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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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1 hour ago, Music4Therapy said:

I wonder if anyone would be interested in me uploading a vid? I can upload one of my streams to youtube then post it here just so people see where I am coming from, because I seem to be one of the few people on the opposite side.

None of the popular youtubers have taken Oberon into difficult content, they just say he's fine and do some crap in the simulacrum.

You should. 

I've been doing great with his rework, especially in sorties. I think he has become extremely versatile. There hasn't been a sortie where I felt like Oberon wasnt filling in in at least one roll. He does damage, CC and support.

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21 hours ago, (PS4)BigEffinDud said:

How would you guys feel about Oberon's passive being something along the lines of: "Pick up health orbs gain x(leaving that number up to DE) amount of energy... so that way it kind of pacifies both sides of the Oberon fan club...

That's Equinox's passive, and also available through the mod Equilibrium, not that Obe has much modding space to spare.

21 hours ago, (PS4)BigEffinDud said:

has anyone noticed that other players will be well, well out of range of Renewal and then randomly at some point after casting they will end up with the Renewal heal buff? I don't know if that's a bug, but I hurts my selfish play style(kidding, just wanted to point out a potential bug).

Renewal has an initial range on-cast, and then slowly expands for a duration. As long as it's still on the field and expanding, players and summons can enter the area and gain the buff. What you're seeing is a result of that, not a bug.

I've been streaming my Oberon in Mot/Sorties if you want to check it out sometime or join me. I've been able to find something that works for me and maybe we can give eachother pointers? Add me in game if you'd like

So far my build seems OK for how I use him, but I certainly wouldn't mind seeing your playstyle sometime, whether video or otherwise. Most of the things I pointed out  in the post you quoted are minor things that need fixing, though the shape of HG irritates me to no end.

Edited by Alusdrann
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9 minutes ago, Alusdrann said:

Renewal has an initial range on-cast, and then slowly expands for a duration. As long as it's still on the field and expanding, players and summons can enter the area and gain the buff. What you're seeing is a result of that, not a bug.

It stays where you cast it, regardless of when you cast it, and can trigger on anyone who walks through where you placed it down. It's not a result of it expanding. It's a result of a bug. It takes maybe two runs with Oberon's new kit to see this happening and figure it out.

4 hours ago, Music4Therapy said:

None of the popular youtubers have taken Oberon into difficult content, they just say he's fine and do some crap in the simulacrum

They never will. They're too busy looking for drama, like when Brozime was correct, temporarily, about Smite's scaling and got his fanboys all up in a tizzy because AGGP was correct, overall and long term, in saying that the rework was nothing but positive.

If there isn't drama to be had they don't care. 99% of the people playing Oberon right now are posers with 2% or less usage time on him that will drop him within a month. Half of them are running terrible Overextended builds and then complaining about how weak he is. This thread, and every topic like it, will die out within a month or two as people go back to their favorite frame or move on to the next new, shiny one, and stop pretending they ever cared about Oberon or the people playing him.

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13 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

It stays where you cast it, regardless of when you cast it, and can trigger on anyone who walks through where you placed it down. It's not a result of it expanding. It's a result of a bug. It takes maybe two runs with Oberon's new kit to see this happening and figure it out.

I've played the new kit for much more than 2 runs, and my experience is not at all what you've described. I've been able to control who gets the buff and who doesn't. I've also had to reapply it for people who ran off and came back later to the point the team was camping, where I had cast it.

Perhaps it doesn't stay in-place expanding for the duration intended, but it definitely doesn't stay permanently. Or perhaps how long it stays is influenced by power duration. That isn't something I've gone out of my way to test.

Edited by Alusdrann
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5 hours ago, KnightCole said:

make that passive: Enemies killed while under the effects of radiation, return 1% Energy to Oberon.  This way when he wrecks an entire room of mobs, he will restore a decent amount of energy.  10 mobs, 10%, of 638 energy, 63.8? energy restored.  Will keep his #3 goin' a little longer.  THen repeat that over the course of a mission. 

Honestly, that "health orb" drop thing goes largely wasted since he has healing of his own.  I mean, if we could stock pile them in a "healthkit" sort of way, consumables that we store up, and can press a button like an ability and trigger the healing for however much we've stored, then it would be useful.  Kinda like a Survival, where we are at 100% air, and air pods drop like water, and we go loot the ammo and waste the air pods....if we could stockpile the air pods, or "overcharge" the air supply to 200%, that would be something. 

