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Rivens, dont touch them ever.


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So just as many people i got my slap from common sense when i looked at how the riven system was created.

The premise is good it says they are here to make underused gear great and thats more or less happened but heres the catch!

Riven dispositions are based on popularity and weapon stats so at the moment a weak gun becomes popular its disposition shifts and the stats what made it great are now useless just as the weapon.

Im here with a simple request.

If a weapon becomes popular dont change its disposition unless it gets buffed or nerfed!



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11 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

So just as many people i got my slap from common sense when i looked at how the riven system was created.

The premise is good it says they are here to make underused gear great and thats more or less happened but heres the catch!

Riven dispositions are based on popularity and weapon stats so at the moment a weak gun becomes popular its disposition shifts and the stats what made it great are now useless just as the weapon.

Im here with a simple request.

If a weapon becomes popular dont change its disposition unless it gets buffed or nerfed!



dont ya think they already thought of that genius.....


also. look at tonkor. it used to be superpopular. now nobody uses it. and its dispos is still S#&$. same with simulor. its dispos is still 0.5

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Simply nerfing a weapon because it's too good with a Riven also isn't a good idea. There could be people out there who don't have a riven for such a weapon but still love it, oops DE sudenly nerfs it instead of nerfing the riven disposition and what do you get? A riot plus some people potentially rage quitting, which means less money for DE.

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2 minutes ago, SupremeDutchGamer said:

dont ya think they already thought of that genius.....


also. look at tonkor. it used to be superpopular. now nobody uses it. and its dispos is still S#&$. same with simulor. its dispos is still 0.5

They have not yet touched the dispositions but i fear that once they do it we will get the weak weapons disposition switched to neutral while this two might get neutral too.

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Riven disposition being affected by "popularity" is BS. If this actually were the case then Zenith would have a 5/5 and the Braton series would have a 1/5. Also, Tonkor and S. Simulor would at least be neutral at this point. 


I wish DE would just openly admit it and be a bit more fair when allocating disposition to weapon power. Maybe even make a special "council" of community members that know the ins and outs of weapon effectiveness to help DE decide what is a good disposition for each weapon. 

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I think that your suggestion is bad.  If a weapon that has a strong riven dispo and then becomes popular, they should adjust the riven dispo of said weapon.  I don't like the idea of getting rid of the feedback loop in the system.  Getting rid of such loops are rarely good for systems in general imo.


Furthermore, i feel there is more than just popularity that affects riven dispo.

Edited by Insizer
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33 minutes ago, Insizer said:

I think that your suggestion is bad.  If a weapon that has a strong riven dispo and then becomes popular, they should adjust the riven dispo of said weapon.  I don't like the idea of getting rid of the feedback loop in the system.  Getting rid of such loops are rarely good for systems in general imo.


Furthermore, i feel there is more than just popularity that affects riven dispo.


Lets pick out a terrible weapon like the spectra.

You somehow got an impossible to obtain riven for it with these stats: +600% damage +500% multishot +400% electricity +300% toxin -200% flight speed

Now with this impossible riven the spectra now deals atleast 270 physical damage with 210 corrosive damage which is suitable for atleast lv50 enemies.

After a while you discover the secret on how to get a bunch of rivens with these stats for this gun and sell it like mad making it a popular weapon.


Disposition shifted now its neutral, all stats decrease by 200% turning the weapon into a useless garbage again and now you sit on something what once made a weapon actually useable.


Shifting the disposition only means one thing, your underused weapon goes back to the self to collect dust for an eternity till they shift back the disposition of it to strong.

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8 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

So just as many people i got my slap from common sense when i looked at how the riven system was created.

The premise is good it says they are here to make underused gear great and thats more or less happened but heres the catch!

Riven dispositions are based on popularity and weapon stats so at the moment a weak gun becomes popular its disposition shifts and the stats what made it great are now useless just as the weapon.

Im here with a simple request.

If a weapon becomes popular dont change its disposition unless it gets buffed or nerfed!



I agree. Sometimes I question myself about the feedback portion of the riven system.

Sicarus was REALLY bad for years. Not a single soul used the weapon. It got 2 buffs, and now is absolutely power creep with a 5 riven dosposition.But, wait, didnt the 2 buffs increased the usage of the Sicarus not even slightly?

Tonkor and Simulor after the balance were abondoned by A LOT of players. Still at 1 disposition.

