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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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46 minutes ago, giricahunik said:

umm i think reduce cost will come make inconsistency with power efficiency. we know right, after max effi, the ability cost cant be lowered anymore.

That's why this is merely a suggestion. TY for your opinion though.

27 minutes ago, Multicom-EN- said:

I can't believe all the complaining here! Oberon is awesome! Easily handles Sortie 3. Rad proc them sons of bi*ches, cast Hallowed Ground, strip armor and kill them like they're lvl 20 enemies..

It's important to not mistake complaining for constructive criticism.

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3 hours ago, (Xbox One)DRG JupiterIvan said:

I've come up with another way to help with Oberon's energy economy as well as a way to make Hallowed Ground a more appealing ability overall.

This time im going to propose an idea that promotes synergy to lessen the strain on energy costs. Here will be no energy returning, however.

Smite cost is reduced by 2/3 if the enemy is on Hallowed Ground. 

Reckoning Cost is reduced by 1/2 if Oberon is standing on Hallowed Ground.

Renewal energy drain is decreased by 1/4 if Oberon and allies are standing on Hallowed Ground. This can happen at any point in time, meaning of allies already have Renewal on them and move to a HG patch, then the energy drain is lessened until they move.

These numbers would be static and would not change based on any particular stat.

Aditional benefits: We already have an icon for a Hallowed Ground buff, but there's no buff to be provided anymore. So let's give it one! Casting Speed for Oberon and all teammates is increased by 15% (effected by Power Strength) as long as they're on Hallowed Ground.

I realize that there probably won't be anymore changes, but Oberon is and always has been one of my favorite frames. So I'll continue to think of interesting ways to make him more effective.

Personally, I think this is a good idea, but we're talking potential final patch for Oberon, that is a lot to implement in a short amount of time. Something easier and more likely to actually happen is something like a flat change to numbers. 

Realizing as well that there probably won't be anymore changes, but seriously why do we have to heal Nekros' minions if can can very efficiently do it him self... This is actually a horrible mechanic. 

A flat cost to Renewal would be nice, or something like it only draining when you're getting healed would be amazing. 

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10 hours ago, MarrikBroom said:

Fashion Frame advice wanted.

Right now I'm running Oberon Prime with regular Oberon helmet (seriously hoping Grimmrock's helmet gets in tennogen and voted in before round 9, just the model work on it makes me want the thing badly,) eos prime shoulders.

Primary: Full White (smoke pallet, saturated classic has a 'close enough.)
Secondary: Full Black (Smoke Pallet, Classic Saturated has a 'close enough.)
Tertiary: Grey (Smoke Pallet, Classic Saturated or Grineer have 'close enough.)
Accent: Rose Gold (Easter Pallet top row far left (Unsure of where the non-holiday would be. Storm pallet?)
Energy: Green )LOTS of pallets have good greens, currently going shamrock, classic saturated or even default green works.)

Eos Prime Shoulders:
Primary: Rosegold
Secondary: White:
Tertiary Rose Gold
Accents: Black
Energy: Black.
I find the 'energy all over' to be too much of an effect that washes everything out so I go with black to make it more of a metallic.

I use his original helmet and skin cuz his prime is underwhelming imho.

Colors were





The order probably isn't right, but it makes him look demonic with the bits of red looking like meat while the white looks like bones. The prime shoulder pads give him a nice bulky look, too

Edited by (PS4)Zelisius
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I don't recall seeing this mentioned in patch notes and it's not mentioned on the ability page. I don't even see it mentioned on the wiki.

If you cast more than 4 Hallowed Grounds, the first one will vanish for every extra one that you cast over 4. You can test this easily by placing one on one side of you, 3 on the other, then casting one more. The first one will disappear long before the duration is up.

EDIT: Forgot to add the question part of this--

Is this to combat bad performance? Is there another gameplay reason for this? I'm genuinely curious because corner-stacking Hallowed Grounds is something that I do for lazy affinity farming at times and that's how I discovered it.

Edited by Chipputer
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4 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

forgot to mention for his rework

I'm thinking it was this. Probably something to do with performance issues and they just figured most people didn't spam Hallowed Ground in larger quantities, or something.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)ExcessiveSteeze said:

I love spamming that ability it does nothing and waste energy. they dont even stack in damage at all even pre rework does not stack damage.

