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Chains of Harrow: Hotfix 21.3.2


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21 hours ago, LABAL said:

Hmm... That buff to single Bronco Prime gives me an interesting idea for a build... It involves Bronco Prime, Orvius and Condition Overload.

already ahead of you.

The only thing standing in its way is that orvius' charged throw now sometimes circles around the enemy's head not damaging them at all-- notably on knockdowned or crouching enemies. Awaiting a fix for this as well, considering I don't have a status riven for bronco (therefor requiring me to include blast in addition to my corrosive, unless I went for a gas-magnetic or a viral-rad build)

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orvius flies really, really weird now with charged throw, it spins around the targets head and does nothing, or it will seek out in the most epic way and A) miss everything just narrowly, or B) ricochet off of the first target and actively seek out targets for the max # of bounces allowed before returning, or C) do the same as B but actively hit everything along the way back, even if enemies are scattered in different directions on the way back.  You can charge throw it and if an enemy is down the hall around a corner, it will (most of the time) make that 90 degree turn without bouncing to hit the target, or attempt to hit it.  It looks amazing, and that kind of mechanic for ALL thrown melee's would be cool, but it keeps getting stuck, with it's unique "trap" mechanic. :/

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Weird bug where the game seemed to think my Inaros had died, played the sarcophagus sound effect and played the animation of him spinning into it while still having health left. Player model could still interact with things close enough for the prompt to appear(i.e. Opening doors, reviving), and could still get staggered by Shockwave MOAs and dragged by Corrupted Ancients, and then the sound effect/animation would play again.


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Thanks for all these fixes, but I'd like to call attention to the JV bug where if a client enters an esophage, they will travel through it but be teleported back to the esophage they entered once they stand up. There is a workaround by entering the esophage in operator form, but it'd be great if this was fixed.

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