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Mission Timers, Help or Hendrence?


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I've been playing this game since console launce and for about 8 months straight almost daily. The one thing that has absolutly been the most frustrating feature (when abused) is timers/countdowns. Im refering to the start missiom timer and most certainly the endless mission timers when you decide to stay or extract. I do like the fact that if someone is really holding up the mission from starting you can start the timer, but i dont know how many times i've been a group of 2 or 3 friends and we end up getting an uknown person in our group and the unknown starts the timer when my friends or myself are changing weapons or even more horrifying, mods. Sometimes its even happened by accident! So what to do? A very simple fix would be a stop timer option or atleast a 1 time per mission extend timer option that grants enough additional time to slap your weapons and mods on and giving you enough time to make your self mission ready. Theres nothing worse then being in a group and an unknown person takes it upon himself to start timers after 3 seconds. It really just hurts the mission in the long run. Now the even more frustrating timer is the endless mission timer, especially during relic missions. I have noticed a unfourtunate amount of players (and im not sure if this is out of spite or immaturity) who like to go to the continue mission option and then litterally and I mean LITTERALLY at the last second decide to extract, leaving hopefully you with another person but sometimes you completely alone to finish off a mission by yourself and usually it doesnt go to well and ends in Epic Failure! Now when there are reward and mounds of affinity on the line this can be especially frustrating. I can't tell you how mamy times i've lost epic amounts of affinity and resources and sometimes rewards. In the case that your left solo an easy fix would be for the game to state "You are entering this mission Solo, Are you sure you would like to continue?" Or even "Your are entering without a full squad, would you like to continue?" this would solve the problem of the last second extractors leaving you high and dry and making you lose all you hard earned resources, affinity, and currency. The third and last timer that really should just be removed is the pick relic timer. If your in a group of friends and your planning relics together there really isnt any need and it forces mistakes due to panic to pick before time runs out.  Now this really just needs a start timer if someone isnt picking, but generally someone doesnt need to long and the timer really just panics us players (and ive seen this alot, myself included). Long time player have lots of relics and it can be hard to look through when your under a timed gun. Also ive noticed alot of times people putting on the same relic BY Mistake due to this panic to throw something on and once everyone has picked it starts immidiatly without delay, so there isnt the ability to change your mind. In my opinion the timer should be ditched and there should be a confirm button once you have the proper relic on. At the very least if not a whole change to the system, the timer should be extended to 20-30 seconds and not end immidiatly if everyone has picked and that would give people time to adjust based on what other people have put on. Sometime you may even have the same radiant relic as someone else but the opportunity is missed due to the timer and not being able to change once everyone has put a relic up. I love warframe and what its about and it brings players together but people that abuse these timers can really hurt your game and your warframe moral especially when you start loosing progress and resources and rewards.

 Agree or Disagree? Thoughts and contributions? Let me and the DEVS know where you stand on this issue. If others have this issue id love to know. And I know if enough people say something it has the potential to be fixed. Thanks.


Edited by (XB1)NikkiRevenge85
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You need to add paragraph breaks at least. He is right about a wall of text. It is almost impossible to read like this.

If you want people to read your hard work, you at least need some paragraphs or no one is reading that. It is poor grammar to not use paragraphs for a super long post.

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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)NikkiRevenge85 said:

Thats not really helpfull. Read a book sometime, maybe it'll prepare you. lol

And thats nothing compared to just 1 wiki on a warframe and their abilities.

Wiki most definitely has a better placement and breaks whilst giving you the much needed information on the first few lines.

I understood the problem you have on the first few lines ( I actually didn't since I found more sub-argument as I attempted to read down further ), as for the solution you had I find myself absolutely lost in a sea of words and capital letters.
If you want people to read and give proper feedback on your idea, I, just like many others, suggest you divide the wall of text into smaller paragraph.

I've found 3 different "Problems" as you've described them to be whilst reading :
-Lobby starting timer
-Mission extraction timer
-Relic choosing timer

At the bare minimum, do divide these three into proper paragraphs, I see no reason for three different ideas to be put in one large wall of text.

