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Should Melee Rivens have a "Range" modifiers in when they're released?


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1 hour ago, Klavinmour said:






And this is why you don't have the same perception... I haven't even filled up the free slots yet let alone get one for a 'meta weapon' (I don't class spira prime as meta).... If I had rivens dropping as frequently as you appear to (or was willing to spend some of the stupid plat prices on rivens - I'm not because the prices are stupid) I may not be as 'salty' (as you put it) about a system that is completely and utterly broken.  And it's not salt when someone (and I'm not the only one who sees it) actually sees the real reasons behind a system and why it's a completely flawed system.  

It's quite simply a case of making an item that basically drives plat sales, because there's no end of posts about poor rng, kuva costs and the likes, rather than fixing the real reason these are needed.  Rivens would not be needed if weapons actually had balanced stats (relative to their MR requirements) in the first place but what did we get first... the balance pass they keep going on about or the rivens that help drive plat sales....hmm let me guess.

As to kuva... ah yes I love running kuva alerts for 600 kuva... it's just fantastic when you take into account the cost of re-rolling a riven mod at the max price of 3500 (so 6 runs of kuva).....only to get a re-roll that is worse than you already have.  It's so fun it's why so many people bought resource boosters and spammed kuva on the resource weekend....

Edited by LSG501
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5 minutes ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

Unless it has over -100% range, in which case it will have negative range.

I want to see what happens with a -100% flight speed on a glaive.

panthera be like? a giant spinning blade in front of you, glaive>>>>>>fidget spinner

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5 hours ago, --RV--D4VE- said:

At this point in time we don't need melee rivens at all. It's surely too soon for them to being introduced simply because the riven system is badly implemented (as is focus) and needs a rework before introducing something like melee rivens.

Thank you

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8 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

And this is why you don't have the same perception... I haven't even filled up the free slots yet let alone get one for a 'meta weapon'.... If I had rivens dropping as frequently as you appear to (or was willing to spend some of the stupid plat prices on rivens - I'm not because the prices are stupid) I may not be as 'salty' (as you put it) about a system that is completely and utterly broken.  And it's not salt when someone (and I'm not the only one who sees it) actually sees the real reasons behind a system and why it's a completely flawed system.  

It's quite simply a case of making an item that basically drives plat sales, because there's no end of posts about poor rng, kuva costs and the likes, rather than fixing the real reason these are needed.  Rivens would not be needed if weapons actually had balanced stats (relative to their MR requirements) in the first place but what did we get first... the balance pass they keep going on about or the rivens that help drive plat sales....hmm let me guess.

As to kuva... ah yes I love running kuva alerts for 600 kuva... it's just fantastic when you take into account the cost of re-rolling a riven mod at the max price of 3500 (so 6 runs of kuva).....only to get a re-roll that is worse than you already have.  It's so fun it's why so many people bought resource boosters and spammed kuva on the resource weekend....

You keep going on about ridiculous plat prices, yet any of those that I bought I paid 20p at the most, and then unlocked them, going as low as 5p depending on the "challenge".
Personally I really enjoy them, it's quite fun unlocking 10 at a time for my stream.
Prices are also something DE has no control over, and simply can not control, it's entirely up to the player base, and even more so the seller and buyer.
A seller in such a market place can only sell something for what the buying believes it is worth.
I believe a Tigris Riven is worth no more than an unveiled Pistol Riven, so I will never pay more than 40 plat at the most for one. (that's even if I wanted one, I may use the Tigris a lot but I do not desire a Riven Mod for it, and believe me, I would find a trader who will agree to my terms, I always do.)

When I was younger I did a lot of modding for games, you wouldn't keep going "hurr durr do balance pass instead of Rivens" if you'd even done one line of coding.
It's not that simple, and it's quite obvious that DE want to either get all weapons at once or at least most.
And when they have many other things to work on at the same time, certain things take priority.
You're right, balancing all weapons in the game wont generate plat sales, it wont generate hype and bring in new players.
You know what does? The updates that take priority, such as the new Warframes and their Syndicate Quests, the remaster of Earth, new features, new weapons, etc.

