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Miter's Neutralizing Justice is just amazing


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Last weekend I once again farmed and build myself the Miter to test the Neutralizing Justice mod. The mod gives you 90% chance to pop nullifier bubbles.

I went from sceptic to constantly giggling bubble crusher in minutes. It not only pops the bubble but it also slices whatever is under this bubble into beautiful chunks of meat. This weapon makes you love nullifiers because the blue-bubble-to-flying-meat shot is so rewarding. 

It is just a mod that makes the Miter a very good weapon against all corpus units. Thank you!


Edit: I used with Mag or Nekros. Both synergize nicely. This is the build that holds up nicely throughout the star chart: https://goo.gl/hc8wt2

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Except for the fact that the Miter is in general a pretty bad weapon.

And before haters start hatin' and Meater (ok, jokes aside) lovers start ragin' let me explain why I just threw this into the room.

The mod is indeed cool, but I see better ways to deal with that.

Unless you are using a specific frame that offers an indeed awesome combo (hello Mag) with the Miter, or a frame that just pushes the Miters' damage off limits (hello Mirage, Rhino, Octavia, Chroma etc...) (which basically any weapon will be in this case) the Miter has always been only a nice-to-look-at weapon for me, no matter how much I tried to make great use of it. I know synergy and stuff, but is it really DEs' intention to create weapons that require synergy with frames to work properly? I think not.
The Miter charges the blades rather slow and the effect is somewhat not enough rewarding compared to a bow. Okay, the slash proc is cool but my Dread can proc slash in a straight line and deal way more damage to way more enemies and has no random bounce-off factor like the Miters' blades do. Even Shred is not helping too much here.

And Nullifiers' bubbles "can" be popped oneshot if you manage to shoot the drone that creates it. The real deal here is that even if you hit that friggin' drone you hit the shield. DE, please rework that hitbox, and no i'm neither drunk nor does my Braton have so much spread that it will miss a drone of this size. The hitbox is bugged. Also the drone is always where the Nullifier looks at, no matter how fast he turns, which makes this mechanic stupid, cuz yeah a drone of this size and with this power consumption can move with 500m/s without givin' a damn on physics (wait, I need to slow down before changing directions?). Oh, and they obviously can float inside walls and stuff aswell. :)
I wanna be rewarded for sharp shooting such a small object while being in the greatest heat of the fight and not feel trolled by a bad coded hitbox.
    Same goes for Ratels and their spawn locations. Even if I shoot them they won't be hit sometimes. Both, the enemy & their spawns.

I understand if they coded the position of the drone somewhat in between the bubble and outside to prevent abilities from destroying them, but by all means, why not make the drone easier to hit and give it that "ablility immunity" as the bubble itself plus some more life instead? This way even a Mesa won't snipe it down with her Peacemakers.

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2 hours ago, Epsik-kun said:

"against one corpus unit"


I forgot to tell ...

Magnetize bubble around the rest, two miter blades in and the meat grinder does its magic

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8 minutes ago, Firefox624 said:

Unless you are using a specific frame that offers an indeed awesome combo (hello Mag)

Please read the replies you get more carefully :)

Also, a Nullifier will negate even Mags' Bullet Attractor (Magnetize? I always call it by the old name lol). Tho I personally am for a mechanic that allows Mag to damage Nullifier fields with her abilities, since I would assume that they also are somewhat using magnetism, so it would only be natural if they would somewhat suffer a bit from taking hits from Mag and generalls from any ability because you can't destroy energy, you can only transform it. And a Nullifier won't be able to absorb all energy around him.

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Why did it have to be 90%? Why couldn't they just make it 100%? DE has this phobia against giving us anything reliable, frustrating, but glad you're enjoying the augment. Also is it 90% per projectile? Meaning Multishot actually increases the odds significantly?

Edited by Skaleek
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7 hours ago, Firefox624 said:

Except for the fact that the Miter is in general a pretty bad weapon...

