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AKbronco Prime's MR overcompensation


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Hi DE and fellow Tenno, I'm here to ask why the Vey Hek The Akbronco Prime became a MR 11 Weapon. it's not that powerful to warrant such a giant boost to it's MR. if anything, it should be something like an MR 6 or 7 Secondary. I have been working to get this weapon since it first came out and only just got the materials to make it viable AND to make it in general, leaving me with two dead weapon slots and a severe case of the Butt hurts. I feel that this is more of a greedy Cash grab than anything, as not all players expected the sudden shift of MR, leaving most unable to even build the Weapon. either make it buildable, but not equipable, or make it's MR lower. 

                                                                                                                                                          Faithfully Yours, Jace.

PS, MR3 + MR 3 =... MR 11?

Edited by JaceTheHybrid
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3 hours ago, JaceTheHybrid said:

Hi DE and fellow Tenno, I'm here to ask why the Vey Hek The Akbronco Prime became a MR 11 Weapon. it's not that powerful to warrant such a giant boost to it's MR. if anything, it should be something like an MR 6 or 7 Secondary. I have been working to get this weapon since it first came out and only just got the materials to make it viable AND to make it in general, leaving me with two dead weapon slots and a severe case of the Butt hurts. I feel that this is more of a greedy Cash grab than anything, as not all players expected the sudden shift of MR, leaving most unable to even build the Weapon. either make it buildable, but not equipable, or make it's MR lower. 

                                                                                                                                                          Faithfully Yours, Jace.

PS, MR3 + MR 3 =... MR 11?

i forgot akbronco prime existed

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28 minutes ago, JaceTheHybrid said:

Hi DE and fellow Tenno, I'm here to ask why the Vey Hek The Akbronco Prime became a MR 11 Weapon. it's not that powerful to warrant such a giant boost to it's MR. if anything, it should be something like an MR 6 or 7 Secondary. I have been working to get this weapon since it first came out and only just got the materials to make it viable AND to make it in general, leaving me with two dead weapon slots and a severe case of the Butt hurts. I feel that this is more of a greedy Cash grab than anything, as not all players expected the sudden shift of MR, leaving most unable to even build the Weapon. either make it buildable, but not equipable, or make it's MR lower. 

                                                                                                                                                          Faithfully Yours, Jace.

PS, MR3 + MR 3 =... MR 11?

I'd rather see its MR lowered to something more reasonable - MR 8 would be quite fair, putting it in the same zone as the twin powerhouses known as Aklex Prime. While AkBronco Prime is definitely a much better damage dealer now, the current MR 11 is far too high, given the weapon's drawbacks in terms of magazine capacity, accuracy, pellet spread, range, and falloff.

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5 hours ago, MirageKnight said:

I'd rather see its MR lowered to something more reasonable - MR 8 would be quite fair, putting it in the same zone as the twin powerhouses known as Aklex Prime. While AkBronco Prime is definitely a much better damage dealer now, the current MR 11 is far too high, given the weapon's drawbacks in terms of magazine capacity, accuracy, pellet spread, range, and falloff.

now that you mention that, yes. I agree. MR8 makes some sense due to it's other strengths.

edit: however, due to it's faults, people will likely just use the AkLex Prime instead... so, in all, I think that MR 7 or MR 6 fits perfectly.

Edited by JaceTheHybrid
Extra reasons as to why I think it should be changed
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All I want is to see DE change this overinflation, as Akbronco Prime being buffed is not a good enough reason to inflate it's MR any higher than MR 8... at minimum, it should be MR 7.

Edited by JaceTheHybrid
Typo fixing.
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6 hours ago, JaceTheHybrid said:

Hi DE and fellow Tenno, I'm here to ask why the Vey Hek The Akbronco Prime became a MR 11 Weapon. it's not that powerful to warrant such a giant boost to it's MR. if anything, it should be something like an MR 6 or 7 Secondary. I have been working to get this weapon since it first came out and only just got the materials to make it viable AND to make it in general, leaving me with two dead weapon slots and a severe case of the Butt hurts. I feel that this is more of a greedy Cash grab than anything, as not all players expected the sudden shift of MR, leaving most unable to even build the Weapon. either make it buildable, but not equipable, or make it's MR lower. 

                                                                                                                                                          Faithfully Yours, Jace.

PS, MR3 + MR 3 =... MR 11?

