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Nidus really needs to get reworked


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22 minutes ago, (PS4)maso_sage-mode said:

Nidus Changes & Fixes

  • Increased the base health of Nidus’ Maggots to 1k.
  • Increased Nidus’ Mutation Stack consumption from 10 to 15 when knocked into a bleedout state/death. The task of regaining 10 Stacks is quickly obtainable, making this consequence for dying too light. Although 15 Stacks is not a huge jump, we’re hoping it’s closer to that sweet spot! 
  • Entering a Nullifier bubble will now drain down Mutation Stacks the longer you are in the bubble. 
  • To increase the visibility of Nidus' Maggots, holding down Nidus’ Virulence will now display a HUD marker on them. Keep in mind that casting Virulence on Maggots cause them to detonate!
  • Nidus’ Ravenous Maggots no longer auto detonate when feasting on enemies. Previously the Maggots could do a majority of the grunt work and you were able to watch the carnage and gain Stacks at the same time. Now to pop the Maggots you’ll need to cast Virulence on them and rejoice in your hard earned Stack accumulation. It’s also worth noting that with testing by our team, the Stack rhythm before and after this change wasn’t noticed at all. 
  • Improved the FX of Maggot explosion to better represent the intended area of explosion.
  • Nidus’ Ravenous Maggots will still attack but no longer latch on other Infested Maggots or Kuva Jesters due to awkward animations.  
  • Fixed FX, Maggots, & Health regeneration while in Ravenous staying around forever if cast by a Client who leaves.


We dont even had the chance to try it out ( besides ppl with both pc and console) and you ll release it already nerfed !i dont have words to describe this attitude, its just pure nonsense. Ohhh the nullifier thing decreasing your stacks was the cherry on top of the pie ! what a ridiculous change.....May I ask one thing ? Are we even allowed to HAVE FUN ? or no fun is the evil and welcome to grind city ? I understand the 15 stacks change and ok, i dont like it but its not the end of the world, but the other changes...oooh lord. You have such a terrible trend : release not fun weapons , bad and just mr fodder. Is it part of the plan so you can later release riven mods and people will scream of happiness ? personally stop with this band aid mod system , its damaging the game and not helping it.  Focus the time and the money ( which i still give you like an idiot with every prime accessories pack) on doing the game better!!! this is not the right direction to make the game funnier and enjoyable.. my 2 cents....now go and close the topic as usual , im waiting.

its a general discussion , so I would like to know other people s opinions about the nerf and rivens. this is not a rant, this is a discussion.

The nerfs are nothing ffs, don't whine before tryig something out and don't jump on the bandwagon on kneejerk reactions.

He was awesome for damage and not dying, and that's still untouched. If you don't stand in nullifier bubbles for minutes nothing will happen to you becaause you earn stacks lightning fast at the levels where it actually matters. 

Unless you were relying on his passive as a crutch this nerf shouldn't affect you. 

I mean for god's sake they didn't nerf his stack earning powers or his damage.

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1 hour ago, achromos said:

You see, the reason why that is bad is because the Maggots used to be able to give me that edge against Mirage + Simulor users.  The Maggots would actually be useful and MARCH after enemies and destroy them well out of the Mirages Sight 9 times out of 10.  Hell, in groups with a Mirage I ended up with 15% damage to her 75% mostly because of that being able to help be the case.

Agreed but not that the one thing that's why is better than you need to waste virulence. Because you can go somewhere and help out mates whom are far and you can use multiple stack farming and if this change real then they made nidus static because he needs to stand near his nest. This is a strong nerf for him because the mobility is a great weapon for nidus because you just drop ulti somewhere block and keep enemies busy while stack for you and you somewhere can farm too.

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1 hour ago, Separius said:

Objectively not true. Re-read what I wrote to learn about the history of them being added, also see this and this, for a better understanding of why they were added. Also the last paragraph of the post in the 1st link explains how they are not the right kind of challenging and how there are much more fun ways of giving us a challenge in the game already.

