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Nyx Assimilate fix is a massive nerf


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in the patch notes there is only two states that mention nyx:

  • Fixed Nyx’s Mind Control not properly affecting Shield Drones, and resulted in the Drones wandering off on their own
  • Nyx's Psychic Daggers now only seek target under reticule. If no target is found, they will fire off in a random direction in Conclave.

nothing about assimilate unfortunately :/

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I get the feeling the fix was done because Assimilate wasn't meant to alter the power so dramatically.  It was made so that you could move while using it, albeit at a slower pace.  The power otherwise wasn't supposed to be any different than how it normally works.

That everyone got use to the 'bug' doesn't mean it still wasn't a bug.

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1 hour ago, RiouHotaru said:

I get the feeling the fix was done because Assimilate wasn't meant to alter the power so dramatically.  It was made so that you could move while using it, albeit at a slower pace.  The power otherwise wasn't supposed to be any different than how it normally works.

That everyone got use to the 'bug' doesn't mean it still wasn't a bug.

If we're gonna play that card, then augmented is still bugged compared to normal absorb and still warrants being changed. Assimilate absorb is affected by ANY damage at all. Operator, abilities (this is one of the bigger complaints about this recent change), sentinels, and i'm pretty sure I've seen syndicate procs chunk out mp as well. All things that never affected normal absorb, at least not back when I last used absorb before the augment dropped.

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4 hours ago, RiouHotaru said:

I get the feeling the fix was done because Assimilate wasn't meant to alter the power so dramatically.  It was made so that you could move while using it, albeit at a slower pace.  The power otherwise wasn't supposed to be any different than how it normally works.

That everyone got use to the 'bug' doesn't mean it still wasn't a bug.

yeah sure, it was a bug indeed...

and nyx is not going to be useless because of that change.

but with that augment, she was something MORE besides "run and spam chaos"
using assimilate, she was a tank! and people had FUN playing like this

now i can see that a lot of players stopped playing Nyx, because she is not as FUN as she was.
i still think Nyx is fun and strong, because i like her.

But that change kind of killed the fun a bit..

at least they fixed the bug when mind controlling Shield Drones, which is awesome

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Tried using nyx,

Tanking fine,

Clanmate accidentally shot me with Tigris, 

No more energy,

Nyx became messy puddle on the floor.

10/10 would puddle again.


Seriously though this makes trolling Nyx far to easy, a mechanic that makes trolling easy isn't a mechanic.


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Look, the entire problem here is the fact that they ever changed Nyx to use energy based on damage absorbed. It was a horrible change. Look at it this way, when you cast frosts bubble, make it drain energy at the same rate per 1000 damage taken as Nyx's bubble.

It was fine before the nerfs. It let you easily defend an objective by pressing 4, oh no, how many frames do we have that already do that? Especially frost. 

It's inconsistent balance, nyx needs to be buffed to her pre-nerf state. Frames don't need to be average. Frames should be damned good. All their abilities should be great, or at least the ones that define them. I really don't expect Frosts 1, Nyx's 1 or any other frames 1 to be good.

Edited by Drago55577
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From my experience, this change brought more harm than good when I'm more worried about teammates attacking the bubble than the actual enemies trying to kill me.

Don't see the point of an Assimilate Nyx being a damage dealing frame even in a pinch when Overextended+Stretch still has pathetic damage range.

On 3/25/2017 at 6:45 PM, RiouHotaru said:

That everyone got use to the 'bug' doesn't mean it still wasn't a bug.

A long time ago, Frost's Avalanche freezing enemies to a standstill as CC was once a bug too.

Sure, it was fixed and removed, but his rework introduced it as a trait for his ult instead of having him as a mere Snowglobe dispenser and nothing more.

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On 3/10/2017 at 11:23 AM, OmniXVII said:

Any mechanic that gives allies any potential to troll another player should not be a mechanic at all.

