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Not a rant, but I miss the old void. Do you?


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Nope don't miss spending endless hours staring at the same tilesets praying to God RNGesus will be merciful and not give me a useless mod instead of a primed part that is only on rotation C.

Best of all......No more key leeching and the whining that came with it.

And ya the "Muh challenge is gone" group... Pft it got cheesed to high hell like always with Nova... Or the old Volt and Excalibur turret combo.(And the obligated Disarm Loki)

Edited by SilvaDreams
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I do indeed miss a reason to play void again. I don't miss the pathetic grind though. Everything stockpiled to rotation Cs and getting orokin cells or fusion cores (now endo) was more than just aggravating.

Grinding your prime gear is so much quicker now. But we still lack a reason to go for long runs and to put our gear into actual use.

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I actually never felt the grind in the old void. Even after playing so long. But the new void is boring, poorly executed.

The leeching in fact has increased exponentially now then before. No one has the relic people want to grind but everyone wants the parts. Getting a team to go for a certain relic once a relic gets out of focus is close to impossible.

There is no preparatory grind. There is no reason to play right now in fact. Due to the fact you can't pre stockpile on keys, grinding is done only after new stuff is released. Thus lets says you took 2 months  to grind the parts you need. the next 1 month before next p access comes, there is nothing to do. This is true as I haven't played for more than 3 months, and I have no intention of getting spaghetti face, and powercreep p. And thus have not missed anything.

The old void incentivized playing other endless missions other than void so that you don't run out of keys while grinding, Thus having something to do when the dry season of content starts. Right now not having played for months and I'm still not lacking a single bit when it comes to actually missing on anything crucial.

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Despite what people are saying, I actually do miss the old void simply because it had more people doing them so it was easier to find squads to join. I enjoyed hopping into a random void survival or occasional void defense.

Sure void is still there but let's be honest, it's different now. I enjoyed earning prime parts or easy ducats/formas or whatever just staying there. Now they're just regular missions with no prime parts or anything special so not really worth doing.

Btw just my opinion but I find the relic system more of a pain because you have to farm for all the different relic keys now before getting to the actual prime parts themselves.

Edited by SunsetChaos
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I think with keeping the fissure system, they should put the parts back in void, although with a diluted reward system, I don't mind that. It can become a good thing to farm for Ducats whereas fissures to be for specific parts you want. 

(Then I also won't be dissed for going void survival because it's unrewarding.) 

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4 hours ago, crimsonspartan1 said:

Old void: Better for getting multiple prime parts for ducats and a ton of formas

New void: Better for getting the prime part you actually want

Farming ducats cancels itself out. The easier it is to farm ducats, the higher the prices become.

So that's not really an advantage. 

The new system is far better for making a profit though. You can PUG fissures and get rare parts without wasting 20 minutes.

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no system was perfect! but what I dislike the most about the new system is the reactant on endless missions!

and ye I miss it the old one aswell,was more effective somehow!

I don't trust this new RNG,relics seem to have same drop % intact or radiant!

Edited by DopingMD
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20 hours ago, (PS4)strasserhouse said:

Do you want the old void back?


At one point the mere idea of having to go to the void AGAIN, for Lotus knows how much time, just to get a particular piece of equipment was nauseating to me. With so many interesting and intricate tilesets to choose from having to spend copious amounts of time in the exact same tileset killed it for me. I still can't do void defense for more then 20 waves  without wanting to hurl. 

I suspect people who are clamoring for the "old void" have locked away the memories of utter boredom and routine. Or maybe they don't really like the game and having a single, simple tileset between them and the goodies is preferable (to them) over having to learn and get accustomed with other tilesets.

I knew some void-addicts who hadn't even noticed how several tilesets (like europe) were updated because they went no where else.. All of these people eventually burned out on the game. Which didn't surprise me At-All

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1 minute ago, ComCray said:


At one point the mere idea of having to go to the void AGAIN, for Lotus knows how much time, just to get a particular piece of equipment was nauseating to me. With so many interesting and intricate tilesets to choose from having to spend copious amounts of time in the exact same tileset killed it for me. I still can't do void defense for more then 20 waves  without wanting to hurl. 

