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Why not put Riven mod rewards in PvP?


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I dont know if many things have changed in warframe since it has been a while when I played the game (now over a month).

One thing (not the only reason) that made me stop was that I was not able to get a Riven Mod from sorties because they are really rare (although they are in the common category) and although I don't like the Riven Mod System I wondered about that a bit.

What I don't get is, why don't they atleast put the Riven Mods and some other PvE rewards (maybe some of the sortie rewards) also as a reward in PvP? Maybe some cool syandanas as well.

It kind of reminds me of destiny where when you played PvP, you would get weapons and armor etc...

This would make people play PvP much more often. And now since dedicated servers arrived, people wouldn't have connectivity issues anymore (atleast I hope they don't). So unfair advantages where a player has a much lower ping then the other shouldn't be there anymore and impact skill that much.

However, the only question is if RnG should play a role in this? Personally I think that people should be rewarded with rare stuff when they play really good.

But I don't know this is just a thought.

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The dedicated servers are still player hosted and as long as there's a list of servers we can choose from, the whole dedicated server thing doesn't work properly.

I'm ok with this but 99% of warframe players would cry if they did this.

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Why not put them in pvp? Why force people to play pvp to help their personal min/maxing meta along? Why not put them in raids instead, so people actually play those and let the pvp community stay stagnant until it's not an unbalanced cluster. I would rather have pvp be worthwhile and fun to play because they took the time to change and fix things, not a cheap riven grind tossed in to make us want to play it.

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4 minutes ago, Bouldershoulder said:

Because conclave has different rules than pve, and different stats. Riven mods are not usable in conclave, why should they be rewarded there?

PvE Stance mods can't be used there too, but still.

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Just now, Bouldershoulder said:

Because conclave has different rules than pve, and different stats. Riven mods are not usable in conclave, why should they be rewarded there?

You misunderstood. What I mean is you play PvP for the PvE rewards. Lets say you win a match and at the end you have a chance to get a riven mod that you can use for PvE. (Maybe if you played really good, that chance increases)

The only reason nobody plays PvP is because you dont get rewarded enough. You only gain mods that you can use in PvP.

In destiny for example you gain rewards that you can use in PvE. That is why destiny PvP is much more popular.

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So you quit because you couldn't get a type of mod you don't like, but are now suggesting it should be added to more places? :facepalm:

Also Warframe is an awesome game, but the PvP can take the hand of AW and both jump off a bridge. So no, I don't want anything that would be required in-game to be locked to those modes. 

Lastly. Unlike Destiny, armor and syandana are purely cosmetic in WF and a way for the company to make money. Having them is a way to show you support the game imo, and the amount of free cosmetics have already exceeded my expectations. 

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3 minutes ago, TheGuyverOne said:

Why not put them in pvp? Why force people to play pvp to help their personal min/maxing meta along? Why not put them in raids instead, so people actually play those and let the pvp community stay stagnant until it's not an unbalanced cluster. I would rather have pvp be worthwhile and fun to play because they took the time to change and fix things, not a cheap riven grind tossed in to make us want to play it.

Actually, Riven mod as a weekly PvP reward sounds pretty good. And I agree they should also be put as Raid rewards.

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It'd be great to have a renewable reward other than relic packs (which are also only usable outside of Conclave) to keep people coming back to PvP after they've gotten all the skins they want. I'd expect to see the mods priced pretty high though, 50k standing maybe, to prevent people getting one per day. :P


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31 minutes ago, The-Tective said:
  1. Sure if atleast 50% of Warframes community would play pvp!
  2. PVE reward in a pvp mode? Why?

You gain a reward in PvP that you can use in PvE. I don't get why this is so hard to understand. :)

The only reason nobody plays PvP is because you dont get rewarded enough. You only gain mods that you can use in PvP. If they would put cool stuff in there that you can use in PvE, people would play it all the time and PvP would get much more popular.

Edited by ChillZi
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9 minutes ago, ChillZi said:

You gain a reward in PvP that you can use in PvE. I don't get why this is so hard to understand. :)

The only reason nobody plays PvP is because you dont get rewarded enough. You only gain mods that you can use in PvP. If they would put cool stuff in there that you can use in PvE, people would play it all the time and PvE would get much more popular.

My question was: Why should i play pvp mode in which i get a reward that i can only use in pve? And the answer "Because that would make pvp more attractive" is not a satisfying answer.


And no rewards are not the only reason why players who don't play pvp don't want to play it.
Reasons are:

  • Host migration
  • Lag
  • Parkour movement and trying to shoot someone who is jumping around like mad
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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

So you quit because you couldn't get a type of mod you don't like, but are now suggesting it should be added to more places? :facepalm:

Also Warframe is an awesome game, but the PvP can take the hand of AW and both jump off a bridge. So no, I don't want anything that would be required in-game to be locked to those modes. 

