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[Update 20] Limbo Revisited Feedback Megathread


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4 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

A case of convenience vs. annoyance really. On one hand I don't have to babysit allies who want to take advantage of the rift, they can just hop through the tear to fight enemies I group-banished there as I rift dash in to deal with them. On the other hand, a Limbo that constantly use Rift Dash as a mobility tool leave behind so much crap even if just 5 seconds each, allies have to evade or "roll" along with him to stay out of the rift.

I personally try to avoid Rift Dashing too much in the path of my team. But I do expect them to learn to use the rift as this is clearly the design direction the devs are going for.

That's exactly why I brought this issue up. I was in a fissure mission last night, and the limbo in front of me kept dashing constantly for extra speed. Got annoying as **** having to constantly roll out of the rift and dodge tears.

Edited by malekas
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4 minutes ago, Yangir said:

The fact that you have to banish out of realm is not to bad when you consider that with unlimited rift walk, there would never be any reason to leave the rift, you would just pull enemis in, stasis, the n rinse and repeat. It just makes limbo have to be played more actively.

P.S. can we do something about limbo getting effected by his own rift tears? it is such a pain in the &#! to un-banish and get stuck in your own tear again.

Limbo already has reason to leave from the rift; to pick up ammos and items.

Of course you can pick up them when you and them are inside the cataclysm, but you leave from the rift when you get out from it or when it ends.

So one possible stop-at-rift plan is melee only and never get in cataclysm. The latter condision nearly means "no using cataclysm" though, it maybe needs some side effects.

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34 minutes ago, Yangir said:

The fact that you have to banish out of realm is not to bad when you consider that with unlimited rift walk, there would never be any reason to leave the rift, you would just pull enemis in, stasis, the n rinse and repeat. It just makes limbo have to be played more actively

This situation is DEs failure. They made a core element of Limbo -- something important enough to his entire concept that it was formerly an entire power on its own -- into a freebie, so they had to undercut other things to make up for that decision. 

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1 hour ago, Trichouette said:

Well he created twice the same thread, one got merged here and the other got deleted...

So...you wrote that before it was merged, and I'm the one who made the mistake? It's gonna be one of those days, huh...? XD

51 minutes ago, DreadWarlock said:

4."Rift Surge is useless."

It's NOT. Banish and rift surge enemies when facing a large group, you'll bring more enemies into the rift, and kill more as well.

It does make it easier to stay in the rift while fighting, but it's a little underwhelming without the augment (and bugged, apparently).

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58 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

A case of convenience vs. annoyance really. On one hand I don't have to babysit allies who want to take advantage of the rift, they can just hop through the tear to fight enemies I group-banished there as I rift dash in to deal with them. On the other hand, a Limbo that constantly use Rift Dash as a mobility tool leave behind so much crap even if just 5 seconds each, allies have to evade or "roll" along with him to stay out of the rift.

I personally try to avoid Rift Dashing too much in the path of my team. But I do expect them to learn to use the rift as this is clearly the design direction the devs are going for.

This is an interesting comment. Both Limbo and Octavia seem to have a (if you're correct about this as design direction) "you can have benefits if you play my way" approach. Limbos is mild compared to Metronome (metronome is literally "do this when I say or no buff for you"), but it's still, what's the best word - an imposition.

i suppose with Limbo it's not much worse than a nova throwing wormholes everywhere, except that Limbo doesn't spend anything to make Rift tears. 

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1 hour ago, Shadu said:

What do you actually have against banish being targetable on both planes? I personally feel like Cataclysm is to be used to set a killing floor, while banish is supposed to be used on the move. Cataclysm has a too long animation cast time to be used on the move where as banish is okay to use, but using banish out of the rift at higher level stuff will instantly get you killed.

For me it seems that the whole playstyle of Limbo will be around timing your stasis right and placing the right shots. If you don't you'll easily die, if you do you'll be rather skillful and kill enemies as it's supposed to. Right now the banish is a hindrance to it and you're stuck to a single position with cataclysm

.... Limbo got reworked. His playstyle got reworked.


