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Oberon is Fine


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1 minute ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

For Phoenix Renewal, you want to have Renewal in effect as long as possible. Going for low duration, medium-to-high Power Strength makes it so that when it's used you would heal allies' health to full in a matter of seconds. This is what I mean that building for Phoenix Renewal is inefficient, making the augment a useless mod to slot in when you can just build for what you are suggesting right now.

Instead of getting defensive, read between the lines and note the intent behind my post with the augment.

Again, you're wrong. If you use minimal duration to get that effect to last as long as possible, you will need an EV Trinity to spam beside you for practically the whole mission, because of your energy drain. 40-60% duration gives you plenty of time for safety. I sometimes use even 80-90%. There are 2 ways to build for Phoenix Renewal. High strength gives you a safe heal, while low strength will give you 1-shot protection, both with lowered duration. The first is if you think you'll be taking hits often, and the second is if not. The first supports the base purpose of Renewal, and the second is ideal for CC, especially since Overextended is what lowers your strength anyway. I've also already said all need to about Fleeting Expertise.

Also, seeing as you don't know what you're talking about, your argument is quite invalid.

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)Darth-Escar said:

Again, you're wrong. If you use minimal duration to get that effect to last as long as possible, you will need an EV Trinity to spam beside you for practically the whole mission, because of your energy drain. 40-60% duration gives you plenty of time for safety. I sometimes use even 80-90%. There are 2 ways to build for Phoenix Renewal. High strength gives you a safe heal, while low strength will give you 1-shot protection, both with lowered duration. The first is if you think you'll be taking hits often, and the second is if not. The first supports the base purpose of Renewal, and the second is ideal for CC, especially since Overextended is what lowers your strength anyway. I've also already said all need to about Fleeting Expertise.

Also, seeing as you don't know what you're talking about, your argument is quite invalid.

Never rely on EV Trinity, is my philosophy for doing anything.

I also did some edits on the post you quoted.

edit: And I still stand by my argument that going low power strength, low duration just for Phoenix Renewal, which would technically (not optimally) extend the augment's efficacy would make it inefficient because of the energy drain and the diminished duration it hurts Oberon's other abilities. Unless when it comes to Reckoning you're fine with knocking down enemies with that CC instead of taking advantage of the blind effect the ability has, then I have no qualms with that decision.

Edited by (PS4)Lei-Lei_23
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1 hour ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

Never rely on EV Trinity, is my philosophy for doing anything.

I also did some edits on the post you quoted.

edit: And I still stand by my argument that going low power strength, low duration just for Phoenix Renewal, which would technically (not optimally) extend the augment's efficacy would make it inefficient because of the energy drain and the diminished duration it hurts Oberon's other abilities. Unless when it comes to Reckoning you're fine with knocking down enemies with that CC instead of taking advantage of the blind effect the ability has, then I have no qualms with that decision.

I've updated the build I used in this video, but you can see that it's working quite well. (You can skip to 3:50 to see when Phoenix Renewal activates.) Also, Reckoning's blind is not something to build for. It's a moderately situational reassurance to your CC. The more range you have, the further away blinded enemies would also be, so the more your stats benefit the blind, the less the blind matters.


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I would like some tweaks perhaps, but the word rework scares me. I find his abilities not bad at all, its just the scaling thats poor.

I think his carpet needs a little look - a much greater area would help a lot, staying mobile is essential to survival even defending objectives, and buffing yourself and teammates isnt effective if it only works on a small patch. 


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I'm not that "guy" who insults people who use certain frames because I couldn't care less. If players enjoy using Oberon then do it and don't care what others have to say. Everyone has fun in a  different way and I'm not here to judge them based on this thread. This is my opinion but at the current moment I feel Oberon is terrible I dislike his powers and I feel that other frames out class him so much more. I do like the idea of Oberon's powers so I can't wait for his rework to see what he can become. Also Oberon's deluxe skin is sooooooo good so I hope he gets an amazing rework 

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5 hours ago, (PS4)Darth-Escar said:

Renewal, especially with the augment, is a great form of healing. Hallowed ground needs a buff, but Renewal has no issues, barring the bug it has. Smite and Reckoning are also great. I don't see why anybody would have an issue with them.