Energy would be nice, but I also like the idea of health orbs as then you could use health conversion and equilibrium

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Oberon definitely needs to LOSE that huge energy consumption penalty for Nekros minions.  Holy mother of Grineer droppings, nothin' like losing 700 energy inside of 10 seconds......

THAT needs to go away.  Nothing like penalizing Oberon for playing like a teammate.  No other frame gets a huge spike in energy costs for healing more then 1 member.  Dear god, its like if Frost's AOE got a 5 energy increase per mob he hit with, suddenly the AOE goes from 100 energy to like 300.....

Or if Trinity heals 4 members of the group with 4, it costs her 100 per heal, on top of the 50 base, so, healing the group is like 450 energy......

Oberon already drinks his energy, despite having 700 and rage....Oberon's worst enemy, his own team, go figure that one.  A recurring theme in online games...

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30 minutes ago, KnightCole said:

Oberon definitely needs to LOSE that huge energy consumption penalty for Nekros minions.  Holy mother of Grineer droppings, nothin' like losing 700 energy inside of 10 seconds......

THAT needs to go away.  Nothing like penalizing Oberon for playing like a teammate.  No other frame gets a huge spike in energy costs for healing more then 1 member.  Dear god, its like if Frost's AOE got a 5 energy increase per mob he hit with, suddenly the AOE goes from 100 energy to like 300.....

Or if Trinity heals 4 members of the group with 4, it costs her 100 per heal, on top of the 50 base, so, healing the group is like 450 energy......

Oberon already drinks his energy, despite having 700 and rage....Oberon's worst enemy, his own team, go figure that one.  A recurring theme in online games...

As some one who loves Nekros, I do feel bad when I summon my shadows around an oberon, but they are apart of my build and allow me to withstand far greater punishment than what his renewal will ever accomplish. 

They should fix it so his shadows are unaffected by renewal.

Edited by (PS4)Zelisius
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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Zelisius said:

They should fix it so his shadows are unaffected by renewal.

I agree with this. Since Nekros is himself capable of healing his shadows, and since that there are situations in which letting said shadows perish is a good idea (for example: to replace them with better, higher level ones), Renewal healing shadows usually does more harm them good - always to him, and occasionally to the Nekros in question. 

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37 minutes ago, KnightCole said:


THAT needs to go away.  Nothing like penalizing Oberon for playing like a teammate.  No other frame gets a huge spike in energy costs for healing more then 1 member.  Dear god, its like if Frost's AOE got a 5 energy increase per mob he hit with, suddenly the AOE goes from 100 energy to like 300.....

Hi, my name is Equinox. 

My pacify costs energy per enemy affected - and even though enemies further away from me have a smaller damage reduction than those close to me, they still cost all the same to affect. 

It's sh!te, honestly. 

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20 minutes ago, tnccs215 said:

I agree with this. Since Nekros is himself capable of healing his shadows, and since that there are situations in which letting said shadows perish is a good idea (for example: to replace them with better, higher level ones), Renewal healing shadows usually does more harm them good - always to him, and occasionally to the Nekros in question. 

It messes me up cuz I periodically refresh my shadows because I run both shield of shadows and despoil on my build. I still have the 214% power to reach max damage reduction and despoil allows me to focus all energy on keeping shadows up, which is great cuz with equilibrium and arcane energize, I'm supplying allot of health and energy to the team.

My efficiency is only 75%, but I've had no issues yet.

Edited by (PS4)Zelisius
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4 hours ago, Chipputer said:

99% of the people playing Oberon right now are posers with 2% or less usage time on him that will drop him within a month. Half of them are running terrible Overextended builds and then complaining about how weak he is. 

It would be appreciated if you would kindly refrain from making flippant, sweeping generalizations about people that play Oberon (and  Oberon Prime now) and resorting to ad-hominin and strawman attacks in a vain attempt to prove your opinion is right to everyone in this thread. The majority of us are trying to have a civilized, constructive discussion that is aimed at making a particular Warframe better.