It's a damage powerhouse now. Use it. It's super impressive. I'm getting 20k damage (on the stats ) a shot all with 100% status pellets . It's a good weapon



11 isn't even high. Just try more weapons and don't be lazy

Edited by cookieknife
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11 minutes ago, cookieknife said:

It's a damage powerhouse now. Use it. It's super impressive. I'm getting 20k damage (on the stats ) a shot all with 100% status pellets . It's a good weapon



11 isn't even high. Just try more weapons and don't be lazy

Not everyone has the ability to use and buy tons of weapons, let alone get the Mastery to go up to MR11, I only just came back to warframe a month ago and I only just went up one rank. I'm Rank 6 now. I was around during the Original Red Veil Operation. I even have the Shoulder Badge... thing... to prove it. I rarely went up MR during that time as well. Also, Just because a weapon is powerful at it's maximum doesn't mean it's always powerful, just look at most of the Primary shotguns before the buff. The same goes for the AK bronco, to even get it to the point that it's that powerful, you need to forma it up at least 7 times, 2 more than most Pistol Type secondaries, like the AkLex Prime... and the AKlex prime is an MR 8 weapon, outshining the Akbronco in range, critical hits, and, most importantly for a lot of players, One-shot capability... you need to hit with EVERY pellet of a AkBronco Prime shot to One-shot a lot of enemies. The lex allows you to just aim one pistol to them and blast them, dead. And while weapons like "The Harrow Melee weapon" make that slightly easier for the Bronco, you are still neutering yourself when it comes to your melee slot, as that Weapon is basically worthless as a melee option. Basically, you are going in with a primary, a secondary and your warframe... excluding any sentinels or Kubrosw/Kavats/Space AIDS monsters that you have.

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5 minutes ago, JaceTheHybrid said:

Not everyone has the ability to use and buy tons of weapons, let alone get the Mastery to go up to MR11, I only just came back to warframe a month ago and I only just went up one rank. I'm Rank 6 now. I was around during the Original Red Veil Operation. I even have the Shoulder Badge... thing... to prove it. I rarely went up MR during that time as well. Also, Just because a weapon is powerful at it's maximum doesn't mean it's always powerful, just look at most of the Primary shotguns before the buff. The same goes for the AK bronco, to even get it to the point that it's that powerful, you need to forma it up at least 7 times, 2 more than most Pistol Type secondaries, like the AkLex Prime... and the AKlex prime is an MR 8 weapon, outshining the Akbronco in range, critical hits, and, most importantly for a lot of players, One-shot capability... you need to hit with EVERY pellet of a AkBronco Prime shot to One-shot a lot of enemies. The lex allows you to just aim one pistol to them and blast them, dead. And while weapons like "The Harrow Melee weapon" make that slightly easier for the Bronco, you are still neutering yourself when it comes to your melee slot, as that Weapon is basically worthless as a melee option. Basically, you are going in with a primary, a secondary and your warframe... excluding any sentinels or Kubrosw/Kavats/Space AIDS monsters that you have.

You don't need to buy weapons but 11 is NOT AT ALL. a hard goal 

just don't be lazy and farm resources and weapons you need

warframe has to have some sense of progression 


and ns its powerful st it's minimum too!

it has more than 300 base damage. Stop complaining use its normal till you have the rank to use it's prime. SIMPLE. That's how you're supposed to do it anyhow 

Edited by cookieknife
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Just now, cookieknife said:

You don't need to buy weapons but 11 is NOT AT ALL. a hard goal 

just don't be lazy and farm resources and weapons you need

warframe has to have some sense of progression 

And it does, getting those weapons and frames you desperately want, be they for Fasion, or for actual practicality, are your sense of progression AND your reward!... and what do you THINK I've been doing this whole time?... I've been farming up weapon after weapon... and I don't see a single digit of a difference in my MR.

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2 minutes ago, JaceTheHybrid said:

And it does, getting those weapons and frames you desperately want, be they for Fasion, or for actual practicality, are your sense of progression AND your reward!... and what do you THINK I've been doing this whole time?... I've been farming up weapon after weapon... and I don't see a single digit of a difference in my MR.

Well you have to level them. And do mastery tests. 

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3 minutes ago, JaceTheHybrid said:

I've been farming up weapon after weapon... and I don't see a single digit of a difference in my MR.

something telling me that u got a wrong concept on what MR is, or your method is somewhat really inefficient. (oh, re-forma a weapon you already up to 30 dont increase your MR at all, if that end up be the case).


On the topic, there is one reason that Akbronco Prime in particular, got treated this way (over other twin secondary weapons) because it's .... a bad practice as Prime weapon in crafting sense, and an experiment DE deemed mistake. You know, Akbronco Prime is the only prime weapon that required 2 other Prime weapon, fully crafted, to build, that kinda angry a fair amount of ppl in the past and DE promised never to do that again. I think the High MR is just a way now to prevent normal new player from craft the Akbronco p right after getting bronco p, without fully level it up.

