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why do people feel the need to prevent others from having things


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I see this come up with time exclusive rewards, but especially when I saw the founder's pack mentioned. I don't know why the community has to have such a kneejerk reaction when this is discussed (and even closing threads that weren't even heated nor problematic), but I don't think this line of reasoning has been brought up: why do you have to prevent others from having something, for you to enjoy having it? I guess everyone feels the need to be "special", but this is frankly an ineffective way of looking at it. if it'something you can trade, it's understandable, because that's a lot of plat/trade value for something exclusive. But if you simply didn't know about an opportunity, why should you be barred from buying it? The community blames us, but I and plenty others simply, for one reason or another, didn't know and coudn't have made a deliberate decision one way or another, even if we would have certainly decided to.

So why is it a "breach of trust" to let others enjoy things you like?

Why is it "others' fault" that they weren't at the right place at the right time?

It would be different if it were some cosmetic or trophy, but there are actual items in question that is essentially content (and don't forget mastery) that most people won't get to experience. You're not special, other people are just as passionate about the game, why not give us the benefit of the doubt and let everyone win?

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If someone gives you their word that they will do a thing. You expect them to do that thing. If they do not do that thing, then they lose trust and respect. Telling them to release that content is telling them to abandon their word.

This is why that conversation keeps getting locked. It's not about keeping new players from the frankly mundane stuff. It's about the keeping of a promise to the people who made this all possible.

Aaaaand I'm out.


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6 minutes ago, Demonette said:

I see this come up with time exclusive rewards, but especially when I saw the founder's pack mentioned. I don't know why the community has to have such a kneejerk reaction when this is discussed (and even closing threads that weren't even heated nor problematic), but I don't think this line of reasoning has been brought up: why do you have to prevent others from having something, for you to enjoy having it? I guess everyone feels the need to be "special", but this is frankly an ineffective way of looking at it. if it'something you can trade, it's understandable, because that's a lot of plat/trade value for something exclusive. But if you simply didn't know about an opportunity, why should you be barred from buying it? The community blames us, but I and plenty others simply, for one reason or another, didn't know and coudn't have made a deliberate decision one way or another, even if we would have certainly decided to.

So why is it a "breach of trust" to let others enjoy things you like?

Why is it "others' fault" that they weren't at the right place at the right time?

It would be different if it were some cosmetic or trophy, but there are actual items in question that is essentially content (and don't forget mastery) that most people won't get to experience. You're not special, other people are just as passionate about the game, why not give us the benefit of the doubt and let everyone win?

That's why I keep thinking the guy in my avatar shouldn't be exclusive.

Not to say... The amount of whole crying over all the founder items are ridicolous. If you touch them, it's bad. If you don't touch them, it's bad. If when migrating to console it's transfered, it'd be bad, but then again if you don't allow it it's like a punch to the stomach...

Museum items in the shape of pixels, I swear.

Edited by NightmareT12
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Just now, Ksaero said:

The only "unfair" thing is being unable to get the strongest version of Excalibur which I guess will soon be fixed by introducing Umbra version. The other two items are pretty mediocre.

The only difference is a few shields (25 I think it is).

Oh and the fairly useless 200 energy from poking a deathorb like all primes.

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2 minutes ago, Teloch said:

Another thread revolving around phantom pains for excalibur prime.

Ibn4 lock

Well, I didn't get to discuss it before. And I think I'm bringing up a relevant issue regarding "exclusivity" and why it's dumb. You have a thing, it's fun and cool. Someone else wants that thing, you say no it's only cool because you can't have it? What kind of childish outlook is that?

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7 minutes ago, Demonette said:

You're not special,

Actually founders are special, without them being here at the beginning this game wouldn´t exist.

And now I am asking you OP, why do you feel the need to prevent them of having their reward ( that is what founder items are, rewards )? 

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1 minute ago, Demonette said:

Well, I didn't get to discuss it before. And I think I'm bringing up a relevant issue regarding "exclusivity" and why it's dumb. You have a thing, it's fun and cool. Someone else wants that thing, you say no it's only cool because you can't have it? What kind of childish outlook is that?

That's not the right way to make the discussion though. It incites... a bad behaviour.

Just now, Kuestenjung said:

Actually founders are special, without them being here at the beginning this game wouldn´t exist.

And now I am asking you OP, why do you feel the need to prevent them of having their reward ( that is what founder items are, rewards )? 

I don't want Excalibur Prime being treated as some kind of trophy. It's an in game item that deserves meaningful updates but due DE's quite fair policy (which I thank them for, by the way), it's not that much. People deserve getting their hands in everything non cosmetic.

What about it now?

Edited by NightmareT12
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Founders should keep their Items forever. They enabled WF to be where it is now, they enabled it to exist beyond it's closed beta/alpha stage. This has a whole different value than timed exlusives in tac alerts or events or what not. It literally has no impact on either DE or the Game itself if you buy a Prime Access or buy an old exclusive with Plat you've bought, but their Items show others that they were founders, that they enabled WF to be where it is.


It's like badges on high ranked Militare People. They show what they've been through.

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The main reason people get so salty is because they are sick and tired of seeing the same threads over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over....... and over again. Especially when the info is there for all too see. Its not because founders don't want everyone else to have their fun, we just want DE to stick to their guns and lets be honest here, people are kicking up a fuss over very, very mundane gear. Thats why these threads get locked.

On the flip side I could also ask why are people so obsessed with having everything that someone else has? It works both ways hombre. I actually used to be all for re-releasing founders packs back in the day if all of the founders agreed to it. You know what changed my mind? The constant whining and entitlement displayed by people that simply HAVE to have everything. If someone else has it, they have to have it. I can guarantee you that if founders was never exclusive, pretty much no one would give a hoot. They'd level up the gear and immediately launch it into space or trade it all for ducets (well they might keep excal P).

