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[Update 20] Share your Captura Screenshots!


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My Banshee Prime demanded the spotlight for first usage of Captura. I think she just wants to impress Octavia with sheer FashionFrame because she's only unorganized sound. We'll see when Octavia joins my happy Warframe family. XD


What a terrible shot her enemy is. Makes nice effect, though.

So incredibly enthusiastic about this new mode that Banshee is about to murder the camera with hugs.

*Silently judging you*

Making use of the explosive barrels besides just instantly blowing them up on sight.


EDIT: Heh, first time on forums so I couldn't get the images to work. Should be fixed now.

Edited by CFAngelGirl
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When the lights go out in a Corpus ship, what else is there to do except pose with your warframe?



This one pretty much speaks for itself.

DE, thank you so much for adding this mode. I am going to lose so many hours of my life messing around with it.

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I'm spamming at this point, but I just love this mode so much. I'll just pile everything out now.

Lights, lights everywhere! My Nova Prime loves em.



Nova found the reactor beam below the giant projector in the Infested Ship tileset, and wanted to play with it. No frames were harmed in the making of this photoshoot.


Hi Banshee.


Um...is this...normal...?


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