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How should I get thses massages to new players


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Well for one you could slow it down a bit? Start off with a light dinner, some conversation a movie and THEN try to put hands in place. I understand this generation is eager but jesuz at least wine and dine me 1st before trying to get all in my hams....

As for the topic itself....there really isn't much to do tbh. You have the forums, the wiki, sites for trades, reddit, YouTube, other places and people offering help and still you find people coming in clueless because they used either none of it or lightly browsed and stopped.

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19 hours ago, AngryBAsian said:

Just to test it out, I offered to sel trin prime at 500 p and my god someone actually bought it off me. ( Dont worry I told him it was a  bonus and gave him maiming strike)

Regardless of your intentions, I doubt literally everything you said from this lie alone. Probably started typing and realized 'wow I sound like a jerk, better cover it up' sorry but people don't just give maiming (except to friends/clanmates). Nice try though.

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2 hours ago, Azlen said:

Regardless of your intentions, I doubt literally everything you said from this lie alone. Probably started typing and realized 'wow I sound like a jerk, better cover it up' sorry but people don't just give maiming (except to friends/clanmates). Nice try though.

Er, I have.  Didn't want it, didn't care about it and have it to a PUG Newbie as a bonus when I traded them Loki Prime and Dakra Prime.

And I still have 2, IIRC.  

I also gave my spare Argon Scope to someone, for an Ammo Drum.


Edited by Noamuth
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6 hours ago, Azlen said:

Regardless of your intentions, I doubt literally everything you said from this lie alone. Probably started typing and realized 'wow I sound like a jerk, better cover it up' sorry but people don't just give maiming (except to friends/clanmates). Nice try though.

Lol. Maiming strike is only 500p... Ive given away 2 ember prime set when it was like 1400 p lmao. What makes you think maiming strike is something ever so precious? You would be surprised at how many players consider "rare mods" like maiming and argon just another mod... The only mod I dont have in abundance is primed chamber and that would be the only one I would never give away... if I had one

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3 hours ago, AngryBAsian said:

I guess? But I remember feeling real bad after buying volt p for 150 p

If someone is a big enough goon to drop plat on a deal without any forethought or research and gets burnt it is their own fault.

Its not like the market is hard to find, thousands of people have mentioned it in game when people ask for prices, this isn't a secret.

And you should feel bad for making a bad choice, it means you understand why its a bad choice and have potential to grow now.

Congratulations, welcome to life.

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"2- Warframe Market

I tell you there are some EVIL people out there in the trade chat and gullible people to buy their stuff. I mean I have seen some people get excited saying that they bought volt p set for 300 plat, as if that was the best deal in the world.( you poor thing)

Just to test it out, I offered to sel trin prime at 500 p and my god someone actually bought it off me. ( Dont worry I told him it was a  bonus and gave him maiming strike)"


You are evil selling volt for 500pl :p

Maiming strike or not... 

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51 minutes ago, (PS4)NASTYRIDE said:

"2- Warframe Market

I tell you there are some EVIL people out there in the trade chat and gullible people to buy their stuff. I mean I have seen some people get excited saying that they bought volt p set for 300 plat, as if that was the best deal in the world.( you poor thing)

Just to test it out, I offered to sel trin prime at 500 p and my god someone actually bought it off me. ( Dont worry I told him it was a  bonus and gave him maiming strike)"


You are evil selling volt for 500pl :p

Maiming strike or not... 

I felt guilty thats why I started thinking about it >.>

I did tell him about warframe market afterwards...

P.S: the plat ahem was ahem too good...

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While I do understand where you are coming from, I do believe that the market is trial and error. I use Warframe.market to get the best prices, because it always seems that people in the trade chat overcharge everything. But when I was a new player I was always skeptical of prices so I never bought anything and farmed all of it. You can tell a child the stove is hot, but he will not believe or understand until they touch it. Let newer players explore and understand by themselves. You see, prices are subjective. Both by the seller, and the buyer. If a person REALLY wants something, they are willing to pay any amount to get it. Hence why some people rush a lot of things in the foundry (myself included). They will learn eventually, we have all made mistakes before. I do call people out when I see abusing new players, just because they don't know any better. But not often. 

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I'm a new player, been playing for about 40 days now.  Maroo herself tells you not to pay the asking price so that should be enough of a hint... anyone with half a brain should know to shop around and at least get a sense of the average asking price for things beforehand, but I got 2 buddies who just start playing recently too.  I brought them to the Bazaar for the first time last week.  They went up to 2 different guys and told them they were noobs and didn't know how trade worked.  On both occasions they guy traded them a bunch of prime parts for junk mods, so there are some decent traders out there too

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2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Wayne712 said:

I'm a new player, been playing for about 40 days now.  Maroo herself tells you not to pay the asking price so that should be enough of a hint... anyone with half a brain should know to shop around and at least get a sense of the average asking price for things beforehand, but I got 2 buddies who just start playing recently too.  I brought them to the Bazaar for the first time last week.  They went up to 2 different guys and told them they were noobs and didn't know how trade worked.  On both occasions they guy traded them a bunch of prime parts for junk mods, so there are some decent traders out there too

We are talking about the trade chat here. It tends to be easier ro trick people there it seems. I used to have aplayer in my clan that was handing out plats like candies cause he developed an expertise in selling overpriced things to new people...

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I know the topic was trade chat, but I use the bazaar and trade chat so assumed everyone else does too, including traders.  I actually prefer the chat and tend to get better items/prices.  You let the screen roll long enough and you'll get a good sense of the average market price of things, but that's the same with any marketplace - in any market you'll get #$&(% traders looking to exploit, but that's a life thing and not just a Warframe thing.  You can't hold everyone's hand unfortunately 

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