Like a perfectly well-handled fire fight disrupted by a nyx setting up absorb/assimilate in everyone else's field of fire. Or a frost setting up snow globe in the same manner. Or a limbo setting up cataclysm in the same manner. Or a atlas setting up tectonics in the same manner. Or a hydroid setting up ... well, down ... an undertow in the same manner. Or a mag setting up polarize in the same manner. And so forth and so on ...

And now that the assimilate fact is out of the bag a revert to the mechanic only invites more of a different flavor of trolling. If more and toxic players knew they could cut down their team with assimilate (and have the added benefit of getting those big fancy numbers when assimilate was ended in the middle of a group of enemies) it would be like the sound quaker meta and every chump on a hump would be exploiting it.

Blanket, absolute, and BOLDED requests like that is not the constructive feedback Space Mom (and DigiExt) needs.

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7 hours ago, BTez said:

Like a perfectly well-handled fire fight disrupted by a nyx setting up absorb/assimilate in everyone else's field of fire. Or a frost setting up snow globe in the same manner. Or a limbo setting up cataclysm in the same manner. Or a atlas setting up tectonics in the same manner. Or a hydroid setting up ... well, down ... an undertow in the same manner. Or a mag setting up polarize in the same manner. And so forth and so on ...

And now that the assimilate fact is out of the bag a revert to the mechanic only invites more of a different flavor of trolling. If more and toxic players knew they could cut down their team with assimilate (and have the added benefit of getting those big fancy numbers when assimilate was ended in the middle of a group of enemies) it would be like the sound quaker meta and every chump on a hump would be exploiting it.

Blanket, absolute, and BOLDED requests like that is not the constructive feedback Space Mom (and DigiExt) needs.

You're really exaggerating how disruptive Assimilate is. Snowglobe / Cataclysm / Undertow / Magnetize are disruptive because (modded) they cover 24+ meters in diameter. My 190% range Nyx covers 6 meters with her Assimilate bubble. She's going to be blocking a negligible amount of bullets unless she's literally in a doorway, in which case any frame standing in the way is going to be just as bad.

You also try to make a point that people would "cut down their team with assimilate" and exploit the "big fancy numbers" they would get out of doing so. You even go as far as to say it would be like the Sound Quake "meta."

This is wrong on a number of levels:

1. Absorb deals magnetic damage.

2. Absorb's damage component has pitiful range

3. Absorb's damage component suffers from damage drop-off

4. Assimilate takes its pitiful range and halves it.

5. Assimilate makes you walk at a snails pace. You're not going to be dropping this on any meaningful cluster of enemies.

Edited by HolidayPi3
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5 hours ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:


Unfortunately, I don't think there is any sort of motivation to revert this travesty. As u can see, reb decided to go down memory lane....maybe testing? What they did to my Nyx makes my head hurt.

Don't look into this too much. She looking at Nyx  it is the most important thing, ie Nyx is not forgotten.

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2 hours ago, IronFist_Legion said:

Don't look into this too much. She looking at Nyx  it is the most important thing, ie Nyx is not forgotten.

Agreed to a degree.

We can only hope DE hasn't left Nyx behind for newer things like so much else in this game, but at the same time, Rebecca playing around with Nyx isn't conclusive eveidence of this.

It is however something to look to and be hopeful about...

I just wish they would tell us SOMETHING more. Not these various vague things they keep saying.

The word "soon" comes to my mind when I say that.

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14 hours ago, HolidayPi3 said:

You're really exaggerating how disruptive Assimilate is.

Then in turn I would say it is an exaggeration how important absorb's/assimilate's contribution to a co-op run is from the beginning.

All of those points say to me that absorb/assimilate is fundamentally flawed from a team aspect and seeing it shoe-horned into a solo tank role is not detrimental to anyone other than the player looking to use a solo-minded frame/power in a team setting where synergy, intentional or otherwise, reigns.

Perhaps addressing the change as a "massive nerf" is where the real exaggeration lies.

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i don't think that the assimilate fix will KILL NYX, turning her useless...

but assimilate brought a new type of gameplay to her: being a tank.

and THAT TYPE GAMEPLAY got killed.


she is still strong, she is still useful..

but she is back to the "run and spam chaos" gameplay...

because the augment is useless now

Edited by nanicow
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1 hour ago, BTez said:

Perhaps addressing the change as a "massive nerf" is where the real exaggeration lies.

