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Oberon WIP Rework: Showcased on Primetime #161


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14 hours ago, (PS4)lilkevin107 said:

So how do you guys feel about the new WIP rework? In my opinion, I think it's pretty good. 

Smite: now scales with enemy level :) that's pretty much it, it also received a minor visual change. 

Hallowed Ground: now radiates each enemy that steps on it, it still clears status effects, and its finally not rectangular shaped, its now a wide circular area, also received a major visual change

Renewal: now I don't know how I feel about this one :/ it now works like Molecular Prime and Polarize. This synergizes with Hallowed Ground, when you cast Hallowed Ground, allies get a flat armor bonus for the duration of the heal. But the sad thing about is that energy still stops when allies reach full health.

Reckoning: Enemies that are radiated, receive more damage from this ability,  synergizes with Hallowed Ground. The enemies that are standing on Hallowed Ground during Reckoning receive armor debuffs that scale with levels and strength. 

Proposed Passive: Allied pets get cooldown reductions on their abilities and attacks. You also get a free revive for them. This passive is meh, It's better than the one we have now. 

How I feel?

Well, considering all the feedback Oberon has gotten as of late, it feels like a REALL bad rework. I mean, it even has nerfs. No, this is not well thought out at all. Honestly, it feels rather lazy and too "forced synergy"-ish, along with not solving most his crippling annoyances AND not fixing ability overlapping. Urgh.

Smite - Well, doesn't sound aweful, but what's the point, really? What does it accomplish for the rest of his kit? It irradiates a target for Reckoning to deal more damage... but SMITE is the one that scales with enemy levels... pointless contradiction much?

Hallowed Ground - So, he now has 3 abilities that grant radiation procs? (Smite, HG and Reckoning). Or am I missing something? Regardless, this seems like becoming an ok ability but... I dunno... it still doesn't seem all too interesting.

Renewal - So, the horrible healing ability just got nerfed? If it is to expand in a wave like MPrime and such, at least let it keep the infinite range. And they SERIOUSLY said it will still stop when allies reach full health?? I mean... really?! That's the main problem with the skill! That, and the inverse duration-scaling. What's the point of nerfing it even further into the ground?
Also, what's up with all the forced synergies as of late?

Reckoning - Speaking of forced synergies *sigh*. While the debuff might come in handy, it's ANOTHER armor bandaid, and it's boring and it's unimaginative and it's boring. Also, it's boring.

Now, I don't mind being "lazy" and going for "easy" fixes. But, if so, make it THOUGHTOUT, don't just throw in random stuff and forced synergies all over the place (forced synergies = shows lack of thought and design in the abilities at base)

Passive - While it doesn't sound too shabby (numbers decide that part)... it STILL doesn't mesh well with his kit. Seriously now. Also, why not make it for ANY sidekick, rather than only Kavats/Kubrows? Pidgeonholing is boring. Also, this feels like a way to make the pets feel more "useful" over sentinels. Sorry, I'm not swapping in my Sentinels even for a Pidgeonhole Passive like this. In essence, to me, he LOST his passive entirely.


That said, here's a rework which is also somewhat "lazy", but it has NATURAL synergies and allows him to have the feel of a Faerie King, a Paladin, a Druid AND a Beastmaster at once:

^ THAT is how you do synergy!


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1 hour ago, redeyedtreefrog said:

Renewal's range will be less than trinity's, unless perhaps you build for max duration (sacrificing strength, and rendering all of your other abilities' buffs nearly useless). Even then, it might still be shorter than trinity's range, and will have an even slower travel speed than before.

Yeah, renewal's infinite range IS useful. But apparently, anything that can even remotely compete with trinity MUST be nerfed.

Well, it couldn't compete with her in the first place but since Nova's Molecular Prime cover pretty much the whole map with max duration, it seems very likely that the Renewal will have better range than Trinity.

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59 minutes ago, (PS4)godlysparta said:

Well, it couldn't compete with her in the first place but since Nova's Molecular Prime cover pretty much the whole map with max duration, it seems very likely that the Renewal will have better range than Trinity.

"with max duration". That involves making strength a dump stat, and since oberon is supposed to get scaling (and of course, armor buffs), I'd think many would enjoy at least a little strength.

And you're right. Renewal DID NOT and likely WILL NOT compete with trinity's healing. So WHY did DE decide that the ability needed this senseless nerf?

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18 hours ago, (PS4)Oreic-Reynier said:

So smite looks awesome.... Others.... Not so much. 

