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Plains of Eidolon


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I missed the livestream, but i saw the video they put up on youtube, and i was hyped as hell. specially when the doors opened.

They will either go all out and make every combination or stance give you MR, or they will just make the weapon not give MR at all, it really depends on what they go for, but at this point, after like MR 15, MR becomes an irrelevant number to look at, so to me personally it doesn't matter what they choose to do with crafting weapons MR.


On the squad thing, I don't expect much to change, if you join in Eidolon with a squad, boom you are in a squad, and i expect a way to invite players while in the Eidolon to your squad, how would affinity system work with 2 different squads or 2 different solo players i don't even know.


Enemy scaling will either be a scaled instance where you join into a L30-60 Eidolon and enemies will just be that level without scaling further, or just a system that would take into account the MR/powerlevel of all tenno in a specific area and spawn monsters based on that number, but that sounds really rough.


at some point you can see an enemy dropping sniper ammo after getting killed, so i don't think its going anywhere, the HUD being invisible is probably to show the beauty of the map without any UI distractions, it was a nice touch imo, i was able to see the birds in the distance without the hp and shield bar covering them.


I don't think anything is going to happen to the current star chart, at least for now, They will continue to coexist, Maps like Eidolon will probably just pop up every quest like the Iron wake, or they will be our new relays where each planet will have 1 open world map.

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That just sounds like a large relay for 50 people to me (which you leave and get back to your 4 man squads), nowhere near an "open world".

Any open world with enemies in Warframe will be turned into an xp-pit considering killing abilities that annihilate enemies in 50-100m around.

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8 hours ago, BaronKreight said:

Don't get your hopes up just yet. This is DE after all. How many features did they introduce only to leave them half finished and broken? How about archwing? How about focus system? Player ships?


You expect them to make a Skyrim in what like a few months? This is going to be a huge level with the same stuff you've already seen. Transition from archwing into not-archwing - we've seen this already. This is a cool feature but it has been more than a year since they introduced it in Tubes update.


What are you going to do in that huge open space? You expect to do quests like in skyrim? Dón't think so. It's gonna be another grind for that other stuff - weapons and S#&$. Basically it's going to be an empty space with enemis to shoot.


And that huge monster at the end. Remember Golem? Multi stage challenging battle my &#!. I remember that boss guy saying "These sentinels... They are gonna be a challenge... Good luck killing them..." Aha. Same S#&$.


Don't get your hopes up kiddos. It's gonna take at least a year before this content becomes good.

Agree here. It looks amazing, and will probably be tons of fun exploring it at first, but after you've sunk ~50 hours into it, it'll get boring, especially if DE won't add more content into it later(which they might, knowing how they are all about adding new things, instead of improving existing things).

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3 hours ago, TotallyLagging said:

Ey, I get that. I've been stuck with a $400 laptop for far too long. But in the end they can't always cater to us forever.


And we won't see the update for at least another year. 

You could go for a ~500$ laptop if you sell yours for a bit, put a few more and get something like this https://laptop.ninja/laptops/acer-aspire-e-15-e5-575g-53vg-15-6-inch/ it should easily run Warframe on medium settings at high FPS.

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My fear is that we will have fun in this new open world, then the next Prime access will come out, then it is back to grinding the same dungeons over and over again until we get what we want.

That or DE takes examples from other RPG's and have us do the "defeat X amount of enemies" or "collect X amount of this resource" questing that also becomes really repetitive and boring.

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8 hours ago, iMalicious said:

God yeah I just wish I knew how soon, I want this next week lol. I'll be spending all my time out there especially at night time when things become hectic and all the grineer flee, FINALLY THE END GAME CONTENT I WANT.

I did notice though there was a quantity on Archewing there in the item wheel, so I'm thinking these are new and have to be possibly crafted?

I wouldn't get my hopes up for it being an actual end-game content, unless they do a huge rebalance.

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The way that Village looked kinda reminded me of Anthem's Reveal Trailer. Warframe being first again  and then people will cry that it copied Anthem/Destiny :crylaugh:

Steve said it will be a 9km2   map, and that they've worked at it for the last 3 months. Considering they were afraid of it crashing, it will be a long while until we see it, if we lucky November - December, if not, probably March at best. 

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I hope that they will do a hard reset with this new update. Disable all the existing mods from working inside the Plains, rebalance/remove some of the most broken weapons, add a new, balanced progression system. I feel like that is the only way they can make Plains a meaningful piece of content. Start anew and balance the game from scratch. Otherwise, it will just be cheesed like every other piece of content that we have and become stale in the first week.

I hope that this new crafting system and the fact that Rebecca didn't kill everything in one hit is a sign of things to come.

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1 hour ago, LChanto said:

Think about it, this is going to be Open World, we don't even know if a server is going to be dedicated to house a single instance of the Plains of Eidolon and all the players running in it, or have multiple plain instances running to keep population not so contaminated (if so, you better prepare some titan-class servers, DE), but single instance or not, assuming the areas you're directed to in a quest aren't randomized across the plains, you're going to see almost a herd of users running the same way, and people killing things before you get there, esentially getting carried.

