned through serious farming, or bought for real money. Making a mandatory "cosmetic nerf" that applies to everyone full stop is, well... Insane? Not sure what other word would fit here. Yay, I just spent all my fortune & hard earned creds & ducats on a Prisma Hecate! It' gorgeous! Wait, what's this?


The other word that fits there is "unprofessional". This was simply unprofessional. When you base your business model on selling cosmetics and even COLORS, you can not introduce something like this in your story line that overrides what players have purchased and put a lot of work into. I don't do much fashion frame, some but not a lot but simply from a business perspective this is not something any business should be doing to their client base. Sure they wanted to tell this story and they are indulging themselves to tell it at the expense of the players who paid money. It's possibly arrogant and definitely unprofessional.  I'm SURE there was another way to present this narrative while taking the clients (players who purchased accessories with real money) into account, especially over the holidays when said players probably had more time than usual to actually sit down and play.

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