What I mean is, if the riven disposition were so responsive to popularity, any interesting combination of weapon+riven would lead to more people using it and then to a nerf in the riven - ultimately making that riven LESS interesting. 

This cycle by itself would be self destructive to the riven system itself. Is it interesting? It will get nerfed... Over time any interesting riven would be nerfed because more people would use it... and this would not be good for the riven market or business at the end.

So as much as it is said that riven disposition is based on popularity, it also cannot be SO MUCH based on that... at least from a business stand point

Edited by (PS4)lhbuch
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On 9/2/2017 at 4:19 PM, Fallen_Echo said:


Lets pick out a terrible weapon like the spectra.

You somehow got an impossible to obtain riven for it with these stats: +600% damage +500% multishot +400% electricity +300% toxin -200% flight speed

Now with this impossible riven the spectra now deals atleast 270 physical damage with 210 corrosive damage which is suitable for atleast lv50 enemies.

After a while you discover the secret on how to get a bunch of rivens with these stats for this gun and sell it like mad making it a popular weapon.


Disposition shifted now its neutral, all stats decrease by 200% turning the weapon into a useless garbage again and now you sit on something what once made a weapon actually useable.


Shifting the disposition only means one thing, your underused weapon goes back to the self to collect dust for an eternity till they shift back the disposition of it to strong.

Ok, you are arguing assuming too many ridiculous things:

  • You can even discover a "secret" that allows you to increase your odds of getting favorable output from a completely RNG system.  Not only is the Riven mod system RNG, but it is nested RNG (RNG within RNG).  Please tell me how such a secret would work?  Please tell me how you will not only get better stats but how you can have better odds for getting a certain weapon, or even being more likely to get certain weapon type other than by buying them.
  • You are assuming that by using this "secret" that you can reliably get rivens with stats like that (allowing you to "sell them like mad"). Seriously, with the stats you gave, my foot could one-shot Sargus Ruk through his invincible armor and damage-gating.
  • You can sell "like mad" rivens for the Spectra or other weapons that are irredeemable trash.  Weapons that need more than just RNG rivens to be good.
  • Your selling "like mad" will make a significant portion of the playerbase to drop their good guns and use the Spectra in such numbers (remember the playerbase is huge) that you will single-handedly make it popular enough for the disposition to be nerfed from very high disposition to neutral disposition.
  • That DE would nerf the disposition just because the Spectra (only using absolutely ridiculous riven stats) could actually kill enemies above level 20.  
  • That DE would nerf the disposition to neutral rather than just high.
  • That, assuming they do nerf the disposition, DE will not in any way buff the disposition afterwards.

Not only are you assuming too many ridiculous things but the situation is extremely extremely improbable and, in fact, impossible:

  • You can't have Rivens with 5 stats.  4 stats max.
  • Your chances of striking such a godly combination of buff category and stats is all but impossible.  Use the bell curve.

Aside from this, your entire reply is based around not the strength of the gun, but the profitability of the rivens.  You are complaining about "now I can't make money no more".  Not only this but you are assuming that DE won't buff the disposition after finding that no one uses the Spectra unless they have the mother-of-all-bandaid mods.  Now I have mentioned "feedback loops" and technically there is chance that DE won't at least slightly unnerf a disastrous disposition nerf.  But I think the chances of them unnerfing said nerf is far far more realistic than your near impossible situation you tried to use to make an argument with.

Feedback loops go both ways and there are humans involved in the equation.  To my knowledge the disposition system is not automated.  If the devs were to see that a weapon is only somewhat popular due to rivens (that just band-aid the actual problem) then I can't imagine that they would start thinking "looks like we need to hard nerf the disposition".  I think that they more concerned with weapons that become stupidly popular thanks to stupidly powerful rivens.


Frankly, I dislike the riven system, it is a half-assed way of fixing flaws in guns using nothing but band-aids of various sizes.  The only virtue of the system imo is that it gives veterans and such something to chew on.

