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Stacks mechanics and Nullifiers


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First, this is not feedback about the change made to nidus.

Instead this a question or a petition for this treatment for the rest warframes and its powers.

Many warframes that rely on stack gets seriously affected by a nullifier bubble as it is the case with nightform equinox with augment for slow. If she enter the bubble on high levels she is very likely to get killed as the rest of enemies start to move fast again and she is very squishy.

The warframes that would benefit from this would be: 

  • Equinox (With augment Peacefull provocation) for her Provoke and Pacify.
  • Inaros for his Scarab Swarm.
  • Chroma for his Vex Armor.
  • Mirage(With augment Hall of malevolence) for her Hall of mirror.

So this change should be implemented on other warframes that need stacks, the rest that can just cast the power is obviously no needed.

Thanks for reading.

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7 minutes ago, ViS4GE said:

I'd love to see it on equinox.


1 minute ago, Azrael said:

I think the Nidus treatment could be applied to other abilities as well, Rhino's iron skin, Inaros's scarab armor, Chroma's vex armor, etc. A drain over time would go a long way to making those frames playable against corpus.

cough if u agree u should like the OP coughh

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Or you just use weapons to pop its bubble and then shoot it.

Nullifiers already get a rework soon, with a small device you can shoot on the bubble to pop it instantly.

I understand they can be to much if to many spawn at once but, use the right weapon? If you have a sniper or bow use a fast secondary weapon.

Its called optimizing, same reason element and damage types work better against certain factions.

And yes i am aware of sortie "only bow" type of things, but that is the god damn challange in it, people scream for challange but then complain about such.

I understand people want the Nidus threatment but, he on the other hand has still his big health regen running with still high armor even without stacks, while Inaros can't heal himself inside bubbles, Equinox is a squishy frame, you are just not supposed to just run in a bubble full of enemys, same reason you not use squishy frames and just melee burst into enemy groups.

Warframes are different and have and are suppsoed to have there limits. Care as frost for your bubble? Keep an eye open on Nulliefier and focus those then. Same for others and let the ones who can take the damage take care of groups at close range.

And hey many see the enemy scaling broken but maybe, juuuuuuuust maybe they not want us spendign several hours in one mission? For me personaly it is not challenging and jsut boring and no fun, what do i need to proove abusing some mechanics fighting lvl 150 and more enemys past sorties and then complain about oneshot mechanics or so.

This all may sound i not go on the topic, but what i want overall to say with all this is, just priorize thigns like Nullifiers, and not just hope for you abilitys or weapons only deal with all.

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22 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

Or you just use weapons to pop its bubble and then shoot it.

Nullifiers already get a rework soon, with a small device you can shoot on the bubble to pop it instantly.

I understand they can be to much if to many spawn at once but, use the right weapon? If you have a sniper or bow use a fast secondary weapon.

Its called optimizing, same reason element and damage types work better against certain factions.

And yes i am aware of sortie "only bow" type of things, but that is the god damn challange in it, people scream for challange but then complain about such.

I understand people want the Nidus threatment but, he on the other hand has still his big health regen running with still high armor even without stacks, while Inaros can't heal himself inside bubbles, Equinox is a squishy frame, you are just not supposed to just run in a bubble full of enemys, same reason you not use squishy frames and just melee burst into enemy groups.

Warframes are different and have and are suppsoed to have there limits. Care as frost for your bubble? Keep an eye open on Nulliefier and focus those then. Same for others and let the ones who can take the damage take care of groups at close range.

And hey many see the enemy scaling broken but maybe, juuuuuuuust maybe they not want us spendign several hours in one mission? For me personaly it is not challenging and jsut boring and no fun, what do i need to proove abusing some mechanics fighting lvl 150 and more enemys past sorties and then complain about oneshot mechanics or so.