Lastly. Unlike Destiny, armor and syandana are purely cosmetic in WF and a way for the company to make money. Having them is a way to show you support the game imo, and the amount of free cosmetics have already exceeded my expectations. 

So what is your problem? If you would read my post more thouroughly, you would see that this was not the only reason why I quit the game. :facepalm:

22 minutes ago, ChillZi said:

One thing (not the only reason) that made me stop was that I was not able to get a Riven Mod from sorties because they are really rare (although they are in the common category) and although I don't like the Riven Mod System I wondered about that a bit.

So what is your suggestion then? Let PvP just be another system that just gets abandoned just because you don't like it? PvP has potential but nobody plays it because the rewards are not good. That's it. The sorties are also boring and not good but they get played because of the rewards.

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10 minutes ago, TheGuyverOne said:

Why not put them in raids instead

This, actually, sounds like a good idea to me. I never bothered with raids because on top of arcanes being minmaxing gear I don't need and tied to cosmetics, raids actually require some team coordination, unlike most sorties.

Unfortunately, it will never be implemented, and if it will, raid rewards will be changed to something like 78% unairu lens, 20% riven mod, 1.8% common arcane, 0.18% uncommon arcane, 0.02% rare arcane.

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1 minute ago, ChillZi said:

So what is your suggestion then? Let PvP just be another system that just gets abandoned just because you don't like it? PvP has potential but nobody plays it because the rewards are not good. That's it. The sorties are also boring and not good but they get played because of the rewards.

Yeah... as if the rewards are the problem pvp has...
PvP is bad designed in Warframe. That's the reason why people don't like it.
If I want to play a PvP-Shooter I will never chose to play Warframe. That's reality.

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13 minutes ago, The-Tective said:

My question was: Why should i play pvp mode in which i get a reward that i can only use in pve? And the answer "Because that would make pvp more attractive" is not a satisfying answer.

I disagree, thats a perfectly reasonable answer. Warframe is a loot driven game, the only way to encourage people to play anything is to provide lasting, repeatable rewards. PVE rewards in conclave is fine, it doesnt change a thing in how people currently acquire Rivens from sorties. It doesn't hurt anyone, it doesnt take away from the PVE'rs, it just encourages people to play pvp if they want an extra Riven per week. You don't have to do it. I think relics should drop in PvP too.

Currently a large problem in pvp is it doesn't take long to earn all the rewards and then you're left with nothing at the EoM. When PVE is this way, people stop doing it *cough*archwing*cough*. If you think PvP is bad, don't do it. Putting Rivens in the weekly rewards wouldnt force you to play it.

Putting Rivens in the weekly PvP rewards just adds alternatives to the sorties, it doesn't hurt anyone, the only reason to shun this idea is to be petty....

Edited by Skaleek
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3 minutes ago, The-Tective said:

My question was: Why should i play pvp mode in which i get a reward that i can only use in pve? And the answer "Because that would make pvp more attractive" is not a satisfying answer.

So what? Other games does it too and PvP does not take as much time as a sortie.

Nobody plays PvP because of the rewards not because PvP sucks. The PvP is good and has potential (it definitely is more fun than playing a sortie).

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10 minutes ago, ChillZi said:

The only reason nobody plays PvP is because you dont get rewarded enough.

i don't play pvp because it sucks

the reason why I'm playing warframe is because i can play TOGETHER with friends
i dont want to play AGAINST them

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4 minutes ago, Weidro said:

i don't play pvp because it sucks

the reason why I'm playing warframe is because i can play TOGETHER with friends
i dont want to play AGAINST them

Then don't. Jesus. No one is forcing you to PvP. None of you dedicated PVE'rs should even be posting in this thread, PVP rewards don't concern you. 

Not liking a game mode is not a good reason for begrudging it meaningful rewards.

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9 minutes ago, The-Tective said:

My question was: Why should i play pvp mode in which i get a reward that i can only use in pve? And the answer "Because that would make pvp more attractive" is not a satisfying answer.

We already have several PvE-only rewards in PvP: stance mods from weeklies, relic packs, credits and exilus adapters.

Making PvP more attractive creates a positive feedback-loop: the more people are attracted to it by the rewards, the easier it gets to find a game (one of the larger complaints at present) and you become less likely to get matched with the relatively small core of dedicated players that would otherwise wipe the floor with the rest of the lobby. This makes it a better experience for everyone, which in turn encourages further growth in the playerbase.

Just now, Skaleek said:

Then don't. Jesus. No one is forcing you to PvP.

This. Every time.

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