As we should be in a bloody horde shooter game.

Are they challenging now or are they steamrollable? Make up your mind. Anyway, yeah, in low to mid level enemy range, yes, they can be "steamrolled", but it's still not fun. And when high level nullifiers, sapping ospreys and other enemies swarm you in high level survival it's a nightmare and fighting them is the polar opposite of having fun. And in the end playing games is about having fun, no amount of Nullifier defending will make this untrue.

Again, being able to handle something and having fun are two different things, that can happen simultanously, but in the case of Nullies, it doesn't happen. Pretty sure I'm not crying either, so don't generalize please.

The only depressing thing I see here is you trying to shut down my legit criticism of nullifiers. Sure OP's post might be overdramatic, but there are plenty of legit opinions in this very thread against the nerfs, particularly Nidus' 4 nerf (someones even post their test results), and people being dismissive about these and just generally downplaying the magnitude of these nerfs, especially considering the reason for these nerfs, that's what's sad.

No it doesn't. What it proves is that Nullifiers are unfun to play against, even if managable, and that people - rightfully - hate bad game design.

Agreed with all point in shorter : The challenge is only fun until the enemies not one shot us or break our skills.

The nullies are not fun at all, for some person maybe mean challenge, but for others they are a not needed cyst.

Edited by Sziklamester
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5 hours ago, (PS4)maso_sage-mode said:

this is not a rant, this is a discussion.

...welllll...this depends on the point of view since you get kinda 'emotional' here and there. but ok, I will go with the discussion way. And I will focus the discussion on Nidus, because that is the main topic (the "smaller things" you mention here and there might derail this thread, so I won't talk about them xD) :


5 hours ago, (PS4)maso_sage-mode said:

but the other changes...oooh lord.

let's take a look at all the other changes you quoted in your post.

5 hours ago, (PS4)maso_sage-mode said:

Nidus Changes & Fixes

  • Increased the base health of Nidus’ Maggots to 1k.

not a bad change imo

5 hours ago, (PS4)maso_sage-mode said:


  • Increased Nidus’ Mutation Stack consumption from 10 to 15 when knocked into a bleedout state/death. The task of regaining 10 Stacks is quickly obtainable, making this consequence for dying too light. Although 15 Stacks is not a huge jump, we’re hoping it’s closer to that sweet spot! 

- like you said, nothing too bad, they are closing in to the "sweet spot" where it is not too much/few stacks - nothing to say here.

5 hours ago, (PS4)maso_sage-mode said:


  • Entering a Nullifier bubble will now drain down Mutation Stacks the longer you are in the bubble. 

Nullis are a priority target for a lot of players, so if you see that bubble showing up, you will try to kill a nulli asap. Some use long distance weapons, so for those players it might not be a big deal. Some will go with close combat or melee (maybe because they like it or because the tile/place you are standing at doesn'T leave you any other choice and you are inside the bubble) ... but it doesn't take very long to kill a nulli... and the drain is not too fast in my opinion. Like, you can get those stacks back pretty pretty fast.

Sooo overall: Not a nerf, a change imo.

5 hours ago, (PS4)maso_sage-mode said:


  • To increase the visibility of Nidus' Maggots, holding down Nidus’ Virulence will now display a HUD marker on them. Keep in mind that casting Virulence on Maggots cause them to detonate!

- not a bad change imo (like, its a visual HUD improvement tbh)

5 hours ago, (PS4)maso_sage-mode said:


  • Nidus’ Ravenous Maggots no longer auto detonate when feasting on enemies. Previously the Maggots could do a majority of the grunt work and you were able to watch the carnage and gain Stacks at the same time. Now to pop the Maggots you’ll need to cast Virulence on them and rejoice in your hard earned Stack accumulation. It’s also worth noting that with testing by our team, the Stack rhythm before and after this change wasn’t noticed at all. 

like DE mentioned  "the stack rythm before and after this change wasn't noticed at all" - same for me. I didn't notice a huge change or any other big surprise. His maggots are still usefull and the virulence re-cast a nice way to deal with "just press 4 and wait"

overall = not a bad change imo

5 hours ago, (PS4)maso_sage-mode said:


  • Improved the FX of Maggot explosion to better represent the intended area of explosion.

