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Coming Soon: Devstream #91!


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8 hours ago, EquesDei said:

Will it be possible to rethink about getting a preview of Baro's tennocon items before the 8th? Because this time it's real money that's at stake.. if it's like last baro's inventory, then it'll be a real waste + it's impossible to know how many ducats will be required for just 1 day.

This, of course the whole "supporting the devs" and giving to charity is good, but people won't actually FEEL GOOD about it if all they get is some garbage items. Hell, some might not even buy tickets in-case baro brings horrible stuff.

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We now have a search tab in our inventory which helps with trading a LOT, any chance we'll have one for mods in the future?

Glaive "lock-on" feature/stance (Darkstalkers style)? Pleeeeease.

Dojo's keep gettin bugged since new update... Just some feedback.

"Lephantis like" Boss like fights? When? Ambulas rework looks nice, but he's also kind of small.

Hydroid rework next please... (That damn pond-Argh-make it move!)... And Prime him! (Wishful thinking)


Edited by (PS4)leonidasx666
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Also could we have loadouts remember appearance selections, that way we can set up each loadout with gear, focous and arcanes. Is this possible ?                       

Just realized each loadout does remember appearnce selection. So you can set up loadouts to switch arcanes easily, for example i use arcane barrier for archwing so i can name a loadout archwing/Barrier and i know it will be set up for that. But could we be have longer titles, so we could be very specic about what each loadout has in it. Also i just tryd it and gear and focous isnt affected by loadouts. So i hope that can be implented. I mean they gave us the loadout button in navigation to make it easier and faster to get ready for specic missions, so this seems like a loical addition . Also can we please get a formad icon on slots with formas, that will let us re forma those slots without using another forma and going back to rank 0. Once that slot has been formad we have spent the forma and the time, even if its a limited amout of re polarization it would be better. I have some frames with 12 formas because of trying different builds. Which could be a bit easier and faster. Or another option would be to remove the points in the simiulcrum, that we could try every type of build instantly. And see which build works the best, then put in the formas, this would be a great way to test builds without limits. Could we get this?

Edited by (PS4)willsp282012
Made a correction and added other questions
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There's a lot being asked, and mine is relatively small, but-

Are we going to be getting more Captura scenes in the future? I notice we easily have a tileset from Nidus/Infested Salvage, but there's no Silver Grove/Index/Lua/Mandachord/Simulcrum captura, and I think those would be absolutely amazing and stunning to add eventually.

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Here's a few questions: 

1) When or will we ever get a color customization for our Syandanas that is separate from our armor? (Example: Acanthus Prime armor colors are not compatible with Uru Prime Syandana.) 

2) The upcoming Oberon rework looks promising, but Oberon has always had terrible passives. As a Paladin, could we ever see a passive that provides armor or health bonuses based on something like whether they have a companion equipped? Maybe even an an innate passive that works like armor or health link, but between Tenno? (It could either activate when Oberon casts an ability or always be on.) 

3) Any chance of seeing a charge function integrated into many of the Frames' #1 abilities? (Simply hold like a melee charge and charge for more damage. Charge can be released early, but fully charged attacks add a unique effect.) (Examples: Limbo's Banish could function on single targets by holding down the power, increasing the damage to a single target. Oberon's Smite, when held, will increase damage and seeker projectiles. When fully charged, will perform Reckoning on the enemies within target's location.) 

4) Any plans on expanding upon Stalker lore or origin? 

5) Any plans on expanding the lore of the Warframes in regards to lore and the plot holes between normal and Prime versions? (Standard frames before or after Primes? Prime doesn't mean original, but a translation or possibly an improvement. I could also see this as another reason the Tenno turned on the Orokin if the Warframes originally were living beings who after being created, were lobotomized by the Orokin out of fear, leaving that pain still contained in the Frame. Kind of like a Specter and it's ability to function by itself.) 

6) Will the Infestation ever be anything more than a mindless plague of monsters that consumes everything in its path, or will we get to see some intelligent, Infested antagonist (besides Salad V)? 

7) Any plans to further integrate more narrative in missions than, "hack this thing, blow up this, shoot everything?" 


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Is it possible that in the future some of the RNG of survivals could be taken out of the picture as far as life support drops? Like for instance, let's say every 8 enemies you kill you are guaranteed a life support drop (Just an example number). This would help with the fact that sometimes you can kill endless amounts of mobs for literally no life support drops, while other times too much drops and you end up wasting it.

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How about: 

  • new Clan management system;
  • fields for "Clan description"(Clan Rules), except for the already available "motd"
  • more flexible and variable "Hierarchy and Roles" system;
  • stricter access to the Dojo and Labs (to avoid players who join the clan, buy BP's and leave).
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Hi all, 

A. Are there plans for usable stations in the infested room? 

B. We should be able to transmute relics like we do with mods. Restrict it to era but allow tenno to get a chance at getting different relics.

C. More on "Dark Sector" style dual weilding please.

D. That's it for now.

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Will we ever get emotes,or have current emotes, that make our pets do tricks? 

If you do bring in Umbras as a "Aspect/Morality" choice which represents moon, then will we get an opposite version for sun?

Also, just a thought on new idea on a warframe but you could try a male "Beserker" warframe, who I'll call Valkyr's older brother, that shows some qualities of wolves. Any possibility of that happening? You could make a quest called big brother's revenge, where Alad V gets what's coming to him, hehe.

Edited by (PS4)dtjake55
left out a few words
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19 hours ago, Spotdodge said:

Are there any Zenith buffs coming soon?

It's really disappointing to get something so weak for wasting 500 days leading up to it.

  • Increased Primary fire damage from 20 to 30.
  • Increased Status Chance of Primary fire from 10% to 30%.
  • Increased Secondary fire damage from 120 to 150.
  • Increased critical hit chance of Secondary fire from 22% to 35%.
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I wonder if that new syndana pictured will be available to digital pas holders.

Also, I wonder if the game realizes I bought the digital pass, as trying to buy something from Canada put a hold on my credit card account. I told them to authorize the purchase and my money is gone from my account. So if the day comes and it acts like I don't have it i'll be upset.  Inside the game it lists the pass in the market for sale as if I don't own it so that has me concerned. 

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Would there be any posibility of reworking the minimap? your team had done a great job on giving verticality to some leves (as archwing missions and most importatly the kuva fortess), but that had turned almost useless our 2D mini-map. It would be much apretiated.

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Personally, I would love you all indefinitely if we could at least get some vacuum on kavats/kubrows. In a perfect world, I would love to see vacuum innately on all warframes, but I am willing to settle for allowing the mod to be used on all companions and sentinels..

Also, I'd want to be prepared for the metric ton of Oberon questions post-rework. Mainly due to the fact that the community views this rework as an overall nerf to an already underwhelming frame for reason I'm sure you guys have already read up on.

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