I'm now MR23, have literally every gear that u could see in profile maxed .... and a lvl-26 Bronco Prime exactly because i bash it too soon into akbronco because of those naive time when im mr7-8 (the time most ppl start to crank up mr exp) so i fully supported DE for keep it MR11

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1 hour ago, FireSegment said:

something telling me that u got a wrong concept on what MR is, or your method is somewhat really inefficient. (oh, re-forma a weapon you already up to 30 dont increase your MR at all, if that end up be the case).


On the topic, there is one reason that Akbronco Prime in particular, got treated this way (over other twin secondary weapons) because it's .... a bad practice as Prime weapon in crafting sense, and an experiment DE deemed mistake. You know, Akbronco Prime is the only prime weapon that required 2 other Prime weapon, fully crafted, to build, that kinda angry a fair amount of ppl in the past and DE promised never to do that again. I think the High MR is just a way now to prevent normal new player from craft the Akbronco p right after getting bronco p, without fully level it up.

I'm now MR23, have literally every gear that u could see in profile maxed .... and a lvl-26 Bronco Prime exactly because i bash it too soon into akbronco because of those naive time when im mr7-8 (the time most ppl start to crank up mr exp) so i fully supported DE for keep it MR11

I'm not trying to use forma'd weapons. I know that it doesn't work. But I also don't have room for more weapons.

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15 hours ago, JaceTheHybrid said:

I feel that this is more of a greedy Cash grab than anything, as not all players expected the sudden shift of MR

This sentence perplexes me... where exactly is the "cash grab" part coming from?

So you need to make and use some more sets and frames before you can use a Prime Weapon than you did before... Explain where cash is involved in that?


On another note I'm actually fine with the MR being increased, I think all Prime gear should be MR10+, it's way to easy to get the Prime (slightly better version) version of a weapon/frame than the normal version in many cases [glares at Saryn]... I feel the only way newer players should be able to fast track their way to a prime is via a Prime Access.

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14 minutes ago, Carnage2K4 said:

This sentence perplexes me... where exactly is the "cash grab" part coming from?

So you need to make and use some more sets and frames before you can use a Prime Weapon than you did before... Explain where cash is involved in that?

Just my own observation and opinion, but I think it's referring to its over abundance of locking stronger tiered weapons in a higher MR wall. If someone new to the game wanted to craft and use a weapon that has been locked behind a wall of time, it can be presumed that said weapon is extremely powerful. What faster way to get there, but spend plat on rushing weapons, frames, and companions? Or bypass the rush by buying things straight from the market, because for all intents and purposes, DE needs to have some incentive to get players to buy something from the in game market.

And slots, you need them to hold the other weapons you'll probably want to keep along the way, in short needing to pay to have access to them.

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6 hours ago, SurrealEdge said:

Just my own observation and opinion, but I think it's referring to its over abundance of locking stronger tiered weapons in a higher MR wall. If someone new to the game wanted to craft and use a weapon that has been locked behind a wall of time, it can be presumed that said weapon is extremely powerful. What faster way to get there, but spend plat on rushing weapons, frames, and companions? Or bypass the rush by buying things straight from the market, because for all intents and purposes, DE needs to have some incentive to get players to buy something from the in game market.

And slots, you need them to hold the other weapons you'll probably want to keep along the way, in short needing to pay to have access to them.

*DING DING DING.* we have a winner!... seriously, this guy gets it.

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22 hours ago, JaceTheHybrid said:

Hi DE and fellow Tenno, I'm here to ask why the Vey Hek The Akbronco Prime became a MR 11 Weapon. it's not that powerful to warrant such a giant boost to it's MR. if anything, it should be something like an MR 6 or 7 Secondary. I have been working to get this weapon since it first came out and only just got the materials to make it viable AND to make it in general, leaving me with two dead weapon slots and a severe case of the Butt hurts. I feel that this is more of a greedy Cash grab than anything, as not all players expected the sudden shift of MR, leaving most unable to even build the Weapon. either make it buildable, but not equipable, or make it's MR lower. 

                                                                                                                                                          Faithfully Yours, Jace.

PS, MR3 + MR 3 =... MR 11?

With its recent buffs, it's a monster. MR 11 is justified.

I can understand your frustration, but there it is. Ranking up to 11 shouldn't be hard though. You can do it!