Renewal is terrible. The other two frame heals, Bless and Scarab Swarm, have useful additional effects baked right into them, damage reduction and CC respectively, with no need for an augment. And I think they both cast faster as well. The additional effect Renewal has, making a bleedout timer longer, is mostly worthless because it's only real use is to give you more time to get to a hallway hero that croaked. If they were near you like they should be, you would just hit Reckoning and then revive them.


You know how you take Renewal into the same league as Bless and Scarab Swarm? You roll Hallowed Ground's status clear benefit into Renewal, and then give it a much faster cast time. There, I fixed Renewal. Send me a check, DE.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)lhbuch said:

You have one of the best nicks around man... lol

There was an interesting discussion about oberon proposing increasing casting speed and range on his powers which already would be a great start.

Some people actually get butthurt over it. :/

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7 hours ago, (PS4)Darth-Escar said:

Do you think that's all I do?

Supportive setup.

No Reckoning. (With other rules.)

Same rules VS death detonation Ambulas.


No, I am pretty sure anyone would have figured you had used his other abilities once or twice before, but you sure weren't using them much in that higher interception vid,  I wonder why. I loved the Staticor trivializing Smite, or lifestrike/arcanes trivializing Renewal though, and I don't even recall seeing a hollowed ground once in any of your clips, even in the lowbie time tables/missions, maybe I blinked and missed it. The best way to build Oberon is to overlook most of his powers, and then mod/arcane him for survival. One would think an Oberon fan would want to see him improved.

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Okay. I get that Oberon is decent as is. BUUUUUUUUT I think that some of his abilities need small tweaks to make them more useful and scale better. Hope you people don't mind I'm throwing this out here.

Smite: Make the orb thingies actually seek out nearby enemies. They just sod off into the sky on open maps, at least when I used him. 

Renewal: Actually fine as it is. 

Hallowed Ground: Big changes here. Remove the 'ground' aspect, and make it an aura around Oberon. Damage stays as is. HOWEVER don't make it too large, because that would make the ability ridiculous. Maybe 8 meters at max rank?

Reckoning: This is fine, just reskin it so it's not just Irradiating Crush.

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20 hours ago, (Xbox One)Knight Raime said:

I wanted to write a thoughtful reply. But all I can see is a passionate oberon thread made by a user called zephyr.

Eh? I've had this name since long before Zephyr was even a thing. I'd say more, but all I see is an insult from a member of the XBox community. What's next, are you gonna blow your mic?

All righty, so I can see some of you just read the TL;DR and completely ignored everything else. I'll get to that later. I've read every single reply so far, minus a few of those internal arguments, so:

If you think I'm "fanboy/girling" Oberon, you clearly did not read the post. Oberon has his flaws, and I clearly acknowledge them. I say Oberon is fine; where do you see me say "OBERON IS GREAT! OBERON IS THE BEST WARFRAME!"? In fact

Thank you to those of you who are encouraging the use of whatever loadouts you want. I'm too tired to scroll back to the person who said this, but usually (key word here y'all), no bad loadouts, just bad players.

The fact is that almost everything in the game is completely overpowered. Pretty much all Warframes can either Hard CC, Support, or Nuke their ways to victory solo. Even Frames like Limbo are stupidly powerful. Limbo can make himself invincible and simply stroll to objectives, and Hydroid has powerful panic button and surprisingly effective CC. All weapons, with the right mod setups and team comps, can be ludicrously powerful. Anyone who runs with buffer frames knows this. Hell I took the Fang into a sortie to screw with people and I still destroyed enemies thanks to Warcry, Ember buff, and Roar. 

The fact that Oberon is not in that level of overpowered-ness to balance out his massive arsenal of utility doesn't make him trash. I can see some of you haven't had good experiences with using Oberon, but that's no justification for him being bad. I'm not saying you can't hate him, but clearly many people, including me, have figured out how to use Oberon well in late game missions, so he isn't bad at all, you just never learned how to use him. Or, I guess you might have selective vision.

