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Coming Soon: Devstream #96!


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I was wondering with the introduction to Plains of Eidolon, will we be able to see the terrestrial range of archwing abilities in our arsenal? This has been bugging me since the underwater stuff was introduced on Uranus. There is a noticeable difference on, as an example, amesha's second ability when used underwater versus space.

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At TennoCon the devs mentioned that they were looking at reworking the Focus system which has been a largely neglected feature of the game since it's release.

I am on the verge of completely maxing out the last of the 5 Focus schools introduced in Update 18 (all school nodes have been unlocked and their capacity expanded to allow for all nodes to be activated simultaneously). Can the devs go into more detail on how the new system will work and how the time and investment people have put into the first system will carry across to the new one, particulary in regard players who have fully completed ALL of the Focus schools - will they be able to max everything in Focus 2.0 straight away? 

Also, (if relevant to Focus 2.0):

Could we please have a way to remove a lens from our warframes/weapons and NOT ONLY the option to replace it with another lens? I'm not asking for the lens to be refunded, but often when preparing for a mission instead of simply taking into consideration what warframe/equipment is best for the mission, I feel compelled to check which have lenses for schools I've already maxed so that Focus earned isn't wasted. With the current Focus system it is possible to continue earning Focus for a school even after you have unlocked all of it's nodes and maximised it's capacity, which serves no use and is a waste of the daily Focus earning allowance. Will the Focus 2.0 system have a defined 'completed' state for each school or will it be left open for some other purpose?

Many thanks and keep up the great work.

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will we see weapons like the hind, euphona prime, panthera, tenora, get a actual weapon switching mode like the zarr or stratavar? will we see the dark split sword actually change stances like it should to be dynamic instead of static? Will the vasto and vast prime get a alt fire like the pandaro?

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Obviously very excited for Plains of Eidolon

In terms of combat, as far as I know, plains during the day is designed for new players while night is designed for veteran players. However, what concerns me is that veteran content is designed too much around only fighting the big sentient monsters, and I think veterans would benefit from fighting some higher-level normal enemies as well. Would it be possible to have higher-level enemies around specific areas like maybe the grineer fortress in the background or in the caves that Steve briefly mentioned in the original gameplay that would accessible during both night and day? The majority of the plains would still be fairly low-level except for a few select areas.

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On 7/26/2017 at 7:38 PM, HappyPrime said:

Any plans on revisiting pets? Namely the way they melt over time, the extremely high upkeep cost (especially for new players), and the long wait times to be able to switch pets. At the moment there's not really much more incentive to use pets over Sentinels, with Sentinels being much more convenient, no upkeep costs, can switch between them instantaneously, and having vacuum. 

Though I'd love having vacuum on my pets as well, I feel they need a QoL overhaul more.

just make it a passive on warframes,as it stands now i use my sentinal only becasue it has a vacuum on it, no other reason

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There's no reason to run archwing nodes aside for events or mastery after removing weapon parts from the droptables- are there any plans to revisit archwing drop tables to reattract players into playing this mode?

As a potential followup question- is it possible reintroduce archwing defense? The dual defense targets was a unique and fun idea to reward those who played it.

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Question for the dev stream:

With the addition of Hok's Anvil and the weapon crafting system will we be able to harvest prime parts from the void? This would make the void have a purpose again, and I think many people would enjoy going back there for nostalgic purposes.

Edited by BloodLegionnaireVI
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1. With the upcoming changes to the operator and focus, I was wondering if the operators abilities would scale and change depending on what focus trees and unlocked and what abilities are unlocked within them, or is just going to be tied to the new armour and blaster weapons. Also will the "karma" system from previous quests be coming into play at all regarding this or any other system.

2. With how important fashion frame is to this game, will there be any chance that we could possible remove the old arcanes off the the classic arcane helmets, possibly with distillers, and put them onto a helmet from the same warframe, with the condition being that maybe you couldn't trade the arcane anymore. I would love this change and I think a lot of other people would too.


Edited by MisterMan2556
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My questions is the next : 

1. It is a minor thing but I guess many times pop up so there will be anytime soon an option to remove the banshee shoulder from her as optional and add both sides too? There is no problem with that but I would like an option to play without shoulders or add to both side when I wish. This is a minor quality thing and other warframes have some similar things too.

2. As we seen with Hok's anvil there are some option to customize your gear. There will be more parts and option to make melees and customize them further? Also there wil be a similar system to make for example secondaries and primary weapons? I ask this because it could be problematic to make the current gears interesting and probably the player created weapons will dominate in gears. There could be limitations and uses for those player created items but also want an answer if it is possible to do or you guys / gals will to implement it later? Would be a nice feature what we waited long ago but also you need to know how to compete the player created weapons with your creations.

3. Flora - There is a nice frame concept which waiting long ago to be implemented, there have a 3 model, some cool art and abilities and the whole frame with it's lore seems pretty much viable in the warframe universe. Also we lack of plant and nature based frames so I suggest to a visit for the next female frame which will be released after the pattern.

 4. I guess noone suggested but will you guys make it a tenno tech like whip because we have 3 whips but all from the other factions and we haven't tenno whip yet. Also asks if you ever will make a stru prime because currently there are the mk1, normal, wraith versions. Boar got it's prime variant and I wish the same for Strun.

Also asking you guys how about that tenno tech shotgun what you shown in some past devstream? There is a possibility to be released in this year or going to be released in the next year?

5. What about the dojo's? Relays? Even maybe with the baazar? There will be new rooms and functions for these places because these deserves more attention. Also after PoE it seems you guys wish to make more open worldish like tile and map. Will that mean you will expand the size of the map later and make other large open maps too?

Also for an example there could be on dojo's some botanical garden for making serums from plants and also for eye pleasure.