Why don't you try out the new playstyle instead of complaining and asking DE to revoke the changes?


Try to look with an open mind to the kit.

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After grouping up with a few 'New Limbos', I'm already sick of Stasis. To make it even worse, they are being asked not to use one of their primarily tools in their tool kit.

I really think Warframe needs a 'Public Test Server' where these massive changes can be tested before they rolled out to the public. It seems like a little public testing could have eliminated these problems well before they hit the public.

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I must say, this new Limbo rework is amazing. The more I play him, the more comfortable and better he gets. He has so much control over the battlefield it is insane. I also like that he now has multiple tactics he can utilize mid-mission.

I have to say, contrary to what many are saying, Banish is amazing now. It's casting area is a very large cone in front of Limbo and is very lenient when it comes to targeting enemies. As long as an enemy is somewhat within the targeting reticle, it will hit the enemy along with enemies nearby. So you can literally just spam the spell like crazy while running around without the enemies even being able to see you or target you. Then you can just pop into the rift and start the slaughter. If they made Banish like it was before (bi-directional and single target), it would be a huge detriment to him. Banish now gives him amazing mobility and the ability to CC large amounts of enemies across any terrain. I can just hit that spell as many times as I want without worrying about what dimension I am putting them in. I will always know that I'm putting them in the opposite dimension as me, which means they can't hurt me.

I also love using Shade Sentinel that turns me invisible near enemies. Then I can just spam Banish while invisible, jump into the rift while invisible with stasis on and clean up all the enemies without worrying about any harm.

There isn't a single other frame in the game that can walk around indefinitely invulnerable, cast a spell to freeze all enemies in a large area, amplify his damage an insane amount, and then unleash all that damage in a single pop by releasing stasis and kill all the enemies. It is very fluid and no other warframe comes close to that amount of control.

Kudos to DE for making some great changes to Limbo. He's always been a finesse frame and I was worried about the impending rework, but he really feels awesome to play once you get used to it.

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33 minutes ago, Clonmac said:


There isn't a single other frame in the game that can walk around indefinitely invulnerable, cast a spell to freeze all enemies in a large area, amplify his damage an insane amount, and then unleash all that damage in a single pop by releasing stasis and kill all the enemies. It is very fluid and no other warframe comes close to that amount of control.

Doesn't that strike you as slightly problematic?

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If we're being honest, Limbo is a bit too strong right now. Cataclysm scaling combined with the rift surge augment creates an extremely potent nuke without the need for efficiency investment (due to limbo getting 10 energy back for every enemy killed in the rift) nor strength (due to cata scaling on enemy hp+benefiting from rift surge, making range far more potent than strength.) So essentially, you have an infinite energy (in fact, in most cases it can even generate extra energy), high damage, scaling nuke. Limbo is currently one of those "Homer's drinking bird" frames which is somewhat disappointing considering he is intended to have a strategic, high skill ceiling playstyle. If anything, Limbo's powers should not benefit from Rift Torrent.


Edited by Mastercontrol98
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2 hours ago, devildevil21 said:

.... Limbo got reworked. His playstyle got reworked.


Why don't you try out the new playstyle instead of complaining and asking DE to revoke the changes?


Try to look with an open mind to the kit.

I've been trying him the past few days for hours and hours, only taking small breaks in between. Forma'ed him to adjust the polarities to his builds.
I've played tons with him already and currently there is no use for banish apart from rarely banishing an ally or npc. I'm in the rift walking around like normal and I currently rather plop down a cataclysm instead of using banish, because banish puts me at way more risk compared to just plopping down a cataclysm with stasis running. And do you know how freaking big of an annoyance cataclysm is to allies? Yet it's the way better spell to use. I rarely use banish now where as I used it way more often before. And I'm not telling them to revoke the change completely, tons of people are saying that banish only needs to be adjusted so that it can be targeted to both planes.