For those of you bringing up the fact that he is outclassed and using that to say that he is bad, well, I just said it. Everyone else is stupidly strong, he's just average. Warframe gameplay is one of the most brain-dead activities I've ever done. I'll say this before my next statement: I am not saying people who dislike Oberon suck at the game, or that Oberon players are the master race. However, I feel that playing any of the normal Frames, like Excalibur, Loki, Inaros, and Rhino is pretty much playing the game on the easiest difficulty. They all clear almost all content with ease, and you can probably easily reach the end-game (whatever that is) with one Frame. Playing some "off-meta," outclassed Frame is the next leg of the ladder, but it's not really much higher. Just build right and you're set.

If you're saying he needs a rework, you're preaching to the choir. I might be saying he's fine, but the fact that he is not up to par with everyone else means something needs to be changed. Some people said posts like these point out Frames for being fine, and thus delaying reworks. So far, in my opinion, all of the reworked frames were not perfect, but they were completely viable for pretty much anything. In fact, in certain cases like Mag, they can be considered worse off now; a rework might end up making him worse. The chance isn't high, but looking at the Valkyr and Mag changes leading up to and after their reworks... eh.

7 hours ago, PsychoNefilim said:

The fact that you have been blamed/insulted for playing a goddamn videogame in a way you have fun with does not correlate in any way, shape or form with the quality/effectiveness of a warframe. Yes, it is annoying and frustrating to find faken manchilds yelling on a PvE game, but that's life for you.

Oberon is garbage. Any damn warframe in the game can do the job if you don't go 1+ hours on an endless run. That does not correlate with the warframe being good, it's just the way the game works. You have weapons to back you up. He is garbage in comparison with other warframes. All Oberon does can be done better, faster and more cohesively by other warframes. Trynity and inaros have better healing, almost every other CC frame has better CC and his damage... yeah. His "damage". And even if you think he is good now, why on Earth wouldn't you want him to get a rework to make him even better?

Your post caught my attention. You should read before you post. Thank you for repeating what I said, though I think some people who actually read before heading to the reply box already heard it. As for you saying Oberon is garbage, it seems your definition of garbage is "hard to mod, takes slightly more effort to use than other frames, and is outclassed in some aspects." That is my definition for fun, considering how much of a joke the game's difficulty is.

"All Oberon does can be done better, faster and more cohesively by other warframes." Oberon can (other than what you mentioned): slow down bleedout timers for sticky situations, decrease the damage that enemies deal (puncture procs and armor, the former would stack with other resistance buffs rather than overwrite them/be overwritten), buff with radiation damage, clear status ailments, and instantly revive teammates (albeit situational). Tell me what frame can do four, even three of those things, including what he's outclassed in, in one build. Yeah, surprisingly, you can actually mod to improve on aspects of his kit. Who knew? For example, a basic power strength build would offer a decent amount of healing (enough to max heal anyone but Inaros and maybe Nidus), a very powerful Smite Infusion, nuking decent enough for mid-tier, and increase his armor buffs. That's still not including his inherent CC, status ailment clear, and puncture proccing. Yeah, the rest of his kit becomes obsolete, but now you've buffed parts of his kit, maybe not to the level of those he's outclassed by, but it's in combination with other equally effective utility. 

I think some of these points people are bringing up on either side of these arguments are iffy. "Oberon is outclassed" Glass half-full: Doesn't matter, compared to the enemies, anything works. Glass half-empty: He's worse than everyone else, and thus not worth using at all. I've said it tons of times already, but maybe people will actually read the end: I'm not saying Oberon is great. He's far from it. However, he is still viable for almost all content if you mod him right, or if you're just good at the game. I posted this because I wanted to know why people hate him so much when he can clearly dominate content with just a little more effort. I guess I have my answer: He requires too much work to build right compared to Frames like Valkyr (@mid-game players), and even then plays too differently from other Frames to be played comfortably. Some people appreciate his niche and side utilities, others ignore them.

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42 minutes ago, AcceI said:

How does it go with this stupid *** Rudolf frame again?

"Jack of all trades, Master of none?"

Question mark?

Yes, and? That doesn't mean he's bad, considering how he can be used in the same missions any other Frame can be used in. 

