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Trinity from a Frost Player's Perspective


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6 hours ago, Polarburn said:


tl;dr: All of my respect goes out to the Trinity players of the game, especially those that consider her their main Warframe. They are much more patient people than I. When they appear in your squad please be thankful and remember that they're a person doing their best to keep track of everyone and keep your health and energy topped off, not an omnipotent and omnipresent EV healbot.

As someone who considers Trinity a Baeframe, first Thanks and second yeah this event is busting my Wrists. I'm having to launch myself playing top off to keep the Clemmmings alive since the "Team" decided to pull both B and C together or didn't wait until both sets are at A. Nyx and Limbo do help buy me time but can only do so much when I have a free moment to top them off with EV or when the Clemming's A.I. decides to derp out "Had two fall to the death in places I couldn't reach". Overall this entire event is giving me Anxiety, not so much the Randys in a Pug but the Clan Leader I have giving us an ultimatum of reaching a certain Goal or face Banhammer from the Clan.

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6 hours ago, Polarburn said:

and it's YOUR fault

If anyone told me that he'd go straight to ignore list. I ran 150 duration 150 strength 100 range build that worked just fine for link and bless, both to heal defectors and to keep myself alive with 17s bless duration. I could solo B or C, but if someone can't bring zenurik or energy pads it's his fault and only his. He might as well not have trin in a pug.

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7 hours ago, Polarburn said:

tl;dr: All of my respect goes out to the Trinity players of the game, especially those that consider her their main Warframe. They are much more patient people than I. When they appear in your squad please be thankful and remember that they're a person doing their best to keep track of everyone and keep your health and energy topped off, not an omnipotent and omnipresent EV healbot.

When you factor in the number of nerfs Trinity has gotten based on player complaints just for keeping their squad in the match for the longest possible time you begin to see why you see so few of them in public missions now.


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Trinity is my least played frame probably, but I decided to take my EV out since she makes Mission 3 so much more easy. This kinda happened to me in a PUG, but without the squad yelling at me. I had to main B, escort to A, and then escort to extraction while also killing and keeping the others alive even though we agreed how we should split beforehand. We had a weird Frost who decided to melee the sh1t out of the infested on the other side of the map, so it was mostly a 3 man job, but we managed to pull through 105 people extracted I think. 

It is really tiring to play her after a while in a mission, but it's surpringly gratifying as well.

Edited by aligatorno
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Just now, aligatorno said:

This kinda happened to me in a PUG, but without the squad yelling at me. I had to main B, escort to A, and then escort to extraction while also killing and keeping the others alive even though we agreed how we should split beforehand. We had a weird Frost who decided to melee the sh1t out of the infested on the other side of the map, so it was mostly a 3 man job, but we managed to pull through 105 people extracted I think. 

It is really tiring to play her after a while in a mission, but it's surpringly gratifying as well.

Well if it was agreed on the split the guys that aren't close to you can't really complain. unless your sending both groups to A and getting them all out at once where you have a chance to heal everyone when they get to A with there charges.

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1 minute ago, Atsuhito said:

i play trinity a lot , and i was in a game the player was " EV" "ENERGY" "EVVVV", and just like when i play support on ow, i just want a little "thx" just that but naaa :c

You should tell them to get in range then :P

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51 minutes ago, Doomerang said:

I just pick up Trinity recently and totally feel what u feel mate... Playing as Trinity makes me very tired...

That's a really good way to describe it. So hectic trying to keep track of everything that at the end of a mission I just feel drained. 

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Thats why i avoid running pugs, as there usually some every now and then that blames you for how you play or what you use.. If i can do it myself, i prefer to do it that way, because then nobody is nagging on my playstyle or for what i use.

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The mission is to escort defectors. I am escorting defectors. If you are also doing your job and escorting defectors, you will receive energy and blessings. If you are not doing your job and escorting defectors, you will be without these things. Either way is fine with me. I am doing my job and escorting defectors.


