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Reworks and adjustments for every Warframe. No new abilities, rather adjustments to make each kit synergize better.


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To preface this, the changes I list here are what I would consider good for the current playstyle of each Warframe. As such, I have not removed any abilities and attempted to salvage each kit by changing how abilities interacted with eachother, adding new effects but keeping the theme the same, and by tweaking base stats. For example, I did not remove Limbo's 3 and give him a completely new power. Everything from the current kit is still in there, with added affects that in theory turn it into something usable, reliable, and fun for everyone in the party. I also consider Nydus to have a perfect kit in terms of abilities interacting with eachother and being consistent, so I won't list him here.


I will add this symbol :platinum:to the Warframes I heavily altered abilities on, up to 3 depending on the severity of the changes, and how important I think they are to round out the Warframe's kit, if you only wanted to see the more extensive things. The rest are just minor adjustments. Everything will be in spoilers for viewing convenience.


-Ash :platinum:

  • Problems

    • Ash's abilities focus on staying mobile around the battlefield, but his 4th ability detracts from that ideal by forcing Ash to stop and stare at enemies before having a long cutscene with no player interaction.

  • Shuriken

    • Cost cut in half while cloaked

      • Why: To encourage use to mark targets

  • Bladestorm

    • Targets can only be marked once by looking at them. Abilities apply 2 marks to enemies. Melee attacks apply 1 mark.

    • Ash does not go into cutscene mode by default. He can join his clones by holding 4 should the player choose.

      • Why: Encourages active play instead of the current stop and stare. Stealth is still viable as you can still mark once.

  • Theme

    • Ash's carnage follows the player, rather than the player having little interaction after just looking at enemies, either allowing the player to be in the middle of combat as a whirlwind of carnage or on the outskirts picking off priority targets.


-Atlas :platinum::platinum:

  • Problems

    • A tad too squishy despite being a frame designed to be in the middle of carnage. Currently can only be used in high level missions by abusing the invincibility frames on 1.

  • General

    • Base health increased to 150, putting the max health with Vitality at 1,110.

      • Why: While Atlas has good armor, the health is lacking and without any ability to give damage resistance Atlas melts at higher levels. This will give him a slight boost to his survivability.

  • Tectonics

    • Width increases with range

    • Can pick up to use as body armor, but removes the ability to double jump, bullet jump, use any parkour movements, and restricts weapon to melee.

      • Why: Atlas does not have a tanking ability, despite being a frame that has a theme of staying on the ground, being up close, and punching things to death. Allowing him to pick up the rock wall and utilize it as a form of Iron Skin would help keep him alive, but with the downside of not being able to use ranged weapons or maneuver quickly.

  • Petrify

    • No longer slows Atlas, still restricts movement.

    • Atlas can use his 1st ability without the uppercut while Petrify is active, time between the next punch is increased by 50%

      • Why: Petrify is too slow an ability to use normally, and leaves Atlas too vulnerable. Allowing him to fight back, albeit slower than normal, while the ability is active will promote its use.

  • Rumblers

    • All Rumbers attract enemy aggro, not just the augment.

    • Rumblers deal 300% damage to petrified enemies, and prioritize them when available.

    • If Atlas casts 4 with Tectonics body armor on, the armor is dispelled and each Rumbler gains the remaining health it had.

      • Why: It is important for any frame who is designed to be in the thick of fights to either have damage mitigation, reliable crowd control, or both. Making Rumblers draw aggro helps with that. This also gives them synergy with Atlas' other abilities.

  • Theme

    • Atlas would become a very heavy hitter, wanting to be in the center of every fight and knowing he has the tools to survive. Rumblers would back him up, and clean up what Atlas leaves behind from Petrify or Path of Statues while also drawing fire away, which they can now reliably take thanks to having the option to bolster their health.


-Banshee :platinum:

  • Problems

    • Unreliable stuns and debuffs leave Banshee with little to protect herself as she deals massive damage.

  • Silence

    • Can be recast.

    • Enemies under the affect move slower, will ignore Banshee if there is another target nearby, and go back to an unalerted state if they have not seen a player in the last 5 seconds.

      • Why: This allows Silence to be used as a means for Banshee to duck in and out of combat while picking off priority targets. In group play, she can more easily stay in the back.

  • Sound Quake

    • Replaced by Banshee driving a spike into the ground to cause the affect rather than herself. The player can move in a 10 meter radius around the spike during that time without canceling the ability. The further the player moves away, the more energy it drains.

      • Why: Allows Banshee to both use her ult and play the game. Range and Stagger rate can be adjusted as needed.

  • Theme

    • While also providing the team with massive damage from 2, Banshee can reliably keep enemies debuffed or stunned in order for her to do the work she needs to do. Positioning would be key as she would need to find a place secluded yet close enough for her abilities to hit enemies and help the team take them down.