Edited by (PS4)XxDarkyanxX
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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)NikkiRevenge85 said:

Thats not really helpfull. Read a book sometime, maybe it'll prepare you. lol

And thats nothing compared to just 1 wiki on a warframe and their abilities.

It is actually helpful ( in a joking way ) and highlights an issue of your post.

Please use paragraphs. It's eaiser to read that way.

1 hour ago, (Xbox One)NikkiRevenge85 said:

Please do not comment on here if you have nothing constructive to say. Your turning my post into somthing else and i worked hard on it.

It's a public forum , you can't decide which person comments to your post. Only ask moderators to remove comments IF they are disrespectful. ( mods mostly do that even if u dont ask to remove )

Like I said above , use paragraphs. It will help ppl to read easily and make constructive comments. :)

to OP ;

- It's annoying when someone suddenly starts timer , that should be fixed ages ago. Agree with stop timer idea.

- Solo extraction could be a thing for all endless missions  if it works correcly , I mean reduce enemy spawn after solo extraction etc.

  * Not everyone wants to stay same amounts of time in endless missions or wants to be forced to extract cuz 1 or 2 guys.

- 20 sec for relic pick seems fine.



Edited by Aeon94
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You know what's a hindrance? A complete lack of paragraphing, line breaks, or really any formatting at all, in a post intended to clearly outline a problem and a potential solution. Anyone who has demonstrably read your wall of text is entitled to compensation for time wasted in the form of upvotes.

That's not even the only grammatical mistake and/or typo I've managed to discern, by the way, and let me tell you it wasn't easy to judge, because you've put a lot of effort into making your post unreadable. "loosing," for example, should be "losing."

Also, even if the wiki was as poorly formatted as your post, and it isn't, I can surmise how valid such an argument would be with a quote from the work of a third-rate author, which as you do not know, I will proceed to relate:

"I never want to hear you use that excuse again, that because someone else has done--or would do--something means that you should too. It's lazy, repugnant, and indicative of an inferior mind."

Finally, pointing out that your ideas are poorly expressed, and giving you advice on improving the clarity of such, is constructive.

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I read your novelette (althought it could be easely 70% less words used in it) I pretty much agree to the timers problem. I never had a problems with bad teammaits pushing start too fast or I left solo in a mission I had problems in finisshing it and if you go solo you must rely on yourself and all "hard earned loot" will never be lost due to bad teammaits.

About times, the only problem I did have is that when your teammaits loaded to menu (after mission) and selected next mission while you're on a loading screen you will not be able to press Accept/Decline mission and only thing you left to do is ask temmaits to start the times or leave team, that's a bug I reported ages ago and it's not fixed since then.

I sttongly support putting warning if you happend to be left alone (after some people left) which will question your desire to continue on your own.

Much longer times is required when you're doing relics on missions like survivals because if you want to leave but exit is far away you are forced to choose relic or "continue without selecting..." and just running to exit. I personally don't have much problems with that it's just make Warframe game look like it's still it some alpha/closed beta state.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here, I've reformatted for you and cleaned up some grammar errors.  I'm betting simply editing your Original post to this should end Wall of Text concerns, and let us discuss the topic you intended.



I've been playing this game since console launch and for about 8 months straight, almost daily. The one thing that has absolutely been the most frustrating feature (when abused) is timers/countdowns. I'm referring to the start mission timer and most certainly the endless mission timers when you decide to stay or extract.

I do like the fact that if someone is really holding up the mission from starting you can start the timer, but i don't know how many times I've been a group of 2 or 3 friends and we end up getting an unknown person in our group and the unknown starts the timer when my friends or myself are changing weapons or even more horrifying, mods. Sometimes its even happened by accident! So what to do? A very simple fix would be a stop timer option or at least a 1 time per mission extend timer option that grants enough additional time to slap your weapons and mods on and giving you enough time to make your self mission ready. There's nothing worse then being in a group and an unknown person takes it upon himself to start timers after 3 seconds. It really just hurts the mission in the long run.