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6 hours ago, SurrealEdge said:

Just my own observation and opinion, but I think it's referring to its over abundance of locking stronger tiered weapons in a higher MR wall. If someone new to the game wanted to craft and use a weapon that has been locked behind a wall of time, it can be presumed that said weapon is extremely powerful. What faster way to get there, but spend plat on rushing weapons, frames, and companions? Or bypass the rush by buying things straight from the market, because for all intents and purposes, DE needs to have some incentive to get players to buy something from the in game market.

And slots, you need them to hold the other weapons you'll probably want to keep along the way, in short needing to pay to have access to them.

That's called progression and having a goal, and exists in every game like this.

It would be a concern if powerful weapons didn't already exist in lower MR levels. For the content they are up against and even sorties there are many weapons that can carry them through. If the player is smart, s/he will keep 1 set of strong, 'main' weapons and cycle through the rest.

It is also not difficult to earn plat for slots. Doing lith and meso relics nets a lot of forma and parts which can be sold in bulk to players for 1-2plat apiece, and the forma can go into making your main weapons stronger. Doing vault runs nets you corrupted mods you can sell for enough for one to get you a pair of weapon slots easily. 

No, it's not at all cash-grabby. I've been playing for 4 years, and never spent a cent (not that I'm proud of it, but goes to show the f2p model). When Vectis released, I was 4 MR ranks below its requirement, but I got through it.

Your first 10 MR ranks are easy to blast through, and the next 5 a little harder. MR 15 is easily obtainable in a short time.


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I'm all for them up'ing the requirements on Primed weapons, after all, the Nikana Prime is sitting there at 0 MR requirement yet the Dragon Nikana sits at 8, Makes no sense. Realistically, The primed weapons should be the highest MR requirement weapons, with syndicates 2nd highest.. Most regular weapons should reach a maximum required of 11 or so...

Edited by (PS4)Poloboyzz93
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37 minutes ago, Evanescent said:

And slots, you need them to hold the other weapons you'll probably want to keep along the way, in short needing to pay to have access to them.

This was something that drove me crazy when I first stared playing. But then I realized most games I play I pay $40-$60 to play for a fraction of the time that I've played warframe. Spending $40-$60 on plat when it was on sale has given me plenty of space to farm mastery. 

If you really don't want to/can't spend money just sell the weapons you've finished leveling freeing up room or trade for plat. Putting items behind mastery walls encourages you to try other weapons. I can understand the frustration with the MR requirement being changed but MR locks do serve a purpose.

At the end of the day DE is a business and has to find ways to make money. Everything other than cosmetics are accessible without paying a cent so saying that anything they do is a cash grab is inaccurate.

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1 hour ago, Evanescent said:

That's called progression and having a goal, and exists in every game like this.

It would be a concern if powerful weapons didn't already exist in lower MR levels. For the content they are up against and even sorties there are many weapons that can carry them through. If the player is smart, s/he will keep 1 set of strong, 'main' weapons and cycle through the rest.

It is also not difficult to earn plat for slots. Doing lith and meso relics nets a lot of forma and parts which can be sold in bulk to players for 1-2plat apiece, and the forma can go into making your main weapons stronger. Doing vault runs nets you corrupted mods you can sell for enough for one to get you a pair of weapon slots easily. 

No, it's not at all cash-grabby. I've been playing for 4 years, and never spent a cent (not that I'm proud of it, but goes to show the f2p model). When Vectis released, I was 4 MR ranks below its requirement, but I got through it.

Your first 10 MR ranks are easy to blast through, and the next 5 a little harder. MR 15 is easily obtainable in a short time.


It's only a possible scenario someone may come across. I did feel pressured to buy some of the clan tech weapon myself when all of thr clans I joined had died off weeks after joining.

Just my opinion after all.

Edited by SurrealEdge
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17 hours ago, cookieknife said:

It's a damage powerhouse now. Use it. It's super impressive. I'm getting 20k damage (on the stats ) a shot all with 100% status pellets . It's a good weapon



11 isn't even high. Just try more weapons and don't be lazy

1. The weapon also has restricted range: It's all but useless past 20m. It also has damage fall-off and its pellets have significant spread, yet the AkLex Prime doesn't have any of these drawbracks, is just as powerful in terms of damage capability and yet it has a lower MR. This is a major inconsistency. If anything, the MR's for these two weapons should be switched.

Despite the weapon's damage potential, MR 11 for AkBronco Prime is NOT justified due to its limitations and handicaps.


2. Lazy? Wow...that's awfully presumptuous of you. Ever thought that for some people MR tests from 8 and up might be incredibly hard for them for legitimate reasons? Good example, the test for MR 11 might be near-impossible for someone to beat that suffers from color blindness due do how much bloom there is and the colors used in the levels.

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