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Hotfix 9.2.0


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Vampire mode degeneration cannot kill the player -- lowest health can be is 1%. Must die to enemy fire or other environmental disasters.

Adjusted Vor’s scaling with tweaks to MultiPlayer matches. He should not get higher than rank 54 vs 4 rank 30 players.

Several more tweaks to Vor’s difficulty.

Removed Nightmare mode as an option for Mercury missions.

"/ignore" now stops invites from friends, ignored players will no longer be able to add you as a friend.

Captain Vor’s damage intake is now locked to stages, prevent massive damage from taking him down too fast.





Fixed the Sobek and Torid weapons so that they can be fired when coming out of a sprint.

Fix for account issues if user aborts dojo component having contributed with vault materials.

Fix Nova Drop disappearing for clients.

Fix Volt Shock chains not using correct energy colour.

Fix Volt Speed FX not using correct energy colour.

Fix Null Star not using correct energy colour

Fix for Corrupted Shield Drones not being targeted by Null Star.

Fixed the Glaive and Kestrels charged attacks so that they take into account any power stored in the weapon from mods such as Melee Channel.

Fix to Wormhole's destination offset.

Fixed the Seeker and Seeking Force mods so that their puncture amount increases with each level, instead of every other level.

Fixed clan emblems not appearing properly on Sentinels.

Fixed Corpus laser doors no longer activating after host migration.

Show the ClanHall recipe in UI, so clans can build more than one of these and increase capacity without increasing tier.

Fix for Sentinels getting into spammy state of ability use after a duel ends.

Fix for Sentinels getting spammy with their abilities as a result of faction changes.

Fix for objective indicator sometimes not appearing in correct location in some levels.

Fix missing up/down stat arrows when you purchase mod packs.

So the details about the clan hall recipe, tiers, and halls...


does that mean if you built more then one hall without knowing that it increased your clan tier category, went back and destroyed added halls....would it return your tier size back to the category based on the number of members???

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awesome fix as usual!


but one thing, nightmare mode should be players choice if they wish to continue with nightmare or toggle off. that way,  


nightmare mode can become as fatal as it can be while casual players can search games as they wish and the hardcore /


veteran players could enjoy the challenge! just a suggestion :)

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Vampire mode degeneration cannot kill the player -- lowest health can be is 1%. Must die to enemy fire or other environmental disasters.

Captain Vor’s damage intake is now locked to stages, prevent massive damage from taking him down too fast.




Fixed the Glaive and Kestrels charged attacks so that they take into account any power stored in the weapon from mods such as Melee Channel.


a glavie buff and vor can be speed killed!? \o/

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Probably repaired one more bug.
I was having bug with helmets and skins. passed alert mission, but didn't get exp, credits and helmet or skin and alert mission was still on my list. Just all was like before starting mission.
I passed one alert mission with Banshe helmet and I finaly got any helmet from alert mission, I hope it will now work correctly for me and some other players.

But still must wait again for TRINITY AURORA HELMET and MANTICORE for SCINDO : ( because of having these problems.

Edited by IfritKajiTora
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Support ticket submitted with my log file. I tried a reboot BTW, it didn't help, still the same issue.


Hopefully it won't take support more than a week to respond to my ticket, because time's a ticking away on my affinity booster... :(


Update now downloaded successfully, yay! I put in a note in the support ticket that you guys can disregard it now.


Impressed by the lightning fast resolution time. \m/

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Still waiting for the glitch to where you spam abilities, and then afterwards, you cannot use your weapons fire. Still waiting on the fixes for Ember. Still waiting on when you use an ability, it switches your weapon. The beta glitches are strong with this one...

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Captain Vor’s damage intake is now locked to stages, prevent massive damage from taking him down too fast.

BOO~ This is one of the problems I had with the Jackal, its total BS. Their "vulnerable" state should be based on time, not whatever amount of damage max you deem appropriate to artificially lengthen a battle. The ability to do more damage in an amount of time should be a good thing, not penalized or restricted.


Anyway... More importantly did you fix his drop rate for seer getting progressively worse the more you defeat him? Any plans to? Also are you aware that the blueprints he DID drop only allowed one person to pick them up, giving a first come first serve effect and screwing the rest of the team. This should be fixed asap as well, as it goes against the whole Co-Op design of the game and encourages people to play in solo mode instead of actually taking him as a team.


Fixed the Seeker and Seeking Force mods so that their puncture amount increases with each level, instead of every other level.

The puncture mods NEED a buff, right now they're pretty much useless. Can I please get an official response if there are plans to increase the range so we can actually shoot targets behind the original target? My suggestion= 0.5 or 1 meters per level. If not, this needs to be lowered in cost to at least 2 capacity at level 0 as it costs way too much in comparison. Speaking of which, there are similar mods that need a buff, like electric melee damage [shocking touch].


Show the ClanHall recipe in UI, so clans can build more than one of these and increase capacity without increasing tier.

I still cant find the "long hallway" option in the clanhall. Why was this hallway taken out? It was necessary for my build design. There is only the short hallway now, but there used to be a long option. I need this hallway back please. :(


Fix missing up/down stat arrows when you purchase mod packs.

Any plans to incorporate the arrows so we can "scale back" mods temporarily so they can use more or less capacity? They mentioned there were plans in motion about downpowering mods in a previous livestream but I havent heard anything since. Is this going to happen or not?