Those big doors they walked through are telling. Not only does it allow them to stream the open plains into memory, but it should also allow them to set up the connections with the host - and subsequently disconnect you from the 'HUB'. The reason Dojo's duels have been moved off DE's servers is because they don't support/want that level of back and forth traffic.

I'd wager it's similar to going to the relay's in a group now then hopping over to the navigation room. Except the loading screen will be masked by the two doors. It will probably put a lot of work on the host, both from their machines end, and their network connections end.

So when you enter between the doors, you will enter the host of your groups game, or a solo game if solo is selected. There is a possibility for DE to leave that area as an open connection also, and anyone who is looking for a squad can walk through the two doors and be matched with a squad already in that region... we'll just have to wait and see closer to the release how they are handling it :)

Imho, i like this new direction, its a positive step for sure!

Edited by MillbrookWest
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5 minutes ago, Redthirst said:

I hope that they will do a hard reset with this new update. Disable all the existing mods from working inside the Plains, rebalance/remove some of the most broken weapons, add a new, balanced progression system. I feel like that is the only way they can make Plains a meaningful piece of content. Start anew and balance the game from scratch. Otherwise, it will just be cheesed like every other piece of content that we have and become stale in the first week.

I hope that this new crafting system and the fact that Rebecca didn't kill everything in one hit is a sign of things to come.

She didn't exactly have top tier weapons. They can't do a hard reset, not now and probably not ever honestly. People have spend hundreds of hours farming and tens, hundreds some even thousands of dollars in order to create their arsenal, taking that away will kill the game because of the uproar. 

Until they implement a dynamic difficulty system, we can't expect them to balance all new content around a 800% damage buff Chroma with a 7 forma Tigris Prime, they balance it for new to mid players.

Edited by aligatorno
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28 minutes ago, Redthirst said:

but after you've sunk ~50 hours into it, it'll get boring

honestly 50 hours are all what I'm hoping for, because I can't see any possibilities to enjoy an open world vs ai more than that.

if u want to enjoy infinitly play PvP and also u'll grind for items so u will always have a objectif that keeps u busy I guess.

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7 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

She didn't exactly have top tier weapons. They can't do a hard reset, not now and probably not ever honestly. People have spend hundreds of hours farming and tens, hundreds some even thousands of dollars in order to create their arsenal, taking that away will kill the game because of the uproar. 

Until they implement a dynamic difficulty system, we can't expect them to balance all new content around a 800% damage buff Chroma with a 7 forma Tigris Prime, they balance it for new to mid players.

To add onto this, I hope there will also be endgame content in Plains of Eidolon. Would be terrific to fight high level colossal Sentients or something.

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I'm pretty hyped for Plains of Eidolon since I've been waiting for a Free Roam in Warframe. Just a question though, will we only see our squad members in the free roam area, or will we see everyone? I really hope it's a separate thing for your squad, I wouldn't really enjoy it if people is scattered around and killing everything..

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9 hours ago, BaronKreight said:

Don't get your hopes up just yet. This is DE after all. How many features did they introduce only to leave them half finished and broken? How about archwing? How about focus system? Player ships?


You expect them to make a Skyrim in what like a few months? This is going to be a huge level with the same stuff you've already seen. Transition from archwing into not-archwing - we've seen this already. This is a cool feature but it has been more than a year since they introduced it in Tubes update.


What are you going to do in that huge open space? You expect to do quests like in skyrim? Dón't think so. It's gonna be another grind for that other stuff - weapons and S#&$. Basically it's going to be an empty space with enemis to shoot.


And that huge monster at the end. Remember Golem? Multi stage challenging battle my &#!. I remember that boss guy saying "These sentinels... They are gonna be a challenge... Good luck killing them..." Aha. Same S#&$.


Don't get your hopes up kiddos. It's gonna take at least a year before this content becomes good.

Agreed. I'm excited but I know not to go overboard with excitement about this recent development.

People, the point of the quoted post is to not set the bar too high for your expectations. It's perfectly fine to be excited about this. But it's very obvious how things have played out whenever we've had new content introduced. Unfortunately this won't be much different.

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Just now, Pizzarugi said:

To add onto this, I hope there will also be endgame content in Plains of Eidolon. Would be terrific to fight high level colossal Sentients or something.

They did said that during the night things will get really rough and that we`ll be able to fight that Sentient but it will require a prepared team. 

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7 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

They did said that during the night things will get really rough and that we`ll be able to fight that Sentient but it will require a prepared team. 

i hope that i'm not going to meet this thing every night if i want to walk around under the moonlight without caring of a big sentient that wants to kill me

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There's always the possibility of accurately portraying conclave rating with our equipment and encouraging us to downgrade for a chance at finding better goodies in the field.  You know, cause hitting someone with an assault rifle as powerful as a BFG is likely to destroy most of the target's equipment, while something that plinks away likely won't.

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