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When is this Ember meta craze going to end?


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1 hour ago, Andaius said:

"Kill stealing" doesn't really matter much as long as your in team XP sharing range you will get the XP as bonus XP at the end of the mission.

It is no matter on xp really but still not fun. Let me ask a question.

You are that football player who plays the game with less salary but for fun and for the enjoyment? Or you are that type of footballer who likes to sit on the bench with a good salary?

Hope you get what I mean.

Edited by Sziklamester
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4 minutes ago, (PS4)godlysparta said:

Ember seems to be bad for the game. *looks at Chromatic Blade Augment* Absolutely balance and fine because you have to press melee repeatedly and it scales infinitely.

Not sure if that's sarcasm but yeah, in a game that scales infinetly , kinda need warframes to do that as well... ember's terribad at killing anything past like lvl 40, Equinox on the other hand can kill lvl 400 and ask for more afterward... Tho i'm expecting him to get ner.... sry super awsome fun reworked! any day now since DE have been slowly nerfing all the scaling nukers / farm frames. Limbo, Nyx, Mag, Ash, Saryn... coz whats more fun in a game where enemies can take 10 clips to kill and kill you by looking in the general direction of the country you're in than having ultimates hit for wet tissue paper levels :P

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2 hours ago, Andaius said:

"Kill stealing" doesn't really matter much as long as your in team XP sharing range you will get the XP as bonus XP at the end of the mission.

This kind of thinking is SUCH nonsense. In a game that is about killing things with a wide arsenal of weapons, kill stealing by doing nothing IS an issue. You think the only thing people come here for is XP? Really? Maybe a real tiny segment of the playerbase has this attitude, these are the ones that are afk most of the time. About as annoying as Ember herself. 

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54 minutes ago, ComCray said:

This kind of thinking is SUCH nonsense. In a game that is about killing things with a wide arsenal of weapons, kill stealing by doing nothing IS an issue. You think the only thing people come here for is XP? Really? Maybe a real tiny segment of the playerbase has this attitude, these are the ones that are afk most of the time. About as annoying as Ember herself. 

Lol Your now the one advocating that some one else gimp a LEGITIMATE warframe ability because you want too steal HIS kills.  You play the missions to get the rewards at the end. If your agonizing so much over some low tier mob kills all you have to do is hit the "solo" option and fight all you want. In public you have to consider the other guy too. Like I just said as long as your in team range your getting the XP, your getting the rewards at the end. Whats nonsense is the way your thinking. Your so greedy apparently no one but you can be allowed to kill!

Edited by Andaius
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I highly doubt anything is gonna happen to Ember, since she can only nuke low-level rooms anyway. even with both Accelerant active and her Fire Quake Augment equipped, she can't CC as well as many other frames can, and Heat damage does diddly squat unless it's an Infested getting hit. if they nerf her, she'll be put at the bottom of the pile, so that's not gonna happen.

I say give Ember more Scalability, if she's already meta then what's the harm lol.

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3 hours ago, Andaius said:

You get the same rewards as everyone at the end, you still kill stuff in the mission, and get the XP at the end too.  *shrugs*

Ye but the reward not really important fact here. If you not enjoy the game because you feel weightless yourself or just others not let you do what you planned to do then of course you get bored or demotivated no matter how many times you use the "you get the same rewards and xp" cards. The fun is not defintely when I get something the fun most likely when you feel yourself in flow and enjoy the game flow. If other players in this case ember players ruin your fun with kill steal then the game is turning one sided and you feel less motivation to do something when others just nuking. I know everyone within the range get xp no matter if kill or not and I know that too there are frames which designed to do this but overall this design is just annoys peoples at a point where they planned what they want to achieve in the mission. 

The git gud, leave the match are not solution and those are krap says because in this game the kills count. The whole game is a full of statistic and everything in game counted as something. I can enjoy the game with less kills but as a new player perspective that is annoying because the frames and weapons designed to kill it is not a pacifist game with no guns. There is no reason to play if you just walk through to the map unless you are looter like me but others certainly not want to play a walk simulator. 

There are plenty solutions to solve these problems but the game still zero balanced and every new item/frame kick out the balance or any attempts. Like how they add new nightmare and primed mods which are band aid in the first place but with these they push higher that level of unbalance. 

The game only fun what can provide if you can at least race with killing or explore something. This game prefer the kills so that need to be the point of we play. Atleast with PoE something could change but I am sure that not surpass the needs of revisit ember or any nuker frame. We need them but we need them to be much better than simple game killers.