If you're against enemies with levels where you have to be in the rift in order to be able to survive you just can't go out of the rift and banish, it will kill you where as with cataclysm you can just have stasis running already and you'll still be safe. If you don't need to be in the rift and can just walk around normally there is no need for you to banish at all..

The aoe part for me is great, but being able to only use it on one plane at a time is just killing it.

And so you're just saying you don't want it changed already just because they just changed it? Did you even play him, try him as you're not coming with arguments saying why the current is oh so good according to you and doesn't need to be changed?

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So far I am liking the changes the change in vanish logic takes some getting used to.


I can more freely use whatever weapon loadout I desire and don't have to worry as much when working I a group since cataclysm allows item pick ups and stasis works as a handy cc skill that hold off a choke point of enemies or provide breathing room for a downed teammate and give them the chance to retaliate.


I'll try tinkering with banish some more to try to adapt in this new playstyle I'll invest some more forma to tweak my builds in attempt to get the most out of this new kit.

Although I will kind of miss frantically hoping around like a spaz to try to fight level 40 and above enemies this feels a lot more free with how to build and play him now syndicate weapons don't feel mandatory to use anymore.


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7 minutes ago, (Xbox One)CannyJack said:

I don't know much about Atlas; I don't have him and I rarely see him in play. I will take your word for it though!


You should hes invulnerable as balls, every 1 you combo he stays invulnerable, scales off melee mods, scales off melee counter, 4x damage modifier...


Can summon 2 rock buddies to tank and dps


Hes an under rated monster.

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It would be nice if your rift walk was a double tap instead of single for parkour.

Not sure if there is a benefit to only banishing enemies in your same plane except maybe to maybe your ult more useful?

Lastly, at one point in the rework the 3rd ability did a damage buff... now it re-banishes, and does damage to other surged enemies.... interesting but weird ability, how do you guys use it?



Edited by MokutoBunshi
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I'm on PS4 and I like Limbo a lot. I'm watching everyone complain about not being able to Banish enemies into to Rift while u are in there. Can u be in the Rift and just use Cataclysm in stead to bring a group into the Rift to murder? 


Question 2, can u use Stasis before u Cataclysm so that enemies are stopped as soon as they get into the Rift or do u have to activate Stasis after they get in to stop the new enemies?



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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Cyotis said:

I'm on PS4 and I like Limbo a lot. I'm watching everyone complain about not being able to Banish enemies into to Rift while u are in there. Can u be in the Rift and just use Cataclysm in stead to bring a group into the Rift to murder? 


Question 2, can u use Stasis before u Cataclysm so that enemies are stopped as soon as they get into the Rift or do u have to activate Stasis after they get in to stop the new enemies?




1 yes you can drop a cataclysm to banish all enemies.


2 yes you can turn on time stop before cataclysm 


Extra: you can also prime the stopped enemies so when you release cataclysm and kill them theyll radial banish or trade the charge and passively pull more enemies into the rift.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)psycofang said:


1 yes you can drop a cataclysm to banish all enemies.


2 yes you can turn on time stop before cataclysm 


Extra: you can also prime the stopped enemies so when you release cataclysm and kill them theyll radial banish or trade the charge and passively pull more enemies into the rift.

Well that is awesome!? So what is the problem? We can't use Banish as we used too?

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)Cyotis said:

Well that is awesome!? So what is the problem? We can't use Banish as we used too?

The rework brought a lot of good, but yeah me personally I'm not feeling the banish change.
Problem with the banish is that cataclysm just does it better currently, it hits aoe aswell (even bigger), can be modded to not be as costly and you get tons of energy anyhow and it doesn't require you to go out of the rift, where as banish has smaller aoe (radius doesn't seem to be adjustable with range) and requires you to go out of the rift.

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4 minutes ago, (Xbox One)CannyJack said:

Yeah. Basically you have to exit the Rift to use Banish to put enemies into the Rift, and I...guess...vice versa? Banish may not do anything if everyone involved is already in the Rift, not sure. 


It knocks down enemies in the rift, guess what happens with those enemies when they are knocked down >:)

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