Fixed the Glaive and Kestrels charged attacks so that they take into account any power stored in the weapon from mods such as Melee Channel.

The glaive needs to be changed IMO, it should cut through people when thrown, not bounce around as the kestral does. Also the glaive takes too long to return after being thrown, the thrown speed should be increased similarly to the Kestral. Right now the Kestral is far superior in terms of damage despite the Glaive doing more and ignoring armor mostly because it takes much less time to return. Why is a boomerang faster than a bladed disc anyway? Not to mention the kestrals knockback effect which makes bosses easy mode since you can knock them into a pit in one hit. Is that intentional?

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I must say it's better than never. BUT I'm still having problem with Nova's Wormhole not using the correct energy color and the missing tether when NOT HOSTING.

What about Volt's Electric Shield? No fix on that? It's OBVIOUSLY still not using the correct energy color when you're NOT HOSTING.

How bout VAUBAN's Tesla's Balls and Vortex not using the correct energy color when NOT HOSTING?

10 Hotfixes after and there's still no fix for the energy colors.


Don't forget Hikou's energy colors.

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I am completely STUNNED by people decrying the Vampire mode fix. News flash, dying due to circumstances that are beyond your control isn't challenge, it's bad design.


What are those circumstances that are beyond player's control? Hopefully nothing that a handful of health packs cannot solve.

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Captain Vor’s damage intake is now locked to stages, prevent massive damage from taking him down too fast.


I don't really get this. The Jackal has the same thing and all it does is frustrate players. If I can kill the boss in 10 seconds, let me kill him! I don't want to sit there staring at him waiting for phase changes. It doesn't facilitate engaging or compelling gameplay.

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The Nightmare Mod was is poorly designed at the moment, because it uses a wierd/broken mob spawn rate, even if you are detected, and not including the "up and beyond/down to hell" elevators. Even with the actual flaws, it was fun to desesperatly run for a minimum HP to stay alive, because I can take the difficult.


But IMO, the game have to attend all the audiences when possible, this includes causal players too. Like I said in another post when the NM was impossible due to the previously patch (the one making you lose 25-35 HP/s), not everyone have a lvl 30 potatoed frame, Rush max lvl etc, Mastery Rank lvl 10 and so on. We have to remember that Mercury IS the initial place for new players, and they had to face extremely difficult maps for their initial equipament with lvl 30+ enemies, time attack and/or HP drain. Like many said, we don't have a fantastic yet tutorial and lore to explain every aspect of the game, leaving new players dying without knowing that the skull mark in the maps means NM or why they are constantly loosing HP.


Of course, the devs can't make everyone happy with every change in the game (remebering that Warframe is still beta). But the situation could be more friendly for all IF:


-Nightmare Mode could be turned ON/OFF: If you want to run a map without rushing like mad, you can.

-Nightmare Mode could be turned ON/OFF, in any map not specified by RNG and with reward restrictions: if you want to run a map with the NM on you can, but you will not receive the Rare mod in the end to restrict spam (can be another thing).

-Nightmare Mode could be Hardcore Mode (also ON/OFF): you think you are good? Then try to finish it with HP, Shield and Energy drain, time attack, and WITHOUT the possibility to revive. Mobs everywhere. All elite. Lvl 70+. Locks in every 3-4 rooms. No energy/HP globes. 1 Hit kill for everyone. Melee only. Depending of the setting the reward can be scaled, like winning any 2 Rare Mods (excluding the abilities, and FFS not 99.9% Master Thief and 0.01% Rage) + 2 NM Rare + Tons of credits + Void Keys, I don't know.


My 2 cents and sorry for any mistakes in the text, not my first language.

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What are those circumstances that are beyond player's control? Hopefully nothing that a handful of health packs cannot solve.


Fighting a boss with zero other enemies attacking you that can be killed to restore health/time.


Being stuck in a long stretch of level without enemies attacking you that can be killed to restore health/time.


(Specific to Vampire) Having already blown through your health packs and encountering the above issues.


This is not something can be chalked up to, "Oh well, it's supposed to be challenging, and it's your fault that you didn't go through the level faster." It's not the player's fault when there is no way to restore health or time because enemies are not spawning. It's an element of chance beyond the player's control that they are punished for. This is not "challenge", it's artificial difficulty and bad design.

Edited by hiryu64
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Fighting a boss with zero other enemies attacking you that can be killed to restore health/time.


Being stuck in a long stretch of level without enemies attacking you that can be killed to restore health/time.


(Specific to Vampire) Having already blown through your health packs and encountering the above issues.


This is not something can be chalked up to, "Oh well, it's supposed to be challenging, and it's your fault that you didn't go through the level faster." It's not the player's fault when there is no way to restore health or time because enemies are not spawning. It's an element of chance beyond the player's control that they are punished for. This is not "challenge", it's artificial difficulty and bad design.


There are other ways to balance this. When i fought Jackal for the first time in Nightmare mode with a timer i thought we werent going to make it but we survived on the few Ospreys that popped out, so if there are bosses in some nightmare modes that have no extra spawns then have it so they pop a few mobs once in a while. The whole issue of bad spawns in Nightmare is still an issue in game, that should have been actually dealt with instead of just throwing a quick fix that destroys the point of the thing.


Vampire mode went from this



To this.


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