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Devstream #87 Overview


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9 hours ago, (PS4)BrutalReaper32 said:

I like the idea of weakpoints for eximus units. 
I prefer something like that than tanky units because shooting 2 magazines at the same guy is boring as hell, while aiming for weakpoints will consume way less time and is more interactive. 
Really nice IMO :D

Who said the eximus units would lose tankiness just because of the weakpoints?

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An easy fix would be to change the "random" weakspots into one single weak spot right behind their neck, and when you manage to break it the unit simply dies. 

I know it would be kinda just like Bursas but in infested games everybody knows we don't play the same way as Corpus ones.

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Overall it was a nice overview my problems with the eximus unit weakpoints the next. It is a hordeshoot game where the aiming for weakpoints the last thing what you wish to do when there are a hordes of enemies around you and I still not talk about the fact the enemies can spawn from everywhere but often behind you when you not look back at a sec. Now imagine the ancient healer eximuses with the hooking mechanics what they have and just say spawn 5-10 of them and also spawn charger parasitic eximuses whom constantly take your energy so your abilities turn into shet in seconds and you cannot kill also the plebs because of the healers. They are strong enough in higher levels and only one shot for only some weapons on high tier and for those whom have corrupted mods but the avarage player or a beginner will had a hard time to solve these things because of gear and priority issues.

Corpus nullifier eximus?? I imagine it well already suck to fight against the corpus but with this addition I just completely will avoid the long corpus runs and any other faction long runs. Well sad thing the better rewards will coming in later game and the newer players whom needs those items and mods which could drop in later game those won't keep the tempo and die a lot.

The current idea of it needs tweaks and larger weakpoints or at least keep it limit their numbers on endless missions because this can work on an exterminate mission which is non endless with limited enemy count but in endless missions. It will needs tweaks if they really want increase the difficulity.




The bard frame abilities not really sure what it want to be but this frame will be a dancer instead of a bard because first look her abilities are far from what a bard does so this seems currently a big meh.




New enemy types are welcomed depend on it is a nulli like annoyance or a possible beatable opponent.




The stealth gameplay is already in a bad position with this they could kill completely the stealth playstyle from the game because they already spawn behind you always there an enemy whom detect you from 4 rooms later and they can aware their mates corpses which is not bad itself but it is just a kick on ballz those whom want their weapons stealth level up. 


My thoughts and opinions.

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Play the game so far you've already designed.

Play the game to that extent when you can actually consider that you understand the game mechanics fairly well.

Play the game to the level from where you can practically get the viewpoint of a general player.


So that you can develop gaming worthy contents to play with w/o expecting to lose a good chunk of existing playerbase.

Edited by Dark_Prince_Duke
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The eximus weak points sounds interesting, but the parasitic eximus chargers already require a substantial amount of ammo to take down.

If there are more than 3 of them your energy is usually gone before being able to locate and kill them all; not to mention if there is a level 100 healer hidden behind a wall that you can't damage! 

I can see eximus being a real problem. Maybe if the drain rate was lowered. D.E. also needs to take a look at the variety of enemies in levels. What I mean is just because they release a new enemy type doesn't mean that they have to be added to every location where that faction is present. 

An example of this is Hyekka Masters. The introduction of these units was great and added depth to the game. The Crazy Cat Ladies made their presence known with their signature whistles, Ignises (Igni?), and Hyekkas. 

After awhile they became part of the regular enemy rotation, but with that they would spawn multiples and dealing with one level 100 Hyekka Master is annoying let alone 4 all armed with insta-gib Igni. It isn't challenging its the game saying you must die in 3... 2... 1... (They were special, but were turned into a major nuisance.) 

Everything else presented in the stream looked fantastic! Ambulas always needed that rework, just like all of the early bosses. Just having a reskin or larger version of a regular enemy never really did the game justice. (Anyone remember J3 or original Vay Hek?)

I'm also happy that we will finally have a chance to shoot Nef Anyo in the face! One of the most annoying NPC's since Tingle from Zelda. 