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On 1/4/2017 at 7:38 AM, zephyr11221 said:

TL;DR I wanna know why y'all hate Oberon so much. Yeah, I'm salty at people being jerks about playing Oberon. Just cause you don't know how to play/mod him doesn't mean he can't be played/modded well.

You know what I'm tired of?

3 years of people roasting/cursing me for using Oberon. When I was still MR 6, I got screamed at over the mic by a grown-&#! man for bringing Oberon to a Public Sechura run. People insult me for bringing Oberon into Sorties. Ya know, you can pretty much bring whoever the hell you want into Sorties and it'll work. If you don't understand that, and insist that you need a Frost, Trinity, Inaros, or some other meta-frame in your mission, you either need to grind for better mods and/or learn how to mod, or learn how to use other Frames. Yes for Spy missions, taking a stealth frame is generally very recommended, but any other mission type has a ton more leeway for mistakes. Stop using YouTube and the forums as your brain and figure things out yourself. You wanna know what's satisfying? The occasional feeling of knowing that the only reason that my teammates aren't out of revives is because my Renewal slowed down their bleedouts (and when it completely reversed their bleedout before they changed him) and gave me or other teammates time to revive them. 

Oberon was my fifth Frame, and he carried me all the way to the end game. I only have 31 Warframes ("only" in the context of a veteran), and Oberon alone holds 16% of my usage; If you wanna talk EXP gain, only my Loki Prime surpasses Oberon, and it's because of all that stealth grinding. Given that time, I've gotten a pretty good feel for Oberon. He is not terrible, as many posts in different forums attempt to blast into your ears. Wanna know something else? My other top frames are Mag Prime (14%) and Zephyr (12%). Screw the meta, those two carried me too (though with all the Mag changes, she's gotten iffy for me). You don't need "meta" frames to reach the end game.

Sure, Trinity and Inaros beat him in healing, Nyx and a couple other Frames beat him in CC, and Saryn and all other Nuker-class Frames outclass him there. That doesn't mean he's bad. I mean, if you say he's not top tier, I'll completely agree. He's not. The fact that no one wants to use him means he's either outclassed or for some people, hard to use, and the latter pretty much he's outclassed in terms of quality of life. But I guess I'll just list my points out here.


  • Oberon is excellent for early gameplay, even posts that roast him agree with that
    • High base damage
    • Easily obtainable healer
    • High CC, combined with low tier nukes (again, early game)
    • Good status ailments and buffs (Smite Infusion, Status Ailment clear and null, Armor buffs)
    • The fact that he can do almost everything is pretty good. Early on, the quality of the abilities doesn't really matter
  • Pretty Tanky (though in my opinion, it's important to build off of that, so it limits caster capabilities)
  • Synergizes with Rage, with his decent health, armor, and heal over time with Renewal
  • With a power strength/range combo build: 
    • Hallowed Eruption is a massive, energy-efficient nuke, though not enough to one-shot Eximi or other heavies in Sortie and such
    • Renewal will heal for a massive amount for his health pool (I only have 215% strength on one build and Renewal still heals over 1K. More strength is easily obtainable for more healing)
    • Reckoning covers a large range for good hard CC and confusion (yes Nyx outclasses this, but she isn't also a healer and a nuker)
    • Armor Buffs become ludicrously strong, to the point where even low-armor frames like Zephyr can start tanking Lv. 110 Bombard strikes and anything else at that damage-tier
    • Smite can spread several puncture procs around a large area more reliably than a gun (never underestimate the % damage reduction)
  • Range/duration build:
    • Powerful, long-lasting buffs (i.e. armor and status resistance from Hallowed Ground, Armor from Hallowed Reckoning, long healing from Renewal)
    • Long-lasting CC from Hallowed Ground and Hallowed Reckoning (this is unconfirmed, but apparently Hallowed Reckoning's fields have a 100% proc chance of Radiation)
  • Passive provides leveled meat-shields against Grineer and Corpus