-Chroma :platinum:

  • Problems

    • 1 and 4 are relatively unused, while the majority of Chroma's strength come from the passive buffs of 2 and 3.

  • Spectral Scream

    • Status chance increased to 100%

    • No longer slows Chroma, still restricts movement.

    • Chroma can use secondary weapons when using this ability

      • Why: The damage lost from using this ability compared to just shooting is too much to make it worth using, as is its inconsistency with status procs. Simply allowing Chroma to shoot while using this ability would be enough to make it see use.

  • Elemental Ward

    • Can be recast

      • Why: Removes the inconsistency of playing Chroma as a tank at high levels.

  • Vex Armor

    • Can be recast

    • Holding 3 toggles a taunt aura around Chroma.

      • Why: With being such a vital part to Chroma's survivability, a player cannot afford enemies to randomly ignore Chroma to shoot something else in a critical moment. This removes inconsistency and adds a tool to help the group.

  • Effigy

    • Sentry gains Elemental Ward and Vex Armor bonuses

    • Sentry draws aggro of enemies

    • Chroma is less likely to be attacked when the pelt is off.

      • Why: This allows Chroma to take advantage of his environment, using his Pelt as a decoy while he attacks priority targets. Having less survivability with the pelt off does not matter as much as enemies are less likely to target him.

  • Theme

    • Much like before, Chroma will be based around tanking and providing buffs to his team, although he will have more tools at his disposal to properly do so.


-Ember :platinum:




  • Problems

    • Damage, while impressively quick at low levels, does nothing at the high end.

  • Fireball

    • Enemies affected by Accelerant who are hit directly with Fireball explode, dealing 300 heat damage in a 5 meter radius with a 100% chance to knockdown. Enemies affected by Accelerant who are hit by the blast also explode for the same damage in a 3 meter radius, which does not cause any more explosions.

    • Now affected by range increasing mods.

      • Why: This allows Ember's 1st ability to remain useful as a means of crowd control later into the game, and also makes it increase from range mods, because for some reason it didn't.

  • Fire Blast

    • Cast where Ember is looking instead of at her feet, similar to Cataclysm.

    • Ember receives her Passive buffs while standing in the ring.

    • Hitting the ring or inside it with Fireball will cause an explosion dealing 300 heat damage in a 10 meter radius with a 100% chance to knockdown, this can chain once similar to Fireball.

    • Now affected by range increasing mods.

      • Why: Ember's Fire Blast is generally an ability that does not see use due to its lack of range, poor damage compared to World on Fire, and because it simply does nothing for Ember. These changes both encourage Ember to cast it as both a defensive and offensive option, and it is now affected by range mods because for some reason it wasn't.

  • Theme

    • Ember retains her theme of moving quickly through missions, setting fire to any and all enemies in her wake, but now has utility options that reward that aggressive playstyle.

-Equinox :platinum::platinum:


  • Problems

    • A very strong Warframe held back by the clunkiness of her abilities. For a frame designed to fluidly adapt to the situation at hand, switching forms requires tedious recasting.

  • Rest and Rage

    • Can be cast while moving

      • Why: There is no reason for it to impede movement.

  • Pacify and Provoke

    • Stays active when switching forms, switching to the other effect.

    • Can be cast while moving.

      • Why: Switching forms is a pain for players due to needing to recast 3 and 4. Switching often gets frustrating. This simple quality of life fix will go a long way to improving the feel of playing Equinox.

  • Mend and Maim

    • Stays active when switching forms, all build up damage is discharged.

    • Mend now heals over time instead of just on discharge of ability.

    • Can be cast while moving

      • Why: This allows Equinox to better fill a supporting role instead of having Mend be a very wasteful ability. It doesn't make much sense to be able to heal for 200k when most Warframe health caps at under 1000. Quality of life improvement when switching forms will also improve the feel of playing Equinox.

  • Theme

    • Equinox becomes much more smooth when using her as an adaptable frame, effortlessly switching between forms when the situation arises and not needing to spend 5 seconds on every form change rooted to the ground recasting auras.




  • Problems

    • None really

  • Slash Dash

    • Gains a combo window like Rhino Charge and Landslide

      • Why: With the change to Exalted Blade a while back, Excal relies on getting much closer. This encourages him to use abilities to close that gap.

  • Theme

    • Same overall.


-Frost :platinum:


  • Problems

    • Freeze doesn't do anything the rest of his kit does. Has high armor and shields despite them not interacting with eachother, makes him much less tanky than he appears.

