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When We Get Nidus Prime


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Okay, so when ever we get Nidus prime, down the road a long time... can we actually expect him to come with primed infested weapons?

Also side questions

 , which infested weapon would you love to see primed?

Personally id love a Cerata, Tysis, or Dual Ichor

And also, do you think we're going to get an infested version of the index/arena along with infested weapon mods?


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6 minutes ago, cookieknife said:

Okay, so when ever we get Nidus prime, down the road a long time... can we actually expect him to come with primed infested weapons?

Also side questions

 , which infested weapon would you love to see primed?

Personally id love a Cerata, Tysis, or Dual Ichor

And also, do you think we're going to get an infested version of the index/arena along with infested weapon mods?


I doubt we will get prime infested weapons. Generally, only Tenno/Orokin weapons are candidates for being primed. Having an infested frame doesn't necessarily mean that infested weapons are up for being primed as warframes are already Orokin tech and its highly likely (just theory at this point) and heavily suggested that all warframes utilise the technocyte virus in one way or another.

So its not odd to have a primed infested themed warframe, weapons on the other hand are another matter.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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Pfft, you guys still think Primes will be relevant after the almighty UMBRA is released? Get with the times. /s

To be fair, there are a lot of plot holes in terms of certain frames having prime variants that may or may not be fixed before they release. (Think Valkyr) Having a prime Titania, Nidus, Inaros or Chroma have their own issues so that begs the question... Umbra prime when?

Edited by More-L
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I find the concept of Nidus Prime to be hilarious because I remember arguing a while back that infested weapons could quite possibly be primed and be ok lore-wise.

Nidus Prime will give credence to this possibility.

My arguement was that the technocyte has a hive mind. This being proven via the fact that infested units are pretty much uniform with the exception of having different units with different purposes. The hive mind has sort-of a genetic memory that stores blueprints for these individual unit-types within it that allows it to essentially convert physical matter into these same units at a whim, wherever and whenever it is present and has physical matter to work with.

So theoretically speaking, infested weapons could be primed because the infested weapons themselves, or at least, the concept for them have to have come from somewhere. The technocyte hive mind will have had to absorb and translate the weapon concepts into itself and fashioned them into its own image. And the blueprints for these infested weapons that we obtain are simply blueprints extracted from the information within technocyte. Of course, you can also build infested weapons by simply infecting a weapon with technocyte, but this doesn't negate my theory, this could just be another means to an end.

So in other words. At some point in history, the Synapse for example had a "Prime" counterpart used or at least developed and tested by the Orokin. Let's say in this case that it was being developed in an Orokin lab. A lab whereby technocyte was also being messed around with. This technocyte managed to get loose, and essentially absorbed all physical matter and reshaped it into its own image. And it also infected technological systems and bent them to its will / corrupted it / reshaped it in its own image. It absorbed the Synapse's prime counterpart and translated the matter into itself and as a result, gained a "genetic memory" of sorts that acts as a sort-of blueprint that allows it to manifest itself where necessary. And the reason we're able to have a blueprint for it, is because we have the ability to look inside the genetic code of technocyte and extract the blueprints for weapons it's overtaken in the past and reshaped in its own image.

Something along those lines anyway.

So somewhere, in some derelict orokin laboratory, there is quite likely an original Synapse waiting to be found, or at least, parts floating around within the void / within relics.

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54 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

Primes are made from Tenno weapons. While subject to change, it's unlikely.

Technically speaking, it's the other way around. The tenno use dumbed down oroking weapons. The Orokin created the Infestation who is basically a hiveminded bunch of cells that can take over anything, so it is not out of the ordinary to have Prime weapons from them. 

Edited by aligatorno
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1 minute ago, aligatorno said:

Technically speaking, it's the other way around. The tenno use dumbed down oroking weapons. The Orokin created the Infestation, so it is not out of the ordinary to have Prime weapons from them. 