  • Almost every aspect of his kit is outclassed or too balanced. Hell, even Reckoning's damage is split between Radiation and Impact, so it deals almost equal damage between Corpus and Grineer
    • Oberon's prospective roles can be filled out by any well-made cell
  • Not super tanky, like Inaros, Frost or Nidus
  • Many frames are very strong without a lot of mid/end-game mods (special auras, Corrupted mods, Nightmare mods, etc.). Not Oberon
    • In order to build him well, you need to do a lot of grinding/trading, more than you would for other frames like Valkyr or Inaros
  • His passive isn't quite one of the better ones (useless against the Infestation)

Alright, comparing the sizes of the sections, this looks pretty biased. But the fact that he's outclassed is already a massive downside; it's big enough to make hundreds of thousands of players despise him. I've compiled this list through my own testing, going through posts hating on Oberon, and the wiki. If ya got something else to add to the cons, I really want to see it; I honestly don't see why people hate Oberon so much, and call him useless. Most of the cons I've seen are comparative ones, not points that actually make him out to be trash.

If you wanna know what I personally do with him, I go with Vitality, rage, power strength, and some duration, hit renewal, run around while being damaged to maintain Rage's energy fill and the heal, since I'm at the point where my weapons outclass almost every nuker I don't need to use Reckoning unless I need CC. I use Renewal to increase bleedout timers, and Hallowed Ground to prevent knockdowns while reviving. Smite is a nice life saver with enough power strength. For this you don't really need range, so I don't bother with Stretch. You have enough health to not get one-shot, and my build heals 860 health over around 6 seconds, so it's heal rate is enough to prevent death by sustained damage if you're mobile (if you're playing this game, you better be mobile).

He's not the crime against humanity he is made out to be, but you have to admit he's just kinda alright. He fills no niches, does nothing especially well, doesn't have survivability and his kit doesn't know what to do with itself. Is he a nuke? Is he a healer? Is he CC? His passive is situational, depends on AI (which is S#&$ in wf) and is only there on a couple of tilesets. He does none of these things well. Not to mention he has no abilities that scale in any way...Look at Nidus, who not only eats his lunch but also his breakfast dinner and any snacks in between.  

People haranguing him just want him to be great. He has potential, he has the looks, he has the skins: they just need to make him come up to par. In many ways, Nidus is what people hoped he would be. 

I just want DE to make hi a frame that has power synergy, scales, and is strong enough to support the team and beat enemies into the ground on his own. 

Oh wait...that's Niidus!

Well you see what I'm saying? We need  a reason to bring Oberon into teamplay and soloplay. You can take Nidus because he heals like crazy and can pick up the team AND cc in addition to dealing out DPS. THAT is how a jack of all trades is done right. 


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1 hour ago, zephyr11221 said:

Yes, and? That doesn't mean he's bad, considering how he can be used in the same missions any other Frame can be used in. 

And do a worse job than pretty much all of them. If you are willing to drop heal pads to take the place of Renewal, Frost will literally do everything Oberon does, better. Oberon can be replaced with a cheap consumable item.

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16 minutes ago, Evanescent said:

He's not the crime against humanity he is made out to be, but you have to admit he's just kinda alright. He fills no niches, does nothing especially well, doesn't have survivability and his kit doesn't know what to do with itself. Is he a nuke? Is he a healer? Is he CC? His passive is situational, depends on AI (which is S#&$ in wf) and is only there on a couple of tilesets. He does none of these things well. Not to mention he has no abilities that scale in any way...Look at Nidus, who not only eats his lunch but also his breakfast dinner and any snacks in between.  

People haranguing him just want him to be great. He has potential, he has the looks, he has the skins: they just need to make him come up to par. In many ways, Nidus is what people hoped he would be. 

I just want DE to make hi a frame that has power synergy, scales, and is strong enough to support the team and beat enemies into the ground on his own. 

Oh wait...that's Niidus!

Well you see what I'm saying? We need  a reason to bring Oberon into teamplay and soloplay. You can take Nidus because he heals like crazy and can pick up the team AND cc in addition to dealing out DPS. THAT is how a jack of all trades is done right. 