An EV Trinity doesn't really need to be managing people; the range on her abilities is good enough, and she can spam them enough, that anybody even remotely close to playing the objective will be receiving benefits. Just running a base Trinity with no reactor and no exotic mods (just Stretch/Cunning Drift/Intensify), I'm able to sustain most teams through to the 80~100 mark on mission 3. If I actually had a properly-built EV setup, I'm certain it could go even higher. Even my current setup would go further if I actually had some -duration mods or forma'd out weapons; it starts to break down when I actually have to spend time killing things to pull energy out of them.


All that being said? Bring a second Trinity. Two trins -- one for Bravo and one for Charlie -- make Evacuation a nice, smooth conveyor belt. Your other two bring dps/CC frames and trawl the lanes between B/C and A, and do the final leg from A to the extract after one of the trins tops off their freshly-delivered evacuees at A and heads back to their post.

Edited by Trissila
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1 minute ago, Trissila said:

The mission is to escort defectors. I am escorting defectors. If you are also doing your job and escorting defectors, you will receive energy and blessings. If you are not doing your job and escorting defectors, you will be without these things. Either way is fine with me. I am doing my job and escorting defectors.

I really love the way that's worded. "If you're a good tenno and do your job you'll get some health and energy too." Almost like a parent bribing their kids with ice cream XD

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Thanks for the appreciation and positivity man :") although I found Baeshee, if I were a Warframe, I'd be Trin xD And when someone in the squad does go down on my watch, or someone's energy runs out, to some extent I still blame myself T.T 

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3 hours ago, Nyaa314 said:

Wow. Such clan participation. Much community.


Playing Trin can put a lot on you, but she can carry PuGs through those hour long survivals...IF...they help Trinity help them. If not, then she's perfectly capable of being the heroine and crushing all opposition on her own.

I don't stress too much over the teams I end up in. Most are PuGs and I pretty much view such a mission as my way or (kiss) the highway. Trin's limitations are fairly well known and if the team refuses to take advantage of what she can do, well, I'll look out for #1. I do watch the affinity range, health bars, and energy bars, but if you're not in range, I can't help you--and I'm not going looking for you if you're not in sight.

I haven't done the event yet, but I was planning on seeing it through with Trinity Prime and maybe a touch of Nyx Prime, depending on what I run into and my mood at the time. I like playing her (she's one of my most played and was my second warframe) and helping the team, but if the team refuses to be helped there isn't much you can do about it. Trin can't save them from themselves anymore.

Oh, and one of the best reasons for playing Trinity Prime in particular is her looks. As far as warframe art goes, this 'frame is just an amazing confection of visual bliss. She's just a pleasure to watch move through a level or even standing still. She's easily one of the high points of pure, unadulterated eye-candy in a game drenched in it to begin with.

Edited by Sloan441
Second thoughts...
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Good stuff, OP, thanks for your Trin appreciation.

Personally, I really like Trinity, but I don't give two Threshcones about a squad complaining and demanding. I'm helping, I'm being a great support, they can be appreciative or leave or play a Trin themselves. That said, I've reconfigured her for Duration and usually play her as a melee channeling tank, which is still surprisingly effective at healing the team and getting the Energy out there.

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Personally I love Trinity and what her kit can provide, but I don't get why so many Trinity players are complaining about teams who 'expect' things from them. Apparently some Trinity players feel 'pressured' to keep healing and restoring energy, all that good stuff that Trinity can do, but I personally feel awesome when I cast those heals and energy restorations because I know I'm impacting the team in a way that nobody else can. I dunno whether I feel pressure or not but as a Trin player who wants to support I feel obliged to cast them anyway since, healing and restoring energy is what Trinity does, so there's no point in not making the most of her kit.

My only 'issue' I've come across is when people want me to cast EV more when they're rushing in and killing everyone so I don't actually have a target to EV since I'm usually left in the back line as they all rush ahead, but even that has an easy solution of communicating with the team

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11 hours ago, Polarburn said:

Thought I would share a bit of my experience from the Pacifism Defect event that's running now as I thought it was an interesting bit of commentary. For a bit of background, while I do have access to every Warframe that's currently available, I mainly play using Frost. A LOT of Frost. Unless I'm leveling a frame or hit the randomize button he's generally the one I run missions with.