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9 hours ago, Alusdrann said:

Renewal has an initial range on-cast, and then slowly expands for a duration. As long as it's still on the field and expanding, players and summons can enter the area and gain the buff. What you're seeing is a result of that, not a bug.

No this is definitely a bug, you didn't read what I said. It is literally not possible for this to be an intended effect. I will run clear across the map - Literally to the opposite end away from everyone, cast Renewal and wait until all particle effects and any durations go away, I wait until the words "Iron Renewal" on the buff icon goes away, THEN I will start playing the mission. At some point one of my teammates will just magically gain the buff, but without the armor. Just the HoT... there is absolutely no way this is the way this power was meant to work. Also, I know it's Equinox's passive. Read up, someone already pointed it out. 


Edit: I just tried it with a 12% duration build, and it still happens. This is without question a bug. 


Edited by (PS4)BigEffinDud
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under a lv100 raptor sortie solo with oberon video in the comments:

" And someone said Oberon is useless... "

" Oberon is badly designed. I could also do this with Hydroid, but that doesn't make him any less bad. "


it summs the current playing expierience quite good up for me. yes you can argue if design can be bad, but the point is doing x level mission with a frame does not make him fun to play, viable, a rework sucess or however you wanne phrase this.


as on the topic of rework etc., not sure what to write here, since people have suggested/pointed out multiple things again and again without any changes. the recent changes/hotfixes were only QoL things, that should be done anyway...

not wanne suggesting thing that already have been pointed out before in this topic a lot...


as someone asked before, whats the criteria a reworked from your De's side has to reach to be good? fun/satisfing to play? cool badass abilites? killing x level enemies with his abilites? having skills you can chain together for additional effects? not sure what it is but i feel it does not line up in this case with what most players are looking for in oberon and what would make them comeback to the frame when the next prime comes and oberon prime is the old news.

so yeah ... kinda tired of giving feedback here, since it feels it really amounts to nothing (in terms of oberon). i would love him to be good/better, but i don't see this happening ... hoping the hydroid/atlas reworks turn out better, since i really love the theme of these frames.

thx for reading.

fight on tenno.

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I've been informed that, supposedly, just before being changed into healing Nekros' Shadows at one third of the rate with one third of the cost,  Renewal was changed into not healing friendly summons at all. 

Is this true? Or some information was lost or confused along all the way? 

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3 hours ago, tnccs215 said:

I've been informed that, supposedly, just before being changed into healing Nekros' Shadows at one third of the rate with one third of the cost,  Renewal was changed into not healing friendly summons at all. 

Is this true? Or some information was lost or confused along all the way? 

in de hotfix post it said, there is 2 different perspective about healing ally summon, someone say it was good (WHO SAID THAT) and someone said its not what it should be, so they reduce the cost to 1/3 for allied summon

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11 minutes ago, giricahunik said:

in de hotfix post it said, there is 2 different perspective about healing ally summon, someone say it was good (WHO SAID THAT) and someone said its not what it should be, so they reduce the cost to 1/3 for allied summon

Oh, that was it. 

I think it was their ego who said it. 

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13 hours ago, (PS4)BigEffinDud said:

No this is definitely a bug, you didn't read what I said. It is literally not possible for this to be an intended effect. I will run clear across the map - Literally to the opposite end away from everyone, cast Renewal and wait until all particle effects and any durations go away, I wait until the words "Iron Renewal" on the buff icon goes away, THEN I will start playing the mission. At some point one of my teammates will just magically gain the buff, but without the armor. Just the HoT... there is absolutely no way this is the way this power was meant to work. Also, I know it's Equinox's passive. Read up, someone already pointed it out. 


Edit: I just tried it with a 12% duration build, and it still happens. This is without question a bug. 


Yes, I did read what you said. It sounded to me like you had just noticed odd behavior with it gets applied, but hadn't really investigated it fully. I assumed you were referring to the base mechanic of how the skill is intended to work, and suggested it was that, as I have not experienced any bugs resembling what you described. Also, the wiki doesn't say power duration affects it. I simply suggested that information might be incomplete, as I haven't tested it myself to know for sure.

Also, so I missed that comment someone else made. So what. No need to be hostile.