I see your point, though Nidus is far from a jack of all trades. He has high damage and high CC (depending on the build), but the only buff he provides is a health regen buff on his ult field, which suffers from the same affliction as Hallowed Ground: You're mobile in this game. That's only three notable things about him (most people I've played with don't use his 3 at all, and neither do I). Plus, those things aren't exactly unique; Saryn does the same stuff, along with a possible Toxin buff for the team. 

Oberon is a jack of all trades (but a master of none) because of all the things he has in his kit. Counting major skills, he has the most (mediocre) utility in the game. He has a burst heal, heal over time, CC, damage, status clear, armor buff, puncture proc, and confusion, among other things. That's a very clear attempt at making a jack of all trades. Also, Nidus' heal is not only restricted, but it's even less than Renewal. I have equal power strength on Oberon and Nidus: 215% (only one forma each). Renewal's heal over time is 860 over 6 seconds (a bit of duration there), and my Nidus heals 39 health per second. Seeing as how even Renewal heals more than Ravenous, the former is pretty bad at healing in sticky situations.  

Wow I'm bad at explaining things. Here's a comparison of what Nidus provides for the team and what some other frames provide. Probably easier to read than a block of text

  • Nidus
    • Nuker
    • CC
    • Minor, restricted healing over time (small range, low healing per second, so low duration builds mean less healing)
    • Power strength buff
  • Mag
    • Nuker (Bullet Attractor)
    • Enemy Debuffs
    • Projectile protection
    • Minor shield restore
    • CC
    • Damage Buff
  • Chroma
    • High damage (not fast enough to be considered a nuke)
    • CC
    • Stat buffs
    • Meatshield
    • More credits
  • Valkyr
    • Melee buffs
    • Powerful ult
    • Safely revive teammates
    • CC
  • Nyx
    • CC
    • Meatshields
    • Becomes a shield
    • Safely revive teammates (with Assimilate)
    • Scaling Nuke
  • Volt
    • Nuke
    • Shields
    • Damage buffs
    • CC
    • Speed/Melee buffs
  • And Oberon
    • (Bad) nuking
    • Armor buffs
    • Damage buff
    • Three different forms of healing (burst, over time, and health orbs), all mediocre even with power strength
    • Status clear and negation
    • Situational, but instantly revive teammates
    • CC
    • Confusion
    • Puncture Procs

So yeah, no way Nidus is a jack of all trades. He just kills stuff, and has probably the worst heal in the game other than Rejuvenation. Nidus is just one of those solo-carry frames that kinda just nukes the way for the team, like Valkyr. The problem with making a jack of all trades is something like this: Nidus has 3 main capabilities: Nuking, CC, and Healing. Nuking is already a given. However, if you want a lot of CC, you need low duration so you can spam Larva. That then means you have less total healing from your ult. If you want more healing efficiency from your ult, you can't spam Larva as often. Oberon has this problem, but many times over. You can build him for CC, but that means ridiculously weak healing and buffs. If you want to build him for buffs (high duration and strength), you have minuscule range for CC and Hallowed Ground, where two important buffs stem from. If you want to nuke, for whatever reason, all your buffs last for a stupidly low amount of time.

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2 minutes ago, Kierlak said:

And do a worse job than pretty much all of them. If you are willing to drop heal pads to take the place of Renewal, Frost will literally do everything Oberon does, better. Oberon can be replaced with a cheap consumable item.

You're completely ignoring Oberon's Armor buffs, Smite Infusion, Bleedout slow (I've found this to be very useful, but to each their own), Status negation, and Confusion. Heal pads don't have infinite range, and don't heal for over 1k within a couple seconds. If you want a team to do what Oberon does, you'd need Titania, Valkyr, Nyx, and Trinity, and then you're still missing some things.

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2 minutes ago, zephyr11221 said:

Oberon's Armor buffs

Too small to actually do anything, and tied to standing on a tiny little unprotected patch of land. Snow Globe trumps it overwhelmingly hard.


4 minutes ago, zephyr11221 said:

Smite Infusion

Not worth using, and doubly not worth using on Oberon because he is starved in the extreme for mod space as is. And other frames have similar mods.