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2 hours ago, PowerofTwo said:

Not sure if that's sarcasm but yeah, in a game that scales infinetly , kinda need warframes to do that as well... ember's terribad at killing anything past like lvl 40, Equinox on the other hand can kill lvl 400 and ask for more afterward... Tho i'm expecting him to get ner.... sry super awsome fun reworked! any day now since DE have been slowly nerfing all the scaling nukers / farm frames. Limbo, Nyx, Mag, Ash, Saryn... coz whats more fun in a game where enemies can take 10 clips to kill and kill you by looking in the general direction of the country you're in than having ultimates hit for wet tissue paper levels :P

No need to nerf equinox but all frames needs at least one ability which scales with the enemies then those frames can participate on higher levels and then they can let the lower level players aka newbies play the game. Hard to balance different abilities but they can do a try because the current state is not fun neither for an ember user neither for ohers whom want a little fun at least.

This is one of the major reasons why some new player leave the game less than a week because there is no level filtering and there are dead map parts. These two should be solved for the healthier gameplay.

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1 hour ago, Andaius said:

Lol Your now the one advocating that some one else gimp a LEGITIMATE warframe ability because you want too steal HIS kills.  You play the missions to get the rewards at the end. If your agonizing so much over some low tier mob kills all you have to do is hit the "solo" option and fight all you want. In public you have to consider the other guy too. Like I just said as long as your in team range your getting the XP, your getting the rewards at the end. Whats nonsense is the way your thinking. Your so greedy apparently no one but you can be allowed to kill!

Players can play solo and public too but pretty much peoples want to play with others and not soloing the game because itself with solo is pretty unfun. On public hard to make tactics because totally random peoples play but that is a little emphaty to let others fun too. As much possible I try to let others fun and not killing all of the mobs on public matches when there are newbies. Sam with advanced players who have worse gear than me but that sometimes not important because I can kill a lot with my unmodded items aswell if there are no nukers. And nope ComCray wasn't greedy because he not said he want only kill but let the others kill and let us kill too. 


Read my post what I wrote you and try to understand please. Thank you.

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3 minutes ago, Sziklamester said:

Ye but the reward not really important fact here. If you not enjoy the game because you feel weightless yourself or just others not let you do what you planned to do then of course you get bored or demotivated no matter how many times you use the "you get the same rewards and xp" cards. The fun is not defintely when I get something the fun most likely when you feel yourself in flow and enjoy the game flow. If other players in this case ember players ruin your fun with kill steal then the game is turning one sided and you feel less motivation to do something when others just nuking. I know everyone within the range get xp no matter if kill or not and I know that too there are frames which designed to do this but overall this design is just annoys peoples at a point where they planned what they want to achieve in the mission. 

The git gud, leave the match are not solution and those are krap says because in this game the kills count. The whole game is a full of statistic and everything in game counted as something. I can enjoy the game with less kills but as a new player perspective that is annoying because the frames and weapons designed to kill it is not a pacifist game with no guns. There is no reason to play if you just walk through to the map unless you are looter like me but others certainly not want to play a walk simulator. 

There are plenty solutions to solve these problems but the game still zero balanced and every new item/frame kick out the balance or any attempts. Like how they add new nightmare and primed mods which are band aid in the first place but with these they push higher that level of unbalance. 

The game only fun what can provide if you can at least race with killing or explore something. This game prefer the kills so that need to be the point of we play. Atleast with PoE something could change but I am sure that not surpass the needs of revisit ember or any nuker frame. We need them but we need them to be much better than simple game killers.

Again your thinking greedy. You can't do what YOU planned. If you want to stick to a specific plan so much you'll ask others to nerf there gameplay experience to cater to you, like I said swap to solo you'll have less problems.  All the people that complain about "kill stealing" are just crying about statistics at the end of the match. Unless your playing exterminate and get totally lost and left behind you'll be killing too. When you go public your going to get other people that have there own "plans". It's not killing the gameplay or anything like that your just having to adapt to other people playing the same mission as you.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

I highly doubt anything is gonna happen to Ember, since she can only nuke low-level rooms anyway. even with both Accelerant active and her Fire Quake Augment equipped, she can't CC as well as many other frames can, and Heat damage does diddly squat unless it's an Infested getting hit. if they nerf her, she'll be put at the bottom of the pile, so that's not gonna happen.

I say give Ember more Scalability, if she's already meta then what's the harm lol.

She need her ultimate turn into scalable ability maybe a little more energy needs and slightly lowering the damage what she can deal but the scaling damage is much better so overall she will get a buff.

