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Explanation: Warframe.market


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So every so often I run into this problem: people trading through trade chat who want the same prices you get through Warframe.market 

Now to preface this explanation, I am going to state I think that warframe.market is a good tool and I generally like it both for getting things cheap and unloading harder to sell items. However the problem here lies, not within warframe.market, but the players. Heres a situation I run into every now and again: Im selling an item through trade chat. Someone approaches me and I give them the price, usually on (or slightly above if Im trying to make GROFIT) value. The person will then, usually in a very rude manner, insist on the warframe.market price. I'm usually willing to cut a deal with most people, probably even moreso than most traders as all my prices tend to be "negotiable" but I've just been insulted and had it implied Im unethical and on the same level as someone who sharks for not giving them a price thats woefully undervalue by people thinking that warframe.market prices is the only deciding factor in determining an items value that I usually just dont do business with anyone who mentions the word "market".


Basically it all boils down to this: Warframe.market is for people wanting to unload stuff quickly and easily, and who dont mind taking a bit less plat if it means undercutting the competition, which is all in all good for buyers. Basically think of one big garage sale where people are just trying to get rid of their junk to clear up space and make a bit of money. Then you have the buying prices which go even lower than that for sellers who are really desperate for the plat. However, trade chat is a different beast with people who usually dont mind waiting if it means getting more grofit. Basically its a bazaar where people set up to make money and while you'll probably get a good deal, its not gonna be anything like "I'll give you twenty bucks for this $500 bike thats taking up space in your garage" like at the previously mentioned yard sale.

Basically what Im trying to say is this, if you want a warframe.market price, just use warframe.market, if that fails, use tradechat but dont expect traders to want to cooperate in giving you the same prices. Also shoutout to NexusStats for being an amazing tool for determining tradechat values.

Edited by Doubleplus
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the problem your running into is a common one on any game with a feature like warframe.market, players try to lower the value of an item they never intend to sell while raising the value of items harder to come by, allowing them to make a very large prophet... it happens all the time in path of exile on poe.trade as well, when it comes to those, the average price is probably 10-20 posts higher then the lowest post sometimes even 100s if too many people post

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38 minutes ago, Doubleplus said:

Heres a situation I run into every now and again: Im selling an item through trade chat. Someone approaches me and I give them the price, usually on (or slightly above if Im trying to make GROFIT) value. The person will then, usually in a very rude manner, insist on the warframe.market price.

When I encounter a situation such as this, I simply tell them: "Then buy it from that person for that price."

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46 minutes ago, Doubleplus said:

Basically it all boils down to this: Warframe.market is for people wanting to unload stuff quickly and easily, and who dont mind taking a bit less plat if it means undercutting the competition, which is all in all good for buyers.

Indeed, I tend to use market to sell quickly like a Sancti Tigris for 40-50(or whatever  they seem to usually go for on market at the time) just to get maybe a quick 3day booster, but if I want full value or just want to horde Plat I trade it in chat for 60-70.

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WF.M is there, I can quickly reference it and I have every right to state the price I want to buy it at 3rd party site or not. It is up to you to say yes or no, not up to you to complain that I am finding a cheap price and negotiating. I can use any number of outside resources any time I want to determine pricing for something I like. Sucks that there is a 3rd party site keeping outrageous trade chat pricing in check doesn't it!!!

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From my own experience, players that mention warframe.market anywhere in the conversation are prone to:

  • being rude (calling you a scammer, among other things)
  • insist in lecturing the seller (meaning they keep referecing other prices, other sellers and warframe market over and over)
  • think that the seller/buyer is unserious and believes the trade, the price and everything surrounding trading in general is a joke (visible when they reply with "haha", "lol", "XD" or anything similar)
  • insult your other buyers by calling them easy to mislead or stupid.

I personally ignore buyers when they fill several of these checkboxes, trade is far from even being discussed, let alone from happening, in fact you may already declined to do any sort of trade with the user and they simply come back to insult you, insult your buyers or keep mentioning other prices.

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you can make it a way trade and market benefit you.  Players  who usually buy in market are not necessarily the same people in trade chat.  if something is sold 9.99 in a real store, and 10.99 on a website, it's either you go to the store or enter your credit card number and PIN.  Do not mix these two types of  "clients".  My interaction with trade chat is to get a part i need to complete a set I'm going to sell on market, or if I feel like doing a sale and sell something cheap in chat.  if you bump into someone who is aware of market prices you just encountered a competitor thats it.  As long as what you're selling is demanded in market it only takes you the patience to wait for a random PM for a sale.  As for trade chat you can have fun and sit to read prices, maybe compare these prices with what you find on market.  Hope this helps.