This all may sound i not go on the topic, but what i want overall to say with all this is, just priorize thigns like Nullifiers, and not just hope for you abilitys or weapons only deal with all.

 just because something can be dealt with doesn't mean the thing is inherently fine.  Nullies make no sense lore wise.  Nor are they a fair or fun challenge.  things like sentients, bursas, stalker etc are a fair challenge.  Sentient's/stalkers are fair because we still do damage to them even when they've adapted.  Not to mention everyone has a tenno with them on every mission to just strip them of their defenses.

bursas are fair because they only show up when alarms go off.  scrambas while are a common unit are more fair because they don't have a bubble that protects them.  And the nully fix isn't anywhere close to being done.  And the current idea is to only allow things like snipers/bows do anything to it.  it's not going to be easy or optimal for a player to stop and try to shoot it when both it and the unit it's above will be moving.  it would still be the easiest to just slide in and melee or bring along a fast firing weapon.

Nullies as admitted by DE were their temp solution to deal with warframes powers ability to map clear until they can revist those frames.  They have done that and nullies need no longer to exist.  we have other things in this game that not only effect are abilities but are better design encounters by miles.  To put it simply nullies don't have a use anymore.  they over saturate the game with other units that mess with us on that level.  DE just needs to drop them out instead of trying to continue to force them in.

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28 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Knight Raime said:

 just because something can be dealt with doesn't mean the thing is inherently fine.  Nullies make no sense lore wise.  Nor are they a fair or fun challenge.  things like sentients, bursas, stalker etc are a fair challenge.  Sentient's/stalkers are fair because we still do damage to them even when they've adapted.  Not to mention everyone has a tenno with them on every mission to just strip them of their defenses.

bursas are fair because they only show up when alarms go off.  scrambas while are a common unit are more fair because they don't have a bubble that protects them.  And the nully fix isn't anywhere close to being done.  And the current idea is to only allow things like snipers/bows do anything to it.  it's not going to be easy or optimal for a player to stop and try to shoot it when both it and the unit it's above will be moving.  it would still be the easiest to just slide in and melee or bring along a fast firing weapon.

Nullies as admitted by DE were their temp solution to deal with warframes powers ability to map clear until they can revist those frames.  They have done that and nullies need no longer to exist.  we have other things in this game that not only effect are abilities but are better design encounters by miles.  To put it simply nullies don't have a use anymore.  they over saturate the game with other units that mess with us on that level.  DE just needs to drop them out instead of trying to continue to force them in.

sounds like a nail just got hit on the head.

DE have opened our eyes to the idea of power drain over time with Nidus' stacks, but i don't think we'll see it, certainly not when some people want Nullies to stay in the game. as powerful as we are, there's plenty of ways to kill us without needing to take ALL our powers at once: bullsquirt levels of DPS, tactically removing some powers, insane CC spam etc. Bursas and Combas are more than capable of slaughtering an unaware Tenno, and if my pub experiences are anything to go by, just adding a few more of them would be enough of a challenge for most.

I would also say make Punchthrough work on bubbles: it's something you have to mod for, and otherwise only works when enemies line up, which doesn't happen that often (except with dumb Grineer sometimes).

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If many of them spawn on a mission then the killing them before touch your lines is difficult. This is that kind of game what I hate in general where the mobs can spawn right behind you and spawn everywhere which supposed to be closed.

Nullies can stay in the game from my part but if they bubble not instant remove the frame abilities and the abilities at least could deal damage on the bubble. Weapons with low damage and slow fire rate almost impossible  to go through on the bubble and this makes these fights unfun because those ospreys and techs can drop your shields down in seconds and squishy frames like zephyr, banshee, nyx, trinity, volt etc bellow 100 armor just dies in seconds.

They need to work on the armor and damage scaling and they could remove some annoying features from this game to keep the game flows and not make a mission nightmare for those whom want to enjoy the game.

Now the corpus maps the most hated, after grineer and infested because each faction have annoying units.

Nullies, Scortch, Bombard-Napalm, Charger with "small hits", Ancients all of them.

I know a certain of challenge needs for the game to keep it interesting but I would like to see more intelligent enemies whom can apply tactics rather than bulletsponges with insane damage at high ends.

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Yeah, all buildup powers like Vex and Iron Skin and such should only be temporarily disabled in the bubble and lose some stacking while in it, not get flattened completely. Especially now that they've set a precedent with Nidus. 

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