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Hotfix 9.1.3


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What bothers me about this whole raptor business is you'd know exactly what the freaking problem is if you just playtested the level. It would be immediately obvious that there's a problem with (in all likelihood) 2 runs, probably even the first.


I keep getting the feeling like you release this large patches without playtesting most of it. Both the resource bug, the various warframe bugs that keep popping up, and now the raptor bug seem indicative of that. I don't understand. You gave me 40 control modules and morphics, roughly, for an incredibly apparent bug you didn't check out.


TL;DR: Start playtesting your game before releasing it and save yourself these problems. If you -are- playtesting it, please tell me how one doesn't notice the resource problem or the raptor problem.

Um . . . This is still in Beta . . . We ARE the playtesters . . .

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Have the drop rates of bosses such as Lech Kril or Phorid been increased at all to go along with their increased toughness? Or have you just decided to arbitrarily make a number of Warframes much harder to get?

Edited by Winterbraid
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Still getting unbeatable nightmare mode vampire missions unfortunately. Lillith in this scenario. Maybe if the map has no enemies left in an extermination nightmare, start a timer and stop the health degeneration.

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i don't even know.

was just doing a Nightmare mission with a clannie - Nix-Pluto in specific, and on the way to extraction all in front of me was crewman and normal MOA's, and i suddenly started losing 100 health per second. my shields weren't getting touched, as if all the enemy fire was ignoring my shields. though even then, Saryn is pretty durable, so the bits of oncoming fire shouldn't have been doing 100/sec. i died twice, and gave up. 


since when to pulse lasers shield pierce? oh right, they don't. so i don't even know.

Edited by taiiat
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Have the drop rates of bosses such as Lech Kril or Phorid been increased at all to go along with their increased toughness? Or have you just decided to arbitrarily make a number of Warframes much harder to get?

no learn to try hard.(don't be a try-hard)

it makes things more difficult. before I was able to solo Uranus boss with max loki and default loadout no potatoes or mods on weapons.

or you could just get an acrid, max rank it and potato it! (potato is optional)

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Um . . . This is still in Beta . . . We ARE the playtesters . . .

I guess I consider no-wipe betas that have a fully functioning cash shop trying to sell us any and everything from credits to mats to warframes that I don't really consider us the first line of testers that should be testing.

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i don't even know.

was just doing a Nightmare mission with a clannie - Nix-Pluto in specific, and on the way to extraction all in front of me was crewman and normal MOA's, and i suddenly started losing 100 health per second. my shields weren't getting touched, as if all the enemy fire was ignoring my shields. i died twice, and gave up. 


since when to pulse lasers shield pierce? oh right, they don't. so i don't even know.

 most likeley vampire part of nightmare mode, only way to regen health is by killing and collecting energy orbs, you lose health during vampire part of nightmare mode. but then agian maybe not since 100 hp is too much(not to mention armor) and enemies cant damage THAT much

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There's a potential bug in the Energy Lab [the only one i've tested atm], after replicating some research and attempting to exit via hitting the "ESC" key, my whole screen freezes at the grey background of the Research page with no way to quit or exit aside booting my task manager up and ending the process. Its not a big deal, but it is a slight nuisance.

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The drain is actually 1% of their hp.  I like the vampire... it actually helps on infested missions cause it can heal the dmg you take from poisons

Idea: Remove Vampire all together and do something different for Nightmare mode.


Not all frames have the same amount of health. This means that more fragile frames (like Nova and Loki) are more susceptable to dying between fights.


The whole health drain mechanic is terrible IMHO.


You might try draining Energy instead of Health, and doubling the amount of enemies.

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Idea: Remove Vampire all together and do something different for Nightmare mode.


Not all frames have the same amount of health. This means that more fragile frames (like Nova and Loki) are more susceptable to dying between fights.


The whole health drain mechanic is terrible IMHO.