Ever since this game first appeared it has been primarily about one thing, GRIND, just like other games in this genre such as Diablo, Path of Exile, etc they are about THE GRIND.
I have over 600 Orokin cells, 400 Neurodes, 300 Neural Sensors, I dropped 90% of the research cost of the Hema day one for my clan.
How? Well I just play the game.
Two years ago I stopped playing for specific items, I passively farm the Void (now Relics) I don't actively seek to get a specific item, and subsequently the game is more fun, grind doesn't feel like grind when you play for fun.
I finished farming for Oberon Prime, Sybaris Prime and Silva and Aegis Prime last week, I didn't go after it hard except for day one when I streamed doing so because Oberon Prime hype, I traded for a few pieces, sticking to my idea of never paying over 40 plat despite Oberon Prime Neuroptics being worth 200 plat according to the community I got it for 40.

Farming Kuva is only annoying/painful because you want it to be.
Back when my friends and I would have to take lengthy breaks from the game because we'd go hard after the new Primes, and we burned out on the grind.

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4 hours ago, Xekrin said:

Gosh wouldn't that be nice.  Maybe we should ask for it.  Oh wait, we have for 3+ years *sigh*

That is the sad part, weapons that DON'T need range (polearms, whips, staves) will get more benefit from it than weapons that definitely need range (fist, claw, dual/daggers).

Just like all mods, the lower base stat weapons benefit far less than the higher base stat weapons.

So very craptastic.

Yep that is the sadcraptastic part. Those weapons needs much more range following the reality) and given a moderate range otherwise you will be a charger food and those weapons which actually have range will given more. There need some other changes for those weapons if they are bad in something be compensated in other parts. I laugh so hard when I saw the daggers speed nerfs and they claim the daggers works differently with that speed but every weapon in the melee section have different works with a called speed so we need more datas for example the attack animation speed work in progress because a seemingly slow weapon feels fast while a (in paper) fast weapon feels slow. They need to balance it that better and given extra range for those weapons which needs that or atleast make them more better in defense or stagger enemies so you basically can avoid the incoming attacks. 

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3 hours ago, Klavinmour said:

Just because you have bad RNG, or more likely bad perception of RNG doesn't mean it's the same for everyone else.

30 days straight of Anasa Statues. Honestly I think DE should tone down that bullsht a LOT.

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1 hour ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

Unless it has over -100% range, in which case it will have negative range.

I want to see what happens with a -100% flight speed on a glaive.

idk about glaive but i have a -100%+ flight speed riven on miter and it just goes about 60% slower than normal, weird S#&$.

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6 hours ago, ScorpDK said:

there goes the dream of 10 meter wide shockwaves... oh well.

Back to focusing on hyper fast polearms with massive reach.

Who needs polearms when you can take the fastest fist weapon ingame and can give it 3 meter range? 

I want to pretend that i kill people with the force of my mind!

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1 hour ago, Klavinmour said:


You obviously don't see or want to see the issue others have so there's not really much point going further with the conversation but I will say this and that is DE can control the prices of rivens in the market, they can actually make them drop like a common drop should which for A LOT of us they do not. 

You're right in that I haven't done it but I have worked with people that do and all the coders I know will have put the core stats of weapons in a database of sorts which can be changed or added to without having to change any other code.  Now custom actions on some of the weapons may need a little more code but the core info like status and base damage would be in a database.  I have no idea if that's how DE has done it, I don't go around datamining, but I very much doubt they'll have done it much different.  

Obviously it's not a 10 minute job because they'd need to test stuff afterwards but if they can afford to have a dedicated team for conclave (which as we all know is loved by so many people) they can afford to dedicate ONE person to balancing weapons.

Really kuva is only annoying because I think it is... no farming kuva is the most clunky and out of place system in game... I still say and I've said this since tww is that operator mode was a last minute add just for operator fashion frame sales.... 

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15 minutes ago, Praxxor said:

I call bullS#&$ on that, got any screens?

Sadly no. I sold a haul of 18 (which burned almost all my stars) and then I began selling them as I got them. I only kept counting. Then after 30 I finally got a Riven, then a booster, then a lens, then another straight week of Anasa, then I quit doing Sorties daily and nowadays I only complete them when the missions aren't obnoxious, which is about 1 sortie a week. And most of it is either Anasa or, to spice things up, 4k Endo and the ocassional Focus lens for either Unairu or Vazarin.

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25 minutes ago, Praxxor said:

idk about glaive but i have a -100%+ flight speed riven on miter and it just goes about 60% slower than normal, weird S#&$.

It's possible that they have hard-coded minimum values here and there, therefore the speed won't drop any further than that.

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On 24/06/2017 at 10:59 AM, Xekrin said:

Gosh wouldn't that be nice.  Maybe we should ask for it.  Oh wait, we have for 3+ years *sigh*

I even remember Rebecca discussing it on a devstream.

That development went well.

Edited by Valiant
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