The Bard is also really impressive and colorful, but not really my cup of tea. It is amazingly well done! One question about it is: will it come with a syandana that is a giant warning label saying, " may cause seizures"? (In Grineer or Tenno.)  

Happy belated Ground Hog's Day, Tenno! 

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Wait...so eximus units at even low lvls can drain our energy, eat our health, slow us and even more...and now ur giving them invincibility?


Plus making our powers even less viable? Why doesn't DE just go ahead and shutdown the server... Cuz everytime they try to make the game better....they make it worse.



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1 hour ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

Wait...so eximus units at even low lvls can drain our energy, eat our health, slow us and even more...and now ur giving them invincibility?


Plus making our powers even less viable? Why doesn't DE just go ahead and shutdown the server... Cuz everytime they try to make the game better....they make it worse.



The fundamental problem here is that somewhere along the line, power creep made the Tenno waaaay too strong, so now the only way left for DE to challenge players is to switch off Warframe powers and give enemies invulnerability phases.


The problem isn't the enemies. The problem is the Tenno and all enemies, in terms of Warframe powers, weapon stats, and the modding system, it all needs to be rebalanced, but DE are afraid that if they do that, people will start shrieking at them about taking away their maxed out damage mods and their primed mods and their Riven mods.


So instead of that, we get invulnerable enemies, Warframe powers being switched off, and congratulations, you get to keep your maxed out/primed/Riven mods.

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23 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

The fundamental problem here is that somewhere along the line, power creep made the Tenno waaaay too strong, so now the only way left for DE to challenge players is to switch off Warframe powers and give enemies invulnerability phases.


The problem isn't the enemies. The problem is the Tenno and all enemies, in terms of Warframe powers, weapon stats, and the modding system, it all needs to be rebalanced, but DE are afraid that if they do that, people will start shrieking at them about taking away their maxed out damage mods and their primed mods and their Riven mods.


So instead of that, we get invulnerable enemies, Warframe powers being switched off, and congratulations, you get to keep your maxed out/primed/Riven mods.

In this, I feel, I would have to fundamentally disagree. The perceived "Tenno being too strong" is not valid in the actual play with enemies being able to one-shot; being more numerous; and having unlimited resources, scaling, and being generally tougher than players. What can be agreed upon is that the game is in a state of arms-war with enemies being too strong which requires weapons/mods to be stronger which in turn makes enemies stronger. Its a self destructive cycle but one the players have no input in truly creating. Enemy scaling in turn is the real issue not the players, rework enemy scaling to not be infinite or at least scale as players do, and you can begin the process of re-balancing what is perceived as powercreep within a level play-field.

Of course, If I am missing sarcasm here Born with Teeth, I give my apologies; can't really say I am good at picking up on that in text.

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2 minutes ago, Urlan said:

In this, I feel, I would have to fundamentally disagree. The perceived "Tenno being too strong" is not valid in the actual play with enemies being able to one-shot; being more numerous; and having unlimited resources, scaling, and being generally tougher than players. What can be agreed upon is that the game is in a state of arms-war with enemies being too strong which requires weapons/mods to be stronger which in turn makes enemies stronger. Its a self destructive cycle but one the players have no input in truly creating. Enemy scaling in turn is the real issue not the players, rework enemy scaling to not be infinite or at least scale as players do, and you can begin the process of re-balancing what is perceived as powercreep within a level play-field.

Of course, If I am missing sarcasm here Born with Teeth, I give my apologies; can't really say I am good at picking up on that in text.

No, no, I feel we're on the same page, but perhaps looking at different paragraphs. Enemy scaling is just a facet of how strong the Tenno are. Basically, DE scale enemies to make sure they're challenging, yes? The problem is that we one-shot enemies with great ease, and the Tenno ability to permanently crowd control entire tiles is too strong, so in order to make enemies a threat, they have to be hard hitting. After all, any given enemy in a serious mission is only going to get one or two shots off before the Tenno kill or stun him.


If everything were taken back to zero and built up again from there, enemy scaling could be kept in check because the Tenno ability to just turn off entire squads of the enemy could also be balanced, right from the beginning. And by balanced, I mean gutted like a fat carp.

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