6 minutes ago, zephyr11221 said:

Bleedout slow

Really? I mean, REALLY?! Frost can drop a globe on top of the fallen. No, it won't give you time to run all the way to a hallway hero, but it helps WAY more when doing the actual reviving under fire.


7 minutes ago, zephyr11221 said:

Status negation

Snow Globe trumps it overwhelmingly hard.


9 minutes ago, zephyr11221 said:


Avalanche is a wide area total stun. That also strips armor.


10 minutes ago, zephyr11221 said:

Heal pads don't have infinite range, and don't heal for over 1k within a couple seconds.

Renewal may have infinite range, but it takes a long time to actually get there if the range is actually more than a few feet. And pads can heal as much as you want, as fast as you want, just spam the button really fast.


Frost with too many heal pads is better than Oberon. The truth may be hard to take, but it's the truth. Oberon is a cripple. A cripple with a criminally bad passive. Take Oberon behind the shed and put him out of our misery. It's the humane thing to do.

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24 minutes ago, zephyr11221 said:

I see your point, though Nidus is far from a jack of all trades. He has high damage and high CC (depending on the build), but the only buff he provides is a health regen buff on his ult field, which suffers from the same affliction as Hallowed Ground: You're mobile in this game. That's only three notable things about him (most people I've played with don't use his 3 at all, and neither do I). Plus, those things aren't exactly unique; Saryn does the same stuff, along with a possible Toxin buff for the team. 

Oberon is a jack of all trades (but a master of none) because of all the things he has in his kit. Counting major skills, he has the most (mediocre) utility in the game. He has a burst heal, heal over time, CC, damage, status clear, armor buff, puncture proc, and confusion, among other things. That's a very clear attempt at making a jack of all trades. Also, Nidus' heal is not only restricted, but it's even less than Renewal. I have equal power strength on Oberon and Nidus: 215% (only one forma each). Renewal's heal over time is 860 over 6 seconds (a bit of duration there), and my Nidus heals 39 health per second. Seeing as how even Renewal heals more than Ravenous, the former is pretty bad at healing in sticky situations.  

Wow I'm bad at explaining things. Here's a comparison of what Nidus provides for the team and what some other frames provide. Probably easier to read than a block of text

  • Nidus
    • Nuker
    • CC
    • Minor, restricted healing over time (small range, low healing per second, so low duration builds mean less healing)
    • Power strength buff
  • Mag
    • Nuker (Bullet Attractor)
    • Enemy Debuffs
    • Projectile protection
    • Minor shield restore
    • CC
    • Damage Buff
  • Chroma
    • High damage (not fast enough to be considered a nuke)
    • CC
    • Stat buffs
    • Meatshield
    • More credits
  • Valkyr
    • Melee buffs
    • Powerful ult
    • Safely revive teammates
    • CC
  • Nyx
    • CC
    • Meatshields
    • Becomes a shield
    • Safely revive teammates (with Assimilate)
    • Scaling Nuke
  • Volt
    • Nuke
    • Shields
    • Damage buffs
    • CC
    • Speed/Melee buffs
  • And Oberon
    • (Bad) nuking
    • Armor buffs
    • Damage buff
    • Three different forms of healing (burst, over time, and health orbs), all mediocre even with power strength
    • Status clear and negation
    • Situational, but instantly revive teammates
    • CC
    • Confusion
    • Puncture Procs

So yeah, no way Nidus is a jack of all trades. He just kills stuff, and has probably the worst heal in the game other than Rejuvenation. Nidus is just one of those solo-carry frames that kinda just nukes the way for the team, like Valkyr. The problem with making a jack of all trades is something like this: Nidus has 3 main capabilities: Nuking, CC, and Healing. Nuking is already a given. However, if you want a lot of CC, you need low duration so you can spam Larva. That then means you have less total healing from your ult. If you want more healing efficiency from your ult, you can't spam Larva as often. Oberon has this problem, but many times over. You can build him for CC, but that means ridiculously weak healing and buffs. If you want to build him for buffs (high duration and strength), you have minuscule range for CC and Hallowed Ground, where two important buffs stem from. If you want to nuke, for whatever reason, all your buffs last for a stupidly low amount of time.

Not sure I can agree with that.