Edited by Sziklamester
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3 minutes ago, Andaius said:

Again your thinking greedy. You can't do what YOU planned. If you want to stick to a specific plan so much you'll ask others to nerf there gameplay experience to cater to you, like I said swap to solo you'll have less problems.  All the people that complain about "kill stealing" are just crying about statistics at the end of the match. Unless your playing exterminate and get totally lost and left behind you'll be killing too. When you go public your going to get other people that have there own "plans". It's not killing the gameplay or anything like that your just having to adapt to other people playing the same mission as you.

So you enjoy the walk simulator? Alright and nope not that I complaining because the stats fun but that not fun if you just walk and do nothing. That is not a greedy thinking to ask others just not nuke all the time and let others have some fun. The only thing what I can agree with you is the public randomness and the best solution a pre made group but then again it's depending on the gear they have and do you have. 

That still up what I said there could be some emphaty in peoples and let others have fun. That is not a fun game to use ultimates and let it go all the time. Everyone needs adopt but that is simply annoying when you do but the others won't. 

The solo play gives less xp and less loot so reward wise that is not fun aswell because you get less. Also playing with more players is fun if they doesn't broke each others gameplay.

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She's the path of least resistance for lower level missions and easy to acquire to boot.

You seem 'em less often in higher level missions and sorties, and they're a helluva lot more inconsistent if how useful they are to the team, too. Sometimes it's like fighting lvl 20 infested all over 'cept it's Grineer and Ember's still melting them. Other times you wonder if maybe you should politely point out that Ember is perhaps not the best pick for sorties with Elemental Enhancement, especially when it's the Grineer.

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1 minute ago, Sziklamester said:

She need her ultimate turn into scalable ability maybe a little more energy needs and slightly lowering the damage what she can take but the scaling damage is much better so overall she will get a buff.

once you get to like level 30-40 enemies WoF takes a long time to kill stuff if you have it modded for a "always on" build. IF your going for more power you'll have to sacrifice duration and efficiency due to the nature of Blind rage and Transient Fortitude So you can see your energy pool get eaten in seconds. Ember's 4 is just fine the way it is right now I think. I still can't believe people still want damage nerfs on her when the only things she good at killing is the lower to mid tier stuff. 50-100 her powers really don't hit. Really if your relying on her 4 things start to get harder when the enemies are level 30-40. at about the 20 minute wave make if your using WoF all the time you'll not be getting any energy regen, and if you use her other powers at the same time to accent damage you'll get low pretty fast.

Ember is about the only frame that you use all her powers pretty liberally in the mid game. WoF just kills the fodder off quickly remember.

5 minutes ago, Sziklamester said:

So you enjoy the walk simulator? Alright and nope not that I complaining because the stats fun but that not fun if you just walk and do nothing. That is not a greedy thinking to ask others just not nuke all the time and let others have some fun. The only thing what I can agree with you is the public randomness and the best solution a pre made group but then again it's depending on the gear they have and do you have. 

That still up what I said there could be some emphaty in peoples and let others have fun. That is not a fun game to use ultimates and let it go all the time. Everyone needs adopt but that is simply annoying when you do but the others won't. 

The solo play gives less xp and less loot so reward wise that is not fun aswell because you get less. Also playing with more players is fun if they doesn't broke each others gameplay.


Again, your trying to force them into doing what you want. Whats wrong with them using there frames abilities to the fullest? They want to have fun too. There are tons of frames that have all sorts of abilities. #4 are all different. So in your world Mesa can't use her peacemakers, Saryn can't use the kit she's completely built around spores, Nova can't use 2 of her 4 abilities because they clear rooms too. No equinox, no Hydriod because with his new barrage and hentai that actually aims to hit stuff prevent you from doing things your way.  the list can go on and on. No gameplay is broken, you run the mission do it's objectives and exit as a squad. walk simulator? Are you not going to move the whole mission? If your not keeping up with the squad, and the objectives your holding them back.

3 minutes ago, TheGrimCorsair said:

She's the path of least resistance for lower level missions and easy to acquire to boot.

You seem 'em less often in higher level missions and sorties, and they're a helluva lot more inconsistent if how useful they are to the team, too. Sometimes it's like fighting lvl 20 infested all over 'cept it's Grineer and Ember's still melting them. Other times you wonder if maybe you should politely point out that Ember is perhaps not the best pick for sorties with Elemental Enhancement, especially when it's the Grineer.

Yeah, Sorties I go for Ember more for fire quake's area suppression if  I was going to pick her. Keeping everyone on there butts. IIRC even if your doing basically 0 damage it will still knock them down.

