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Are there any Frames that's not of the typical two Genders?


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3 hours ago, (PS4)Boggy-Yobbins said:

From what I've heard Equinox originally shifted between male and female, but the community can get weird about what sex a warframe is (see: Nezha) so she was changed to being purely female.


That's never been true though, Adam and Rebecca confirmed back in 2015 that she's female in all forms, though day just happens to be masculine. The first devstream she was revealed, it was stated that Mynki did not like the idea of shifting between "genders" and that he meant for her to be female in all forms as a matter of fact.

And as for the second part, well, we can't really say something has a sex without specific organs. I don't know why I'm saying this, this thread was iffy upon reading the title.

Edited by LazerSkink
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Just now, LazerSkink said:


That's never been true though, Adam and Rebecca confirmed back in 2015 that she's female in all forms, though day just happens to be masculine. And as for the second part, well, we can't really say something has a sex without specific organs. I don't know why I'm saying this, this thread was iffy upon reading the title.

Equinox genderqueer confirmed

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44 minutes ago, (PS4)Boggy-Yobbins said:

 the community can get weird about what sex a warframe is (see: Nezha)

Not sure what this is supposed to mean... Nezha (the god, not the frame) is an effeminate boy... so the frame matches that hard to tell which appearance (which can be seen as weird in and of itself, you wouldn't say effeminate boys are typical right?). A few loud people make potentially offensive remarks about his gender... honestly that's to be expected. There's always going to be "that guy" in a large enough group of people.

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2 minutes ago, AXCrusnik said:

Not sure what this is supposed to mean... Nezha (the god, not the frame) is an effeminate boy... so the frame matches that hard to tell which appearance (which can be seen as weird in and of itself, you wouldn't say effeminate boys are typical right?). A few loud people make potentially offensive remarks about his gender... honestly that's to be expected. There's always going to be "that guy" in a large enough group of people.

it's the Chun-li tails that make it seem that way.  That just comes down as a chinese hairstyle

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10 minutes ago, Andaius said:

it's the Chun-li tails that make it seem that way.  That just comes down as a chinese hairstyle

Well... Nezha and Wukong are both chinese god based frames... and some depictions of Nezha have the chun-li buns which is a style usually seen on young girls.





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You have male warframes: Inaros, Hydroid, Rhino, Ash, Atlas, Chroma, Excaliboy, Frost, Harrow, Limbo, Loki, Nekros, Nezha, Oberon, Vauban, Wukong, and Volt.

You have female warframes: Ember, Nyx, Nova, Valkyr, Trinity, Octavia, Titania, Saryn, Ivara, Banshee, Equinox, Mesa, Zephyr, Mag, and Ash.

Then you have "it" warframes: Nidus.

Does that answer your question?


Fun fact: Ash was originally scripted to be a female named Ninja and/or Smoke. Yay for DarkFrame!!!


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1 hour ago, (PS4)Boggy-Yobbins said:

From what I've heard Equinox originally shifted between male and female, but the community can get weird about what sex a warframe is (see: Nezha) so she was changed to being purely female.

well DE never specifically said she was male or female for ages. When she first came out, everyone just assumed she was an a-sexual none binary.... thing. I still think it's both male and female. But with how many forum posts were going on about this fact, DE ended up making a final decision and saying on the wiki she was classified as a female.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

Then you have "it" warframes: Nidus.

I feel like Nidus' gender is pretty clear given how... gifted... he is in the nether region. 



More fun fact: Ember was originally a male Warframe in game (Blaze), then DE decided to change him to a her because... reasons.


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I'd also say Nidus is an infested "He". Yeah Borris, back in early days they where kicking around male and female for each frame but that was too much work to so thats how we got Nyx and Excaliber instead of Ecal and excal with boobs.

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