I think it's more likely that the technocyte hive mind overtook certain orokin territories and thus converted orokin weaponry into "infested" weaponry, and also created some kind of genetic blueprint for that weaponry, which is how and why we have blueprints allowing for us to recreate them using our own "tamed" strain of technocyte. Meaning that almost all infested weaponry has a prime "original" somewhere. Obviously the grineer and corpus are exceptions to these. But it could also be argued that the Grineer and Corpus based their weaponry on Orokin concepts but put their own spins on them that reflected their cultural personalities more, and their own level of technology of course.

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Why not? Primed infested weapon might not work because why would you attach gold parts to dangling living things? Still, I think infested prime weapon could work perfectly with the lore. There's no saying that the infestation can't corrupt a Burston Prime or any Orokin-made weapon, right?

Edited by Jangkrik
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Nidus Prime can come to light because its still orokin tech.

Primed Infested weapons are a no go via story and would only be something along fanservice due to "prime" meaning "A weapon or piece of equipment modified by Orokin technology."

Once a weapon, primed or not, is infected with technocyte, it becomes twisted and tortured into "infested" weaponry because its been altered severely at the molecular level. Further twisting of that used-to-be-prime-now-infested weapon becomes a "mutalist" weapon due to the infested virus being toyed and altered with, but it will never again be labeled as "prime" because the orokin tech embedded in it is lost. 

Think of the Tigris for example. Its a tenno shotgun, nothing out of the ordinary. Now introduce orokin technology to improve it miles ahead of its non-primed variant, it will perform far better and rip through far more enemies than it could before. Now introduce a drop of technocyte. It immediately goes to work warping the shotgun into something different, say now it no longer fires slugs but now fires toxic rounds and can hold 4 shots instead of 2 because its slightly organic and can accommodate itself. Now experiment on that infested Tigris and warp the infested strain into a mutalist strand of technocyte. It can hardly be called a shotgun now as its been molested at the molecular level now and has gross moving parts on its own, probably able to crawl on the floor i you put it down and forget about it. The orokin tech previously introduced is beyond lost so it can no longer be called "prime" and it behaves vastly different, probably firing gas filled darts that eat through armor and cause whatever they embed themselves in to explode after 3 seconds in a noxious cloud of corrosive smog.

(and obviously no cure exists or else infested would've been long exterminated and extinct or at the very least Corpus and Grineer would've been able to retake their ships, bases, and fallen crewmen due to the encroachment of the virus)

Edited by (PS4)Foxkid_8
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Lorewise if they change ideas they can prime items. Also after the Valkyr prime release everyone saw how easily the lore / rule can change in order to sell something. Also warframes partly metal partly infested materials so it is not a hard decision to them to make a nidus prime. First of all nidus is a good sales item and a lot of peoples bought and buy him because basically he is a good frame and not that expensive. Secondly DE claimed they will prime "everything" but there are weapons without primes and these items with us long ago (strun). There are also a lot of items which not primed yet but it will be primed after some time. Currently there are frames which still waiting for a prime and came before nidus so nidus need to wait for it's prime unless DE will do the same what they did with Banshee. Nova, Saryn and Valkyr jumped forward despite Banshee came before Nova and Valkyr.

Edited by Sziklamester
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2 hours ago, JoshuaAnders said:

I find the concept of Nidus Prime to be hilarious because I remember arguing a while back that infested weapons could quite possibly be primed and be ok lore-wise.

Nidus Prime will give credence to this possibility.

My arguement was that the technocyte has a hive mind. This being proven via the fact that infested units are pretty much uniform with the exception of having different units with different purposes. The hive mind has sort-of a genetic memory that stores blueprints for these individual unit-types within it that allows it to essentially convert physical matter into these same units at a whim, wherever and whenever it is present and has physical matter to work with.

So theoretically speaking, infested weapons could be primed because the infested weapons themselves, or at least, the concept for them have to have come from somewhere. The technocyte hive mind will have had to absorb and translate the weapon concepts into itself and fashioned them into its own image. And the blueprints for these infested weapons that we obtain are simply blueprints extracted from the information within technocyte. Of course, you can also build infested weapons by simply infecting a weapon with technocyte, but this doesn't negate my theory, this could just be another means to an end.

