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New Contest: Tenno Tunes Vol 2!


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Here's my submission!

For those of you interested in my process for creating this, keep on reading! Otherwise, thank you for listening!



The very first thing I did was go through the fankit provided by Digital Extremes, and download all the audio files in the various 'ringtone' folders. I put every file in one folder and just listened. I had no idea what I wanted to do, but the sounds started to give me inspiration. I put all of the ability sounds in another folder for easy access later on:




Then, I got to sketching! This was all about letting ideas come to me. I let myself be messy, and just tried to get ideas down on paper. Eventually, I had the basic layout of a song:



I knew I wanted this to be a combined acoustic/electronic piece, something that started off small and pretty, and developed into something epic and fast. Inspired by Bach's famous Prelude from his Cello Suite No. 1 in G, I figured a solo cello and piano would work well to start of with. I started sketching out harmonies and chose F major because when I reached the end of the chord progression with a V chord, I would get a nice chunky 'C', the lowest note on a cello.



I knew I would have to feel out the piano part, so I opened up Sibelius and imputed the cello harmony. I then looped it, and improvised a piano part on my midi keyboard until I found something nice. I then worked to input it into Sibelius, and it all turned out like this:

NOTE: What you see in Sibelius might be slightly different than the sketches, as I listen to what I have and change things to figure out what works.


That took care of the pretty intro, but now I needed the middle section, some big epic orchestral arrangement! For that, I needed some french horns, and I sketched the harmony for them. To change the vibe, I made this harmony in D Minor, the relative minor of F Major. It has all the same notes, but a different feel that I felt was more appropriate for the large sound.




Into Sibelius! The Cello and Double Bass are doing the bassline:



My voice leading can definitely be improved, but I didn't worry about it too much, especially since I wasn't having real horn players read it.

It sounded good, but I felt I could use a nice driving violin line to really make it feel big. I jumped back on my keyboard and improvised until I came up with a good line. I put that in Sibelius and also added a few timpani hits.


OK! Since this was going to be a combined acoustic/electronic piece, I needed to bring all this info over to Ableton, my Digital Audio Workstation of choice (Except for recording, I use Pro Tools for that). I exported the midi file and dumped it all in Ableton in separate tracks. Now, for the instrument sounds, I used East West's Composer Cloud Suite. They make great products and have a student version where you can pick 7 packs, for $15 a month. I used packs like:


Hollywood Strings:



Quantum Leap Pianos



Their Symphonic Choirs pack even has a word builder that let me make bass singers sing 'Tenno'.



So now, all the work I had done so far was in Ableton and was sounding good. I was then able to play around with the position of the Warframe audio samples. I wanted them to tell a story to help drive the track forward.


With some samples in place, I got to work on some Drum 'n' Bass drums. Nothing too fancy, a simple beat with cutup and filtered loops to fill it out:


So far, the track has been in a 6/8 meter, and I tried to be sneaky with my meter change to 4/4, which I do at 1'31". 

A cool effect I did during the DnB section is the cut up Lotus sample which you can hear clearly at 1'52". I created that by chopping up and switching the phonemes from all the Lotus samples we got. A phoneme is one of the units of sound that distinguish one word from another in a particular language. Here is a list of all 44 phonemes in the English language. By chopping them up, you get something that SOUNDS like talking, but it's nonsensical.


Now I needed harmony for the drum and bass section. Back to sketching!



Into Sibelius it goes!



And from there, I put it in Ableton.


The Drum 'n' Bass section felt lacking with just the acoustic instruments, so I built a few patches in Native Instrument's Massive synthesiser. I built a gritty lead, a subbass, and a supersaw. This is the supersaw:


It's a pretty bland supersaw that wouldn't be able to stand on it's own, but as a complement to the horns? It was perfect.

From there, it was all all about making sure all the effects sounded good and were in the right place. I added more instruments and gave them simple lines if I felt a part was lacking frequency-wise. I added a simple flute and bassoon part into the middle bit because it didn't have enough high or low-mid end.


Finally, I thought I'd end the piece with a callback to the beginning. I got out my favourite reverb Native Instrument's RC 24:


It's built to be similar to the legendary Lexicon 224, and it sounds great! UAD also makes a fantastic replication.

I put a load of reverb on Frost's snow globe sound and slowly brought in the cello pattern from the beginning EXCEPT it's actually in D Minor this time, giving it a more forlorn feeling.


When I finished the mix, I exported the bounce into a new project and mastered it with iZotope's Ozone 7, a wonderful piece of software



OK! Here's what the final project file for the mix looks like - It's separated into three sections:










Thank you very much if you read all of that! I always find it fascinating to learn how others produce music. I tend to pick up lots of tips and tricks, and get ideas I never thought to try.

I hope you were able to get something from my breakdown, and all the best to rest of you composers!


Edited by Vicieuxx
Added non-embedded Soundcloud link
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1 hour ago, Vicieuxx said:

Here's my submission!

For those of you interested in my process for creating this, keep on reading! Otherwise, thank you for listening!


The very first thing I did was go through the fankit provided by Digital Extremes, and download all the audio files in the various 'ringtone' folders. I put every file in one folder and just listened. I had no idea what I wanted to do, but the sounds started to give me inspiration. I put all of the ability sounds in another folder for easy access later on:




Then, I got to sketching! This was all about letting ideas come to me. I let myself be messy, and just tried to get ideas down on paper. Eventually, I had the basic layout of a song:



I knew I wanted this to be a combined acoustic/electronic piece, something that started off small and pretty, and developed into something epic and fast. Inspired by Bach's famous Prelude from his Cello Suite No. 1 in G, I figured a solo cello and piano would work well to start of with. I started sketching out harmonies and chose F major because when I reached the end of the chord progression with a V chord, I would get a nice chunky 'C', the lowest note on a cello.