- not a bad change imo... (fx adjustments are never bad xD)

5 hours ago, (PS4)maso_sage-mode said:


  • Nidus’ Ravenous Maggots will still attack but no longer latch on other Infested Maggots or Kuva Jesters due to awkward animations.  

- fixing awkward animations = not a bad change imo

5 hours ago, (PS4)maso_sage-mode said:


  • Fixed FX, Maggots, & Health regeneration while in Ravenous staying around forever if cast by a Client who leaves.

- fixing stuff = not a bad change.

From those 8 changes you quoted....maaaaaybe 1 might influence the way of playing Nidus. So saying "... but the other changes... oh lord" - nah. Nope, not even close. Sry to say that but I really really like those changes^^


Overall I think that Nidus is still a very nice and balanced Warframe. It is furthermore the first Frame with 2 abilities that do not cost energy (I like that a lot, I can mod him a little bit different that way) and all of his abilities are working together pretty nicely in my opinion. He was (if the player was using Nidus and paying attention during the mission) pretty much unkillable and untouchable. He still is very very great, but no longer 'god-like' (<--- using this term since a lot of people know it)

Sooo yea, this was a normal change - not a nerf.

That's all I have to say about Nidus^^
As a sidenote I would recommend to wait until you can play a Warframe/Weapon on your own before judging toooo fast. Why? Well I think making a personal experience and playing something in game is one of the best way to know wether or not a thing is, in your point of view, good or bad. Like you said, you never had the chance to play Nidus, you do not personally know how the changes affect him. If you only read something here or in the internet and then suddenly start to complain about it.... there is a chance that it might not end well :3

(oh and yeaaaa again sorry to say that, but your first post is going more in the "complaining and ranting"-section and less in the "reasonable critisism/ feedback/discussion"-section..but I digress^^) 

Edited by Fabpsi
added a spoilerino o3o
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Just now, (PS4)maso_sage-mode said:

the changes were not necessary imo. 

Perhaps, but Nidus was, and still is very strong, I like it that way personally but I can see why a lot of people thought he needed a nerf. And TBH I don't think this nerf makes him any weaker, so if we're talking strength here nothing much has changed.


But people complain about his ability to one-hit very high levels with his primary, and his secondary will grab anything in a giant radius of him into a small ball. He barely needs energy too so that's also not an issue to him. So regardless of it all this nerf does nothing to cater to any of his issues, although maggots may require some effort to use now.

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Uugh these threads lol....

1. Nidus was released and the feedback from pc Tenno helped balance him.☺

2. The change with him and Nullies was really good. I'm sorry but i hope they actually do this for Inaros so instead of losing our full armor it gets drained like his stacks.😆

3. Buddy we haven't even tried him I'm sure he is in a good spot. If we can do sorties with frames like Hydroid I'm sure he will still be useful. 😂

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13 minutes ago, AdunSaveMe said:

Should have done some research before you got all worked up. It's about 1.5 stacks per second.


People just jumping on the *Dun nerf ma stuff* train. 😂

Personally i want to see this change done for others as well. Like have Inaros ultimate drained by % and not all lost at once.

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The changes are pretty reasonable, I just don't like how Nullifiers are practically Void-nullifying infestation-banishing bullet-blocking gods lorewise now. I miss watching videos while Ravenous do everything for me, it was fun while it lasted.


Well, the change's enough to drive the meta followers and nerf criers away from him at least. 

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5 minutes ago, Fabpsi said:

...welllll...this depends on the point of view since you get kinda 'emotional' here and there. but ok, I will go with the discussion way:


let's take a look at all the other changes you quoted in your post.

- not a bad change imo

- like you said, nothing too bad, they are closing in to the "sweet spot" where it is not too much/few stacks - nothing to say here.