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2 hours ago, DogManDan said:

WF.M is there, I can quickly reference it and I have every right to state the price I want to buy it at 3rd party site or not. It is up to you to say yes or no, not up to you to complain that I am finding a cheap price and negotiating. I can use any number of outside resources any time I want to determine pricing for something I like. Sucks that there is a 3rd party site keeping outrageous trade chat pricing in check doesn't it!!!

Way to completely miss the point. My problem isnt with warframe.market as I use it myself when I want something super cheap or need to unload a something that isnt moving on trade chat. My problem is people who act like they are entitled to a sale at the warframe.market price when approaching me via trade chat. Im always willing to negotiate but whenever someone throws the "I could get it on warframe.market for x price" which is usually then followed by insults as if I am desperate to get their 15 plat on something I could get 30 from someone else simply results in a "Then why don't you go there instead" response from me. 

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In cases like this I ask them to buy it from that person, and move on. If they do, good for them. If they don't, it's fun watching them come crawling back.


It is then also the seller's right to quote the prices from the sell columns, isn't it? ;)

You argument has problems because you assume all the prices are legit. They're not, a lot of them are there so that people can drive down market prices. As proof, messaging most of these low prices will result in them not actually selling or being perpetually offline.

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Warframe Market is not the problem, it's a symptom of a disease which namely is people being greedy. People want to sell high, people want to buy low and that's just how an open market works. People that want to use the prices from Warframe Market are welcomed to do so but can't expect people to honor those prices.

Warframe Market is but a reference to give you an idea of the trends, which is why you explore all the prices listed and make your own assessment before buying/selling. But you will always find people trying to step on you and that will never change until DE sets a minimum and a maximum for each item to be sold. This would of course infuriate the community and possibly be a worse situation that it is now.

My advice? Be courteous, be nice. If they don't like the price simply thank them for their time and stop messaging them. If you act like a savage you will be treated as one.

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I see no problem with warframe.market being there and laughing at someones price, some people are complete morons trying to sell Rhino Prime for 1000p. I think a site out there used for determining prices is a good thing, just look at Path of Exile they have sites like that too and are doing AMAZING, people actually follow those sites prices and it works great.

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23 minutes ago, iMalicious said:

I see no problem with warframe.market being there and laughing at someones price, some people are complete morons trying to sell Rhino Prime for 1000p.

Players decide on the price, the least you can do is respect them, if anything just politely decline and move on.

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I never reply to people to lecture or haggle about an offer in trade chat, but when I see someone trying to sell a Trinity Prime for 150p, a Loki Prime for 750p or an Ignis Wraith BP for 50p, ...  I consider that seller either new to trading and unaware of current prices or a scammer trying to prey on other people unaware about prices on warframe.market / nexusstats.

I look at trade chat from time to time and I've made deals on it before but when I see these sellers with inflated prices trying to hawk their wares by spamming it every 2 minutes in the hope of some ignorant mark falling for it, I sometimes feel the urge to send them the link to warframe.market or nexusstats, though I never do and just ignore them.

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8 hours ago, KIREEK said:

Players decide on the price, the least you can do is respect them, if anything just politely decline and move on.

I don't think it is even a good idea for players to decide on prices, honestly players deciding on their own prices is what breaks trading tbh and opens people to be ripped off and wasting money they worked for. I'm happy for nexus and warframe.market, honestly I don't think players should have the choice to price things how they see fit and should be more limited to doing so, as I said before you quoted only the S#&$ you wanted to hear there is games out there without this option and are doing extremely well, prices should have a low/mid/high not moron players who just say f it and raise the price to something nobody would buy (except morons who can't navigate a website and find it cheaper, as there is a lot of those people) I'm guessing from the part you quoted you're one of those people trying to sell things for ridiculous prices. Luckily I prefer to farm my own gear but when I do sell I sell through warframe.market because I'm not a greedy moron and I price my things fairly so the community can thrive so I'm always thankful to hear people are laughing at prices people set ridiculously high and they're honestly smart, I'll take more sales from them rather then try and sell one item for days upon days for ridiculous prices all meanwhile making more grofit then them and farming more grofit while they're still trying to sell a single item. Also if it wasn't for those people laughing at other peoples prices then those people laughed at probably would never of lowered their prices and never would of got their sales so instead of making this thread you should honestly be thanking them as I notice peoples prices dropping all the time and it's because of these people so good on them, I was one of these people selling for high prices before discovering warframe.market and nexus and people telling me my prices were to high honestly makes me thankful to them because now I make so much more grofit.