Edited by Insizer
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4 hours ago, Insizer said:

Ok, you are arguing assuming too many ridiculous things:

  • 1)You can even discover a "secret" that allows you to increase your odds of getting favorable output from a completely RNG system.  Not only is the Riven mod system RNG, but it is nested RNG (RNG within RNG).  Please tell me how such a secret would work?  Please tell me how you will not only get better stats but how you can have better odds for getting a certain weapon, or even being more likely to get certain weapon type other than by buying them.
  • 2)You are assuming that by using this "secret" that you can reliably get rivens with stats like that (allowing you to "sell them like mad"). Seriously, with the stats you gave, my foot could one-shot Sargus Ruk through his invincible armor and damage-gating.
  • 3)You can sell "like mad" rivens for the Spectra or other weapons that are irredeemable trash.  Weapons that need more than just RNG rivens to be good.
  • 4)Your selling "like mad" will make a significant portion of the playerbase to drop their good guns and use the Spectra in such numbers (remember the playerbase is huge) that you will single-handedly make it popular enough for the disposition to be nerfed from very high disposition to neutral disposition.
  • 5)That DE would nerf the disposition just because the Spectra (only using absolutely ridiculous riven stats) could actually kill enemies above level 20.  
  • 6)That DE would nerf the disposition to neutral rather than just high.
  • 7)That, assuming they do nerf the disposition, DE will not in any way buff the disposition afterwards.

Not only are you assuming too many ridiculous things but the situation is extremely extremely improbable and, in fact, impossible:

  • 8)You can't have Rivens with 5 stats.  4 stats max.
  • 9)Your chances of striking such a godly combination of buff category and stats is all but impossible.  Use the bell curve.

10)Aside from this, your entire reply is based around not the strength of the gun, but the profitability of the rivens.  You are complaining about "now I can't make money no more".  Not only this but you are assuming that DE won't buff the disposition after finding that no one uses the Spectra unless they have the mother-of-all-bandaid mods.  Now I have mentioned "feedback loops" and technically there is chance that DE won't at least slightly unnerf a disastrous disposition nerf.  But I think the chances of them unnerfing said nerf is far far more realistic than your near impossible situation you tried to use to make an argument with.

Feedback loops go both ways and there are humans involved in the equation.  To my knowledge the disposition system is not automated.  If the devs were to see that a weapon is only somewhat popular due to rivens (that just band-aid the actual problem) then I can't imagine that they would start thinking "looks like we need to hard nerf the disposition".  I think that they more concerned with weapons that become stupidly popular thanks to stupidly powerful rivens.


Frankly, I dislike the riven system, it is a half-assed way of fixing flaws in guns using nothing but band-aids of various sizes.  The only virtue of the system imo is that it gives veterans and such something to chew on.

Okay lets break this down.

1) If you havent noticed it, this is a hypotetical example and as such it doesnt need to have real bases and i even pointed out that what we talk about is an IMPOSSIBLE riven. So your points 1, 2, 8, and nine are irrelevant in this argument.

2) Point 4 is irrelevant as we are talkimg about a hypotetical argument but to switch it to neutral approx 10%+ usage in the playerbase.

3) Point 5 and 6, as DE stated the riben system is mainly based on weapon popularity meaning that as fast as a weapon reaches their choosen percentage they up it there, let it be strong, neutral or faint.

4) Point 7 is actually the rollercoaster effect of the system, weapom X is popular due to rivens it gets nerfed disposition. Weapon X gets forgotten due to the lost power it gets its disposition upped. The problem is that this can take years.

5) Point 10 im not a riven seller i dont care about how much one worth at all. Weapons like the tonkor, synsim and the t.boltace havent got their disposition upped despise they technically died out. Ever since the itroduction of the riven system the disposition werent touched expect a few buffed weapons who got stat nerfs on their rivens. Knowing this it could take a whole year for them to decide to change a rivens disposotion back to strong after they nerf it due to popularity. Even you said that they might be concerned about some weapons like the Kohm becoming stupidly popular thanks to rivens but as fast as they change their disposition these weapons will take a hard fall in usage since only the riven made them useable.


The rivens could have been good if they would implement them in a way that their stats dont change at all only if their popularity drops or they get buffed, while they come with their very own modslot. This way you could use those useless faint rivens on your guns and would grant that needed extra for that mastery fodder collecting dust in your armory.

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8 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Okay lets break this down.

1) If you havent noticed it, this is a hypotetical example and as such it doesnt need to have real bases and i even pointed out that what we talk about is an IMPOSSIBLE riven. So your points 1, 2, 8, and nine are irrelevant in this argument.

2) Point 4 is irrelevant as we are talkimg about a hypotetical argument but to switch it to neutral approx 10%+ usage in the playerbase.

3) Point 5 and 6, as DE stated the riben system is mainly based on weapon popularity meaning that as fast as a weapon reaches their choosen percentage they up it there, let it be strong, neutral or faint.

