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Remove the Infested Cyst


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3 hours ago, CAL-Amity said:

Last but not least, EVERY other action you make ingame is a conscious decision on your part. Getting a cyst just because you happened to play with a Nidus player is not. Unless you want to argue that you could abort a mission if you notice a Nidus (which may be too late, because you spawned right next to him). And if that is really your argument this community is as good as dead.


This is not true, there are plenty of things in this game that are not conscious decisions on your part, and getting a chicken pox isn't going to kill Warframe or it's community. It's a cool concept that I hope isn't ruined by people whining because they are more worried about their looks than continuing to commit mass murder in space.

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Well, once I cure all my frames, playing by invite only.
I hate how it looks on most of my frames. -_-
Edit: All the people  saying looks don't matter are slightly amusing in that if looks don't matter at all, then why even bother having colors, a diff look for Prime frames, or the mountain of cosmetic items that are available in game?

Edited by Doctrine_Dark
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3 hours ago, blackheartstar_pc said:

I think it's funny seeing all the people get upset over this. Watched some folks in my clan rant about it for awhile last night. My question is in what way is it negatively affecting you/what does it matter? Ingame I never got a coherent answer just cussing and how "stupid" it is. Which doesn't explain why it is oh so bad at all lol. If something like this gets them that upset I wonder how they make it day to day in real life. Imagine their reaction to bird dropping unexpectedly being on their car one morning and the rage it induces lmao.


Personally I find the concept of a ingame virus that is contagious pretty cool.

might come as a surprise to you but not everyone sees this game as an excel spreadsheet

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1 hour ago, blackheartstar_pc said:

This is not true, there are plenty of things in this game that are not conscious decisions on your part, and getting a chicken pox isn't going to kill Warframe or it's community. It's a cool concept that I hope isn't ruined by people whining because they are more worried about their looks than continuing to commit mass murder in space.

he is not entirely wrong, saying the community is dead is an overstatement but considering all the people playing solo/invite only since this thing happened plus the people getting kicked from clans just to reduce costs and clans charging a bunch of plat to entry cause of the hema this patch is severely detrimental to the community

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Just now, BornWithTeeth said:

For just 40 Platinum, inoculate a Warframe against ever getting infected again!

to be hounest,  40 plat for never getting infected again by a nidus would be worth it

 (seriously, a pink growth on frames i never use pink on is freaking annoying)

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Just now, octobotimus said:

to be hounest,  40 plat for never getting infected again by a nidus would be worth it

 (seriously, a pink growth on frames i never use pink on is freaking annoying)

Uh, no. No. Please don't say things like that on the forums. The point is that DE have been making the grind worse and worse lately, monetising everything they can get their hands on, to the extent that people have been making jokes about how the plague is an extortion racket. Please don't give them someone whom they can quote and say "See, I think players would be fine about it, they'll buy this."

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let me refrase what i was about to say, i'm saying, if you pay 40 plat and all of your frames never get infected would be somewhat ok, but 40 plat for each frame would indeed, be way to much

(seriously DE, DON'T do a 40 plat per frame idea)

Edited by octobotimus
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1 minute ago, octobotimus said:

let me refrase what i was about to say, i'm saying, if you pay 40 plat and all of your frames never get infected would be somewhat ok, but 40 plat for each frame would indeed, be way to much

(seriously DE, DON'T do a 40 plat per frame idea)

Charging Platinum at all to prevent being infected would not be acceptable. It really would turn this event, already ridden with bugs and glitches and lazy design, into a Platinum extortion device.

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1 minute ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Charging Platinum at all to prevent being infected would not be acceptable. It really would turn this event, already ridden with bugs and glitches and lazy design, into a Platinum extortion device.

true, lets hope they make the smart decision of making a blueprint that is fairly easy to make. then again, they do love to ignore us dont they.... :/

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Personally I'm pretty fed up with this garbage.

Anyone who thought about this more than a minute would have foreseen the backlash that would result. 

And that putting it on our Operator not only makes sense but it would be out of site for the most part.

What kind of person would possibly think that the current giant throbbing PoS on everyone's frame would be a fantastic and welcome idea? Yea, you don't want me to answer that.

The fact that right now If I want that garbage off my frames, I have to pay to do it. Really? WTAF. No I don't want that idiotic pet.

If the future brings more ridiculous and thoughtless decisions like this it'll just further legitimize the thought that I made a mistake investing money in DE.

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I got nidus and go into that room in the ship and sat on that chair. Now I got something in my neck in every single frame!!!


See that thingy in my neck!? It look like I'm infected or something...

How do I remove it and what exactly it do?

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The upsetting thing to me is that DE had to know what this would cause.  They just didn't care.  We're their customers.  Keeping us happy is what they should be doing.  Not trolling us.  And can confirm.  There is currently no cure whatsoever.  You drain the cyst and it grows right back.

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