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5 minutes ago, Andaius said:

once you get to like level 30-40 enemies WoF takes a long time to kill stuff if you have it modded for a "always on" build. IF your going for more power you'll have to sacrifice duration and efficiency due to the nature of Blind rage and Transient Fortitude So you can see your energy pool get eaten in seconds. Ember's 4 is just fine the way it is right now I think. I still can't believe people still want damage nerfs on her when the only things she good at killing is the lower to mid tier stuff. 50-100 her powers really don't hit. Really if your relying on her 4 things start to get harder when the enemies are level 30-40. at about the 20 minute wave make if your using WoF all the time you'll not be getting any energy regen, and if you use her other powers at the same time to accent damage you'll get low pretty fast.

Ember is about the only frame that you use all her powers pretty liberally in the mid game. WoF just kills the fodder off quickly remember.


Again, your trying to force them into doing what you want. Whats wrong with them using there frames abilities to the fullest? They want to have fun too. There are tons of frames that have all sorts of abilities. #4 are all different. So in your world Mesa can't use her peacemakers, Saryn can't use the kit she's completely built around spores, Nova can't use 2 of her 4 abilities because they clear rooms too. No equinox, no Hydriod because with his new barrage and hentai that actually aims to hit stuff prevent you from doing things your way.  the list can go on and on. No gameplay is broken, you run the mission do it's objectives and exit as a squad. walk simulator? Are you not going to move the whole mission? If your not keeping up with the squad, and the objectives your holding them back.

Yeah, Sorties I go for Ember more for fire quake's area suppression if  I was going to pick her. Keeping everyone on there butts. IIRC even if your doing basically 0 damage it will still knock them down.

Her accelerant could synergize with her ultimate and her ultimate need to scale like how octavia's first does or nidus overall. Slightly lowering the base damage not so much but make it scalable and synergize with accelerant could be her new good combo. Saryn does this after her rework and she can't nuke the whole room now but her ability can help to others. The reason for damage scaling to let her go beyond lvl 50 without any problem up to level 300-500 but that is hard try levels. She can have also some built in energy regenerating while in fire or when she use her abilities as combo.


Nope I am not trying force peoples as I never did just annoying when others doesn't give a krap to others gameplay and ruining others fun. 

In my world a mesa use her other abilities not only just her peacmaker to show how high she is. Saryn after the rework outdamaged by ember and saryn now depending on her all abilities while ember have just a press4 to win on low levels. Certainly that is not a goal for balance and gameplay wise. Equinox users using the nuke form and less the other healer form. Hydroid still not that beast on high levels but he can do something now atleast. Funny you say I am not walk / run alot while I am one of the most mobile players in this game and almost never stop only when the objective is defending something. Obviusly if not move I would be kicked in the match or just not getting xp. First of all I am teamplayer and doing the objectives but on a controlled mission I want also kill at least something. That is not a fun play to see others just kill everything before they can enter the room. 


The game is a walk simulator if you cannot do something just walk because there is nothing to kill. I am not interested in the end mission rewards and loots overall if I need them I do solo runs or ollecting in the free time.


Funny to hear somebody holding back their mates when the whole public experience is everything but not teamplay. Peoples run around the whole map and do their goals and almost noone at the objectives. Free will is able so why they should forced to do that when they can just go and have fun. The whole game design poorly thought and give so much freedom to the players otherwise this is less problematic that is also bad when there is a pipe map and you can go only forward or backward.


I am just asking for balance and changes on her which makes her overall better and less annoying on lower levels. New players need motivation to play the game but if they see these examples then they will never learn to play in other ways and the whole game will be nukefest.


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Until they finally do the necessary and give her a new, more active 4 and tie her skills together with synergies. Then maybe she can do more than scour the mid-level areas clean by just standing there and picking her nose.

Edited by KokoroWish
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1 hour ago, Sziklamester said:

Her accelerant could synergize with her ultimate and her ultimate need to scale like how octavia's first does or nidus overall. Slightly lowering the base damage not so much but make it scalable and synergize with accelerant could be her new good combo. Saryn does this after her rework and she can't nuke the whole room now but her ability can help to others. The reason for damage scaling to let her go beyond lvl 50 without any problem up to level 300-500 but that is hard try levels. She can have also some built in energy regenerating while in fire or when she use her abilities as combo.


Nope I am not trying force peoples as I never did just annoying when others doesn't give a krap to others gameplay and ruining others fun. 