So along comes the event and after one run it's pretty easy to tell that the king of snow globes isn't as well equipped for a literal mobile defense. After poking through the forums and trying a few different frames I eventually decide to pull out Trinity to see how well things go being able to freely heal the defectors. Overall things went well and the mission ended with extracting around 100 Kavor Defectors. There's a completely different mindset though going from Frost, rather laid back and kind of just runs his own show, to Trinity, whose very presence puts the weight of an entire team on her shoulders.

Suddenly you're expected to do everything. Not only do you have to keep yourself alive, you also have to stick with the Kavor and Bless them to keep them alive, and you also have to stick with your squad to make sure they stay alive and topped off on energy, which isn't always the easiest task in a public game. Suddenly you're an hour into the mission and it's YOUR fault your squad doesn't have energy when they're running every which way, it's YOUR fault a squadmate or Kavor goes down because you're on the other side of the map, it's YOUR fault one of the med tours is at 0% because you're one frame trying to be in three or four places at once, and it's on YOU that your squad didn't get further when your spot could have easily been filled by a less helpful frame. Say for example a Frost. In other words, I think Trinity's getting hung back up in my arsenal for awhile because my heart just can't take the stress.

tl;dr: All of my respect goes out to the Trinity players of the game, especially those that consider her their main Warframe. They are much more patient people than I. When they appear in your squad please be thankful and remember that they're a person doing their best to keep track of everyone and keep your health and energy topped off, not an omnipotent and omnipresent EV healbot.


It's not your job to provide energy to your team unless you formed the team in advance with that in mind. Do it at your own leisure. If somebody asks for energy then I'm not going to stop keeping the defectors alive just so I can look for whoever asked and wait for a mob to go near them for me to cast energy vampire on. Though I might cast energy vamp on a mob near me but then I expect you to be near me too when you asked (Do your own leg work) so if you ask again right after then I'll ignore you and as far as I'm concerned you are dead weight. I expect my team mates to be able to take care of their own needs when I join a public game. Don't get me wrong, I'll rezz you, no problem but just don't expect me to be your energybot on tow because I have no intentions to be so.

Edited by Golmihr
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I never play as an EVals.

Do people not realise killing the effected target resets it? Do they not realise I can see 'when' they need energy as opposed to constantly spamming pointlessly? Do they not want beautiful damage reduction for a duration?

Trinity players rebel I say, rebel.


'Need an EV Trin? Really?! As opposed to what? A despoil Trin? What you should post is 'Need an EV Spam'.

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2 hours ago, Atylia said:


My only 'issue' I've come across is when people want me to cast EV more when they're rushing in and killing everyone so I don't actually have a target to EV since I'm usually left in the back line as they all rush ahead, but even that has an easy solution of communicating with the team

Good point. I've felt this way more than a few times, but it's usually because the team is way overmatched for the mission and they really don't need your help to get the job done. They really don't need EV when they're rampaging with 6-forma AoE weapons in a lvl20ish exterminate.

A lot of good warframe builds are self-supporting. They don't need Trin to do most things. Where Trinity comes into her own is moving outside that normal gameplay comfort zone or using her abilities to support extreme builds that aren't otherwise self-supporting--dedicated teams build around having continuous energy resupply and DR buffs. That's where the real Trinity shines.

Of course, I just like playing her and often bring her to missions where she isn't necessary and not really needed at all. Then you get those otherwise milk-run missions and the G3 suddenly show up...then it's nice to have that Trinity backstopping you.

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thank god somebody understands

I main trinity, I like being a healing tank, I don't mind having to carry the team, it's what trinity is good at

 BUT, (and it's a big but) I can't be everywhere healing everyone all the time, if I'm at C to heal evacuees, I can't also be at A and B healing evacuees and reviving the guy on the far side of the map playing hallway hero, and restoring energy to the two other teammates who may or may not be off doing their own thing somewhere else.

I'm more than happy to heal and EV when required, but if you run off and leave the generous range of my abilities to go play hallway hero, don't get pissy when you get downed or run out of energy

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