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The Best Defense - Melee Creation Contest!


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4 hours ago, Banedain said:

Corpus Greatshield and Mace (cant think of a good name since I dont quite understand Corpus naming convention)

Faction: Corpus (obviously)

Stance: Sword and Shield


Description:The small squares on the corners detach and expand to create and energy shield when drawn, which expands to greatshield size when blocking. The mace folds into a square as its holstered. The shield would give guaranteed electric procs on attacks that hit enemies with said shield.

Had a second idea for this too :) A energy shield and a shockmaul. Didn't upload it tho xD


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Tenno pried these super-heated ballistic combat knives from the cold dead hands of elite Grineer commanders. Re-purposed beyond traditional Grineer use, Tenno formed a CQC system around the Wraak. The CQC resembles Filipino Kali, and incorporates powerful Wraak strikes, slashes, and thrusts amidst hand-to-hand combat.

Ballistic Wraak: Alternate fire sends the blade at a single target. Super-heated blade releases heat blast. Damage % +. 100% knockdown. (Elemental combinations possible.)

Cartridge: User carries 10 extra blades in a holstered cartridge. Holstering the empty knife locks in another blade.

Retrieval: Fired blades are retrieved by walking/running over the marked blade.


Author Notes:


Contest Rules: The text above is what I counted as the 100 words or less description in the contest rules.

In the event that my text on the images is being counted toward the 100 words as well, I will post the artwork without text in a second spoiler below. I wasn't trying to bend the rules, it just wasn't clear if I could put text on the images and in the body of the post.

Wraak Cartridge: I neglected to get back to @evergreenmind on time, so I couldn't put in my request for the catrdidge which would have been holstered on the warframe's waist (at the back) or along the thigh (upper) or the leg (calf/lower). My bad!

Isn't It a Dagger, Though? No, it's not. It's a combat and tactical knife for use with a CQC/martial arts system which incorporates all the traditional moves in sparring weapons. This is because the weapon is strongly based on real-world martial arts systems that do exactly that (see Kali with edged weapons). So while the weapon may be a little unorthodox, it is firmly justified as a sparring weapon in my view and uses the sparring weapon grip.


Artwork without additional text:





For full size images and all of @evergreenmind 's gorgeous details, visit:


Edited by Rhekemi
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Hello c: This is an idea I have for a Corpus polearm!

Name: Corpala

Faction: Corpus

Grip Type: Polearm (Bleeding Willow, Shimmering Blight)

Brief Description: The Corpala is a monk's spade (also known as a Shaolin Spade) of Corpus production. It would employ mostly Impact and Electricity damage. Charged/heavy attacks will ragdoll and electrically charge enemies. Charged enemies will release their charge and shock other nearby enemies if they are killed before the charge expires.


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Hello c: This is an idea I have for a Corpus polearm!

Name: Corpala

Faction: Corpus

Grip Type: Polearm (Bleeding Willow, Shimmering Blight)

Brief Description: The Corpala is a monk's spade (also known as a Shaolin Spade) of Corpus production. It would employ mostly Impact and Electricity damage. Charged/heavy attacks will ragdoll and electrically charge enemies. Charged enemies will release their charge and shock other nearby enemies if they are killed before the charge expires.


I accidentally posted twice! I'm sorry! D:

Edited by DrFunkenstein895
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Just now, DrFunkenstein895 said:

Hello c: This is an idea I have for a Corpus polearm!

Name: Corpala

Faction: Corpus

Grip Type: Polearm (Bleeding Willow, Shimmering Blight)

Brief Description: The Corpala is a monk's spade (also known as a Shaolin Spade) of Corpus production. It would employ mostly Impact and Electricity damage. Charged/heavy attacks will ragdoll and electrically charge enemies. Charged enemies will release their charge and shock other nearby enemies if they are killed before the charge expires.


You posted twice...

but it is awesome!

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Faction: Tenno

Brief Description: The Rapax are a pair of long wrist-mounted Claw weapons (They do fit those stances despite following the arms instead of the hands). The bigger size means they should swing slower, deal more damage, and have longer range.


(More detailed in Fullscreen)



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Just now, Cyborg-Rox said:

Faction: Tenno

Brief Description: The Rapax are a pair of long wrist-mounted Claw weapons (They do fit those stances despite following the arms instead of the hands). The bigger size means they should swing slower, deal more damage, and have longer range.


(More detailed in Fullscreen)



my inner predator needs it 

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12 minutes ago, DrFunkenstein895 said:

Hello c: This is an idea I have for a Corpus polearm!

Name: Corpala

Faction: Corpus

Grip Type: Polearm (Bleeding Willow, Shimmering Blight)

Brief Description: The Corpala is a monk's spade (also known as a Shaolin Spade) of Corpus production. It would employ mostly Impact and Electricity damage. Charged/heavy attacks will ragdoll and electrically charge enemies. Charged enemies will release their charge and shock other nearby enemies if they are killed before the charge expires.



i would love to see this in-game. 