So in other words. At some point in history, the Synapse for example had a "Prime" counterpart used or at least developed and tested by the Orokin. Let's say in this case that it was being developed in an Orokin lab. A lab whereby technocyte was also being messed around with. This technocyte managed to get loose, and essentially absorbed all physical matter and reshaped it into its own image. And it also infected technological systems and bent them to its will / corrupted it / reshaped it in its own image. It absorbed the Synapse's prime counterpart and translated the matter into itself and as a result, gained a "genetic memory" of sorts that acts as a sort-of blueprint that allows it to manifest itself where necessary. And the reason we're able to have a blueprint for it, is because we have the ability to look inside the genetic code of technocyte and extract the blueprints for weapons it's overtaken in the past and reshaped in its own image.

Something along those lines anyway.

So somewhere, in some derelict orokin laboratory, there is quite likely an original Synapse waiting to be found, or at least, parts floating around within the void / within relics.

The thing is you are making a lot of assumptions there. The Technocycte virus is very limited in that it can't seem to replicate non-organic matter, which would make perfect sense for a parasitic organism. Not to mention that you are assuming that weapons made purely of infested tissue were at some point orokin and had a counterpart that was prime. Hek, mutalist Moas and ospreys appear to be the result of a infeste growth shutting the host proxy down, growing over it in order to physically control its movements and mutating the necessary bile sacs etc over the moa shell. Don't have any reason to believe more moas are physically being replicated out of organic matter. Makes more sense that the larger organism has taken control over robotic production lines etc.

As far as I can see, a synapse is literally just an infested growth (organ) with the aggressive aspect taken out of it that uses biological reactions to shoot electricity (which living organisms have a lot of) and an embolist is just a infested sphincter that we tickle resulting is noxious farts. Don't know why it has to be more complicated then that or how any of it indicates the existence of prime versions or that they are of Orokin origin.

What know so far is that the virus adapts and mutates in relation to the host organism, it can't make something out of nothing and can realistically only work with the material its given, unless it is given sufficient time (lephantis etc) for the mutation process to work its magic.

I've always seen the infested as similar to the Flood, Tyranids or Zerg. They absorb genetic material, manipulated to their needs, and the hive mind is intelligent enough to physically manipulate non-organic systems and adapt to the situation at hand. Things like fusing its biological components with inorganic machinery to create a circuit between it and say, a ships navigation or AI, then fly it around to another planet ripe for the picking.

Your theory seems way too far-fetched and riddled with assumptions and inconsistencies for my taste. But thats just me.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
expanded second paragraph
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27 minutes ago, Sziklamester said:

Lorewise if they change ideas they can prime items. Also after the Valkyr prime release everyone saw how easily the lore / rule can change in order to sell something.

Except Val prime has never been lore breaking. I thought everyone got to the bottom of this ages ago. All Alad did is mess with a Valkyr warframe (presumably with its operator still controlling it) and generally be the big ol meany pants that he is. None of that stops a prime Valkyr from existing prior to that event.

So far no prime gear has broken the lore.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
oops double post
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1 minute ago, JoshuaAnders said:

The hint is in the name mate.



Also, technocyte is known to be a mixture of organic material and technological material, essentially a combination of nanotechnology and biology to create programmable biological material. But somehow, that technocyte gained some degree of sentience and became a living entity to some degree. The whole premise of warframe is varying forms of consciousness or sentience and how they interact with each other, the "mind" behind technocyte being an animalistic form of consciousness that is still partly technological like the other forms of consciousness we see in the Warframe universe. Pretty much all races having joined with technology, being essentially transhumanist in nature if they're not outright artificial intelligence.

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9 minutes ago, JoshuaAnders said:

The hint is in the name mate.



