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[Augment concept] Warframe augments for Harrow


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X% Damage dealt by an enemy before being chained is refunded as health/shields. Scales with Power strength. 


2)Guilty as Charged

While chained by Condemn, landing a headshot on enemies will case nearby enemies in an Xm radius to be chained as well.

(The idea is to use headshots to spread CC) 




Overhealing with Penance stores upto 200 health. Upon taking fatal damage Harrow and allies are revived with the stored health and 200 shields.



Enemies within LoS of Harrow when Penance is cast temporarily turn their aggro from the Tenno to their own faction. Can still be damaged.




While Thurible is active, allies are protected against knockdowns, staggers and status procs.


And because @D20 nagged,

2)Swinging Truth

While thurible is being channeled, enemies struck by it are dealt a x% of their current health and ragdolled.


3)In his image

Casting Thurible now leaves a specter that follows Harrow with the aura. Energy regen however is capped at 10 energy/shot.


4)Guarding Faith

Thurible nullifies frontal damage taken while thurible is being channeled. Damage prevented is added to Covenant if cast while Thurible is active.



1)Binding Contract

If downed in Covenant's retaliation phase, for the remaining duration of the ability allies will have their bleedout timers frozen and be able to move as normal. When the duration ends, if allies have not been revived, their bleedout timer will resume and they will be downed as normal. Harrow is able to revive allies under the effect of this augment through Penance, but they will be under a 90s cooldown similar to Phoenix Renwal. Furthermore, they are revived with the amount  of health granted by a single shot.




Edited by Evanescent
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I'd like to see augments that either change the chains (condemn) from directional into a radius effect for cc or something similar to banshee's resonance augment where if you kill a chained target the chains lash out and grab the next nearest enemy. 

Actually I wouldn't mind an augment that turns condemn into a straight up damage dealer either rather than basically the overshield generator it is now.

As to the ragdoll from the thurible.. that should really be part of the standard kit, they were looking at it as something they wanted to add during a devstream after all

Edited by LSG501
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16 hours ago, Evanescent said:


Guarding Chant

While Thurible is active, allies are protected against knockdowns, staggers and status procs.


And because @D20 nagged,

Swinging Truth

While thurible is being channeled, enemies struck by it are dealt a x% of their current health and ragdolled.



I'd like to see a Thurible aug that reduces damage taken by 90-95% ( similar to Mesa's Shatter Shield ability )

or turn Thurible into a deployable aura and free him from channeling ( like we saw in his early iteration )

Edited by Aeon94
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Got an idea for thurible, mod Will make thurible drain is shields instead of energy on is channeled part that Will work well in substitution of flow And Will make harrow less dependant on is energy level to produce energy

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