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Can we just admit Oberon is a Druid?

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13 hours ago, Serialkillerwhale said:

I mean, seriously, lets tally up the list.



  1. Names of abilities.
  2. Tabard-like cloth.
  3. Magistar? Sorta?


  1. The Name Oberon, which refers to the king of Fairies.
  2. Oberon's name also correlates to Titania, the queen, who was released in the Silver Grove.
  3. Oberon himself was released alongside Earth 2.0, which emphasized, again, greenery and nature.
  4. Oberon's actual mechanics, ie direct spell damage on 3 skills, gradual healing over time, and pet-buffing are Druidic. A Paladin would be more focused on buffing allies, chunk healing, and physical combat.
  5. Oberon's Satyr-esque cloven hooves and digitgradeish legs.
  6. Antler Helmets.
  7. Tree-Statue in Maroo's Bazaar
  8. Lime-green Energy color

Seriously. He's a Satyr wearing a tabard and pretending at being a Paladin. Drop the pretenses, let him turn into a bear, and give us a real Paladin already.

Nice pile up, might I add his deluxe skin is also reminiscent of the king of fae in the Celtic druids culture, adding even more weight into him being a druid more than a warrior of light.

(For anyone who don't know Fae and Fay is just another way of saying Fairy in old legends/mythologies)

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13 hours ago, AM-Bunny said:

Oberon is Oberon.

Paladin was just a name used to refer to him while he was in the developmental stages and has literally no power over his design. Druid neither.

Why try to pigeonhole him into cookie-cutter RPG classes, when Warframe doesn't - and never has - adhere to such archetypes?

Who cares how closely he resembles a Paladin or a Druid as long as he's good at what he does? (although that's an entirely separate conversation...)

The main reason to pigeonhole hole him is so that he can compete on a level with other top tier frames.  Currently his design (while better than before) is spread too far and ironically even being a "jack-of-all-trades" isn't good enough when equinox does that job in spades.

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curiously in DnD, you can be a paladin serving a nature related deity and gain nature related powers, so there is that. Particularly I think he leans more on the paladin powerwise, 1,2 and 4 offer offensive and defensive with light buffs and debuffs and 3 offers a light healing with regeneration, that seems more in tune with the paladins I´m familiar with.

Idealy i think, his augments could had been used for this, 2 augments to further a paladin role and 2 to focus on his druid side. And the radiation proc always reminded me of how priest in Age of empires caused enemies to change sides.

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17 hours ago, Serialkillerwhale said:

I mean, seriously, lets tally up the list.


  1. Names of abilities.
  2. Tabard-like cloth.
  3. Magistar? Sorta?


  1. The Name Oberon, which refers to the king of Fairies.
  2. Oberon's name also correlates to Titania, the queen, who was released in the Silver Grove.
  3. Oberon himself was released alongside Earth 2.0, which emphasized, again, greenery and nature.
  4. Oberon's actual mechanics, ie direct spell damage on 3 skills, gradual healing over time, and pet-buffing are Druidic. A Paladin would be more focused on buffing allies, chunk healing, and physical combat.
  5. Oberon's Satyr-esque cloven hooves and digitgradeish legs.
  6. Antler Helmets.
  7. Tree-Statue in Maroo's Bazaar
  8. Lime-green Energy color

Seriously. He's a Satyr wearing a tabard and pretending at being a Paladin. Drop the pretenses, let him turn into a bear, and give us a real Paladin already.

Oberon and Titania are only "faries" in a midsummer knights dream, "Titania" was invented by Shakespeare and is mostly stolen from Greek myth. Neither have much to do with "Druids"

A Paladin is just a type of Knight, Oberon is very much in the vein of the "Green Knight" in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" whatever you appear to have decided Paladin obviously means please realise that it has meaning outside of whatever D&D might have made popular enough to imitate.

Warframes are at their best when they are a fusion of themes. I think that Oberon it at it's best when viewed as a fusion of these two themes.

So no, I don't think we need to do "admit" anything

Edited by SilentMobius
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57 minutes ago, SilentMobius said:

Oberon and Titania are only "faries" in a midsummer knights dream, "Titania" was invented by Shakespear and is mostly stolen from Greek myth. Neither have much to do with "Druids"

A Paladin is just a type of Knight, Oberon is very much in the vein of the "Green Knight" in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" whatever you appear to have decided Paladin obviously means please realise that it has meaning outside of whatever D&D might have made popular enough to imitate.

Warframes are at their best when they are a fusion of themes. I think that Oberon it at it's best when viewed as a fusion of these two themes.

So no, I don't think we need to do "admit" anything

Actually... We must admit that even as a "Fusion of Themes"  there is a better "Fusion of Themes" and her name is Equinox, she (with minor variations) literally does (Technically) EVERYTHING Oberon does and more and better.

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25 minutes ago, achromos said:

"Fusion of Themes" and her name is Equinox

Except Equinox is not a fusion of themes at all, she's drawn from the Daoist principles of Yin and Yang.

What she does mechanically is a different argument to the one going at the moment.

Still, a general Etymology note:

Firstly, Oberon's name dates father back than Shakespeare, derived firstly from the Niebenlungenlied character Alberich, a sorcerer king guarding the titular treasures until they were bested by the hero Siegfried. The name Oberon itself arises in the French epic Huon of Bordeaux, where he is the fairy king who aids in the hero's ordeal, with some articles referring to Auberon. It's this iteration then drawn into Shakespeare's Midsummer's nights dream.

(And for the record, Titania is derived from Ovid, being used as the name of the daughters of Titans. The 'fairy queen' was never named before and nobody since Shakespeare has been willing to employ some originality since when it comes to naming a Fairy Queen)

Secondly, Paladin is a term referring to those who served under Charlemagne, the name itself deriving from the Palatine hill of Rome (see Rhino's Palatine syandana as a more direct reference). It's nearly entirely down to D&D that Paladin means much else past that and most things resorted to drawing upon their take ever since in general. Taking the D&D approach then explains why Oberon employs Radiation, as 'Holy' is associated with Light which is in itself, a form of Radiation (Electromagnetic, specifically). Even his 'beastmaster' Passive can be compared to the D&D Paladin's Special Mount Class Feature.

After that...it's mostly an aesthetic aspect that leans towards nature/forest elements, which still remain things associated with knightly orders as others have mentioned.

Druids meanwhile are typically a spiritual leader, and spirituality is something completely absent from Oberon's kit and abilities. Anything 'spiritual' about Oberon is a tenuous aspect of his 'light/holy' powers...which again, are more in terms of aesthetic than something tangibly connected to faith constructs. Which...ironically would have more to do with Stars, considering the common 'Thank the stars' invocation, than likely nature or plants. Especially as Orokin 'shuffle genetics for fun and profit' methods would contrast heavily with any respect for the natural order and realm you'd suspect.

At the end of the day...Oberon is Oberon. The adage 'Keep it Simple, Stupid' would save a lot of time in general.

Either way, apologies for going on, as always.

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