They don't stack in damage. They each tick separately. Adding more adds more damage ticks. They have always done this.

Like, you are literally almost 100% wrong except technically correct in that they don't stack together.

Edited by Chipputer
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2 minutes ago, redeyedtreefrog said:

I always assumed that it had something to do with being able to place hallowed grounds throughout multiple rooms, essentially becoming a makeshift nyx by covering every available surface in hallowed grounds.

... which you can already do by just using Reckoning and then moving forward and casting it again.

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1 hour ago, KnightCole said:

I think Oberon Prime's skin would look top notch if DE would go back and add some bulkier shoulders more like normal Oberon, then apply the Prime armor to them.  I think thats what looks off to me....

It's a combination of his shoulders and his lack of a chin, both due to his prime helmet having less of one and his body having a collar around the neck. If he had both of these things tweaked he would look, without a doubt, 100% better.

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7 minutes ago, KiryuKusakabe said:

while true casting hallowed ground is more cost effective.

Yes but the rad proc isn't guaranteed and hasn't always been there. That was literally just added with the rework. Before that was added you were already able to be a makeshift Nyx so giving us only 4 'grounds for that reason isn't really... sensical.

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This is me in Mot, its not one of my long runs but I tried to be informative in the vid. I went a little over 40 minutes in this one. I tried to keep Renewal up on the other two as often as possible but I think they were running into bubbles.

I try to build my loadouts around having Utility, Single Target, and Multitarget. My Multitarget weapon is the weapon I typically stick to unless there is a more difficult enemy, such as a Heavy Gunner, around. Which I then use the Single Target weapon for. Utility is for whatever I need, whether its the ability to strip armor, pop bubbles, regenerate health, etc...

^This pic is from the previous stream lol. It was me as Oberon, with a Frost, Hydroid, and a Banshee Prime in the game. This is my Kesheg slide attacking an enemy debuffed by Banshee.

Edited by Music4Therapy
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4 hours ago, Chipputer said:

It's a combination of his shoulders and his lack of a chin, both due to his prime helmet having less of one and his body having a collar around the neck. If he had both of these things tweaked he would look, without a doubt, 100% better.

Exactly, the lack of a chin to.....it makes his head look really fat, compared to his thin body.  If DE did go back and bulk him up a bit, he would look boss. 

I kinda accepted the lack of a chin, since its supposed to represent a Knights plate Great helm, so there wouldnt be a chin, but hes kinda skinny...

Edited by KnightCole
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23 hours ago, tnccs215 said:
23 hours ago, giricahunik said:

in de hotfix post it said, there is 2 different perspective about healing ally summon, someone say it was good (WHO SAID THAT) and someone said its not what it should be, so they reduce the cost to 1/3 for allied summon

Oh, that was it. 

I think it was their ego who said it. 

Most feedback suggest Renewal shouldn't heal ally summoned units at all coz it's a punishment for Oberon doing his healing job (Nekros can heal his summoned himself, summoned units from Atlas and Inaros have duration so why bother healing them) But I wouldn't mind if DE make a exception for Titania since Oberon & her are couple frames  :-)


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2 hours ago, Doomerang said:

Most feedback suggest Renewal shouldn't heal ally summoned units at all coz it's a punishment for Oberon doing his healing job (Nekros can heal his summoned himself, summoned units from Atlas and Inaros have duration so why bother healing them) But I wouldn't mind if DE make a exception for Titania since Oberon & her are couple frames  :-)


They are not a couple in the legends, m8. King of summer and queen of spring

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The interaction between Oberon's Renewal and Nekros' minions needs to be removed. Playing with any other frames, I can generally maintain a reasonable balance between power use and gain and on the whole I generally have enough energy to feel like I can use my other powers when needed. Every time I play with a Nekros, I go to use a power and nothing happens because I can't maintain any sort of energy use balance. I feel like I need to avoid using Renewal every time I play with a Nekros just so I'm able to use my other powers at the normal rate I use them at with other frames. On paper, it should work as long as the Nekros is desecrating. However I find that that is not the case in practice because there aren't enough energy orbs to pick up the slack.

And no comments about "Well don't keep it toggled on all the time". If I can maintain it most of the time as long as Nekros isn't on the team, there's clearly something wrong is the Oberon/Nekros dynamic and not the fact that I'm keeping it toggled.

Edited by Ceryk
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