In my world a mesa use her other abilities not only just her peacmaker to show how high she is. Saryn after the rework outdamaged by ember and saryn now depending on her all abilities while ember have just a press4 to win on low levels. Certainly that is not a goal for balance and gameplay wise. Equinox users using the nuke form and less the other healer form. Hydroid still not that beast on high levels but he can do something now atleast. Funny you say I am not walk / run alot while I am one of the most mobile players in this game and almost never stop only when the objective is defending something. Obviusly if not move I would be kicked in the match or just not getting xp. First of all I am teamplayer and doing the objectives but on a controlled mission I want also kill at least something. That is not a fun play to see others just kill everything before they can enter the room. 


The game is a walk simulator if you cannot do something just walk because there is nothing to kill. I am not interested in the end mission rewards and loots overall if I need them I do solo runs or ollecting in the free time.


Funny to hear somebody holding back their mates when the whole public experience is everything but not teamplay. Peoples run around the whole map and do their goals and almost noone at the objectives. Free will is able so why they should forced to do that when they can just go and have fun. The whole game design poorly thought and give so much freedom to the players otherwise this is less problematic that is also bad when there is a pipe map and you can go only forward or backward.


I am just asking for balance and changes on her which makes her overall better and less annoying on lower levels. New players need motivation to play the game but if they see these examples then they will never learn to play in other ways and the whole game will be nukefest.



51 minutes ago, KokoroWish said:

Until they finally do the necessary and give her a new, more active 4 and tie her skills together with synergies. Then maybe she can do more than scour the mid-level areas clean by just standing there and picking her nose.

Her powers do synergize.... They all do fire damage, accelerant multiplies that damage.  Literally all her abilities work with her 2. You do realize all her frame abilities use heat damage right and her 2 amps heat damage right? Plus it a quick cast stun as well. news flash standing afk doesn't work very well. With only 375 shields and 300 HP she can't take much hits. that means anything in the levels 30- 35 range will shoot at and hit you and bring your standing still &#! down. WoF can only hit 5 enemies at 15 meters at base range. deals 400 base heat damage at max rank too. So if you can't 1 shot the enemy before they can get in shooting range you will go down. Hint enemies can shoot further then 15 meters.

So in your world Mesa is just stuck to using buffs that mostly effect herself? Wow sounds like it sucks in your world Saryn isn't outdamaged by Ember. You can spread spores much further much faster then WoF can hope to ever reach. IF you move around so much then whats the problem? Your fighting and killing stuff? Your whole arguement seems to just come down to "whaaa this other guy has higher numbers then me in the debriefing screen stats! whaaa nerf him!" New players learn by doing. Sure they see a good strat and they use it, until something knocks them flat and they have to learn. Thats the whole point of the star map and sorties, and nightmare mission and stuff. how to adapt your builds and learn what to use when. What do you expect from pubs anyway? I've found more games with better squads and team work then I've seen with them total fail at a mission. If they can't be bothered to defend the objective and they lose them mission it's only there fault. So your solution to this is force them and the game to play how you want? Whats your asking for is to completely change her functionality to fit your idea of whats "balanced" and your gameplay, which seems to be no AoE for anyone but me! I'm the only one that can kill anyone! if you kill some one it's Kill stealing!

They gave her a pass and they changed up her 4 already. DE said WoF is now a toggle ability. All her powers synergies just as much as the new oberon atleast. What more do you want with a damage caster? She output tons of heat damage! She can stun, make people panic and deal DoT's. Also she can give heat damage to allies, and amp that heat damage or even with augment from other frames combine that heat damage to allies into other elemental combo's!




Adds extra radiation damage to all allies in range. Did anyone know that? Works with the other Elemental frames augments too. Saryn vemon dose is toxin and frost does cold. So you can literally add extra elemental combo's you weapons and abilities.

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Honestly the biggest thing i have with the ember meta is it just makes people think that's all she's good for and there's a stigma around her now like before with mirage. If they change WoF people will just run to maim anyways so it's not going to really solve the oversaturation of nuking in the starchart. At the end of the day the problem is players that don't want to play inadvertently also making everyone not play and i don't think that'll really change.

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53 minutes ago, Kinetos said:

Quick question, if people use Ember to quickly clear low level missions they don't actually want to play just get the end of mission rewards, why do they go in a group and risk having to wait at friendship doors or extraction? 


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1 hour ago, Andaius said:


Her powers do synergize.... They all do fire damage, accelerant multiplies that damage.  Literally all her abilities work with her 2. You do realize all her frame abilities use heat damage right and her 2 amps heat damage right? Plus it a quick cast stun as well. news flash standing afk doesn't work very well. With only 375 shields and 300 HP she can't take much hits. that means anything in the levels 30- 35 range will shoot at and hit you and bring your standing still &#! down. WoF can only hit 5 enemies at 15 meters at base range. deals 400 base heat damage at max rank too. So if you can't 1 shot the enemy before they can get in shooting range you will go down. Hint enemies can shoot further then 15 meters.