Nope. Allowing another player to drain Nyx's energy pool from over 300 to 0 in a matter of seconds is a massive nerf by any stretch of the imagination, particularly when the resulting charged radial blast fails to kill Grineer Lancers at level 50 40+ when you're using the usual Stretch+Overextended build--as is necessary if you even want to touch an enemy more than an arm's length away with Assimilate halving that blast's range. It seems especially unfair when you consider that Assimilate was basically a much, much worse Wukong's Defy even before the change; it renders you far less mobile while also constantly draining your energy.

As mentioned repeatedly earlier in the thread, her whole team-damage-absorb aspect for both base and augmented ability don't help. You're simply wasting time shooting the bubble instead of just killing enemies in a far more expedient, reliable manner. With that in mind, I have a suggestion for Nyx that can restore her value in teamplay without adjusting her potential in Solo content.

Instead of keeping team damage absorption, DE should consider removing that aspect from both base and Assimilate-augmented versions of Absorb and allowing the bubble to be shot through (with the usual energy toll over time and enemy fire draining it more quickly), both preventing Nyx from being trolled by malevolent players *and* preventing Nyx players from trolling others by moving their Assimilate bubble directly in the line of fire--as can be done in the Vay Hek and Sargus Ruk sorties, much to everyone else's frustration. Think of it like deploying 3-4 Volt shields around yourself, but as a channeled ability versus on a timer, and conferring no additional damage bonus when shot through like Volt's shield does.

Edited by Landpaddle
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15 hours ago, IronFist_Legion said:

Don't look into this too much. She looking at Nyx  it is the most important thing, ie Nyx is not forgotten.


13 hours ago, KX297 said:

Agreed to a degree.

We can only hope DE hasn't left Nyx behind for newer things like so much else in this game, but at the same time, Rebecca playing around with Nyx isn't conclusive eveidence of this.

It is however something to look to and be hopeful about...

I just wish they would tell us SOMETHING more. Not these various vague things they keep saying.

The word "soon" comes to my mind when I say that.

Its been over two weeks..Reb has concerns elsewhere ..My suspecions are confirmed.....posted tonight a 9 cst and I quote : "Confirmed for me as well - just needed that one last Octavia piece but this bug has stopped that plan tonight. We'll fix up ASAP! 

we are not a priority. Vary sad. Makes me sick and irratable!

Edited by (XB1)FCastle74
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4 hours ago, BTez said:

All of those points say to me that absorb/assimilate is fundamentally flawed from a team aspect and seeing it shoe-horned into a solo tank role is not detrimental to anyone other than the player looking to use a solo-minded frame/power in a team setting where synergy, intentional or otherwise, reigns.

Even through your point, there is indeed a good reason to take a second look and probably a second fix/change for Absorb/Assimilate. Many people see Assimilate as a sort of separation or unique feature of Nyx that makes her different from what she normally is. People used it to survive high pressure and cover allies, tank shots to revive allies, maybe even do mission/objective tasks without dying (such as capturing a target, hacking a cipher, etc.). According to my own interpretation of your statement, however, it absolutely MUST be a team-based ability. Not only does that contradict many abilities on several other Warframes (Why is Mesa's Shatter Shield not for the entire team? Why is Trinity's Link not for the entire team?), but it would also bring up another issue: why is DE ignoring an ability that should clearly be by, for, and from the team? 

DE has nerfed the independent tank role of Assimilate in teams, or DE has never even taken a second glance at how Absorb/Assimilate isn't even good for teams to begin with. What I personally think is that not all abilities need to be seen from a team aspect. If all abilities are to be seen through a team aspect, then several abilities for even more Warframes would suddenly have a vital flaw: "they are not good for teams." However, I digress; the crux of the issue is that not only does this change bring up a handful of questions, issues, or blatant changes in gameplay, but it's that DE has forgotten about it after not even half a glance.

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