Edited by Alusdrann
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I don't know whether this has been posted, but there's no option to remove the shoulderpads on Oberon Prime, and this causes them to appear when no other shoulder armor is used on the deluxe Feyarch skin, which sucks because most shoulderpads look terrible in combination with the leaf decorations that are already there. Would love the armor attachments to be an option, not a necessity, like they are with all other Prime frames.

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7 hours ago, tnccs215 said:

Oh, that was it. 

I think it was their ego who said it. 

i just dont understand what they think , say that healing allied summon is a good thing, when in nekros 4th skill descriptions already said there is health drain per second, and for reset summon health , nekros only need to tap his 4th skill again, whats the point healing them? even more absurd with Atlas 4th skill it based on duration so even we heal them, they will still died when their duration is out

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25 minutes ago, Trollhunter said:

I don't know whether this has been posted, but there's no option to remove the shoulderpads on Oberon Prime, and this causes them to appear when no other shoulder armor is used on the deluxe Feyarch skin, which sucks because most shoulderpads look terrible in combination with the leaf decorations that are already there. Would love the armor attachments to be an option, not a necessity, like they are with all other Prime frames.

Noticed this as well, quite a bummer and actively pushes me away from using my favorite Deluxe skin to date.

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I've come up with another way to help with Oberon's energy economy as well as a way to make Hallowed Ground a more appealing ability overall.

This time im going to propose an idea that promotes synergy to lessen the strain on energy costs. Here will be no energy returning, however.

Smite cost is reduced by 2/3 if the enemy is on Hallowed Ground. 

Reckoning Cost is reduced by 1/2 if Oberon is standing on Hallowed Ground.

Renewal energy drain is decreased by 1/4 if Oberon and allies are standing on Hallowed Ground. This can happen at any point in time, meaning of allies already have Renewal on them and move to a HG patch, then the energy drain is lessened until they move.

These numbers would be static and would not change based on any particular stat.

Aditional benefits: We already have an icon for a Hallowed Ground buff, but there's no buff to be provided anymore. So let's give it one! Casting Speed for Oberon and all teammates is increased by 15% (effected by Power Strength) as long as they're on Hallowed Ground.

I realize that there probably won't be anymore changes, but Oberon is and always has been one of my favorite frames. So I'll continue to think of interesting ways to make him more effective.

Edited by (XB1)DRG JupiterIvan
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Renewal is still in a bad place when healing allied minions. I was just in a group with two nekros, and trying to cast renewal ended up giving me over 50 energy drain per second. It's pretty bad when a support frame has to go to a far corner of a map in order to use their abilities without losing all your energy instantly. Not to mention when Nekros can summon Hyekka Masters which themselves summon like 5 hyekkas... that gives him ohhhhh about... 35 summoned minions per nekros max. On top of zenurik passive being unable to help with that drain, it's pretty fun never having energy without having Arcane Energize.

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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)DRG JupiterIvan said:

I've come up with another way to help with Oberon's energy economy as well as a way to make Hallowed Ground a more appealing ability overall.

This time im going to propose an idea that promotes synergy to lessen the strain on energy costs. Here will be no energy returning, however.

Smite cost is reduced by 2/3 if the enemy is on Hallowed Ground. 

Reckoning Cost is reduced by 1/2 if Oberon is standing on Hallowed Ground.

Renewal energy drain is decreased by 1/4 if Oberon and allies are standing on Hallowed Ground. This can happen at any point in time, meaning of allies already have Renewal on them and move to a HG patch, then the energy drain is lessened until they move.

These numbers would be static and would not change based on any particular stat.

Aditional benefits: We already have an icon for a Hallowed Ground buff, but there's no buff to be provided anymore. So let's give it one! Casting Speed for Oberon and all teammates is increased by 15% (effected by Power Strength) as long as they're on Hallowed Ground.

I realize that there probably won't be anymore changes, but Oberon is and always has been one of my favorite frames. So I'll continue to think of interesting ways to make him more effective.

umm i think reduce cost will come make inconsistency with power efficiency. we know right, after max effi, the ability cost cant be lowered anymore.

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4 minutes ago, giricahunik said:

umm i think reduce cost will come make inconsistency with power efficiency. we know right, after max effi, the ability cost cant be lowered anymore.

Pump Duration as well. I've found Oberon to be very strong with a Range/Efficiency/Duration build with next to no power strength and Phoenix Renewal active.

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