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[Pc-Contest/give-Away] "let Me Buy That Item For You!" - 47th Edition - OFFICIAL FORM EDITION, READ OP!!!


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Hello everybody!!

Contest was not supposed to be today, but I received an unexpected daily login plat discount, and it's a Tuesday, so I thought, "Why not??"

Welcome to week 47 of my biweekly contest!! All the info you need are listed below.

1. Form: use the following form to place your entry, all the info are inside it; note that this is MANDATORY, otherwise I can't consider your entry valid.

Only one submission per user, double entries will be deleted!


2. Special week 47 bonuses:

- Nyx Prime Set by /u/Purzzle

- Vasto Prime Set by @Gendalph 

- Reaper  Prime Set by @Gendalph 

- Ash Prime Set by @Autongnosis 

- Galatine Prime Set by @Autongnosis 

If you wish to donate or contribute please write an email to  siralexwfcontest@gmail.com or PM me here in the forums!

3. Rules:

- 1st prize is any market item or Prime set, capped at 1000p; you can't ask multiple items here, only 1 item or 1 set

- 2nd prize is any market item or Prime part capped at 200p; you can ask multiple items here, just be aware that the more you ask the longer it'll take for me to deliver gifts to other players, as there's a cap of 8 daily gifts we can send, so if a winner asks me more than one item it will mean someone else will get the gift the next day.

- I pickup 4x 1st prize winners and 4x 2nd prize winners; bonus prizes are usually directly dealt with by users offering them 

- I host this every 2 weeks, it'll last approx 24h

- Mods, Tennogen, Arcanes and Syndicate stuff are currently not an option as 1st or 2nd prize.


I think that's it, I tried to simplify a bit the OP too, as the old one was a bit confusing, let me know if I can improve it more.

Huge thanks to @-Gata-  for the form picture!

Last but not least, a huge, huge thank to  prideswrath for creating the form and bringing the contest to a new level!!

Edited by Sir_Alex_Traffo
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Just now, Sir_Alex_Traffo said:

@Navarchus thanks for the pic, from now on I'll post it in bold, that should fix the issues!

@ S.Faiz sadly I'm not able to edit the form, I have another user that does that! I didn't even know that you can apply a picture on the whole page! How do you do that?

I don't know man, the gray on gray is mostly the issue I think.

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7 minutes ago, Navarchus said:

I think people will have an easier time now! Though can I ask why you don't prefer default colour?

Sadly, that's the default when you copy and paste! I can't really write the whole thing everytime! :(

Edited by Sir_Alex_Traffo
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12 minutes ago, Vactro said:

Omg, I don't know what you've changed but the thread looks way better now than previous times. Thanks as always!

Yea, I just discovered that the thread was impossible to read for black theme users, which I didn't know as I use the white one. 

From now on it'll always be like this, sorry for the past troubles! 

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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand, contest is over!! Here are the lucky winners:

1st prize:

GothLoli-sama Nova Asuri Skin  
Clemency42 Hunhow's Gift
Noeriel Hema
Soanix Continuity Collection  

2nd prize:

trakinas420   30 day affinity booster
Aeon94   22x Formas ( while they have 55% off )
Transfigure   Exilus Adapter
Avia Armor Set   GramCM

Below bonus prize winners:

- Nyx Prime Set by /u/Purzzle: @-ditch.Goko-

- Vasto Prime Set by @Gendalph:  @TheBrickBlock  

- Reaper  Prime Set by @Gendalph: @Squareo

- Ash Prime Set by @Autongnosis: @Kingredsiri  (please contact the donor as delivery is preferably on Sundays!)

- Galatine Prime Set by @Autongnosis: @kenbzhou (please contact the donor as delivery is preferably on Sundays!)


That's it, thanks a lot to everyone who contributed! I'll see you next week to come back to my usual schedule!

Edited by Sir_Alex_Traffo
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