  • General

    • Frost's shields have 50% of his armor value on them in general and 100% while in any of his abilities (Snowglobe, Ice Wave Impedence, etc)

      • Why: While appearing as a CC heavy tank of sorts with high shields, the nature of how armor works makes his shield values reltively useless.

  • Freeze

    • Now affected by range increasing mods

    • Enemies with a cold proc that are hit by the aoe will be frozen as if they were hit directly

      • Why: Allows synergy with Ice Wave and provides better crowd control when used in conjunction with his theme

  • Theme

    • Unchanged, Frost is still a heavy crowd control and defense frame, but now is more comfortable in the thick of enemies where his abilities shine.


-Hydroid :platinum::platinum::platinum:


  • Problems

    • His entire kit is a disjointed mess that both does not work well together and does not work properly.

  • Tempest Barrage

    • Now comes down in waves that blanket the entire AoE, rather than have random an unreliable damage.

      • Why: While this could be a very good 1, the randomness of it and the nature of most maps mean it will often hit walls and be useless.

  • Tidal Surge

    • Cost lowered to 25

    • Added combo counter like Landslide or Rhino Charge

      • Why: There is no reason for a worse ability to cost more and not have the combo.

  • Undertow

    • Is now placed where Hydroid is looking, much like Cataclysm, and he does not need to enter the pool, although he can if he chooses.

    • Enemies caught in Undertow are now half submerged and stunned, being pulled towards the center. They can be shot and killed while inside.

    • Abilities cast on or while inside of Undertow now have additional effect.

      • Tempest Barrage will turn Undertow into a whirlpool, damaging enemies and pulling in more from the edge.

      • Tidal Surge will cause Undertow to follow Hydroid's path, crashing down as a tidal wave at the end.

      • Tentacle Swarm will cause a beak to appear in the center, with Tentacles on the side picking up enemies and dropping them into its maw.

    • Is a channel that can be canceled, drains more energy while Hydroid is inside. Hydroid can move the pool at 25% speed while inside for even more increased energy cost.

      • Why: Undertow is currently a mechanic like Ash's 4 that simply removes Hydroid from the game until he chooses to come back. Changing it to interact with his kit will result in a more cohesive and satifying experience.

  • Tentacle Swarm

    • Tentacles that have not hit an enemy in the last 5 seconds despawn and reappear near enemies.

      • Why: Tentacles have a nasty habit of spawning on walls and just being useless. This prevents that.

  • Theme

    • Hydroid now becomes an area denial king. Enemies who enter his waters will fear the wrath of a kit that actually is usable and makes sense when used together.




  • Problems

    • Almost perfect, his 3 is often overlooked due to lack of synergy and the slow.

  • Sandstorm

    • No longer slows Inaros

    • Scales off melee mods

      • Why: Gives Inaros a reason to activate 3 instead of just swinging a melee weapon with longer range.

  • Theme: The same, with synergy on the one ability that did not have it.





  • Problems

    • Navigator is often over too quick to make much use of it, otherwise perfect.

  • Navigator

    • Projectiles shot gain some amount of extra Punch Through.

      • Why: Allows for the ability to be used against multiple enemies instead of just one or two without a punch through mod.

  • Theme

    • Exactly the same with some added usefulness.


-Limbo :platinum::platinum::platinum:


  • Problems

    • There is no way to get multiple enemies into the Rift without using Cataclysm, which becomes incredibly risky at most levels above 40.

  • General

    • Pickups can now be gathered in the Rift

      • Why: It's just less frustrating for both Limbo and the people playing with him. Come on DE. End your war on loot.

  • Banish

    • Holding 1 now banishes in an AoE

      • Why: Allows multiple enemies to cross over without the possibility of more coming in.

  • Rift Walk

    • Limbo can hold 2 to recast.

      • Why: There's no point in kicking limbo out of his home. I'd honestly just like this ability to be a toggle though.

  • Rift Torrent

    • Also gives Limbo 50% damage resistance in the Rift. Damage buff is given to nearby allies in the Rift.

      • Why: Limbo is the king of his home, this allows him to survive there.

  • Cataclysm

    • Enemies inside Cataclysm suffer a radiation proc

    • Player and enemy damage that passes through Cataclysm will deal 10% damage to things on the other side.

      • Why: Cataclysm tends to be an annoyance to other players. In a vacuum where everyone is Limbo the complete damage negation would not be an issue, but everyone is not Limbo. The radiation proc means Limbo can be more comfortable leaving a larger bubble up longer, as things will be less likely to target him. It's worth noting that the damage passing between planes only applies to things inside Cataclysm, not things that are banished.

  • Theme

    • Limbo is still the master of the rift, but is now much more comfortable in his home turf and can let more enemies in.






  • Problems

    • None, he is the master race. The only thing I would do is a small QoL change for consistency between other frames.

