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New "Priest" Warframe is offensive to my Catholic faith


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As part of the music enthusiastic culture,

i want to express my dissatisfaction with this new bard warframe that has alleged abilities and appearance that mock the music making culture. I understand DE wants to make cool, new, and exciting warframes but this warframe crosses the line by having a "bard" like appearance and alleged powers such as composing music like Dio. Not to mention the mandacordr that is used by respected members of the music making hierarchy. Bards are well respected and shouldn't be represented by killing aliens and shooting guns. This specific warframe is different from a nezha or an oberon in which they are mythological creatures and not musical figures. Please take this warframe off the roster or re-create it in a way that doesnt make a mockery out of my culture. Thank You

Edited by Ins.
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16 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

As part of the Catholic faith,

i want to express my dissatisfaction with this new priest warframe that has alleged abilities and appearance that mock the Roman Catholic Church. I understand DE wants to make cool, new, and exciting warframes but this warframe crosses the line by having a "Priest" like appearance and alleged powers such as self sacrificing like Jesus. Not to mention the Thurible/Censer that is used by respected members of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. Priests are well respected and shouldn't be represented by killing aliens and shooting guns. This specific warframe is different from a nezha or an oberon in which they are mythological creatures and not religious figures. Please take this warframe off the roster or re-create it in a way that doesnt make a mockery out of my religion. Thank You

Its ok to use other people mythos, but not mine. Thats what you said. Thats my first point, the sedond is that there are no "aliens" in warframe so far. Shows how much you know about the lore.

i wouldnt know what other religions believe or what they consider religious since i follow The Catholic Nicene Creed in my religion therefore i only see how this warframe makes a fool out of the religious figures i look up to

Ok, so you dont care about spiritual beliefs in general, only yours. Great way to persuade other people.

Edited by Xardis
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3 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

being that im talking about religion in the world of the internet in which mostly atheists dwell im ready 

Well that could very well be offensive to others reading it. Point being, its all in account of your perspective. You see a "priest" like figure and automatically trigger religion crime. The roles of priests, clerics, and the like are used throughout the game world. If you change your perspective, you may see it in a different light.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

being that im talking about religion in the world of the internet in which mostly atheists dwell im ready 


He's not a priest though, thats just a name dubbed by his design of being a support + melee weapon.


May as well go post this on a DnD forum too...oh and the many other games who use "priest" as an actual name.


Basically this threads is bonkers and click/post bait.

Edited by (PS4)psycofang
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Just now, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

i wouldnt know what other religions believe or what they consider religious since i follow the apostles creed in my religion therefore i only see how this warframe makes a fool out of the religious figures i look up to

Which figure in particular? I had a priest at my high school that dressed in the classic robes (color/style depending on the event), and they honestly look very little like this frame's design. In any case, a simple Google search would have yielded the results.

Returning to what I originally said, wanting exemptions for your religion is special pleading, which invalidates your argument/claim. 

Also, explain how this frame mocks your religion? If anything it pays homage to it.


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1 minute ago, Ins. said:

As part of the music enthusiastic culture,

i want to express my dissatisfaction with this new bard warframe that has alleged abilities and appearance that mock the music making culture. I understand DE wants to make cool, new, and exciting warframes but this warframe crosses the line by having a "bard" like appearance and alleged powers such as composing music like Dio. Not to mention the mandacordr that is used by respected members of the music making hierarchy. Bards are well respected and shouldn't be represented by killing aliens and shooting guns. This specific warframe is different from a nezha or an oberon in which they are mythological creatures and not musical figures. Please take this warframe off the roster or re-create it in a way that doesnt make a mockery out of my culture. Thank You

+1 for kekworthy copypasta.

You're the only true winner of this thread.

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I think the inspiration would be more derived from the medieval inquisition most notably the spanish inquisition and they did kill alot of people. Back in those times the church was very corrupt and could be thematic to how the red veil operates in warframe. 

And lets be real most mainstream religions  over history have done some bad stuff and great stuff.

Edited by Starwake
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2 minutes ago, Magneu said:

Which figure in particular? I had a priest at my high school that dressed in the classic robes (color/style depending on the event), and they honestly look very little like this frame's design. In any case, a simple Google search would have yielded the results.

Returning to what I originally said, wanting exemptions for your religion is special pleading, which invalidates your argument/claim. 

Also, explain how this frame mocks your religion? If anything it pays homage to it.


which figures in particular? read The Catholic Nicene Creed

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3 minutes ago, Magneu said:

+1 for kekworthy copypasta.

You're the only true winner of this thread.

In the spirit of this thread Im triggered by your disrespectful use of the name of our lord and savior KeK without capital letters. You perpetuate the oppresion of KeKistani people.


Praise KeK.


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4 minutes ago, Starwake said:

I think the inspiration would be more derived from the medieval inquisition most notably the spanish inquisition and they did kill alot of people. Back in those times the church was very corrupt and could be thematic to how the red veil operates in warframe. 