4) Point 7 is actually the rollercoaster effect of the system, weapom X is popular due to rivens it gets nerfed disposition. Weapon X gets forgotten due to the lost power it gets its disposition upped. The problem is that this can take years.

5) Point 10 im not a riven seller i dont care about how much one worth at all. Weapons like the tonkor, synsim and the t.boltace havent got their disposition upped despise they technically died out. Ever since the itroduction of the riven system the disposition werent touched expect a few buffed weapons who got stat nerfs on their rivens. Knowing this it could take a whole year for them to decide to change a rivens disposotion back to strong after they nerf it due to popularity. Even you said that they might be concerned about some weapons like the Kohm becoming stupidly popular thanks to rivens but as fast as they change their disposition these weapons will take a hard fall in usage since only the riven made them useable.


The rivens could have been good if they would implement them in a way that their stats dont change at all only if their popularity drops or they get buffed, while they come with their very own modslot. This way you could use those useless faint rivens on your guns and would grant that needed extra for that mastery fodder collecting dust in your armory.

You've admitted that your entire situation is completely impossible and ridiculous.  Your hypothetical situation lays not only outside of the bounds of reality, but far far outside said bounds, thus it holds no weight at all.  So you have no ground there to stand on.  So why bother even bringing up such a situation in the first place?

The only you are saying now is that "DE might take forever to undo unjust disposition nerfs" and "it is based on popularity."  The only thing I can say to this is that DE might not take forever to undo unjust disposition nerfs, and that there are people (capable of reason) involved in the equation.  I'm not saying that I want a system where it is automatic, but rather one whereby the devs use some intuition when making these adjustments.  I would like the devs to use said reason and intuition to buffer against reckless changes that would happen if the system were automatic, more or less recreating the effect of what you want, but I don't want to forbid the devs the capability to adjust values up and down.  Too me, not doing this just seems reckless.

Also, 10% of the playerbase is still quite large.

As for your roller coaster comment: yes, that is part of a feedback loop, a poor one.  Whats to say that their corrections are fitting, that it isn't as dramatic a see-saw as people might think?  The riven disposition, as far as I know, is actually a spectrum, that the #/5 disposition icon is misleading.  They have a lot of room to maneuver.

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14 minutes ago, Insizer said:

You've admitted that your entire situation is completely impossible and ridiculous.  Your hypothetical situation lays not only outside of the bounds of reality, but far far outside said bounds, thus it holds no weight at all.  So you have no ground there to stand on.  So why bother even bringing up such a situation in the first place?

The only you are saying now is that "DE might take forever to undo unjust disposition nerfs" and "it is based on popularity."  The only thing I can say to this is that DE might not take forever to undo unjust disposition nerfs, and that there are people (capable of reason) involved in the equation.  I'm not saying that I want a system where it is automatic, but rather one whereby the devs use some intuition when making these adjustments.  I would like the devs to use said reason and intuition to buffer against reckless changes that would happen if the system were automatic, more or less recreating the effect of what you want, but I don't want to forbid the devs the capability to adjust values up and down.  Too me, not doing this just seems reckless.

Also, 10% of the playerbase is still quite large.

As for your roller coaster comment: yes, that is part of a feedback loop, a poor one.  Whats to say that their corrections are fitting, that it isn't as dramatic a see-saw as people might think?  The riven disposition, as far as I know, is actually a spectrum, that the #/5 disposition icon is misleading.  They have a lot of room to maneuver.

I see you never did hypotetical arguments. These are based on "what if" grounds, their connection to reality is vague for the sake of the argument.

I could have brought up great strun rivens and how they made that weapon popular and my argument would still stand.

The only reason i used the example of an impossible riven is to show that if DE decides to shift the dispositions on crap weaponary because they got popular it will doom them back to oblivion.

Dispositions should never change unless a weapon gets buffed or nerfed, because basing something this powerful on popularity is insane and WILL cause huge uproars in the future once they decide to shift em.

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Are the number of rivens in circulation for any given weapon high enough to alter the usage stats enough to impact riven disposition? 

I imagine that popular weapons are popular because they don't need a lucky riven to be good. 

Also consider that there are enough fans of innately good weapons that want (arguably worthless) rivens for them to keep them good.

Soma Prime is still a fairly common sight despite rivens for it being terrible. A gun that requires a riven to compete with it will never be as popular because of the required investment/luck to make it competitive.

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On 9/2/2017 at 4:19 PM, Fallen_Echo said:


Lets pick out a terrible weapon like the spectra.

