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Hotfix 9.1.1


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No, why did you have to change rifle amp?




You made the enemies so much stronger that this Rifle amp was actually needed to deal damage, and now you overnerf it.


Way to go DE, way to go...

Edited by Christo92K
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Hotfix 9.1.1


Squad information now again displays on the mission map.



1. Well, if  you went that far.

 maybe squad info should include weapon & warframe ranks and a type of aura in use ?


2. also,

mission alerts can be viewed only from universe window, once you zoom in  on missions 

you can't see them. 

doesn't seem to be as an improvement..


3. Foundry UI.., is there way to give it back some game vibe ?


4.  Host Migration on rampage again.  

Why it kicks in even when there is no lag in the game?

Why it kiks  in 3-4 times during single mission

and more than often loosing host connection at the end?

which translates into player loosing all his loot...

If server can figure out what to do, can we at least keep the goodies ?



thank you

and thank you again.

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Liking most of the fixes, except that vampire mode..the Increase rate of health lost is way too much. the previous vampire mode was fine as it is especially doing high level defense or rescue missions. i think this needs to be taken off. i recently just died waiting for a wave to spawn. also, if you have a AFK teammate who doesn't move out the safe zone in defense or get to the extraction you're pretty much dead. 

yeah it sucks bad ive had tht happen when ur waiting at extraction and u die and now theyre boosting the rate? i can c y but tht will just make this even worst

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Vampirism is way too strong now. We had to constantly revive each other to even get through the mission. You would basically need a constant stream of enemies to keep up with the HP loss, which is present in no mission (there are always some "downtimes"), especially not in Exterminate.



Edited by DeltaF0rce
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the sobek change seems ok but 60 damage wont save it. it has half the fire rate of the boar, a mastery require of 4, does 60 damage now, is not crit based either and supposedly it's accurate like a hek or close? it either needs more damage and a better rate of fire orfire rate and a lot of crit and crit damage to make crit mods work on a shotgun for once like a rapid fire crit hek. do the devs making this weapon think about a place for it between the shotguns?

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Raptor's loot can still get blown away, still no fix for the diminishing returns of Vor's loots, making it practically impossible to aquire the Seer pistol for a lot of people and you now die if defense missions with the vampire effect don't start right away...


So much for good bug fixing and fine tuning...

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lame...  no aura  system fix - isntead they just nerfed one of the most useful auras -_-.


Vampre rate boosted in nightmare.. really? iv run out of hp sooooo many times already - specially exterminate and similar missions where yo udont have endless amount of mobs to kill.


And weapon restrictions?  WTF - so i would be FORCED to BUY new weapon slots to get the weapons that ARE ALLOWED?????


I didn't have much in the way of issues with vampire mode beforehand (although it made searching for health orbs pointless in my case, since my preferred frame is pretty beefy and the loss is percentage based) provided I didn't waste time checking containers and such.


The rate's definitely too high now, however; even with a max rush mod, etc. I'd lost about 2/3's of my HP before I ever encountered an enemy. I'd almost guarantee that anybody trying to do nightmare defense is going to get downed at least once before the first wave ever shows up.


It also doesn't help that they reduced the gain you get for killing enemies too. One or the other, not both.


Edit: Also, how to tell which weapons are restricted?


Though at least the ferrite/salvage drought is over.


Also, was the issue of the diminishing returns drop chance of the Cronus being applied to the Seer and its parts fixed? It's kinda hard for us to give feedback on new content when the chances of us even obtaining it actually go down with each time we try.

Edited by Taranis49
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