  • Invisibility

    • Can be recast

      • Why: While Loki doesn't need it per se, there is no reason for other frames to be able to recast self buffs buf Loki can't.

  • Theme

    • Literally the same.


-Mag :platinum::platinum::platinum:


  • Problems

    • Mag's current kit is a step in the right direction with the magnetize changes, but simple raw damage increases from abilities on enemies inside magnetize bubbles is not enough, more interaction can be added to have a better kit.

  • Magnetize

    • Adds multiple interactions to Mag's abilities

      • When Pull hits a Magnetize bubble, a Vortex is created with a radius 1.5x the size of the field to pull enemies in. This vortex only lasts a very short time.

      • When Polarize hits a Magnetize bubble, the bubble releases another Polarize wave that can hit enemies again. The second wave will not chain off more Magnetize bubbles.

      • When Crush is used in range of a Magnetize bubble, the bubble detonates, exploding for its stored damage as if it were to detonate from running out of time.

    • Can be placed anywhere, regardless of enemies present. The first enemy to enter an empty bubble will be pulled to the center as if the ability were cast on them.

      • Why: Mag's kit could very well stay the same without another rework provided the strength of using her abilities together was enough. Right now, the main thing keeping her magnetize bubbles from being extremely useful is being unable to place them anywhere, and being unable to detonate them for significant damage when needed. This allows mag to have more control over her kit.

  • Polarize

    • Armor/Shield strip changed to 400 or 10%, whichever is larger.

      • Why: The damage values on Polarize appear to have been made looking at only Starchart health values. In Sorties and other high level missions, this ability does nothing.

  • Crush

    • Casting duration lowered to 1.5 seconds

      • Why: Even with Natural Talent, the cast speed on Crush is slow. Cutting the casting duration is needed for how squishy Mag is and for how she must be in the middle of enemies to use Crush.

  • Theme

    • Mag now has a coherent kit that interacts well and allows Mag to be useful at high end content. Relaying Polarize off Magnetize bubbles for support, CC with Pull, and the damage on demand from Crush allow Mag to finally do what her kit feels like it is desperately trying to achieve.




  • Problems

    • 1st ability is less useful than it could be, otherwise perfect

  • Ballistic Battery

    • Bonus damage is also given to the entire magazine but divided among the bullets.

      • Why: Makes Mesa get more use from the ability. While she still has the extremely strong first shot, the rest of the bullets will also benefit as she charges it back up.

  • Theme

    • Same overall, but 1 will be used as a damage buff to help manage hoards as well as large enemies.




  • Problems

    • 2nd ability is fairly useless, 4th takes too long to cast for the nerfs it recieved.

  • Sleight of Hand

    • Now also jams enemy guns, forcing them to reload.

      • Why: Now provides consistent utility along with the affects on the environment.

  • Prism

    • Cast time reduced to 1.25 seconds

      • Why: It takes far too long to throw for the limited effectiveness it has.

  • Theme: Mirage will now have just a tad more consistency and utility to her other than "get an AoE gun and do tons of damage."




-Nekros :platinum:


  • Problems

    • While he got a major improvement, there are still tweaks that can be done to bring his kit together

  • Soul Punch

    • Enemies hit initially by Soul Punch will be marked, when killed they turn into a Shadow.

    • Only one Shadow can exist from Soul Punch. If used again the first shadow will be destroyed.

      • Why: This allows Nekros' 1 to have a little something extra that ties into his kit.

  • Terrify

    • Now hits every enemy in the radius instead of a set number.

      • Why: There isn't really any reason for this to act in this way anymore now that strength builds with Nekros are better. It should behave like other AoE crowd control.

  • Shadows of the Dead

    • Soul Punch can be cast on Shadows to dispel them for damage in an area.

    • Shadows now draw aggro and won't take cover.

      • Why: Anyone who has played Warframe knows enemies do very minor damage to eachother because of how enemies scale. There's no reason for them not be out in the open. Soul Punch can now be used to curate a collection of Shadows that the player prefers as well.

  • Theme

    • Nekros now has more control over his Shadows, and knows they will spend less time doing nothing. He also has utility added to 1.





  • Problems

    • While being a rather slippery and mobile Warframe, his abilities are weighed down with clunky interactions and casts.

  • Firewalker

    • Can be cast while moving

    • Teleporting to Blazing Chakram with firewalker active no longer turns off the ability, but does consume 25 energy as if it were reactivated.

      • Why: Stopping to cast is counter to going fast, Firewalker staying active means there are less stops the player needs to make to keep running, and makes multiple hops with Chakram more fluid.

  • Blazing Chakram

    • Can be cast while moving

      • Why: Stopping is counter to going fast.