You somehow got an impossible to obtain riven for it with these stats: +600% damage +500% multishot +400% electricity +300% toxin -200% flight speed

Now with this impossible riven the spectra now deals atleast 270 physical damage with 210 corrosive damage which is suitable for atleast lv50 enemies.

After a while you discover the secret on how to get a bunch of rivens with these stats for this gun and sell it like mad making it a popular weapon.


Disposition shifted now its neutral, all stats decrease by 200% turning the weapon into a useless garbage again and now you sit on something what once made a weapon actually useable.


Shifting the disposition only means one thing, your underused weapon goes back to the self to collect dust for an eternity till they shift back the disposition of it to strong.

How is this any different than nerfing the simulor? if your spectra is popular is must be overpowered (says DE) and if it is that popular then clearly too many people have this riven for it so it must be nerfed. Why should rivens be immune when the weapon itself is not? Why give rivens for a weapon that make that weapon way too powerful? Obviously that means DE made a mistake when assigning riven disposition doesn't it?


Would you simply prefer they nerf the spectra base until it's crap even with the riven? Like simulor or tonkor? What is the difference?

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3 minutes ago, Shockwave- said:

How is this any different than nerfing the simulor? if your spectra is popular is must be overpowered (says DE) and if it is that popular then clearly too many people have this riven for it so it must be nerfed. Why should rivens be immune when the weapon itself is not? Why give rivens for a weapon that make that weapon way too powerful? Obviously that means DE made a mistake when assigning riven disposition doesn't it?


Would you simply prefer they nerf the spectra base until it's crap even with the riven? Like simulor or tonkor? What is the difference?

I would quote DE on this matter but i dont remember when they said this but rivens are supposed to make the underused weapons perform well enough to make them a considerable weapon choice. 

IF you nerf a weapon because its overpowered (debateable) its fine but if you remove the only thing what makes a weapon useable thats UNACCEPTABLE.

Even with the riven i posted the spectra would only become sortie viable and not overpowered, but this would be enough to shift its disposition from strong to neutral.

Also as i see your general attitude towards the simulor and tonkor you should be on my side because those weapons got their popularity dropped heavily which means that once DE decides to shift disposition they will gonna get neutral dispositions and they will be powerful once again.

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Yeah, you're right. Why should they ever change the disposition on a weapon with high crit and status, like the recently buffed Sicarus Prime when they can just nerf the weapon back into obscurity, again??

You're not arguing for a sensible point. You're just arguing for the other side of the coin.

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3 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:


IF you nerf a weapon because its overpowered (debateable) its fine but if you remove the only thing what makes a weapon useable thats UNACCEPTABLE.


Actually... huh? Why is one ok but that not the other. Simulor was overpowered (debatable) and was nerfed to make it unusable. It  now has the lowest disposition and nobody uses it all....


Again, what is the difference between nerfing simulor in this fashion and say nerfing spectra should spectra become overpowered with riven. If the riven disposition is what is making it overpowered, then nerfing riven disposition seems like the right way to address the issue.

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1 hour ago, Chipputer said:

Yeah, you're right. Why should they ever change the disposition on a weapon with high crit and status, like the recently buffed Sicarus Prime when they can just nerf the weapon back into obscurity, again??

You're not arguing for a sensible point. You're just arguing for the other side of the coin.

Im pretty sure it got its disposition nerfed when it got its buffs just like every other secondary got theirs changed too.

14 minutes ago, Shockwave- said:

Actually... huh? Why is one ok but that not the other. Simulor was overpowered (debatable) and was nerfed to make it unusable. It  now has the lowest disposition and nobody uses it all.... Expect mirages because DE never patched the issue what caused it to be soo powerful with her.


Again, what is the difference between nerfing simulor in this fashion and say nerfing spectra should spectra become overpowered with riven. If the riven disposition is what is making it overpowered, then nerfing riven disposition seems like the right way to address the issue.

The difference is that we are not talking about overpowered weapons, we talk about useless weapons what somehow got sortie (or general use) viable with a riven.

The spectra is a horrible beam weapon, even the highest stats obtainable on a riven cant make it a viable choice you are better off with anything else BUT if you happen to like this gun and you are happy because it now falls off at lv60 instead of lv20 you gonna be angry when they decide that this shouldnt be the case and nerf the disposition into neutral or faint.

Sure if a weapon got overpowered from a riven it might be warrant for a nerfing, but changing the dispositions based on popularity itself will only cause that these now useable weapons get back to the armory collecting dust.