I knew I would have to feel out the piano part, so I opened up Sibelius and imputed the cello harmony. I then looped it, and improvised a piano part on my midi keyboard until I found something nice. I then worked to input it into Sibelius, and it all turned out like this:

NOTE: What you see in Sibelius might be slightly different than the sketches, as I listen to what I have and change things to figure out what works.


That took care of the pretty intro, but now I needed the middle section, some big epic orchestral arrangement! For that, I needed some french horns, and I sketched the harmony for them. To change the vibe, I made this harmony in D Minor, the relative minor of F Major. It has all the same notes, but a different feel that I felt was more appropriate for the large sound.




Into Sibelius! The Cello and Double Bass are doing the bassline:



My voice leading can definitely be improved, but I didn't worry about it too much, especially since I wasn't having real horn players read it.

It sounded good, but I felt I could use a nice driving violin line to really make it feel big. I jumped back on my keyboard and improvised until I came up with a good line. I put that in Sibelius and also added a few timpani hits.


OK! Since this was going to be a combined acoustic/electronic piece, I needed to bring all this info over to Ableton, my Digital Audio Workstation of choice (Except for recording, I use Pro Tools for that). I exported the midi file and dumped it all in Ableton in separate tracks. Now, for the instrument sounds, I used East West's Composer Cloud Suite. They make great products and have a student version where you can pick 7 packs, for $15 a month. I used packs like:


Hollywood Strings:



Quantum Leap Pianos



Their Symphonic Choirs pack even has a word builder that let me make bass singers sing 'Tenno'.



So now, all the work I had done so far was in Ableton and was sounding good. I was then able to play around with the position of the Warframe audio samples. I wanted them to tell a story to help drive the track forward.


With some samples in place, I got to work on some Drum 'n' Bass drums. Nothing too fancy, a simple beat with cutup and filtered loops to fill it out:


So far, the track has been in a 6/8 meter, and I tried to be sneaky with my meter change to 4/4, which I do at 1'31". 

A cool effect I did during the DnB section is the cut up Lotus sample which you can hear clearly at 1'52". I created that by chopping up and switching the phonemes from all the Lotus samples we got. A phoneme is one of the units of sound that distinguish one word from another in a particular language. Here is a list of all 44 phonemes in the English language. By chopping them up, you get something that SOUNDS like talking, but it's nonsensical.


Now I needed harmony for the drum and bass section. Back to sketching!



Into Sibelius it goes!



And from there, I put it in Ableton.


The Drum 'n' Bass section felt lacking with just the acoustic instruments, so I built a few patches in Native Instrument's Massive synthesiser. I built a gritty lead, a subbass, and a supersaw. This is the supersaw:


It's a pretty bland supersaw that wouldn't be able to stand on it's own, but as a complement to the horns? It was perfect.

From there, it was all all about making sure all the effects sounded good and were in the right place. I added more instruments and gave them simple lines if I felt a part was lacking frequency-wise. I added a simple flute and bassoon part into the middle bit because it didn't have enough high or low-mid end.


Finally, I thought I'd end the piece with a callback to the beginning. I got out my favourite reverb Native Instrument's RC 24:


It's built to be similar to the legendary Lexicon 224, and it sounds great! UAD also makes a fantastic replication.

I put a load of reverb on Frost's snow globe sound and slowly brought in the cello pattern from the beginning EXCEPT it's actually in D Minor this time, giving it a more forlorn feeling.


When I finished the mix, I exported the bounce into a new project and mastered it with iZotope's Ozone 7, a wonderful piece of software



OK! Here's what the final project file for the mix looks like - It's separated into three sections:










Thank you very much if you read all of that! I always find it fascinating to learn how others produce music. I tend to pick up lots of tips and tricks, and get ideas I never thought to try.

I hope you were able to get something from my breakdown, and all the best to rest of you composers!


Sounds really awesome! I made a dnb submission as well, we should collab some time :p

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4 hours ago, Vicieuxx said:

Here's my submission!


That's a lot of work you put in. I too was a music comp major in college, until I dropped out to learn to produce rather than write classically. I still learned all of that notation 😷😷 still gives me a headache just to look at haha! But kudos on the final product. Great integration classically and electronically.

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18 hours ago, (Xbox One)lui84 said:

i´ve used Cubase and an electric guitar. The drums lines were written click by click in a midi-map in the midi instrument section(EZDrummer). All you can hear are guitars, except warframe´s sounds.

So many people have different ways of creating these songs and it is amazing! I have heard almost all of the songs and i think everyone is doing a great job! 

I wish all tenno the best of luck!

P.S:Is the platinum won in the comp tradeable?

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11 hours ago, Vicieuxx said:

Here's my submission!

For those of you interested in my process for creating this, keep on reading! Otherwise, thank you for listening!



As someone who isn't a music major at all, I still appreciate the breakdown. Though, my computer hates sound-cloud links. Could you send me a non-embed link? I'm really interested in hearing this after seeing it.

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12 hours ago, NeroAugustine said:

As someone who isn't a music major at all, I still appreciate the breakdown. Though, my computer hates sound-cloud links. Could you send me a non-embed link? I'm really interested in hearing this after seeing it.

Sure! Here you are: https://soundcloud.com/carsonalexanderlewis/warframe-of-mind-tenno-tunes-vol-2-contest-entry


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