Maybe the final numbers will prove us wrong,  I hope they do. Curious about the armor buff, anything shy of 300 is not worth the time stacking abilities. Especially for only like ~20 seconds of a crap armor boost. Renewal seems like a downer again. Needs to be like a little HP version of iron skin IMO. 

the buff seems to be based off of duration, from what they said and my guess that it is strength based or that it will be

add on: i would think that smite is stronger than ppl may think (the sobek mod- acid shells but doesnt require you kill the target) and the armor reduction off reckoning should be % based or take base armor

Edited by (PS4)TwilightGrim
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my overall thoughts on the rework:

his 1: good, it wont compete with powers like mallet and the such, but as a first it is a strong addition due to its scaling damage

his 2: meh, needs to be a circle, not a cone. and the aoe just be effected by stretch. range needs an increase by 50% and a duration increase by 25%

his 3: ok, the waves need to be faster, have it effected by range if the wave its self is effected by duration and it NEEDS to remain active passively, have it not use energy while not healing. this will make the augment reasonably usefull (ps, halve the cool down of the augment) as well as make it deal a radiation proc, doesn't need to deal damage.

his 4: hmmm, its basically the same as before (by itself) 


his synergies: 2-3: im glad it has its own duration and a flat armor value, but the value itself needs to be effected by power strength

2-4: its alright, as long as it deals off of original percentages i.e. before cp and is percentage based itself or strips base armor, it should be OK....

in general his passive will be strong and much welcomed if you use either of the kavats. more crits more often on the adarza or more jackpots on the smeeta


my personal ideas/addons for the rework-

1-4: enemies under the effects of his 4th, when hit with his 1 will have additional damage multiplier to his 1

1-2: enemies that are hit by his 1 while on his 2 will have a percentage of there base armor removed

3-4: activating 3 then 4 auto rolls out the wave to max range or doubles the speed

2-3-4: activating his 2 then using his 4 with enemies on it will remove the enemy armor, THEN activating his 3 will steal a percentage of each enemies total armor value removed by his 4. there will be a five second window after his 4 is casted and is NOT effected by duration




Edited by (PS4)TwilightGrim
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4 hours ago, Azamagon said:

So, the horrible healing ability just got nerfed? If it is to expand in a wave like MPrime and such, at least let it keep the infinite range. And they SERIOUSLY said it will still stop when allies reach full health??

Yeah I was pretty disappointed when Reb said that it'll still stop healing when allies reach full health, I mean Renewal was the major ability that needed work, and most people want Renewal to heal allies even if they reach full health, but instead it's still the same thing, I don't understand why??

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)TwilightGrim said:

ok, the waves need to be faster, have it effected by range if the wave its self is effected by duration and it NEEDS to remain active passively, have it not use energy while not healing

Yeah! The waves need to be real fast in order for it to be viable.

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HG still asks players to subject themselves to Oberon's biggest weakness: Ranged damage.

Renewal still doesn't heal fast enough to offset ranged damage that Oberon will receive.

If HG offered % damage reduction values as opposed to an armor increase while in it, it would be a better skill.

This is a character with fairly high TTK so his TTL needs to be layered to complement the inherent damage trade-off.

Alternately, his TTL could be increased with massive boosts to armor or hp based on the number of targets affected by Reckoning.

Oberon's current passive is lackluster and the suggested change aren't an improvement imo. 

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Complaining about Oberon doing radiation damage is like complaining about Ember doing fire damage or Frost ice. Paired with his augments Reckoning will be a monster with all the radiation that will be everywhere.

Though renewal, I mean c'mon. I don't expect Trinity levels of healing but I do expect it to be a reliable support ability.

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Some good things.  But renewal seems nerfed and on top of that it's still a mess of an ability to mod for.

None of the changes barring the passive one really address his actual problems.  But because DE specifically stated they were going to add synergy and scaling and these changes do that...I really doubt anything else will be done to the abilities before it gets thrown out in public.

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May as well add my suggestions.

Smite: Seems good to me, as long as the homing squiggles can actually hit things consistently instead of flying in circles around them.

Hallowed Ground: When you cast it, it is a circle that moves with you. Hitting the button again while active will leave it where you are, and allow you to cast a new one once you leave its area. Also, the armor buff should persist for at least a short time after leaving its area for allies, but maybe not for Oberon himself, since he can just cast a new one to get it back.

Renewal: Should instantly effect all allies, no projectiles or waves or anything. It should cost a flat energy amount when cast, and give a set duration of HP regen. The regen should get stronger the lower the target's health is, and give either a small armor increase, or something like a flat 10% damage reduction as well.

Reckoning: Change it to a channeled ability. Activating it lifts all enemies in range into the air and holds them there. Deactivating the ability slams them into the ground. The longer they are held, the more damage is dealt by the slam. Deals multiplied damage to irradiated enemies. Enemies can be hit by Smite while held to gain radiation damage multiplier. Could also potentially reduce armor/shields or max health of targets that survive.

Also, some potential augment ideas.

Hallowed Ground: Entangle: All enemies that enter a stationary HG will be rooted in place, unable to move but still attack.

Renewal: Overgrowth: Health regen can continue past max HP and is added as a Barkskin buff that works like Ironskin. Slowly degrades after Renewal ends.

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9 hours ago, redeyedtreefrog said:

That would have been such a good idea, if DE had listened to the playerbase and made hallowed ground a radial ability...

But unfortunately the animation wouldn't really flow since halloweed ground is a weird triangleish shape.

Oh yeah. Also, renewal should never have been a bubble anyways. its old delivery mechanism worked fine.

Just a thought I had:

If we swap the animations for Renewal and Hallowed Ground, the animations would fit perfectly for a circular HG.

Oberon slamming his weapon on the ground would look like he is empowering the area. And with Renewal, the arm-throwing animation would suggest he is 'raising up' his allies.

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