  1. a style of fast, heavy electronic dance music, typically with few or no vocals.
    So you mean to tell me that the virus is capable of dropping sick bass beats at 120BPM?
    Jokes aside, techno as a prefix doesn't suddenly and indisputably mean the virus can replicate non-organic matter. From a real life perspective that would be absurd and even with video game logic it would be hard to believe. Of course that could be confirmed to be the case by DE later on, but its not exactly the first place I go and it would be a bit silly. Then again, Tenno lore is already ridiculous so I guess thats a moot point.
    On a further note: techno as a greek root word means "to craft, art, skill, method, or system". So as a prefix, it doesn't inherently have anything to do with technology. It simply means to craft or change, which works from both a purely biological sense or from your perspective.
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1 minute ago, StinkyPygmy said:
  1. a style of fast, heavy electronic dance music, typically with few or no vocals.
    So you mean to tell me that the virus is capable of dropping sick bass beats at 120BPM?
    Jokes aside, techno as a prefix doesn't suddenly and indisputably mean the virus can replicate none organic matter. From a real life perspective that would be absurd and even with video game logic it would be hard to believe. Of course that could be confirmed to be the case by DE later on, but its not exactly the first place I go and it would be a bit silly. Then again, Tenno lore is already ridiculous so I guess thats a moot point.

One of my favourite genres. :crylaugh:

But yeah, I would argue that the technological aspect of the technocyte is what allows it to replicate and reprogram physical matter.

It kinda reflects present-day science. There is already lots of research being done all around the world in relation to programmable biological matter via nanotechnology. I would argue that this is the inspiration for technocyte.

Especially when you take into consideration the fact that one of the fears of such technology is it running rampant and essentially consuming and overtaking all physical biological matter on the planet, perhaps all physical matter in general.

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1 minute ago, JoshuaAnders said:

One of my favourite genres. :crylaugh:

But yeah, I would argue that the technological aspect of the technocyte is what allows it to replicate and reprogram physical matter.

It kinda reflects present-day science. There is already lots of research being done all around the world in relation to programmable biological matter via nanotechnology. I would argue that this is the inspiration for technocyte.

Especially when you take into consideration the fact that one of the fears of such technology is it running rampant and essentially consuming and overtaking all physical biological matter on the planet, perhaps all physical matter in general.

With that in mind your theory definitely possible, in relation to the OP however, none of that indicates the existence of primed infested weapons. All the infested weapons we have are one of two things: Purely infested matter grown with a purpose (synapse, Embolist) or a case of the infested growing on and altering an existing weapon. So to assume that there are prime versions of purely infested weapons like the synapse is confusing.

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1 hour ago, JoshuaAnders said:

I take it nobody read my theory of why and how infested weapons could be primed at some point then.

Pretty simple lore-friendly explanation.

You can't prime an infested weapon because it would assimilate any "orokin technology" and corrupt it beyond recognition. The upgrade of an infested weapon is "mutalist". To make something like an Embolist Prime, Synapse Prime, or Lesion Prime would be pure fanservice and lore-breaking beyond belief because so far only those who have had contact with the void can resist the effects of technocyte (Warframes, the Operators, and Sentients, but only because they can adapt to everything that isn't void infused poison).

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guys, Nidus Prime likely won't look infested. they'd rework his appearance to make him more like a walking, Gilded Bioweapon, same powers but his appearance would be less infested and more Orokin. he would still come with primed versions of Tenno weapons.

alternatively though, it would also be a great chance to introduce a higher tier of Infested weaponry: every other faction has improved weapons (primes, Vandals, Wraiths.), but not Infested. for example, instead of Nidus Prime, something like "Evolved Nidus", with weapons like the "Evolved Tysis" and "Evolved Dual Ichor"

wouldn't necessarily be named that, but you get the point: a prefix is needed for improved Infested weaponry.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

You can't prime an infested weapon because it would assimilate any "orokin technology" and corrupt it beyond recognition. The upgrade of an infested weapon is "mutalist". To make something like an Embolist Prime, Synapse Prime, or Lesion Prime would be pure fanservice and lore-breaking beyond belief because so far only those who have had contact with the void can resist the effects of technocyte (Warframes, the Operators, and Sentients, but only because they can adapt to everything that isn't void infused poison).

My theory obviously went right over your head.

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