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ronin_nikana_a_by_childofmorpheus-db3y4y ronin_nikana_b_by_childofmorpheus-db3y5x 


Faction: Tenno (Nikana Grip)

Brief description: Back in the days of the Old War, and even in the times before it, this was the sword given to those Tenno that had abandoned the Way. It was meant to mark an official parting of ways between between the Apostate Tenno and the Lotus along with the other Tenno still walking the Ways of Old.

Then, as now, to wield such a blade is a mark of great shame among the Tenno. However, despite that the Rōnin Nikana has become a very sought after Collector's Item, as a dire reminder to keep the Path of the Tenno.



Additional info: Relating to the matter of stats, it has pretty much the same as the Dragon Nikana with the difference than its main damage type is Impact and not slash. I focused on also making it lore-friendly since you guys (DE) have mentioned that this year you'd like to bring more culture items to the game. I think this sword should help with that objective.

Additional comments about the design:

HILT: It is contaminated with the infestation to mark the point of origin of the corruption, its wielder.

GUARD: The symbol of the Lotus all wilted and missing petals on the left side. Presents no support for a kogatana.

BLADE: The actual sharp edge is on the reverse side of where it is traditionally set to showcase that the owner of the sword is seeing things upside down. The blade also has patterns made by making use of negative space, their purpose there is to weaken the blade and also to represent the weak resolve with which its wielder has walked the Path of the Tenno.

SHEATH: There is nothing really remarkable about the sheath other than it appears like an excessive work of patchwork and unlike most things in the Tenno arsenal it is made of leather, barely held together by leather straps. A mark of the tattered and aimless wanderer.


Good luck to all that take part. ^_^

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Faction: Tenno
Brief Description: The weapon can be used similarly to a Blade and Whip weapon, with the exception of the whip function. Instead, when melee key is held down, the hook is thrown and behaves like a Rip Line. It would use a Scythe stance for the normal attacks.
Original Artwork: 


(I'm not good at drawing, so this is the best I could do)

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Drachenatem (Dragon's Breath in German)

Faction =Tenno

Weapon type =Mace

Brief Description = A Wondering Tenno found this one handed mace on his way to complete The New Strange quest. While it looked like a ordinary mace he founded that it could also be used as a Flame thrower at close range. Flames coming from this mace eyes allured the Tenno to choose to wield it and scorch his foes to ashes. Sometimes he can even hear the dragon speak or can he?(imagine a talking weapon xD)     


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1 minute ago, BlueEagel777 said:


Drachenatem (Dragon's Breath in German)

Faction =Tenno

Weapon type =Mace

Brief Description = A Wondering Tenno found this one handed mace on his way to complete The New Strange quest. While it looked like a ordinary mace he founded that it could also be used as a Flame thrower at close range. Flames coming from this mace eyes allured the Tenno to choose to wield it and scorch his foes to ashes. Sometimes he can even hear the dragon speak or can he?(imagine a talking weapon xD)     


But, how does it breathe fire?

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Faction: Tenno
Brief Description: Shelder is Tennomade Gunblade. Projectiles on collision with wall or enemy creates medium-sized shield, simmiliar to that made by sentiniels. Max. 1 shield can be created at once per player with Shelder. Shields can handle up to 800 damage. 
Original Artwork: Maximum 2 images



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Faction : Tenno

Name : Cyzium

Type : Blade and whip  Grip type : Lacera or Mios

Description :

This forged bone sword and this whip-tendon wreak havoc against the most stubborn opponents. Very handy and fast, this weapon deceives the enemies.



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Name: Windstorm

Faction: Corpus

Description: weapon stolen from Corpus laboratories Energy snare of this whip stiffens, turning the weapon in a rapier. The damage of this weapon depends on the energy color.



I am not good at drawing, but this weapon can be a good idea and a useful reuse of rapiers. I hope you may choose my sword and adapt it in the game


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Displaying Warframe_MeleeContest_Stihlock.png

Name: Daul Stihlock
Faction: Grineer
Stance/grip: Swirling Tiger
Description: The Daul Stihlock are twin Grineer broad swords. A unique weapon found amongst the high ranking Grineer officers and prosecutors.
Rarely seen outside of Grineer capital ships, these blades are signature and ornamental but are devastating in the hands of a master
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Here is our entry!


The Buzdovan utilizes the "whip" stance as a flail.
The studded head changes appearance based on modding more of either Impact, Puncture, or Slash damage that give it a reinforced status. Reinforced Impact damage grants slower attack speed with knock-back effects with a larger slam attack radius with knock-back. Reinforced Puncture increases Critical Damage, attack speed and strips armor permanently from enemies. Reinforced Slash increases status chance to 100% Bleed proc with increased proc damage over time.

When sheathed, the chain inside the body of the weapon is coiled around the ring which is visible on the sides.


(98 words)

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Faction: Infested.

Type: Claw (like Valkyr's 4th ability).

Name: Ungulae.

Description: The claws come out of the infested flesh when the weapon is drawn, on status procs it will disperse a cloud of toxin (or the element it has been modded for) this is meant as a status weapon. it won't attack as fast as Valkyr's claws but still fast.



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