6. More npc would be nice for example in dojo's it would be nice to use spawnable npcs to fill up the out dojo's with a little more life. The kingpin system what you teased to us would be a good addition with these npcs as defenders or vendors or even quest givers.

7. Option to make body changes in the tennogen application to further expand the variety of the skin making. Also would be a nice addition to add own models and frames to an application which rig and animate these models too.

8. There are still many old items in the game which needs some tweaks as you did with the lato series. This is just a reminder to you guys and hope you will look further to other weapons. 

9. Sentinels and weaponry - as the title says new sentinels? Maybe can we get new weapons aswell for the sentinels? These guys are squishy and these needs some tweaks to be more viable against after lvl 50+ enemies.

10. Passive vaacuum for warframes and slight reworks on the companions to be more viable by themself and not just use for as loot collectors. Consider this please to give back that tested warframe passive vaacuum with a 7.5-10 meter range. Still pretty good trade and then atleast the sentinels and kubrows / kavats and other vulnerable companions in the future can be used for further tasks than loot collecting because as you see the current usage it shows to you the sentinels far better than the other companions because they have vaacuum ability. The AI should be tweaked for the companions and for the sentinels you should do tweaks aswell to be more viable and replace the vaacuum with something else because currently the degradation and weak companion AI is not enough attractive for players to own these pets. So The passive vaacuum for frames is a good option with a reduced range with no mod slot needs because then you are not depend on a fast placed game to collect everything one by one. Also this helps you guys to rework the companions overall because these needs badly this.

11. Some armor tweaks on 15 armor frames because no matte what you do these are so squishy. There need to be implement the resistance mods and change the armor rat or change the armor damage reducing / redirecting ability slightly. Also I wish to suggest to make the stats visible because that helps to plan which frame how much damage reduction have and that could help to mod the high armored frames. My suggestion is a 50 armor as bare minimum beause the game passed a way of progression where the enemy mobs getting stronger and these frames itself and with the doge itself not able to avoid these one shot kills or reduce a bare minimum damage incoming. This is not a git gud thing this is a needed change for those frames who have barely no armor.

12. Status and status mods changes. Status mods long ago here but mostly the dual elemental mods with status stats are viable options and the raw status giving mods are left behind the corner without changes. There is a plan to take a little time and change these mods stats up to 100% or near 100%?

With that change these mods at least could be consider to use and new players also can obtain these so it is a big help them if they can own these mods before they can touch dual stat elemental and other corrupted / nightmare mods.


13. When you guys will refresh the walking animations and the whole move animations? Some stream you stated you will do it sometimes just my question is this possible will coming with the next addition or in the next year? Both are pretty fine because the move animations a bit old and not changed too much.


14. What about vehichles in game more than archwing? Mean motorbikes, cars, futuristic boats etc because with the open world these seems now a pretty actual questions and also reviving an old topic which was the same.


15. Wildlife. There will be more wildlife on Earth and on Cetus and even all rocky planet tiles?

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1 hour ago, Sziklamester said:

14. What about vehichles in game more than archwing? Mean motorbikes, cars, futuristic boats etc because with the open world these seems now a pretty actual questions and also reviving an old topic which was the same.

Steve has already stated that we won't be getting any vehicles in the near future.

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6 hours ago, Perekta said:

Currently the best XP, credit, relic and endo farms are all the infested faction. Playing vs the same faction over and over to grind out gear gets really dull. Will plains of Eidolon offer new ways to level gear so that we don't have to visit Akkad so much?

You are completely wrong there.
The best XP farm is still Grineer, the best credit farm is Corpus, and the best endo farm is Grineer.
That's not something for the devs to fix, this is more of a personal issue.
There are many efficient ways to grind up XP, it's just the matter of asking around to find them, Akkad is barely viable for all the things you've stated.

Edited by Vedlom
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Hey im sure someone may already asked this, but is the open world thing going to be for just that one map or is it every planet has an open world area but still keeping the original mission selection of the navigation on the orbiter? Also cant wait for this new updates release it'll be so sick

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Got some questions for you:

  1. Droptables: As it is right now, enemy resource drops are based on the planet you play on. This worked quite well for Warframes early years but as new content has been added you introduced some new resources as well and/or increased the cost of rare resources (looking at you hema). And on top of that some resource drops don't make much sense anymore (for example: Neural Sensors, a in-lore Grineer resource drops from Alad V). To keep it short: Would you consider binding resource drops to the enemy itself? Drops and Chances could be inherited by Planet(if you really want some resources to be planet-only)>Faction>Damage Type(s)>Specific Enemy Unit and possibly other modifiers like; If this Corrupted Bombard is an Eximus Unit, he has a slightly raised chance of dropping Orokin cells.
  2. Customizable armor: Are there any plans to make armors as customizable as sigils or even holster positions? I pretty sure that being able to move armor parts along three axes would be a great addition to the one and only endgame. 
  3. Syndicate armor: I don't think i have to elaborate on this? I'm pretty sure you have at least one concept art lying around somewhere...
  4. Additional sigil customizations: Are there any plans on expanding sigils customization with additional features? What i'd personally like to see would be mirroring and flipping sigils along axes. Especially the flipping-feature would be great for asymmetrical sigils.
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Question about streaming players to the open world and instancing:

Currently you need to put together a squad and start a mission - at TennoLive it seemed like a seamless transition from relay to open world without the need for a squad.
Does this mean that, for example, you can't play solo because everyone in that relay channel will be accessing the same open world as you?

Additionally, how will the spawning of enemies and items change compared to the current system. For example, you have multiple players all using that same open world instance and one player is killing/looting everything - does everyone else just miss out and have to switch channels?

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