  • Warding Halo

    • Can be recast

    • Can be cast while moving

      • Why: Stopping is counter to going fast, recasting gives more consistency.

  • Divine Spears.

    • Can be cast while moving.

      • Why: This is the one where I think people will disagree, but there is a reason. The ability can be cast while in midair, meaning you can be moving while casting it if you jump. You should just be able to cast it while moving if that is the case.

  • Theme

    • Nezha is no longer impeded by ability casts that root him to the floor as a warframe designed to be always moving around.




  • Problems

    • While she has an otherwise solid kit, 1 isn't useful.

  • Null Star

    • Always procs impact on the target in a small radius.

    • If the target is affected by Molecular Prime, it will have a blast proc instead.

      • Why: This gives Nova synergy with her 4 and also makes her 1st ability do something without making it just be a damage ability.

  • Theme

    • Nova is a little more comfortable due to having a useful 1st ability.


-Nyx :platinum:


  • Problems

    • Psychic Bolts is completely outclassed by Chaos.

  • Psychic Bolts.

    • Enemies hit by Psychic Bolts taunt enemies.

      • Why: Psychic Bolts currently have no use over Chaos. They provide a chance to apply a radiation proc in a small area rather than a confirmed one in a larger area. This gives them something unique.

  • Theme

    • Nyx now has a way to draw fire away from herself during Chaos, preventing an enemy from randomly deciding to shoot her or her teammates, and gives her a reason to press 2.


-Oberon :platinum::platinum::platinum:


  • Problems

    • While he has a solid 1, the rest of his kit is lacking, too inconsistent, doesn't work together, and his passive is pointless.

  • Passive

    • Enemies who die on Hallowed Ground have a 25% chance to reincarnate as a friendly animal for 10 seconds. (Corpus as Feral Kavat or Kubrow, Grineer as Drahk or Hyekka, Infested as Runner, Charger, or Leaper.)

      • Why: This makes Oberon's passive more consistent while also keeping his theme as a beastmaster.

  • Smite

    • When Oberon casts this ability on Hallowed Ground, a 2 meter radius of Hallowed Ground appears under the target, lasting 10 seconds.

    • When a target standing on Hallowed Ground is hit by smite, the Ground duration is refreshed, extends by 1.5 meters, up to a maximum of 8 meters, and the bolts created leave a 2 meter radius of Hallowed Ground that lasts 5 seconds when they hit a target.

      • Why: Adds synergy with the changes I've made.

  • Hallowed Ground

    • Changed to be a circle with a 5 meter radius (same size as frost globe)

    • 20% armor buff changed to 30% damage resistance when standing on Hallowed Ground

    • Enemies killed by a player standing on Hallowed Ground creates a 2 meter radius of Hallowed Ground for 10 seconds.

    • Enemies killed while standing on Hallowed Ground refresh the duration of the ground they were standing on, and increases the base radius by 1.5 meters, up to a maximum of 8 meters.

      • Why: These changes make Oberon's theme about spreading his grove, and allow him to be mobile or stationary to continue the spread. The status immunity is still useful, and the armor buff, which doesn't really do anything for any frame but the very tankiest, is changed to a flat damage reduction to always help the team.

  • Renewal

    • Change to be a channel that drains similarly to Equinox's 3. While Oberon or an ally is being healed, the ability will drain energy, when everyone is full health and cleansed of status affects, the ability stops draining energy. When the ability stops draining energy and restarts, the healing waves will need to travel again in order for allies to be healed.

    • When Oberon is standing on Hallowed Ground, the drain of the ability is reduced by 1/3rd.

    • When Allies are standing on Hallowed Ground, they will be healed 1.5 times faster. Allies downed on Hallowed Ground are slowly revived at 1/5th the speed.

      • Why: Current Renewal's problem is that while it is an okay heal, it turns off too quickly, forcing Oberon to sit through the very long animation to recast it. This allows it to remain active and give more opportunities for Oberon's augment to be used as well.

  • Reckoning

    • When Oberon casts this ability on Hallowed Ground, all active Ground is refreshed and base radius is expanded by 1.5 meters, up to a max of 8. Damage of Ground is doubled, and Damage Resistance is multiplied by 1.5 for 10 seconds.

    • When an enemy on Hallowed Ground is hit by this ability, they will drop 3 health orbs if they die while the confusion affect is active.

    • Augment Hallowed Ground follows the same rules as other Hallowed Ground, and is now affected by range mods.

      • Why: Adds synergy with the rest of Oberon's kit, while also making the health orb feature of his ult able to happen at higher levels.

  • Theme

    • Oberon currently is a mishmash of abilities that do not work well together, if they work well at all. Under these changes, he becomes the master of his grove, expanding it across the levels without changing the identity of his kit.