I suspect people who are clamoring for the "old void" have locked away the memories of utter boredom and routine. Or maybe they don't really like the game and having a single, simple tileset between them and the goodies is preferable (to them) over having to learn and get accustomed with other tilesets.

I knew some void-addicts who hadn't even noticed how several tilesets (like europe) were updated because they went no where else.. All of these people eventually burned out on the game. Which didn't surprise me At-All

I think the ones wanting it back want it purely because they didn't need to farm Relics/keys because they were always leeching off groups, friends or clan mates who did all the key farming for them.

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We need something to have a reason to go back to the void. Such a nice wasted place. Maybe endgames. Rare rewards or something. I do miss the void but having a change would be nice. Mostly everything in this game mentions the void. So why not bring the void back with some type of twisted weird change. :P

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7 hours ago, SilvaDreams said:

I think the ones wanting it back want it purely because they didn't need to farm Relics/keys because they were always leeching off groups, friends or clan mates who did all the key farming for them.

That could be true, but I do honestly miss the importance of the Void. The way of obtaining Primes before sucked, but it made a Tileset a bit more important.

I kind of wish it was like the Derelict wherein you could get something for Fissures faster or easier, or at least a reason to want to stay due to the difficulty curve.

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I also miss the old void key system.

The relic system just increased the amount of farming everyone needs to do overall. Farm for relics. Farm for void traces. Farm for people who also have farmed for relics and void traces.

With the old system, only one person needed to have a key. This meant that not only did not everyone need to farm for void keys, but that it was also easier to recruit a party for a void run, as you could group up with anyone that could complete the mission and still be guaranteed the same result for everyone.

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Yeah, I miss the old void. It gave me purpose to simply fight. I'd join survival, defense, sabotage not for the rewards but for the sake of people playing an hour or more and seeing how strong you are and what you need to improve.

The current system is just flying through everything fast. Entirely focused on quick rewards rather than effort and persistence. I won't be ridiculous and say "they don't deserve those rewards so easy!" that's absurd, but my point mostly comes from enjoyment of playing (then) vs enjoyment of being rewarded (now). ironically, people farm MORE now than before. Before it was about waiting but playing while waiting, now it's farm relics, farm traces, farm parts, to farm relics, to farm traces etc etc.

It's so hard to find people that just want to play for fun... and it also sucks since there's nothing to look forward to either. Dumb relics, a handful of credits. The reward system overall is pretty pathetic, actually. But that's an entirely, different beast to tackle.

Also the actual "void" map is  absolutely pointless now.

Edited by Heatnix.
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Having returned from a long break recently-ish and even though I knew the rewards weren't there anymore, I still found myself splicing the new content mostly with void missions.  Love the place. 

The only criteria that I believe needs addressing for the old void to return to the loot table is the farming side.  It brought players fatigue and burnout and DE content, financial and scheduling headaches.  All of that stemmed from one specific thing - attack farming.  Remove the players ability to do that and everyone is happy, everyone gets their cake.  My preferred mechanism would be X void old loot runs per day but you take what you can/fits/balances.

All ignoring the real implementation cost of course because only DE knows. 

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49 minutes ago, nk42 said:

Having returned from a long break recently-ish and even though I knew the rewards weren't there anymore, I still found myself splicing the new content mostly with void missions.  Love the place. 

The only criteria that I believe needs addressing for the old void to return to the loot table is the farming side.  It brought players fatigue and burnout and DE content, financial and scheduling headaches.  All of that stemmed from one specific thing - attack farming.  Remove the players ability to do that and everyone is happy, everyone gets their cake.  My preferred mechanism would be X void old loot runs per day but you take what you can/fits/balances.

All ignoring the real implementation cost of course because only DE knows. 

Well I think most people hate time gates on things, specially farming stuff.. I know I absolutely hated it on WoW back in the early 2000s when you had to wait a full day or week to get a chance at a piece of gear that might have a 0.001% Chance of dropping.


11 hours ago, Ryme said:

I also miss the old void key system.

The relic system just increased the amount of farming everyone needs to do overall. Farm for relics. Farm for void traces. Farm for people who also have farmed for relics and void traces.