Except it isn't. My 200+damage and 90+% fire rate riven says otherwise. It is the best corpus killer hands down. It's innate punch through let's me cut down as many corpus as are within its range. Furthermore on to of its and damage and status chance during its buff it also received a proper hit box.

Before you start complaining about needing a riven let me remind you that is exactly what they are for, to bring a weapon slightly down to top tier level. The miter is an absolute beast an the augment makes it my go to weapon for sorties and kuva flood missions.

Its toxin, slash and gas procs due insane amount of damage, and it is even crit viable.

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7 hours ago, Firefox624 said:

Except for the fact that the Miter is in general a pretty bad weapon.

Miter got buffed, in case you weren't on par with (old) news. It might not have suddenly become the strongest weapon in the game, but it's quite good. And ofc, its Strong Disposition Rivens cost next to nothing, so there is pretty much nothing that's stopping you from getting 3x as much damage.

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16 minutes ago, TaylorsContraction said:

Before you start complaining about needing a riven

This might be my own opinion now, but I clearly am against Rivens. They don't solve anything, they just bring another stupid farming factor to the game. A luck and pure randomness based one on top of it and to finish the topping one that you can't actively farm (no, doing sorties is not farming in the way it's meant.). Oh, and I don't need to mention the crazy Kuva amounts needed for 20+ rolls, do I?

And as you already said, the Miter needs a Riven to be good. And don't you agree that the Miter is not that good if you don't put your OP Riven? (Still, gz on your Riven here!)

Yes, the buff was nice on the Miter but imho it was absolutely necessary if you think about the farming you need to do to get your hands on it twice (Panthera) and into which bad weapon it even turns when used.... But Panthera is another topic then.

Still I think that the Miter needs something else to be really good. Without a specific frame. Yes, there are weapons that are just worse than others. But that doesn't mean that they need to be SO bad that no one is even bothering in giving them a catalyst except for some ppl like me who keep every single weapon and frame and put a potato into them no matter if good or not cuz it might get buffed one day.

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8 minutes ago, -N7-Leonhart said:

Miter got buffed, in case you weren't on par with (old) news. It might not have suddenly become the strongest weapon in the game, but it's quite good. And ofc, its Strong Disposition Rivens cost next to nothing, so there is pretty much nothing that's stopping you from getting 3x as much damage.

I do know that. I used the Miter+Mag combo myself already, but a specific frame doesn't make a weapon alone great. That's not the thing behind Warframe as I know it in terms of weapon balancing.


A Riven is in my opinion just something DE doesn't want to do properly with the weapons themselves. They could simply balance the weaker ones or stop pushing enemies damage and HP into buggy heights that a lvl 40 Crewman can oneshot a Rhino with 100k Iron Skin just by proccing puncture once. And yes, that really happend, and it was a lone simple crewman with a Dera. Dafuq. DE.

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2 minutes ago, Firefox624 said:

A Riven is in my opinion just something DE doesn't want to do properly with the weapons themselves. They could simply balance the weaker ones or stop pushing enemies damage and HP into buggy heights that a lvl 40 Crewman can oneshot a Rhino with 100k Iron Skin just by proccing puncture once. And yes, that really happend, and it was a lone simple crewman with a Dera. Dafuq. DE.

If you get 100k Iron Skin (which can only happen by using Ironclad Charge on a large group of enemies while corrupted by a fissure), then you are impenetrable for the first hour of the game. In the first place, the default Iron Skin is nigh impenetrable on lvl 40s. Also, a Puncture Proc has nothing to do with the damage you receive. It merely reduces your damage by 30% for a few seconds.

That aside, you have the choice of not using the Rivens because of wanting to protest to DE (which probably won't do much at all), OR dive head-first and tap into their power like me and so many other have did. Buffs are good ofc, but they are never as significant as the strongest Rivens. And when buffs and strong Rivens are combined like in this case, they are even more incredible.

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5 minutes ago, Firefox624 said:

 Well, speaking about buffs and necessity of Rivens.. Try Elec/Toxic Chroma + Glaive Prime on lvl 140 Gunners thrown. You'll oneshot them without a Riven. Many timesn even without a slash proc or tick....