  • Problems

    • Very good kit, the only thing that could be better is a few quality of life changes.

  • Iron Skin

    • Can be recast.

      • Why: Makes Rhino more consistent.

  • Roar

    • Can be recast.

    • Allies who come into the range after it has been cast gain the damage buff for the remaining duration.

      • Why: No point in restricting the refresh, allowing allies to benefit if they were out of range is a good touch too,

  • Theme

    • Same as before, still very strong.


-Saryn :platinum::platinum:


  • Problems

    • While her rework was a step in the right direction, more synergy with her abilities to make her more tanky and more damaging can be added.

  • Molt

    • Gains 5% damage resistance for every enemy affected by spores or under the affect of a viral proc from spores, up to 95%.

    • Saryn gains half of Molt's damage resistance.

      • Why: At higher levels, Molt does not live long enough to be used as something to reliably draw fire from Saryn, and Saryn herself gets squishy. This allows her to survive.

  • Toxic Lash

    • Damage resistance granted while blocking is now granted in full at all times when Saryn is holding her melee weapon.

    • When Saryn is not holding a melee weapon, she gains half the damage resistance.

      • Why: Because Toxic Lash does not grant auto block like Exalted Blade, there is little point to the reduction it gives since the player will not be blocking in the first place. Holding melee already puts Saryn at risk because she is not one of the handful of tank frames, so the damage resistance will help her survive.

  • Miasma

    • Now increases the duration of the ability by 100% along with the damage for each enemy affected by Viral or Toxin procs.

      • Why: Miasma simply doesn't do enough damage at high levels, but simply having more raw damage wouldn't help another problem of Saryn's, which is survivability. Having Miasma's duration also be extended with the damage buff from status affects means enemies remain stunned for longer, allowing Saryn to survive more.

  • Theme

    • Saryn gains much more survivability while gaining damage on Miasma as long as she's doing what she needs to be doing already,


-Titania :platinum:


  • Problems

    • Tribute does not do enough for how much time and energy it costs, Lantern is inconsistent.

  • Tribute

    • Tags every enemy in a 3 meter radius, allowing multiple buffs to be picked up

    • Entangle range doubled to 20 meters.

      • Why: Entangle does not have enough range to be useful, tagging multiple enemies means that the buffs can be acquired easier and with less time investment for the minor buffs.

  • Lantern

    • Targeted enemy does not float by default, Titania can cast spellbind on the target to float it.

      • Why: Lantern often floats off making it difficult to draw in and damage enemies. This gives players the option to float the target should they deem that more useful in the situation.

  • Razorwing

    • Razorflies scale with damage mods from melee weapons.

    • Diwata either has crit damage increased to 200% and chance to 20%, or status increased to 30.

    • Companion stay while Razorwing is active.

      • Why: Razorwing doesn't do enough compared to other exalted modes. Razorflies gain more damage to be more useful, the melee weapon needs a touch up, and companions staying means the New Moon buff is more useful.

  • Theme

    • Titania becomes much more reliable and quick to gain her myriad of minor buffs. Razorwing gets a minor boost.




  • Problems

    • Well of life does not have a purpose as it is too convoluted to use for how easy blessing is to use.

  • Well of Life

    • Enemies shot release healing waves that heal all allies near them for the damage being done.

      • Why: It is now much easier to heal allies with this ability, allowing Trinity to heal allies without casting blessing again.

  • Link

    • Can be cast while moving

      • There is no reason for Trinity to be rooted during the casting of this ability, at the very least let it be cast in air.

  • Theme

    • Still the same, but give Trinity a reason to press 1.


-Valkyr :platinum:


  • Problems

    • Kit is very much centered around entering Hysteria and doing slide attacks, the rest of her kit isn't really used.

  • Paralysis

    • Has a duration value and stun is affected by how much shields are drained as well as mods.

      • Why: While a third ability would better for Valkyr, this is the best I've got.

  • Hysteria

    • Now has a charge system while Hysteria is active. It takes 2 kills to gain a charge, or 6 hits. A maximum of 10 charges can be held. A charge is lost every 2.5 seconds.

    • Valkyr's abilities can be used for free at the cost of charges while Hysteria is active. Swing line is 1, Warcry is 4, Paralysis is 2.

    • All abilities gain 100% faster cast time, Paralysis' stun duration is doubled.

    • 10 charges can be used by pressing 4. The drain of energy goes down by 10%. (as seen when the ability is being used on the icon. If the drain was at 35%, consuming 10 charges would drop the drain to 25%.

      • Why: While this doesn't entirely solve her problems, it adds an interaction and allows the player to use abilities more freely without needing to worry too much about the energy drain.

