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Squad Etiquette Question



I had just finished a mission and was changing my load out. 
It happened within like 5 seconds.

Another player from the squad of the last mission I did, immediately started a new one and used the start timer button to drag me into it, against my will.
I complained to him about how rude that was.

Then after the mission, I PM him and tell him, next time he should leave squad before auto-starting a new match.
He then tells me he's reporting me for harrassment, for pming him outside of a mission.

I won't list his name, because I don't want to get him in trouble if that even could, but it did not seem like good conduct.

Even if I am in the wrong too, this was a dumb situation and didn't need to happen.

Why couldn't start timer trigger a popup or something for the non-ready players?

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He wasn't in the wrong, and since you didn't name and shame (even though there is nothing to shame) you aren't in the wrong either,  but no it's not bad conduct and your time is no more valuable than his.

Calling him rude was kind of a $&*^ move though. I mean did you even ask him to wait? And if you kept PMing him to tell him how rude he was, again, a $&*^ move and you shouldn't have done it.

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Wtf is wrong with people lmao!

Ignore the 2 people above me, you were in the right. You shouldn't have to immediately leave every squad in fear of some teammate hitting Start Timer instead of waiting for you to accept. There is an accept/decline option for a reason, and players abusing the Start Timer option and you politely telling them to wait instead of calling them out in squad chat was the right way to handle it.

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TBH,the start timer button shouldn't force everyone into a mission. There really should be a pop up asking whether you want to go or not. As someone earlier said,it is kinda rude to use that button unless your squad needs you to.

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You're in the right and I don't think any part you did was wrong, you're entirely in your right to call him rude. That he responded to threat you with filing a false report hardly makes him a better person, I don't think you should worry.
He didn't break the rules but he did do something considered scummy, just as it is to extract before someone has all their reactant as they joined late or activate elevators when someone is on their way inside.

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Maybe the Tenno you played with was either short on time, or just plain impatient. I stopped playing with people specifically because of crud like this happening between Sortie missions, where I'd try to swap frames to handle the next mission, and next thing I know I'm standing in a Spy mission with a Vauban and a Zarr. And I get called out for not switching. You've got a point, OP, there should indeed be an option to confirm whether you want to join the mission, and if not, an option for squadmates to go in first, and allow their buddies to join a while later. Then again this system may be abused for carrying or trolling.

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If they did end up reporting you just for privately messaging them, they're likely going to be the one getting reminded of the rules, and not you. Assuming you weren't hostile to them in the message, the proper response to an unwanted message is to /ignore the messager. Threatening to report them the way that person did is kiiiinda against the rules.

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I get those people often in sorties and its really pisses me off. Most of them are low MR (but mr doesnt have anything with it), I just message on squad chat to never start the timer again and let people to get ready. Universal loadout is enough for most cases, but I really want sometimes to change at least frame...

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It is rude to me to immediately start a countdown, but its also rude to sit in a squad and take to long to ready up.   If staying and going to change ill type it in the chat.    If I do get pulled into a mission right out of another, how I react just depends on mood. 

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This is why, more often than not, I just leave the squad immediately after finishing a mission. Nothing against anyone in the squad, I just want to be efficient with my time. I will on occasion stay in a squad and repeat missions if I'm doing invasions or fissures and find a good pug squad.

I will say that it is extremely rude to start a timer on a fissure mission before people have selected a relic.

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11 hours ago, SamsonKnight said:

Even if I am in the wrong too

you are not. start timer is for people on the same page knowingly ready to jump right in. they have ready ck for a reason! good players often change load outs to suite the mission and should be accounted for. 1 players impatient should not outweigh the group or the rdy ck. It was rude, and then he cried out with a false report showing his maturity. people siding against you probably do the same thing people and share that ALL ABOUT ME impatient mindset. 

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Overall they were in the wrong for pushing start timer without asking.

Personally, I would have said something about needing to change my loadout though. Most pick up groups are silent and people just make assumptions as to what the other want and hope it's the right thing, so I can't really blame that person for force starting.  But their reaction to your pm was over the top.

Can't really say the other person is wholly at fault if you didn't do everything in your power to provide them with the information that would make things go smoothly.

So, as far as standard ettiqute, communicate.  Tell them you need a minute to change loadouts and ask before force starting.

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Could have been avoided if you had just told them you needed to change your loadout.

That being said, a person randomly selecting a mission and hitting start timer is incredibly rude without them saying they're going to. The only times it's acceptable is when expressly told to, someone's UI has glitched and they mention it, or a person in your squad has gone AFK and everyone is aware of it and are okay with it (such as a friend needing to go take care of something but they'll be back in a bit).

You weren't really in the wrong in any capacity. I wouldn't have PM'd them once I told them that what they did was rude, however. I would have left it alone at that point. The only person in the wrong was the person who hit the start timer button without saying anything.

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23 hours ago, SamsonKnight said:

Another player from the squad of the last mission I did, immediately started a new one and used the start timer button to drag me into it, against my will.
I complained to him about how rude that was.

Then after the mission, I PM him and tell him, next time he should leave squad before auto-starting a new match.
He then tells me he's reporting me for harrassment, for pming him outside of a mission.

depend on the situation cuz it could cut both way

If that mission he choose up next unrelated to any of the squad member (for example, choose some god damn spy in earth when u guys was there after a nitain extract alert) then he's definitely rude (and somewhat desperate), in such case, just leave the mission, no need to waste effort "correcting" him (or, just help him if u feel fine with it).

If your whole squad is in a multiple mission streak, like invasion or sortie, then the other guys is kinda less on the blame cuz usually get right back to the mission matter more than the load out (in invasion, opposite in sortie) and then ... sometime that annoying bug when ppl can't accept the mission and need to start timer as a case to justify it.... In any case u still have the choice of leaving the mission when u don't like it. 

but if u pm him just that and he call u harassment ... then he definitely rude.

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This is how it works it any good teams I am in, and yes this is a rundo team from recruitment not friends. After we finish the mission (for relics and prime hunting) we say "Let's do another one ok?" because we worked well as a team. Then Tim says "I have to pee/Let me change my loadout really quick/wait a sec" and after saying "OK" we all press accept on the mission, but not start because we wait for Tim to come back, and when he is back he hits accept and the mission countdown starts. He says "Sorry it took too long" and we say "No problem, now lets rock".

This is the general guideline of good behavior. You have to warn them if you want a breather for any reason, and they have to not rush.

I suggest if you are just doing the star chart to leave the team so you can have all the time you need.

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