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Are Riven suppose to be some type of endgame reward for the hardcore Warframe player base? You know, sugar coded with RNG, with layers upon layers of RNG, with a center of RNG, with a pitch of RNG and blessed by RNGesus for Best RNG results? So the hardcore players could spend their lifetime trying to get the best stats from the RNG? lol

Joking aside, I use them for trade or platinum, I myself don't bother to try them when I have other more "dependable" mods to do endgame content... This Riven complain has been since they were released... even though I understand your distress over it I don't think it will get a change anytime soon. But as a fellow tenno I will comfort you and all the others crying about Riven RNG. Here is my Riven Hug Mod Special, may it comfort you on your dark times: :crylaugh:

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Edited by 0zryel
Grammar correction english is not my native language
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7 hours ago, 0zryel said:

This Riven complain has been since they were released... even though I understand your distress over it I don't think it will get a change anytime soon. But as a fellow tenno I will comfort you and all the others crying about Riven RNG. Here is my Riven Hug Mod Special, may it comfort you on your dark times: :crylaugh:

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Well i appreciate the hug, thanks but this may sound strange but i dont have any problem with riven rng. In fact i think the system works well for rivens.

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1 hour ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Or...they could just admit that weapons need a balance pass instead of the Riven band-aid and do that instead.

Yeah just after we see clem in an orokin armor wielding a Grakata Prime.

I doubt that were ever a moment here when DE admitted that they were wrong and should have done what we were saying for months if not years.

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On 9/9/2017 at 4:31 PM, Fallen_Echo said:

Im pretty sure it got its disposition nerfed when it got its buffs just like every other secondary got theirs changed too.

The difference is that we are not talking about overpowered weapons, we talk about useless weapons what somehow got sortie (or general use) viable with a riven.

The spectra is a horrible beam weapon, even the highest stats obtainable on a riven cant make it a viable choice you are better off with anything else BUT if you happen to like this gun and you are happy because it now falls off at lv60 instead of lv20 you gonna be angry when they decide that this shouldnt be the case and nerf the disposition into neutral or faint.

Sure if a weapon got overpowered from a riven it might be warrant for a nerfing, but changing the dispositions based on popularity itself will only cause that these now useable weapons get back to the armory collecting dust.


but DE has substituted popularity for power. They have basically said that it is not good if a weapon is used by too many people and they will have to take action to force the player base to use other weapons because apparently DE's feelings get hurt if their other weapons are not being used. We have seen this with Simulor/Tonkor and other nerfs. We have seen this with the attemp on Carrier's life.

Rivens exist for the SOLE purpose of making players use weapons they don't want to use or haven't chosen to use. The entire goal of rivens is that players do not use the same weapon. Riven dispositions exist specifically so that players do not all flock to the same weapons. Ergo - if, because of rivens, a weapon that was no popular becomes too popular, DE MUST nerf the riven disposition, or else anyone with a low disposition weapon will have a valid case to complain to DE. The only reason simulor, Soma,  and tonkor are low disosition in the first place is becase they were "too popular" it would be patently unfair to allow a weapon with high disposition to become super popular and not lower its dispostion, given that rivens exist only to balance how much weapons are used.

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4 hours ago, Shockwave- said:

but DE has substituted popularity for power. They have basically said that it is not good if a weapon is used by too many people and they will have to take action to force the player base to use other weapons because apparently DE's feelings get hurt if their other weapons are not being used. We have seen this with Simulor/Tonkor and other nerfs. We have seen this with the attemp on Carrier's life.

Rivens exist for the SOLE purpose of making players use weapons they don't want to use or haven't chosen to use. The entire goal of rivens is that players do not use the same weapon. Riven dispositions exist specifically so that players do not all flock to the same weapons. Ergo - if, because of rivens, a weapon that was no popular becomes too popular, DE MUST nerf the riven disposition, or else anyone with a low disposition weapon will have a valid case to complain to DE. The only reason simulor, Soma,  and tonkor are low disosition in the first place is becase they were "too popular" it would be patently unfair to allow a weapon with high disposition to become super popular and not lower its dispostion, given that rivens exist only to balance how much weapons are used.

So instead of one group of super popular weapons we have 2. One that will change yearly as they shift the dispositions and one that doesnt need rivens to be useful.

I can already see how the dust spot will move in my armory as i pick up and put down the same weapon as fast as their disposition changes.

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