  • Theme

    • While Valkyr is one of the few frames I think needs a new ability, this would encourage more use of her current ones. I don't think the problems she has can be fixed while Hysteria gives 100% invulnerability.





  • Problems

    • 1st ability isn't too useful, otherwise has a very strong kit.

  • Tesla

    • Increase status chance to 50%.

      • Why: Makes the ability more than just a light show.

  • Minelayer

    • Switched to tap to throw and hold to switch

      • Why: So that grenades can be spammed like Vauban's other abilities.


-Volt :platinum:


  • Problems

    • Builds for speed/shield prioritize duration and don't benefit from range while 4 depends on it. Picking up the shield punishes movement.

  • Electric Shield

    • Energy is no longer drained on distance ran.

      • Why: This goes directly counter to Volt's speed up ability. Abilities should not work against eachother.

  • Discharge

    • Change to function like Polarize or Molecular Prime where the wave spreads with duration.

    • Range still affects the range of enemies.

    • Stun duration is lowered but no longer has the damage cap, or the damage cap does not take the damage from the ability into account, or the damage cap is a percentage of the max health.

      • Why: The ability now hugely benefits from duration, making builds not focus on some abilities while leaving others behind. The damage cap in general needs to be adjusted. Having it work differently between armored and unarmored enemies makes Volt inconsistent.

  • Theme

    • Builds now benefit all abilities rather than a few. The stun is more reliable from 4, and the shield doesn't work against Volt's speed.


-Wukong :platinum::platinum:


  • Problems

    • Presses 2, and not much else because he's invulnerable and his other abilities aren't worth pressing.

  • Iron Jab

    • Has a combo window like Rhino Charge or Landslide

      • Why: Even though it scales off melee mods, its base damage isn't high enough to warrent using over a regular melee weapon. Giving it a combo counter would help encourage use.

  • Defy

    • The ability must be disabled for 10 seconds to reset the total health restored on proc. The player can still reactivate the ability during this time, but if Defy procs again it will continue with the diminished value

      • Why: When combined with Rage, Defy allows for near permanent invulnerability, which in turn makes a kit hard to balance. This change is a small trade off for the other buffs.

  • Cloud Walker

    • Creates a cloud in the position Wukong is currently standing, granting allies inside 75% evasion and causing any enemies inside to be blinded.

    • Wukong can opt to enter the cloud to move it like the current ability.

    • Cloud does not follow Wukong when he is not inside it, it remains in place until the timer runs out, Wukong enters it, or the ability is recast somewhere else.

      • Why: Cloud Walker is like Undertow where the ability only functions as a means to stay alive while the player goes to use the restroom. This change gives it a unique function in the game while also benefiting Wukong's theme as a "trickster" and someone who likes hitting enemies with melee weapons.

  • Primal Fury

    • Range for fully extended staff is doubled. Combo required to get to max range is unchanged.

      • Why: Excal and Valkyr are already competing in the damage category for their exalted melee weapons, so increasing the damage further on this ability wouldn't fill a niche. Allowing Wukong to be the true king of range would however, bring something to the table neither of the other two have. Also I'm pretty sure the current version of Primal Fury has a shorter range than Orthos Prime with a Primed Reach. It needs something to stand out.

  • Theme

    • Wukong now has a reason to press his other buttons, rather than just sit on Defy and occasionally recast it.


-Zephyr :platinum::platinum:


  • Problems

    • 1 and 2 are relatively useless and don't add anything to her kit.

  • Tail Wind.

    • Any enemies Zephyr hits while using this ability will be dragged along with her. If she hits a Tornado during this, enemies being dragged will be sucked into the Tornado. Activating Dive Bomb will drag all enemies down with her.

      • Why: Adds synergy with her 2 and 4

  • Dive Bomb

    • All enemies hit are knocked down and stunned for up to 4 seconds depending on the height of the dive.

    • Tornadoes hit by Dive Bomb have +25% radius for 2 seconds.

    • Scales with melee mods.

      • Why: Adds synergy with 4 while also providing crowd control. Melee mod scaling is a way to make the ability do damage to enemies higher than level 20.

  • Turbulence

    • Can be recast

      • Why: No reason it shouldn't be able to.

  • Tornado

    • Can be recast.

    • Enemies are no longer ejected out of top of the tornadoes and are held inside.

      • Why: Being able to recast is important as it allows Zephyr to move the tornadoes when she goes to a new area. Enemies not being forced out of the tornadoes means her crowd control is more consistent and less annoying to teammates.

  • Theme
    • Zephyr now wants to use 1 and 2 to group as many enemies in Tornadoes as possible, and gains more consistency.


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I don't think making Loki's invisibility recastable is a good idea. Right now it's balanced with Ash/Ivara. Ash has stagger on cast, Ivara infinite invisibility with a negligible speed penalty.