With the old system, only one person needed to have a key. This meant that not only did not everyone need to farm for void keys, but that it was also easier to recruit a party for a void run, as you could group up with anyone that could complete the mission and still be guaranteed the same result for everyone.

You still had to farm keys for the void unless you were one of the Many leeching off others.

As for void traces... Pft you don't Need them you Want them. They only give a minor boost to potentially getting a better item and unless you are running a dedicated group on a certain key it is actually a waste. I rarely use the traces I have and half the time I get the best outcome without a modified relic and I'll get the worst while running a modified one (RNGesus just loves to mess with us)

Edited by SilvaDreams
Holy Veyhek I hate auto correct at times...
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14 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

Well I think most people hate time gates on things, specially farming stuff.. I know I absolutely hated it on WoW back in the early 2000s when you had to wait a full day or week to get a chance at a piece of gear that might have a 0.001% Chance of dropping.

Sure but it's just another small piece of the loot system.  The option is there, provides a little incentive to visit the void and revives some of the co-op accessibility that was lost.

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On 3/29/2017 at 9:40 AM, WolfTitan said:

I hate Void 2.0. DE said that they created it to resolve the issue of diluted tables and the Prime Vault. Well, now there are a ton of different relics, and the vault still exists. For new players, the chance of them finding 3 others to run an old radiant relic is slim to none

Void 2.0 is more complex than Void 1.0 in which you only had to have the right key and do the mission assigned to that key. Now you need to:

  • Farm for the relic that you need. Don't forget that there are now a billion different keys you can get, further reducing the chance of getting the relic you need.
  • Collect enough traces.
    • Upgrade your relic.
  • Find a squad that wants to do the same relic with the same refinement.
  • Complete a fissure mission and hope for the best. Don't forget to collect 10 reactants before extracting.
    • Oh by the way, each player has to have his/her own key to get a reward.

This is my issue with it too. Complexity is one thing, but people who are saying it solves a grind seem to just be sick of the tile set itself. Your still farming for an extended time. On paper, each relic you get is typically 5 mins in another run, used every 5 mins in a fissure. 10 minutes! Sounds good right? But that is 10 mins ONLY if you got the relic you wanted early on, and on your first run.

Many relics don't drop until "rotation c." Which is roughly 20 mins. To then use in a 5 min span in the void, IF you don't make it radient. So many "5 min" spans in a fissure actually represent 25 mins. That's IF you got the relic you wanted on your first run. More keys, more chances to get the wrong one.. and they have rarities themselves. So for that relic your after, you may run a mission many times.. all at 20 mins a piece.

Now, again, keep in mind that this is for an intact relic. Relics themselves are a chance at an item, rather than the item itself, but keys were too. So that's okay right? Except you hop into the community channel only to see everyone refuses to take you till you have a radeint of the key they are running.

So you do all that again to get keys to burn for traces. By the time your done and ready to use the key, that "5 min" wave has cost you more time than the t4 key grab ever did.. and unlike the old keys, it's gone so fast. Each "5 min" wave in the fissures takes TONS of prep time, for one reward, that still might not be what you want.

Compare that with the old system, that allowed you to get a garenteed key on "rotation c" that you could then use for 2 prime parts, often more. The old key system may have been boring, but it gave you more for imiedate returns for your time. Was it what you wanted? No, usually not.

But it was approachable and didn't require the mindless farming of the key itself. With the key system, it was still mindless farming, but you got awards upfront, as you farmed, not just the chance of them. This relic system did not solve the "diluted" drop tables, it just divided the community.

I used to be able to farm up that t4 key, hop on general chat and make a night of it. Now, with the relic system, I feel I am expending more effort finding groups than ever before and am expending the same time grinding, just more focused on the key/relic side of it than before. This system is useful. It has it's merits and its reasons for existing, such as loot diveristy and tiles changes.. but it is mired in its very complexity.

I can't say I miss everything about the old system, but I do feel the focus is wrong somehow. DE needs to find a more intutive way to pair people who have relics with others who have that relic, and do something better to reward players for the time spend getting those relics. How they do that is up to them in the end. I don't need endless primes from one key, but the time spent focusing on the "chance" of an item, rather than getting the items themselves is just getting out of hand.

Edited by Maholix
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