So in your world Mesa is just stuck to using buffs that mostly effect herself? Wow sounds like it sucks in your world Saryn isn't outdamaged by Ember. You can spread spores much further much faster then WoF can hope to ever reach. IF you move around so much then whats the problem? Your fighting and killing stuff? Your whole arguement seems to just come down to "whaaa this other guy has higher numbers then me in the debriefing screen stats! whaaa nerf him!" New players learn by doing. Sure they see a good strat and they use it, until something knocks them flat and they have to learn. Thats the whole point of the star map and sorties, and nightmare mission and stuff. how to adapt your builds and learn what to use when. What do you expect from pubs anyway? I've found more games with better squads and team work then I've seen with them total fail at a mission. If they can't be bothered to defend the objective and they lose them mission it's only there fault. So your solution to this is force them and the game to play how you want? Whats your asking for is to completely change her functionality to fit your idea of whats "balanced" and your gameplay, which seems to be no AoE for anyone but me! I'm the only one that can kill anyone! if you kill some one it's Kill stealing!

They gave her a pass and they changed up her 4 already. DE said WoF is now a toggle ability. All her powers synergies just as much as the new oberon atleast. What more do you want with a damage caster? She output tons of heat damage! She can stun, make people panic and deal DoT's. Also she can give heat damage to allies, and amp that heat damage or even with augment from other frames combine that heat damage to allies into other elemental combo's!




Adds extra radiation damage to all allies in range. Did anyone know that? Works with the other Elemental frames augments too. Saryn vemon dose is toxin and frost does cold. So you can literally add extra elemental combo's you weapons and abilities.

"Her powers do synergize.... They all do fire damage, accelerant multiplies that damage.  Literally all her abilities work with her 2. You do realize all her frame abilities use heat damage right and her 2 amps heat damage right? Plus it a quick cast stun as well. news flash standing afk doesn't work very well. With only 375 shields and 300 HP she can't take much hits. that means anything in the levels 30- 35 range will shoot at and hit you and bring your standing still &#! down. WoF can only hit 5 enemies at 15 meters at base range. deals 400 base heat damage at max rank too. So if you can't 1 shot the enemy before they can get in shooting range you will go down. Hint enemies can shoot further then 15 meters."


Partly true because the accelerant boost the damage dealt and can use as a little stun for a short time and mostly these works well but she still struggling in low to medium levels because her abilities not scaling with the enemy levels.

She have 150 base energy and have 100 armor which gives her a little more surviability than the 15-65 armored frames roughly 22-25% which not so much but still better. 

At level 30-35 only the harder units one shot her otherwise still bearable and can up to level 60-70. The 5 enemies at time broken because often got other mobs hit when she use her ultimate basically at max level and max range on a defense map nothing can enter to the room under level 30. Mobility is your savior like other frames whom have low armor rates.

Still she needs scaling to be viable at higher levels.


"So in your world Mesa is just stuck to using buffs that mostly effect herself? Wow sounds like it sucks in your world Saryn isn't outdamaged by Ember. You can spread spores much further much faster then WoF can hope to ever reach. IF you move around so much then whats the problem? Your fighting and killing stuff? Your whole arguement seems to just come down to "whaaa this other guy has higher numbers then me in the debriefing screen stats! whaaa nerf him!" New players learn by doing. Sure they see a good strat and they use it, until something knocks them flat and they have to learn. Thats the whole point of the star map and sorties, and nightmare mission and stuff. how to adapt your builds and learn what to use when. What do you expect from pubs anyway? I've found more games with better squads and team work then I've seen with them total fail at a mission. If they can't be bothered to defend the objective and they lose them mission it's only there fault. So your solution to this is force them and the game to play how you want? Whats your asking for is to completely change her functionality to fit your idea of whats "balanced" and your gameplay, which seems to be no AoE for anyone but me! I'm the only one that can kill anyone! if you kill some one it's Kill stealing!"



Nope, In my world a Mesa know when she needs to use her ultimate and use other abilities. You not really paid attention that part when I said balance the balance means the said player know where and when to use an ability and not just spawn one. Saryn spores only works if ember not using wof because the wof kills faster than spores and often the embers kill first the spore carrier units. Mostly the embers take away the saryns kills if an ember and a saryn play together then the saryn just help to the ember to kill. Spores doesn't deal that high damage what ember can do with her abilities. 