Edited by iMalicious
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14 hours ago, Heatnix. said:


^ I had a much longer post typed up before I saw this.  This sums things up nicely IMO.

39 minutes ago, iMalicious said:


Maybe you're not aware of the tone you're setting in these posts?  Calling people 'morons' and implying that people are 'ridiculous' might not be the best of ideas.

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12 minutes ago, Arcainyx said:

Maybe you're not aware of the tone you're setting in these posts?  Calling people 'morons' and implying that people are 'ridiculous' might not be the best of ideas.

implying their prices are ridiculous not the people themselves, also not pointing any fingers at any one particular person but a group of them, and I'm aware of my own tone thanks :) safe to say I dislike people who make threads like these of people taking things as bad instead of thinking of it as advice, if people are laughing at your price it's obviously because your "price" is ridiculous, so take being laughed at as advice and consider lowering your price :clap:instead of whining on forums about something that is unneeded since life goes on, and people will just do it anyway.

As I also implied I use to be one of these people selling for ridiculous prices, therefor I'm basically calling myself a moron.

Edited by iMalicious
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The price of any item (digital or not) is determined by at least two person. The seller, and the Buyer.

As long as both parties agreed to the price, anything goes.

As long as either party disagreed, you're free to negotiate, or find someone else who values the said item the same way you do.

At least thats the way it works for free market afaik.

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16 minutes ago, iMalicious said:

implying their prices are ridiculous not the people themselves...


16 minutes ago, iMalicious said:

...I'm aware of my own tone thanks :) ...

Again, got it.  Some people aren't.

18 minutes ago, iMalicious said:

...if people are laughing at your price it's obviously because your "price" is ridiculous, so take being laughed at as advice and consider lowering your price...

I think this is part supply/demand and part how much people care.  I've read stories in this game and others where people priced things higher than the normal market prices and found a buyer.  The buyer is happy, the seller is happy, good times.  On the other hand if you care about the stuff you sell being closer to the current market value you can research and use what you find like the Market or Nexusstats.

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I'm one of these people. Don't crucify me just yet.

My sessions aren't very long, and I don't have much time to chill out in trade chat, so I'm not always up to speed on price fluctuations. I use the market to get an idea on a ballpark figure, but I always offer 5-10, sometimes even 20 extra plat on top of what that price is. Haven't had an unhappy seller yet. The way I see it, they put in the time to obtain the items I want, so I'll try to be fair for their efforts.

It's a shame, though not surprising, that you've had some malcontents in your trades.

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So every so often I run into this problem: people trading through trade chat who want the same prices you get through Warframe.market

Who cares what they want?

If you're not into bargaining just tell them off. It's that simple. Don't expect anyone to "understand" anything and generally don't expect anything. And it goes both ways actually, don't go apesht if someone expects to get stuff for even less than market offers - after all, market isn't going anywhere, you can always buy the item there for x price and people that spend time for trade chat is trying to find the lowest price for them to buy something (or highest to sell something).



...if people are laughing at your price it's obviously because your "price" is ridiculous, so take being laughed at as advice and consider lowering your price...

People sometines "laugh" at the stupidest things, like when newbs find out how much event mods like maiming strike cost, how much prime frames cost (at least some), how much stances like vengeful cost or some even thow tantrums over 'excessive' 10p from the lowest price possible (like say you're selling a syndicate weapon for 50 instead of 40 - out of 100 people in the chat there will be some demented dude that wants that weapon and will spam "wtb for 40 (or 30) and  "no one will buy it for this price lel" when you will ignore him, repeatedly)

Edited by -Temp0-
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Don't be mad when someone doesn't want to pay over the lower end of market value for your wares. When out whaling you have to realise 95% of the player base is not your target demographic. For every 9 people you turn down for wanting it at whats listed on WFMarket, there will be one with more plat than patience or sense.

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