But with that, even a MK1 Braon does damage....

Yeah. Therefore, with a very strong riven on an already beefed up weapon weapon like Opticor, for example, while using Chroma, I can one shot several lvl 150 Heavy Gunners at once. Not one bit of exaggeration there, I assure you. Since the game has endless scaling, you can never have too much damage.

But I agree that at the levels the normal players play at these days, no buffed weapons or Rivens are necessary. However, for some people like me, the easy "efficient" farming and playing at low levels is a waste of time.

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7 hours ago, Skaleek said:

Why did it have to be 90%? Why couldn't they just make it 100%? DE has this phobia against giving us anything reliable, frustrating, but glad you're enjoying the augment. Also is it 90% per projectile? Meaning Multishot actually increases the odds significantly?

I was thinking the same thing. I suppose it doesn't really matter since 90% is still really good odds but if that's the case why even have that chance of failure in the first place? Is it really so overpowered for a 'meh' weapon like the Miter to have a 100% chance to pop a Null bubble (something I might you have to sacrifice a mod slot for and isn't too hard to do with other weapons to begin with).

The mod also still feels a bit too much like a band-aid mod to me, but I digress.

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11 hours ago, Trichouette said:

Specific mod you have to equip because one specific enemy's mechanic is utter annoying <3

Sure is a good thing there are at least 3 other ways to counter the bubbles, at all times, not counting spamming powers that can actually hit the bubble and shrink it.

But yeah, if that wasn't a thing then this post would have a point.

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34 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

Sure is a good thing there are at least 3 other ways to counter the bubbles, at all times, not counting spamming powers that can actually hit the bubble and shrink it.

But yeah, if that wasn't a thing then this post would have a point.

Shooting the drone is sometimes a good way, sometimes it's just impossible because it's not facing you or the nulifiers is spining too fast (making the drone moving a lot)

Shooting the bubble requires to have high RoF weapon or to melee it weirdly

Killing the nullifier itself requires you not having a frame that needs its abilities to stay enabled at all time


None of these are viable 100% of the time.

The syndicate mod is viable 90% of the time (that's the actual % chance of the mod working if I remember correctly)


It's still an enemy with an annoying mechanic.

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I actually use the Miter when doing Corpus sortie missions.  It makes it easy to just pop a big bubble blocking my abilities:

1. With Inaros, I can just pop the bubble and dessicate with ease.  Everyone is always blinded by sand.  Quick melee all the way.
2. With Loki, I can just pop the bubble and disarm all of them (much better if I was able to irradiate them).  When they bunch together, it will be easy to quick melee all of them. Using stealth and gas multipliers, corpus mobs will go down quickly with quick melee regardless of level.

While it can still kill high level enemies if modded properly, I really only use the Miter to quickly get rid of something that can actually block abilities not just for the Nullifiers but for enemies in and behind the bubble.  Miter is one of my favorite Corpus sortie primary.

Edited by (PS4)Feox_PH
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Again, everyone here is praising the Miter only in combination with frames/abilities or Riven/Augment Mods. Guys, with some frames EVERY weapon is good, even a MK1-Braton with a Riven and Chroma can kill a lvl 140 Corrupted Gunner in quite a fast time, considering that it's supposed to be the worst weapon of the game (somewhat around that).

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Miter does not need a riven to perform well against corpus. It can achieve 100%  status chance on top of slash based dmg which melts corpus with the procs.. The augment is rly nice specially as you go higher on corpus missions when more than one nullifier are in front of you and taking then out quickly will be the difference between staying alive or not.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So i stumbled upon this thread and wanted to note that i think this mod is amazing as well! It is a surprise all star pairing with atlas.  As long as atlas is punching he can survive, due to his invincibility frames during the punch.  Nullifiers obviously destroy your punching hopes and dreams and thus, your life.  With this mod though, you can pop them bubbles and punch to win on any level of difficulty (Atlas's punch still kills everything up to 150 pretty quickly).  That is all folks.

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