This is the deadest horse I have ever seen. Its been beaten so thoroughly to death its disintegrated. 

Edited by StinkyPygmy
Added second paragraph
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2 minutes ago, Demonette said:

Well, I didn't get to discuss it before. And I think I'm bringing up a relevant issue regarding "exclusivity" and why it's dumb. You have a thing, it's fun and cool. Someone else wants that thing, you say no it's only cool because you can't have it? What kind of childish outlook is that?


1) It is not a relevant issue: it has been discussed 100500 times already, and the answer is NO.
2) The answer is NO not because the playerbase is so toxic and a certain share of it wants to increase one's e-peen by having exclusive items but because DE cant re-release the mentioned content because of the both LAW and REPUTATION reasons.
3) I'd like to lay my hands on excalibur prime myself, but the difference between us is that I accept the impossibility of such scenario while you are fruitlessly trying to argue with it.


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Just now, Kuestenjung said:

Actually founders are special, without them being here at the beginning this game wouldn´t exist.

And now I am asking you OP, why do you feel the need to prevent them of having their reward ( that is what founder items are, rewards )? 

They still have the reward regardless of who else has it. If you're reward is preventing other people from having it, you need to recheck why exactly you care so much about what other people are doing instead of just playing with your toys.

This isn't a zero sum, everyone can win.

And if I was around sure I would have bought it. But I didn't know. I don't have a time machine. Why take that randomness and turn it into blaming people. It would be different if I was around and just decided no F*** that. But that's not what happened.

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2 minutes ago, Aratir said:

I didn't get to fight during the crusades, i didn't know about it at the time as i was born a couple hundred years later but still i want to enjoy it too......

Some ugly sight that was, honestly...

Unless you have nothing against robbing Constantinopolis, murdering stuff, and raping random damsels in the name of ALMIGHTY GOD!

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2 minutes ago, Teloch said:

1) It is not a relevant issue: it has been discussed 100500 times already, and the answer is NO.
2) The answer is NO not because the playerbase is so toxic and a certain share of it wants to increase one's e-peen by having exclusive items but because DE cant re-release the mentioned content because of the both LAW and REPUTATION reasons.
3) I'd like to lay my hands on excalibur prime myself, but the difference between us is that I accept the impossibility of such scenario while you are fruitlessly trying to argue with it.


Well, maybe we should stop letting people be toxic. You're basically saying, we can't do the logical thing and open up content to people, because others are too immature and can't handle it.

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11 minutes ago, Demonette said:

I don't know why the community has to have such a kneejerk reaction when this is discussed (and even closing threads that weren't even heated nor problematic), but I don't think this line of reasoning has been brought up: why do you have to prevent others from having something, for you to enjoy having it?

It's not that we're preventing anyone from having something.  In the case of the Founders pack, DE has said on countless occasions over the years that Founders would never return.  Veteran players have grown tired of seeing the same question over and over again...because we know the answer.  And we loath seeing the question asked when a simple search would have answered the question before it was asked.


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3 minutes ago, Demonette said:

Well, maybe we should stop letting people be toxic. You're basically saying, we can't do the logical thing and open up content to people, because others are too immature and can't handle it.


I'm basically saying that despite what we want or not, DE simply CAN'T re-relase it.

Accept it

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I am also on the side there should no exclusive items but for founders to promise the in game items will be exclusive was a bad move and narrowminded thinking from devs part because those whom not were here and doesn't able to contribute they missed the opportunity to get all in game. The other fact it is in game items like others which you can get.

Their promise based on a bad options because they weren't enough "rich" at that time so they promised in game items in exchange but they could have just give to the founders som real life content which makes them really special for their contributing.

Funny to see those peoples whom cry about this because this should have been done in better but the peoples treating this as a lifetime promise. I never liked excal so for me not really need the prime variant but the skana and lato prime looks fancy however not so strong weapons unless DE not make them better.

Better to move forward and ignoring this thing because they will keep their false promise to those whom paid a lot for the game.

As non founder I can tell I paid more than some others whom founder here but this not the case here.

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22 minutes ago, Demonette said:

why do you have to prevent others from having something, for you to enjoy having it?

Timed events are your least problem.

What you describe is the whole concept behind rivens mods. You will never have the same riven with the same stats another one has. 

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6 minutes ago, Teloch said:

I'm basically saying that despite what we want or not, DE simply CANT re-relase it.

Accept it

That's not true.

7 minutes ago, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

It's not that we're preventing anyone from having something.  In the case of the Founders pack, DE has said on countless occasions over the years that Founders would never return.  Veteran players have grown tired of seeing the same question over and over again...because we know the answer.  And we loath seeing the question asked when a simple search would have answered the question before it was asked.


There was a time I thought the same, but then I realized (I saw the light lol). Answers can change and I advocate for the question to be repeated.

In the end people, this is a videogame. It's meant to be a business that offers enjoyment.

This thing is preventing Dual Skana Primes and Aklato Primes. It's preventing making the items useful actually. It's even prevented people to enjoy their rightfully acquired items in other platforms (there are Founders who migrated or considered migration, yes).

You can't even see the items in the Codex unless owned by God's sake!

Can't you people see it? How is this supposed to be good for anyone actually?

Just now, Praxxor said:

*laughs in zenurik and Rage*

*laughs hysterically in energy pads*

I use those too. But I don't use them on *everyone*

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3 minutes ago, Teloch said:

I'm basically saying that despite what we want or not, DE simply CAN'T re-relase it.

Accept it

I thought I'd have a discussion only because it also affects how they structure other things in the game.

If we recognize that exclusivity is a fallacy, why can't we progress and say, that's irrational, let's make this game better and stop doing that, and top enabling that way of thinking.

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