Nullis are a priority target for a lot of players, so if you see that bubble showing up, you will try to kill a nulli asap. Some use long distance weapons, so for those players it might not be a big deal. Some will go with close combat or melee (maybe because they like it or because the tile/place you are standing at doesn'T leave you any other choice and you are inside the bubble) ... but it doesn't take very long to kill a nulli... and the drain is not too fast in my opinion. Like, you can get those stacks back pretty pretty fast.

Sooo overall: Not a nerf, a change imo.

- not a bad change imo (like, its a visual HUD improvement tbh)

like DE mentioned  "the stack rythm before and after this change wasn't noticed at all" - same for me. I didn't notice a huge change or any other big surprise. His maggots are still usefull and the virulence re-cast a nice way to deal with "just press 4 and wait"

overall = not a bad change imo

- not a bad change imo... (fx adjustments are never bad xD)

- fixing awkward animations = not a bad change imo

- fixing stuff = not a bad change.

From those 8 changes you quoted....maaaaaybe 1 might influence the way of playing Nidus. So saying "... but the other changes... oh lord" - nah. Nope, not even close. Sry to say that but I really really like those changes^^

Overall I think that Nidus is still a very nice and balanced Warframe. It is furthermore the first Frame with 2 abilities that do not cost energy (I like that a lot, I can mod him a little bit different that way) and overall, all of his abilities are working together pretty nicely in my opinion. He was (if the player was using Nidus and paying attention during the mission) pretty much unkillable and untouchable. He still is very very great, but no longer 'god-like' (<--- using this term since a lot of people know it)

Sooo yea, this was a normal change - not a nerf.

That's all I have to say about Nidus^^
As a sidenote I would recommend to wait until you can play a Warframe/Weapon on your own before judging toooo fast. Why? Well I think making a personal experience and playing something in game is one of the best way to know wether or not a thing is, in your point of view, good or bad. Like you said, you never had the chance to play Nidus, you do not personally know how the changes affect him. If you only read something here or in the internet and then suddenly start to complain about it.... there is a chance that it might not end well :3

(oh and yeaaaa again sorry to say that, but your first post is going more in the "complaining and ranting"-section and less in the "reasonable critisism/ feedback/discussion"-section..but I digress^^) 

ty for thereply..after reading your comment ye i think i saw the things on the wrong point of view...i was a bit disappointed and not angry or what, because most of the times i see bad changes ( my point of view). sme fixes that you made me notice are good, still dont understand the nullifiers thing. I saw the video of 1 guy here on the topic and it doesnt look too bad tho...In all honesty ? I cant wait anymore to play this and i really dont want him to get destroyed. thanks for the reply and ye maybe sometimes im  little bit too emotional

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2 minutes ago, TotallyLagging said:

The changes are pretty reasonable, I just don't like how Nullifiers are practically Void-nullifying infestation-banishing bullet-blocking gods lorewise now. I miss watching videos while Ravenous do everything for me, it was fun while it lasted.


Well, the change's enough to drive the meta followers and nerf criers away from him at least. 

Wont take long enought and "nidus is stealing my kills nerf him" mentality will pop back up in near future

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Not sure about the maggot nerf, would've probably been more reasonable for a maggot exploding to give you 1/5th of stack, instead of having to now manually hit enemies with maggots on them. Also stack acquisition speed could be solved by putting a cap on maximum range for his 1. As It stands I can grab an entire room, and a large room at that, and hit them all at once with virulence. The rest seems perfectly reasonable.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Mofojokers said:

Uugh these threads lol....

1. Nidus was released and the feedback from pc Tenno helped balance him.☺

2. The change with him and Nullies was really good. I'm sorry but i hope they actually do this for Inaros so instead of losing our full armor it gets drained like his stacks.😆

3. Buddy we haven't even tried him I'm sure he is in a good spot. If we can do sorties with frames like Hydroid I'm sure he will still be useful. 😂

yes , i got too emotional i guess aahah:P i cant wait anymore to play it :/

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