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Weapons Only You Use


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Karak Wraith, Viper, Dex Furis and Dex Dakras. Karak is good, Wraith is better, and my Riven makes it almost godly. Viper is sick and bad, but good with the augment, and I recently got a Riven for it (with 2-3 rerolls, got 95% fire rate and 147% multi-shot). Dex Weapons are my fav and I would love to get a Riven for them.

Just to be sure, Rivens for the Afuris works on Dex Furis, right? Because the skin does and I don't want to buy and reroll a Riven that I won't use ^^'.


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Been using my lovely Kohm since she debuted. Following the Cerata, with one of the most gorgeous melee designs to date.

Beyond that, I use my [Red] Critical Rubico build often (just got a nice Riven for it too that I need to install on later), as well as the Lacera.

What I adore most about the Lacera, next to hitting like a truck, is for how smooth the animations are because of its normal / slower innate attack speed. I love Critical+Beserker builds and all, but it comes to a point you get tired of looking like a twitchy and mushy mess because you're attacking faster than the animations themselves.

So it's nice to use something that flows more natural and nicely over some other weapons where someone looking over your shoulder who never played the game before would tell you "That's weird. When are they planning to fix that bug?".

(True story haha. I've actually had friends before when I using a Beserker build Dual Prisma Cleavers for example, thought I was exploiting the game or something because how unnaturally fast I was going and felt really bad for the animation team that their hard work was pretty much for nothing hahah).

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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8 hours ago, Ailissa said:

They aren't getting rid of damage mods so, your words go unmarked. 


As for weapons.....




I took a long break so my log in days kinda broke up, I only got this a week ago. It's fun as all hell.


Just launch my magazines around and it's status, status everyhwere.

Well that's just silly.

I have nearly maxed mods with those "mandatory" damage based ones and I would actually be overjoyed if I could skip out on that mod slot for something...ya know...useful.

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2 minutes ago, Ryqoven said:

Akstilletto Prime...I love that weapon so much, gets me kills even when I'm down

Akstiletto Prime is my main secondary too, although in a lot of cases I tend to take a more specialised primary and end up using the Akstiletto as my main gun.

I use the Orthos Prime quite a lot, which wouldn't have been a rare thing to hear somebody say a year ago but the power creep in 2016 was crazy. Killing enemies that the Orthos clearly didn't even come close to hitting is always fun though.

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Prisma Gorgon, cuz I got a wicked Impact/Multishot riven that makes it DESTROY even max sortie-level grineer.

Lato, which I commonly bring with me on non-endless Void runs to break Nullifier bubbles. I just like the Lato. It's solid, does what I want it to do, and hits where I aim.

And, now, I KNOW I'm not the only one who uses it... I know I'm not. I hear people talk about it all the time, but I've only seen it ONCE since release... the almighty Zarr. Why do I not see people using it? I know they do, but, I feel alone in my Zarr love lately. It's the defacto Link Trinity weapon, if you fire in the middle of an enemy swarm. You get the Zarr initial impact twice due to link, then you get the cluster bomb spread after that, too. There's literally nothing that could be better than hitting an enemy FOUR TIMES (if multishot proc) PER TRIGGER PRESS plus cluster bombs. God Tier.


Reading other posts, I don't really see Staticors these days either. I used to quite a lot, and it's my go-to Mesa secondary since her stun ring and damage mitigation lets her charge up shots with ease.

Akstilleto Primes are also a major secondary for me, ironically replacing my Staticor. I've never used a more beautiful, solid, functional, hardcore crit and status secondary. Best secondary in the game by a LONG SHOT IMO.

Edited by DiosGX
Akstil rules
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9 minutes ago, DiosGX said:

Prisma Gorgon, cuz I got a wicked Impact/Multishot riven that makes it DESTROY even max sortie-level grineer.

Lato, which I commonly bring with me on non-endless Void runs to break Nullifier bubbles. I just like the Lato. It's solid, does what I want it to do, and hits where I aim.

And, now, I KNOW I'm not the only one who uses it... I know I'm not. I hear people talk about it all the time, but I've only seen it ONCE since release... the almighty Zarr. Why do I not see people using it? I know they do, but, I feel alone in my Zarr love lately. It's the defacto Link Trinity weapon, if you fire in the middle of an enemy swarm. You get the Zarr initial impact twice due to link, then you get the cluster bomb spread after that, too. There's literally nothing that could be better than hitting an enemy FOUR TIMES (if multishot proc) PER TRIGGER PRESS plus cluster bombs. God Tier.


Reading other posts, I don't really see Staticors these days either. I used to quite a lot, and it's my go-to Mesa secondary since her stun ring and damage mitigation lets her charge up shots with ease.

Akstilleto Primes are also a major secondary for me, ironically replacing my Staticor. I've never used a more beautiful, solid, functional, hardcore crit and status secondary. Best secondary in the game by a LONG SHOT IMO.

The Zarr is absolutely amazing, I would take it over my Tonkor any day of the week. It's probably not truly as powerful as the Tonkor, but it's versatile, strong, and goddamn fun. The Twin Rogga are really nice too, don't know about the Kesheg though.

Edited by Littlerift
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Torid and Acrid.

EDIT: and Fragor Prime. I think people tried it, saw how slow and short it is, and gave up. I may take a few Berserk hits to get it up to speed but once it's there you pound lvl150+ Corrupted Bombards into chunky salsa with 1-2 hits.

Edited by Vulture051
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Primary: I have so far apparently been the only player who uses the phage. Haven't used it in awhile but i love the gun.

Secondary: I love the azima pistol and it's my go-to when i get bored of the lex prime

Melee: The melee weapons ive been focusing on recently are the destreza, Kronen, and caustacyst. I have yet to see any other player us these 3

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my most used weapon by far is the glaive, and i have rarely ever seen another person use a throwing melee

unfortunately recently i have started using the redeemer again

even with the 'buff' to the glaive prime, the throwing melee are in a srsly sad spot, 'requiring' 3-4 QoL mods that really need to give dual stats instead of just the QoL aspects to make up for the massive stats/slots loss that they take ; AND to make matters worse, throwing melee can easily self-kill thru friendly-fire dmg, but they deal much much less dmg than many other melee or other weapons =/

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  I'm a. . . well, I'm a bit of an oddball when it comes to guns. For example, recently, I recalled the fact that I had three gorgon blueprints in my inventory. I built one and used it, not because of the typical mastery rank reasons, but because I wanted to take the normal gorgon, painstakingly  paint it in each of it's current permutations, and carefully modify each of it's modification sections so that each one roughly corresponds to said permutation. To finalize it, I converted my Mirage into a carbon-copy (from a distance anyway) of a frontier gunner. Now, I have a Type-2 Improved Gorgon (One with the flaws smoothed out), a Gorgon Wraith, and a Prisma Gorgon.


I do this with just about every gun that comes along, and, if I actually get one of the weapons who's skins I've emulated, I simply try to turn that gun into the "opposite" faction's ""cousin". An example? When I received the Dera Vandal, my Dera's "Vandal-setting" was  modified into a Grakatera. 

Phew, goddem, that went on longer then I thought! Feel free to ignore this dithering!

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8 hours ago, Blade_Wolf_16 said:


Just to be sure, Rivens for the Afuris works on Dex Furis, right? Because the skin does and I don't want to buy and reroll a Riven that I won't use ^^'.


Can confirm it needs afuris riven 

Edited by Zephyr
No auto correct. I said afuris ... not Faries
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