I'd propose

  • Decoy having 3 second invincibility (unmoddable), since it's dead in a second in sorties.
  • Teleport giving teleported enemy taunt (depends on duration and range). Small range and duration by default. Just something to make teleport worth casting in some tight situations.

Otherwise he's fine.

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Atlas' petrify stuns and slows everything in range and then stones them before they can recover to shoot... soo.. yeah.. he is pretty damn INVULNERABLE. I don't understand why damn near everyone says that it makes him vulnerable. Love all the synergy ideas you brought up with it though.

And about Banshee... Yup. been saying her 4 needs to be an ability that is something like a placeable sound spike for ages, and having higher energy drain the farther you get is a nice touch.. except that Sound Quake eats energy like nobodies business compared to litteraly every other channeled ability as is so I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that.

Edited by maj.death
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It is a nice job to take the problems and giving a possible solution for the problems. Some frames needs some new abilities but as you wrote to them the majority of frames needs adjustments and stat buffs so it is useful feedback like thing. Nidus is a good example for how to make a well balanced and well scaling frame.

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Really like some of the proposed stuff, especially for Hydroid and Oberon as it really fits their role. It's a bit of a shame that some Warframe powers are miles behind our 'archaic' weapons. Perhaps it should be time DE changes the way they see abilities. I mean, to balance that out, I wouldn't mind if they bring some Sentient spooky stuff to beat our as**s  along with those changes.

PS: The Soul Punch suggestion is also quite nice, it would actually fit the Nekros Prime Trailer.

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Applause for Chroma, Hydroid, Atlas, Limbo, and Oberon. All my favorites and your suggestions are near perfect. Except, where is Chroma's element change mechanic in all this? I feel like having it on his EW would be nice since EW basically is 4 different abilities with similar visuals. Have it where every true cast of it swaps the back buff in Chroma and Effigy while active.

Or look here and take what you wish:


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2 hours ago, (PS4)CommanderC2121 said:

For oberon, can renewal not end when everyone is full hp? Id rather have a constant energy drain then being required to recast renewal every few seconds because people got full hp but the lost it seconds later

With the changes I have Renewal stays active when everyone is full, just that the healing orbs need to travel again whenever someone takes damage. I wanted to keep the idea of the healing waves while also not needing to recast the ability, because I think the concept of the ability having infinite range that is restricted by travel time is neat. There are other ways to do this though. The ability could have very minor healing at all times, but the bulk health is delivered by the orbs, that way if someone gets scratched the orbs don't need to travel all the way to them again.

Edited by TwevOWNED
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7 hours ago, TwevOWNED said:

Why: This makes Oberon's passive more consistent while also keeping his theme as a beastmaster.

7 hours ago, TwevOWNED said:

Why: These changes make Oberon's theme about spreading his grove

7 hours ago, TwevOWNED said:

he becomes the master of his grove

Oberon's theme is as a paladin/druid combo. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Oberon 



Developer Digital Extremes has stated that Oberon's ability design was based around the idea of a Paladin or Druid.

  • Oberon was first constructed under the name Paladin. (datamined, Lotus/StoreItems/Powersuits/Paladin)


7 hours ago, TwevOWNED said:

Switched to tap to throw and hold to switch

  • Why: So that grenades can be spammed like Vauban's other abilities.

Go to options and one of the toggles should say something like "Invert Ability Key Holding" invert something at least.

7 hours ago, TwevOWNED said:

Iron Skin

  • Can be recast.

    • Why: Makes Rhino more consistent.

That's pretty much the purpose of his Iron Shrapnel Augment.




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20 minutes ago, thewhitepanda1205 said:

Oberon's theme is as a paladin/druid combo. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Oberon 

I mean, okay, but currently he isn't either of those and the changes I proposed make his kit work together.

21 minutes ago, thewhitepanda1205 said:

Go to options and one of the toggles should say something like "Invert Ability Key Holding" invert something at least.

Yeah I found that out a little bit ago.

21 minutes ago, thewhitepanda1205 said:

That's pretty much the purpose of his Iron Shrapnel Augment.

I would argue you shouldn't have to use an augment to make an ability consistent.

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14 minutes ago, Temragon said:

Really solid list.

Some of the changes seem really dev intensive (Hydroid), but so many of these are relatively simple changes that would go a long way toward making the frames feel better to play in the modern state of Warframe.

Yeah, Oberon, Hydroid, and Mag would take the most work, but what they have I feel can't be solved by not adding extensive interactions if they wanted them to keep their same abilities. Frames like Limbo and Equinox though, just with the things I put down they would easily be 10/10 warframes with just a few tweaks.

Edited by TwevOWNED
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