Burning corruption (or witches) was actually exactly what the inquisition did, so your comparison isnt too far off by any means.

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7 minutes ago, Ins. said:

As part of the music enthusiastic culture,

i want to express my dissatisfaction with this new bard warframe that has alleged abilities and appearance that mock the music making culture. I understand DE wants to make cool, new, and exciting warframes but this warframe crosses the line by having a "bard" like appearance and alleged powers such as composing music like Dio. Not to mention the mandacordr that is used by respected members of the music making hierarchy. Bards are well respected and shouldn't be represented by killing aliens and shooting guns. This specific warframe is different from a nezha or an oberon in which they are mythological creatures and not musical figures. Please take this warframe off the roster or re-create it in a way that doesnt make a mockery out of my culture. Thank You

sorry to hear that, although that would make your culture different from religion wouldnt it?

Edited by (PS4)SB-PHUNKS
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21 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

As part of the Catholic faith,

i want to express my dissatisfaction with this new priest warframe that has alleged abilities and appearance that mock the Roman Catholic Church. I understand DE wants to make cool, new, and exciting warframes but this warframe crosses the line by having a "Priest" like appearance and alleged powers such as self sacrificing like Jesus. Not to mention the Thurible/Censer that is used by respected members of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. Priests are well respected and shouldn't be represented by killing aliens and shooting guns. This specific warframe is different from a nezha or an oberon in which they are mythological creatures and not religious figures. Please take this warframe off the roster or re-create it in a way that doesnt make a mockery out of my religion. Thank You

Honestly bro, I think you may have to say 10 hail Mary's and 5 our Fathers, cuz you seem to have trigged a tidal wave of immense proportions. And seriously, I see the Catholic players of the game giving you the WTF face more than anyone else.

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16 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

As part of the Catholic faith,

i want to express my dissatisfaction with this new priest warframe that has alleged abilities and appearance that mock the Roman Catholic Church. I understand DE wants to make cool, new, and exciting warframes but this warframe crosses the line by having a "Priest" like appearance and alleged powers such as self sacrificing like Jesus. Not to mention the Thurible/Censer that is used by respected members of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. Priests are well respected and shouldn't be represented by killing aliens and shooting guns. This specific warframe is different from a nezha or an oberon in which they are mythological creatures and not religious figures. Please take this warframe off the roster or re-create it in a way that doesnt make a mockery out of my religion. Thank You

find 10 differences between 






sure he is roman catholic and so on



i knew there will be at last one freak to say smth like this


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18 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

He's more of a dark cultist than a priest. Red Veil fanatics, heretics, etc.

This. He really does not sound like a priest to me... the players have called him priest frame. not DE. DE calls him Bobo. Sounds a hell of a lot like a cultist to me.

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Just now, (PS4)Shaun-T-Wilson said:

I dont believe DE have stated the frame design is based on a specific religion, many priest concepts from around the world involve someone who made a self-sacrifice eg cut hair or a vow of chasity in effort to be closer to there religion 

i dont think they would say what specific religion anything is from that would be foolish. although ive seen Taoism and Buddhism in warframe

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

i wouldnt know what other religions believe or what they consider religious since i follow The Catholic Nicene Creed in my religion therefore i only see how this warframe makes a fool out of the religious figures i look up to

You're doing a great job of making a fool out your self and what you represent too. 


Wukong, Nezha, even Nova's deluxe skin could be offensive to some.  Warframe's appropriation of Japanese and various other cultures, using the words in new contexts, could also be seen as offensive. 


Disagree with the game?  Leave.  

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

i dont think they would say what specific religion anything is from that would be foolish. although ive seen Taoism and Buddhism in warframe

Why would this be to mock though? Makes no sense. :( I hardly think anyone is offended by Nezha who draws inspiration from deities, therefore I believe hardly anyone will be offended by something that is possibly inspired by Catholicism.

Edited by (XB1)rocketstar31
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5 minutes ago, Reifnir said:

inb4 any pastafarians find this thread and express their utter revulsion with Hydroid lacking a pasta strainer helmet. 

We know DE won't make such a beautiful helmet for hydroid, and also a skin that allows us to have spaghetti instead of tentacles

that's going to be my first tennogen project

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17 minutes ago, NightBlitz said:

need we mention the numerous times that the roman catholic church was responsible to the deaths of countless people? or have you never heard of the crusades or the inquisition?

obvious bashing is obvious, try to hide it more or input a comment thinking im joking like other players on this thread

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1 minute ago, (Xbox One)rocketstar31 said:

Why would this be to mock though? Makes no sense. :( I hardly think anyone is offended by Nezha who draws inspiration from deities, therefore I believe hardly anyone will be offended by something that is possibly inspired by Catholicism.

Seriously....have you seen the lack of fellow Catholics that share his view?  

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