Not really matter if you move but the ember follow you where you are and when I said in the first part of this reply with max range she can kill before you can kill those mobs. Simply there is no way to kill on lower levels because for the ember these are one hits and I don't want all the time play higher levels just because I want a simple fun or want some kills.  My whole argument what you seems not comprehend is the new players, casual players and others whom want enjoy the game and have fun on lower levels cannot enjoy the match fully because there are these nuker players whom using 1 ability. And you keep justify they need to use their abilities, right they need but they know only 1 button and this is the problem. And I am not nerf sayer and that is the last resort when something needs nerf. She actually need changes on her abilities and make them scaling with the levels so at least on the level as octavia could play. 

New players learn everything what possible and this contain the bad examples aswell. What you think why new players arguing or leaving those matches where there are some of the nukers? Because they are doing this only. It is efficient to do and the reason the other abilities less effective so they just spam one button and fine. That is not a great effort walk around the map and nuke everything. 

The public matches are the same like other matches but not pre made. Also if there would have been more player to play with then I won't depend on only to play oslo or public matches but the majority of players are play solo because the game not give them better solution to avoid players like you.

Don't take it personal I don't know you and what you achieved maybe sometimes we should play one or two run together. I just hate listening this glorifying duma. Better squads happen but if you not playing pubs you won't know if there are good persons to play with. I like pubs because there is 50% chance to find players whom can play coop well. I am not losing so often because I am maximalist.

I am not asked others to not kill and just let me kill. Currently I am asking that let me too kill something. Third time told you but it seems you don't get it. And no not every aoe kill still. It is like the dota where you need a pre made team or play in a team to be efficient on pub matches there are random peoples with random abilities so that is 50% to be good or bad.


Nice from you to show the augments but the vast majority of peoples not sacrfificing slots for augments because most of them not worth at the moment. There is no simply enough slot to put some augments into it. I am not really care about what others using until they know how to play and when to do something. 

PS : My part in this discussion ended with this post because I have better to do than arguing with you so I wish you good luck in your next matches and have a good day sir/miss. Don't take it personal I have no problem with you I just feel it is worthless to continue this.

Edited by Sziklamester
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1 hour ago, Kinetos said:

Quick question, if people use Ember to quickly clear low level missions they don't actually want to play just get the end of mission rewards, why do they go in a group and risk having to wait at friendship doors or extraction? 

Some don't think that far ahead, some don't care and others think they're actually doing randoms a favor.

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58 minutes ago, Kinetos said:

Quick question, if people use Ember to quickly clear low level missions they don't actually want to play just get the end of mission rewards, why do they go in a group and risk having to wait at friendship doors or extraction? 

Who says they don't want to play? I've met most of the people on my friends list as "random guy I met in a pub game" while grinding out missions and alerts. Going with more people nets more enemies and more loot and XP as well. It may be quick, but you get to see other peoples frames and gear in action too. You can see some cool stuff this way.  Also keep in mind that do to the nature of the start chart, resources and enemy types only spawn in certain spots so your going to be grinding in lower level areas no matter what eventually be it for traces, alerts or just more basic resources. Grind the void all you want but if you need Neurals it will never drop!


9 minutes ago, Sziklamester said:

"Her powers do synergize.... They all do fire damage, accelerant multiplies that damage.  Literally all her abilities work with her 2. You do realize all her frame abilities use heat damage right and her 2 amps heat damage right? Plus it a quick cast stun as well. news flash standing afk doesn't work very well. With only 375 shields and 300 HP she can't take much hits. that means anything in the levels 30- 35 range will shoot at and hit you and bring your standing still &#! down. WoF can only hit 5 enemies at 15 meters at base range. deals 400 base heat damage at max rank too. So if you can't 1 shot the enemy before they can get in shooting range you will go down. Hint enemies can shoot further then 15 meters."


Partly true because the accelerant boost the damage dealt and can use as a little stun for a short time and mostly these works well but she still struggling in low to medium levels because her abilities not scaling with the enemy levels.

She have 150 base energy and have 100 armor which gives her a little more surviability than the 15-65 armored frames roughly 22-25% which not so much but still better. 

At level 30-35 only the harder units one shot her otherwise still bearable and can up to level 60-70. The 5 enemies at time broken because often got other mobs hit when she use her ultimate basically at max level and max range on a defense map nothing can enter to the room under level 30. Mobility is your savior like other frames whom have low armor rates.

Still she needs scaling to be viable at higher levels.


