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what the hell is happening, thousands are complaining


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8 hours ago, Rinzlow1 said:

haha :D well there's always those 2-3 people that have it everything fine and all, and 2-3 people self reply all the time but in all seriousness i think we all agree here, just look at the general chat lately, alot of people don't have the energy to write the list of bugs, and alot of people who invested real money and time have a lot to lose if they quit, but looking at some of the clans and activity lately, I don't know why is this happening but alot of them are complaining and its a bunch of dead accounts, join-leave. I personally like the game, i like the new changes, the new content is amazing and addictive, didn't like the octavia final quest mission tho, one of the worst game designes ever saw, but all the new stuff is fantastic, especially riven mods, so addictive its like heroin shot when you get riven mod in sortie.



32k players, yeah it's dead alright pack your things we're going to Destiny 2 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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On 4/4/2017 at 9:13 AM, (PS4)ARIES-WY said:

Not true , compare to last year , it has 1000% players increased . At least in console I can say

Yeah, on PC it's another story. Of course the only statistic I can base this on is Steams charts, but there's enough people playing the game on it for it to be a useful statistic, and lets face it, it's not like people who play on Steam instead of standalone are an alien race with completely different feelings.

And to put it bluntly it shows stagnation, the player count has hardly changed since last April. Sure it's had it's ups and downs along the way but we're sitting roughly at the same number we did last year.

That means roughly for every new player that's started playing, an older player has left the game. Due to this it is very noticeable to some how ''all their friends are leaving'' and the clans that were once active are now inactive. 

That doesn't excuse the melodrama of course, but OP isn't entirely crazy.

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Well when this last big update launched It hit 5th places for most played games on steam. Since then it's went to 10th place...which its hovered around for the past three to four years so I don't think we need to panic. Hell a big hyped AAA game like For Honor came out just a couple of months ago and it already ranks lower then Warframe on steam.

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I'm not sure i've ever seen a clickbaitier title, dang. other than that, a lot of players became inactive years ago, not recently. People drop off and come to this game all the time. My clan at one point had 8000 members and at least 7000 of them have dropped off since joining, but this didn't happen all at once- Over time and updates, people have either hit max MR and left because they felt like they didn't have anything to do, or stopped playing because their computer was a potato or they found a game they liked playing more. I have plenty of friends (including the ones that got me to start playing the game) that left after hitting MR 7 years ago. Burnout happens, frustration happens. Even if thousands left there are thousands more to replace them immediately.

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 I have 3700 hours on this game and I don't feel burned out on it at all what is going to drive me away from the game I love is they keep nerfing everything I use there comes a time when they should try to get it right and leave our stuff alone after they release it that is what's going to drive me away 

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On 4/4/2017 at 9:33 AM, DeMonkey said:

Yeah, on PC it's another story. Of course the only statistic I can base this on is Steams charts, but there's enough people playing the game on it for it to be a useful statistic, and lets face it, it's not like people who play on Steam instead of standalone are an alien race with completely different feelings.

And to put it bluntly it shows stagnation, the player count has hardly changed since last April. Sure it's had it's ups and downs along the way but we're sitting roughly at the same number we did last year.

That means roughly for every new player that's started playing, an older player has left the game. Due to this it is very noticeable to some how ''all their friends are leaving'' and the clans that were once active are now inactive. 

That doesn't excuse the melodrama of course, but OP isn't entirely crazy.

Honestly there are lots of good new games in these months , no wonder some went for others games . So u can also see DE did new things quicker and should be , because gamers always like great new things , DE team is very hardworking btw they are awesome

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19 minutes ago, (PS4)ARIES-WY said:

So u can also see DE did new things quicker and should be , because gamers always like great new things , DE team is very hardworking btw they are awesome

Evidently English isn't your first language, this sentence makes little to no sense.

Nor is the assumed meaning correct, with a greater focus on 'quality' updates DE have slowed down how often the game is updated and content is released. Last year we got 3 frames and a single, albeit large, update. Back in 2014 we got 5 frames and 4 updates. I'm sure you can guess which year players preferred. 

Thanks for telling me that they're an awesome hard working team though, in my 3 years of playing and thousands on posts on these forums I hadn't been able to come to my own opinion. /s

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57 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Evidently English isn't your first language, this sentence makes little to no sense.

Nor is the assumed meaning correct, with a greater focus on 'quality' updates DE have slowed down how often the game is updated and content is released. Last year we got 3 frames and a single, albeit large, update. Back in 2014 we got 5 frames and 4 updates. I'm sure you can guess which year players preferred. 

Thanks for telling me that they're an awesome hard working team though, in my 3 years of playing and thousands on posts on these forums I hadn't been able to come to my own opinion. /s

I'm just a 1 year player , sorry for my English . They are trying hard and I bet they won't let the game down , a game with no fresh stuffs release = end . 

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You know I came back, the game is definitely different, some of that old, unresolved stuff is still there, people always complain about everything you just can't influence that. I guess I had some bad luck running into dying clans. Apart from that some new videos have popped up on youtube regarding people quitting over some policy issues. Just when I was considering to start streaming, so at the same time, the stuff that I know is still there, endgame, some new content here and there, but I'm looking at it and from what I got the first few weeks it's actually risky to invest time into it. Yeah also I was expecting at least 50 different people to respond since it's a touchy subject, kinda having 8-10 people rotating between comments is just adding to what I'm saying. Well, the clan I'm in is kinda fun, there's 6 of us, and we're barely enough to do raid but we do it daily.

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According to the community Team Fortress 2 was 'dying' for the first seven years of its life (Haven't been keeping up with it the past three years, though I expect the exact same trend has continued since) and there are over 50k players in-game at the moment and is 8th on the most-played chart. 

So yeah I'm not exactly worried about all these doom-and-gloom prophecies, I've seen them all before, and expect to see them all again.  Old players leave, new players enter, such is the natural cycle.

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4 hours ago, Rinzlow1 said:

Yeah also I was expecting at least 50 different people to respond since it's a touchy subject, kinda having 8-10 people rotating between comments is just adding to what I'm saying.

It's not that there aren't many people, you just didn't bait them properly with your nonsensical ranting.

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