Now the even more frustrating timer is the endless mission timer, especially during relic missions. I have noticed a unfortunate amount of players (and I'm not sure if this is out of spite or immaturity) who like to go to the continue mission option and then literally and I mean LITERALLY at the last second decide to extract, leaving hopefully you with another person but sometimes you completely alone to finish off a mission by yourself and usually it doesn't go to well and ends in Epic Failure! Now when there are reward and mounds of affinity on the line this can be especially frustrating. I can't tell you how many times I've lost epic amounts of affinity and resources and sometimes rewards.

In the case that you're left solo an easy fix would be for the game to state "You are entering this mission Solo, Are you sure you would like to continue?" Or even "Your are entering without a full squad, would you like to continue?" this would solve the problem of the last second extractors leaving you high and dry and making you lose all you hard earned resources, affinity, and currency.

The third and last timer that really should just be removed is the pick relic timer. If your in a group of friends and your planning relics together there really inst any need and it forces mistakes due to panic to pick before time runs out.  Now this really just needs a start timer if someone inst picking, but generally someone doesn't need to long and the timer really just panics us players (and I've seen this a lot, myself included). Long time player have lots of relics and it can be hard to look through when your under a timed gun.

Also I've noticed a lot of times people putting on the same relic BY Mistake due to this panic to throw something on and once everyone has picked it starts immediately without delay, so there inst the ability to change your mind. In my opinion the timer should be ditched and there should be a confirm button once you have the proper relic on. At the very least if not a whole change to the system, the timer should be extended to 20-30 seconds and not end immediately if everyone has picked and that would give people time to adjust based on what other people have put on. Sometime you may even have the same radiant relic as someone else but the opportunity is missed due to the timer and not being able to change once everyone has put a relic up.

I love Warframe and what its about and it brings players together but people that abuse these timers can really hurt your game and your Warframe moral especially when you start loosing progress and resources and rewards.

 Agree or Disagree? Thoughts and contributions? Let me and the DEVS know where you stand on this issue. If others have this issue id love to know. And I know if enough people say something it has the potential to be fixed. Thanks.

Edited by Phatose
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The edited version here is much easier to read, process and digest. 

As for people starting the mission timer, I would like if there was a way to cancel the timer if you're not ready. 

With the extract from missing timer, I would say just prepare yourself to be able to do the mission solo or watch closely what people are going to do during those extraction opportunities. 

The relic choosing timer I don't really have a problem with. Once again, be aware of the timer and watch for when it's coming so you don't get stuck without a relic. When you're in a group and running certain relics, establish communication amongst your team before you go into the mission. Whether it be typed out in game chat or in a party, communication is always key.

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29 minutes ago, Phatose said:

Here, I've reformatted for you and cleaned up some grammar errors.  I'm betting simply editing your Original post to this should end Wall of Text concerns, and let us discuss the topic you intended.


Significantly better. Thank you.

Onto the topic at hand. For someone who has been playing since console release, I'm surprised you have any issue with timers.

Regarding your first "issue", as the person above me indicated, you can always cancel the timer countdown. That being said, to remove the risk of some random person joining your squad, you have the option of adjusting your settings to "Invite Only" or "Friends Only". That will remove the risk of some random person starting the timer. Now, the issue of a member of your squad "accidentally" starting the timer can also be addressed quite easily:

Step 1: Form your squad

Step 2: Get your equipment setup

Step 3: Confirm everyone is ready (in chat or over voice)

Step 4: Select the mission and start.

Regarding your second "issue", this can also be addressed by creating a pre-made squad and agreeing (in advance, or while in mission) as to how many waves/how long you want to run a particular endless mission. Is this perfect? No, because IRL situations do arise. That being said though, being unable to complete another 5 waves kinda speaks volumes.

Regarding your final "issue", if you're running a particular fissure, you should already know what part you are farming form (and by default, what relic it is on). As such, the 10 (or is it 15?) second timer to select the next relic is ample.

So, in conclusion, I disagree.

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