Nidus can:

1)Nuke enemies with Virulence

2)CC enemies with Ravenous and Larva

3)Heal team with Ravenous 

4)tank with everything

He is filling the role of nuke, CC and support. His heal is restricted but how potent it is depends purely on your build. Of course Heal based frames like Trinity give instant heals and CC based frames have a larger radius and more lockdown to work with, but that's because they specialise. Nidus is primarily a tank with enormous nuking potential, but he also has strong CC and Support. His kit is focused on making him live and deal damage, but it also has the added benefit of providing support and CC as well. Not the best but strong.

It can be my fault for not communicating it properly, but what I want from Oberon is for him to be strong in all his fields and one of the best in one, like Nidus. You can do everything, but that's mainly so you can make specialisations of others more effective by adding onto their work, not doing it for them.  His weakness now is that he is alright in everything and really good at nothing. That needs to change.

Since he was advertised as a Paladin, I hope his becomes a healing tank that can keep his team up and running by curing status and providing consistent heal. It seems to be his theme, just that his powers don't do that too well and his base stats are underwhelming.

A sentinel has more EHP than him for god's sake.


Edited by Evanescent
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Oberon's versatility makes him a valuable carry frame for a player all the way through the normal Star Chart missions. With heals, CC and respectable early-to-mid-game damage, he's viable in basically any situation in those early levels. He's even useful in late-game, as a Warframe specialized toward saving your squad's metal butts when they're on the back foot. Continual heal, Bleedout extension, Companion revival (even after death), enemy harass, hard CC, status cleanse, confusion procs, Oberon's got a bunch of great stuff to keep your team from seeing that red screen of Mission Failure.

The issue with Oberon (and his resulting dismissal by a large portion of the community) is that in a game where we get to set our own power levels AND the difficulty we play at (no surprise a lot of people play easy-mode frequently), Oberon doesn't really shine if your team isn't in need of help. There's no real way for Oberon to get involved with sweeping success in a mission. He's wonderfully built for turning uphill battles, but missions which are smooth sailing can get boring for people playing Oberon.

Bro is a great frame, and fairly close to perfect. He just needs to able to have his abilities used in a satisfying way by the player when crushing the enemy. Some way to help Oberon snowball and steamroll like most other frames can.


And a passive that holds relevance against more than one faction would be nice too.


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7 hours ago, UrielColtan said:

No, I am pretty sure anyone would have figured you had used his other abilities once or twice before, but you sure weren't using them much in that higher interception vid,  I wonder why. I loved the Staticor trivializing Smite, or lifestrike/arcanes trivializing Renewal though, and I don't even recall seeing a hollowed ground once in any of your clips, even in the lowbie time tables/missions, maybe I blinked and missed it. The best way to build Oberon is to overlook most of his powers, and then mod/arcane him for survival. One would think an Oberon fan would want to see him improved.

First, power neglection is how most warframes are modded. Second, I didn't think I had to explain my performance in the videos, but I guess I gotta. In the first vid, I used a supportive build. Supporting a Rhino who still goes down often, and a Saryn who seems to not are about teamwork... There's no wonder why I hardly use that build. In the other 2, I didn't use Reckoning at all, and I said I had other restrictions. I would've shown better gameplay of me using Smite along with Reckoning, but I don't record everything. Also, I'm only against Oberon getting a rework. Though I think he doesn't need a buff, I have little reason to be against that.

2 hours ago, SenorClipClop said:

The issue with Oberon (and his resulting dismissal by a large portion of the community) is that in a game where we get to set our own power levels AND the difficulty we play at (no surprise a lot of people play easy-mode frequently), Oberon doesn't really shine if your team isn't in need of help. There's no real way for Oberon to get involved with sweeping success in a mission. He's wonderfully built for turning uphill battles, but missions which are smooth sailing can get boring for people playing Oberon.

I never thought about that, but it's true. I spend so much time waiting for endless fissure missions, because the other stuff is sooo boring.

2 hours ago, SenorClipClop said:

Some way to help Oberon snowball and steamroll like most other frames can.

I'm still trying to teach people about Hallowed Reckoning. It makes Oberon a great focus farmer.

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