"So in your world Mesa is just stuck to using buffs that mostly effect herself? Wow sounds like it sucks in your world Saryn isn't outdamaged by Ember. You can spread spores much further much faster then WoF can hope to ever reach. IF you move around so much then whats the problem? Your fighting and killing stuff? Your whole arguement seems to just come down to "whaaa this other guy has higher numbers then me in the debriefing screen stats! whaaa nerf him!" New players learn by doing. Sure they see a good strat and they use it, until something knocks them flat and they have to learn. Thats the whole point of the star map and sorties, and nightmare mission and stuff. how to adapt your builds and learn what to use when. What do you expect from pubs anyway? I've found more games with better squads and team work then I've seen with them total fail at a mission. If they can't be bothered to defend the objective and they lose them mission it's only there fault. So your solution to this is force them and the game to play how you want? Whats your asking for is to completely change her functionality to fit your idea of whats "balanced" and your gameplay, which seems to be no AoE for anyone but me! I'm the only one that can kill anyone! if you kill some one it's Kill stealing!"



Nope, In my world a Mesa know when she needs to use her ultimate and use other abilities. You not really paid attention that part when I said balance the balance means the said player know where and when to use an ability and not just spawn one. Saryn spores only works if ember not using wof because the wof kills faster than spores and often the embers kill first the spore carrier units. Mostly the embers take aways the saryns kills if an ember and a saryn play together then the saryn just help to the embe to kill. Spores doesn't deal that high damage what ember can do with her abilities. 

Not really matter if you move but the ember follow you where you are and when I said in the first part of this reply with max range she can kill before you can kill those mobs. Simply there is no way to kill on lower levels because for the ember these are one hits and I don't want all the time play higher levels just because I want a simple fun or want some kills.  My whole argument what you seems not comprehend is the new players, casual players and others whom want enjoy the game and have fun on lower levels cannot enjoy the match fully because there are these nuker players whom using 1 ability. And you keep justify they need to use their abilities, right they need but they know only 1 button and this is the problem. And I am not nerf sayer and that is the last resort when something needs nerf. She actually need changes on her abilities and make them scaling with the levels so at least on the level as octavia could play. 

New players learn everything what possible and this contain the bad examples aswell. What you think why new players arguing or leaving those matches where there are some of the nukers? Because they are doing this only. It is efficient to do and the reason the other abilities less effective so they just spam one button and fine. That is not a great effort walk around the map and nuke everything. 

The public matches are the same like other matches but not pre made. Also if there would have been more player to play with then I won't depend on only to play oslo or public matches but the majority of players are play solo because the game not give them better solution to avoid players like you.

Don't take it personal I don't know you and what you achieved maybe sometimes we should play one or two run together. I just hate listening this glorifying duma. Better squads happen but if you not playing pubs you won't know if there are good persons to play with. I like pubs because there is 50% chance to find players whom can play coop well. I am not losing so often because I am maximalist.

I am not asked others to not kill and just let me kill. Currently I am asking that let me too kill something. Third time told you but it seems you don't get it. And no not every aoe kill still. It is like the dota where you need a pre made team or play in a team to be efficient on pub matches there are random peoples with random abilities so that is 50% to be good or bad.


Nice from you to show the augments but the vast majority of peoples not sacrfificing slots for augments because most of them not worth at the moment. There is no simply enough slot to put some augments into it. I am not really care about what others using until they know how to play and when to do something. 

PS : My part in this discussion ended with this post because I have better to do than arguing with you so I wish you good luck in your next matches and have a good day sir/miss. Don't take it personal I have no problem with you I just feel it is worthless to continue this.

 I actually play Saryn too. at 20-30 levels saryn kills whole rooms at a time when Ember can only hit whats in front of her. Max range Embers are actually pretty bad, because you extend the range so far and you only have a 5 target limit for each tick, enemies can close and kill you while you WoF is hitting far away enemies. You don't seem to realize that saryn hit everyone at the same time. I've seen build of spore saryns  with 185% Power Strength using Toxic Lash gets around 20k - 30k Spore Explosions using Galantine. Spores spread at a base of 40 to the embers 15.  not to mention they proc viral that halves HP so good Saryn build by far does more damage then Embers. base damage of 400 heat. Sounds to me you don't really understand the builds for either of these frames and the potentials of good builds. You just want to shoot stuff and prevent other people killing your "stuff". You keep on saying you don't want that but you keep on saying at the same time that you don't want other people using AoE nukes or other abilities.  Octavia is a horrible example. her whole kit relies on you not killing. The Enemies MUST shoot your ball in order for it to get stacks. So you pretty much confirm that you want to change nukers into AFK machines that must stand around watching enemies shoot an ability that you throw out to damage themselves.

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