You might try draining Energy instead of Health, and doubling the amount of enemies.

noooo vampire mode is funnnnnn :D and ive been playing nightmare mode with relatively weak hp stats.

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no learn to try hard.(don't be a try-hard)

it makes things more difficult. before I was able to solo Uranus boss with max loki and default loadout no potatoes or mods on weapons.

or you could just get an acrid, max rank it and potato it! (potato is optional)


Sorry to break it to you, but you can't cheat math.


I could solo everything before and I can still solo it now. It's not soloing that is the problem, it's the time. You need to beat a boss multiple times to obtain a Warframe. Hundreds of times for some people.


More health means more time taken to beat the boss, doesn't matter how good your weapon is because DPS is always finite, they take longer to kill than they did before the update. Longer time means fewer runs per hour, fewer runs per hour mean reduced overall chance of obtaining the Warframe in a given period of time.


A.k.a. the Warframe became arbitrarily harder to get, and I welcome you to present a reasoning that shows otherwise.


The core question of balance in any loot game is how long we want the player to grind to obtain X item. So a core element of the game balance has been changed drastically without any notice or explanation.

Edited by Winterbraid
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Nice one for fixing stuff, always impressed with speed you get onto things.


Been said a few times now but please if possible have a revisit to clan hall caps/sizes.


Wanting to go over 200 capacity for any clan means building a great hall.


This then scales like mad and moves them to next tier.


Still has the same amount of members just now they are paying and competing for events like a clan that are WAY over their size..kinda unfair./


And no not crying. My clan is over 6K, this point just needs highlighting.

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Idea: Remove Vampire all together and do something different for Nightmare mode.


Not all frames have the same amount of health. This means that more fragile frames (like Nova and Loki) are more susceptable to dying between fights.


The whole health drain mechanic is terrible IMHO.


You might try draining Energy instead of Health, and doubling the amount of enemies.

I was fine using a Loki below rank 20 and I wasn't even using health mods. Of course, I had a fully modded Braton Vandal and a lvl 30 Kunai. Time to polarize my Loki again though. :)

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People are being Banned randomly log off now....PLEASE FIX THIS!!!!

+1 I was also just banned for no reason right after i got this hotfix and ran a mission no hacks no nothing.

Edited by Blaze13
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Hey Devs if I might suggest something make the drops for Raptor spawn in the spot where he starts or maybe in the center of the little room on top of the bunker in the boss room. I don't know if that would be a possibility but it would solve the players and your problems of reading all the babies cry about not getting drops.

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The most probable explanation is that he is lacking whatever sort of flag or enemy-classification you apply to your bosses to guarantee they always make rolls against their loot tables when killed. This theory accounts for all the reports seen.so far, because it would mean that successful blueprint drops (Which are clearly happening) are effectively "Double success rolls", requiring a roll to see if he SHOULD drop when killed (which is what trash mobs do) and then another roll to see WHAT drops. Explains why most of us see almost no drops, and some people see blueprints after 100+ trials.


Either that or someone entered his loot table in decimal format instead of Integer or something equally silly.


Feel free to gift me a Nova if I turn out to be right. =)

I didn't even consider that reason but it sounds very likely as I am seeing him dropping nothing like 25 out of the 30 runs I have done. So far only the system dropped when he did drop anything.

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Idea: Remove Vampire all together and do something different for Nightmare mode.


Not all frames have the same amount of health. This means that more fragile frames (like Nova and Loki) are more susceptable to dying between fights.


The whole health drain mechanic is terrible IMHO.


You might try draining Energy instead of Health, and doubling the amount of enemies.

you do realize that the drain rate is equal to all players regardless of health level, if you let the alarm sound you will have more enemies to obtain health on as well...

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Any word on when clan tier costs will be fixed? Currently have a 6 man clan paying the costs of a 30 man clan...


And for us we are a 16 man clan and paying the costs of a 100 man clan, this happened from one day to another.

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